July 6th, 2017

Get Connected with 36,000+ Members in Our Shooters’ Forum

Accurateshooter.com shooters forum 30,000

AccurateShooter.com ForumThe AccurateShooter.com Shooters’ Forum hit another membership milestone. We’ve surpassed 36,000 registered members. Now we hope to reach 40,000 members in the next year. If you have considered joining our Forum, but haven’t done so yet, there’s no better time than now. We have fast, “mobile-friendly” Forum software that works great with smart phones and tablets. You can now stay in touch when you’re on the go. Log in with your iPhone or Android phone. Our advanced Forum software also makes it easy to add photos to your posts and classified adverts.

As a Forum member, you’ll be part of an active community of serious shooters. You can get valuable advice on shooting and reloading from top shooters such as newly crowned King of 2 Miles Derek Rogers and National Champions Tom Mousel, Larry Bartholome, and Sam Hall. As well, many top experts visit the Forum, such as Bryan Litz (Applied Ballistics), Shiraz Balolia (Bullets.com), Frank Green (Bartlein Barrels), and John Perkins (21st Century Shooting).


Accurateshooter.com shooters forum 36,000Visit Forum.AccurateShooter.com to check out our Forum features. You’ll find a wealth of information shared by thousands of knowledgeable members. The boards are tightly moderated to prevent the ego battles common to some other internet forums. Our Shooters’ Forum maintains a high “signal to noise ratio”, with courteous and respectful exchange of ideas.

Sell Your Gear with Six FREE Classifieds
Along with our Forum discussion areas, we offer FREE CLASSIFIEDS for all registered Forum members. You’ll find great bargains in the Classifieds, and we provide a feedback system for buyers and sellers. Published feedback helps you buy and sell with greater confidence. Each Forum Member gets six (6) free classifieds per year. Then you can upgrade your membership to Silver or Gold to get Unlimited Classifieds for 12 months. Silver membership costs just $20 per year (a mere $1.67 per month).

Accurateshooter.com shooters forum 30,000