April 23rd, 2012

NRA Hosts Wounded Warriors at NRA Headquarters

by Lars Dalseide for the NRA Blog
Wounded Warrior Enduring PrideDisabled soldiers from Project Enduring Pride stopped by NRA Headquarters earlier this year for a tour of the NRA National Firearms Museum and a trip to the Range. Apparently the group had a whale of a time because they’re on their way back for more.

Led by Director Ken Strafer, Project Enduring Pride is a community outreach program that works with and assists the severely wounded warriors returning from Afghanistan and Iraq and now recuperating at Military Medical Centers and Veterans Administrations Hospitals in the Washington, Richmond, or Baltimore areas. Project Enduring Pride assists the men and women who were wounded in the service of our country with the sometimes difficult transition from military to civilian life.

“The event will start with lunch in the Café, followed by museum tours and shooting on the Range,” explained Range Customer Service Specialist Debbie Crews. “I hope everyone is ready to provide an exciting day for these wonderful young men and women.”

Firearms for the Enduring Pride shoot come from the personal collection of various members of NRA staff and volunteers. Ammunition, gift bags and other items have been donated by organizations including Brownells and the U.S. Border Patrol.