December 25th, 2007

We Wish You a ….

We wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We hope you’re enjoying time with your family today, whether you’re basking in the sun in Australia, or shoveling snow up in Finland near the Arctic Circle.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all the folks who have generously donated to the site over the past year. (Please, if you’ve donated and are a Forum member, tell us your Forum “nickname” so we can acknowledge your contribution). In December we had four “Century Club” members who donated $100.00 or more.

We also want to thank the many individuals who help this site by donating time and effort and/or writing articles. This includes Jason Baney, Vince Bottomley, John Brewer, Mike Bryant, Brand Cole, Richard Franklin, Speedy Gonzales, “Graymist”, Dan Lilja, Chris (“Techshooter”) Long, Larry Medler, Danny Reever, German Salazar, Jerry Tierney, and members of the USAMU. We also want to acknowledge the scores of fine shooters who have helped us with the showcase Guns of the Week. They have spent much time and effort to bring you their stories and photos. And we want to say thanks to our commercial sponsors, particularly those like Savage Arms, that have donated items for auction this year.

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