February 21st, 2018

The King of 2 Miles Goes Hunting with His Daughter

Derek rodgers new mexico coyote varmint hunting oryx

Derek Rodgers is the current F-TR World Champion AND the reigning King of 2 Miles. He’s also a member of the Berger SWN-winning McMillan F-TR team. But when it comes to rifles, competition is only one of Derek’s interests. He’s also an avid hunter. He enjoys getting out in the back-country in his home state of New Mexico.

Derek rodgers new mexico coyote varmint hunting oryx

Recently Derek went coyote hunting with his daughter, Dereka. They spotted some ‘yotes, but the real treat was seeing Oryx, a long-horned species native to Africa. Some time ago, a herd of Oryx was transplanted to a “secret spot” in New Mexico not too far from Albuquerque. Permission to hunt the Oryx is hard to obtain, but possible.

Derek rodgers new mexico coyote varmint hunting oryx

SEE Wild Oryx In New Mexico — Watch Video on Facebook »

Derek and his daughter could not shoot Oryx on this occasion because the timing wasn’t right. But he noted: “Calling for coyotes can get exciting when your daughter has an oryx hunt just weeks away.” You can see the animals in the video below. Derek says: “It would have been a successful morning if this was March 1st [when Oryx hunting would be allowed with her tag].” Derek’s wife Hope tells us that “Oryx meat is delicious — much better than deer or elk.” Good luck to Dereka and her famous father next month.

Derek rodgers new mexico coyote varmint hunting oryx

Derek’s Coyote rifle (for this trip) was an AR-platform rig. Despite being a world-champion F-Class shooter, Derek had a number of coyote misses on this trip, which did NOT impress young Miss Dereka. It just shows that even the best can easily miss on a moving target.