Happy Thanksgiving folks. Major gun and optics makers, tool crafters, and large outdoor gear vendors are offering great bargains for Black Friday week. Expect discounts from 10% to 30% on a wide range of quality products.
While some sales are set for Friday, November 24th only, most of the featured Black Friday Sales have already started. And some of these promotions run through Cyber Monday (12/2/2024). Find other sales at Gun.Deals.
Most of the showcased vendors offer discounts on a large inventory selection — in some cases, everything in stock is discounted 10%, 15%, 20% or more. For other sellers, only specific items are on sale, so we’ve identified those particular deals. In addition to the ten sellers showcased below, Brownells is offering big Discount Code savings on nearly all products. Get 15% OFF your Brownells orders with Code BF15.
Come back tomorrow for Part Two of our Black Friday Sales Showcase!
Optics Planet Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales
Area419 Black Friday Sale and Specials
Guns.com Black Friday Sale with Early Access
Amazon Black Friday Featured Sales
Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore Black Friday Sales
Powder Valley Outdoors Cyber Week Deals (Available Now)
Ammunition Depot Black Friday Specials — Major Discounts
Silencer Central Black Friday Buy One Get One Free Special
Eotech Black Friday Sale — 30% Off Select Optics
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Yesterday we featured ten great Black Friday SALES from leading vendors. With those sale programs you can save hundreds of dollars on firearms, gun safes, optics, reloading hardware and more. Here are ten more Black Friday specials, many of which run through end of day on November 27th, Cyber Monday. PRS/NRL shooters should definitely check out the MDT Sale, while hunters will find many great deals at Cabela’s and Bass Pro.
Bullet Central Black Friday Sale
The Black Friday Sale at Bullet Central runs from Friday 11/24/2023 through Sunday 11/26/2023. This is a great sale — there are significant savings on custom actions, stocks/chassis systems, pre-fit barrels, reloading dies, and optics. Here are the key sale items. We are not sure if the discounts have already been applied automatically to the listed prices. You should check with Bullet Central.
K&M Precision Shooting Products (K&M) makes great arbor presses and precision reloading tools. Now through Monday 11/27/2023 you can save $20-$75 on Arbor Presses and other K&M Gear and accessories. The more you spend the more you save with codes KMBF20, KMBF30, KMBF45, KMBF60, and KMBF75. Pick the code that fits the amount you spend from $100 to $500. For example, save $20 (20%) on a $100 purchase with code KMBF20. NOTE: This promotion excludes Mitutoyo products, Arbor Press Cases, and Gift Certificates. Spend value for coupons excludes shipping fees.
MDT Black Friday Sale — 10% to 40% Off
MDT is a top-tier rifle chassis-maker, favored by PRS/NRL competitors. MDT says that its 2023 Black Friday promo is MDT’s “Only sale of the year”. This year’s Black Friday Specials include chassis systems, buttstocks, bipods, support bags, scope rings, magazines and more. Some of sale items are “blem” and/or “factory second” items. Though offered at huge discounts these products are still fully covered by the MDT lifetime warranty.
Shooting sports store KYGUNCO has dozens of items deeply discounted for Black Friday. CLICK HERE to see ALL the Black Friday Sale listings. We saw some great CZ pistol and rifle deals, plus huge discounts on Sports Afield gun safes.
Creedmoor Sports Black Friday Extended Sale
Creedmoor Sports has many popular products on sale for Black Friday (through 11/28/23). The TRX-925 Precision Reloading Scale, regularly $374.95, is on sale for $350.00. The Big Shot BST-40 Rotary Wet/Dry Tumbler is on sale for $329.95 ($50 savings). Plus some Creedmoor Rifle Rest Bags are 15% off. In addition to these specials, there are ongoing discounts on a variety of brands, including Peterson Brass, ADG Brass, Hornady Bullets, Kowa Spotting Scopes, AMP Annealers, and much more. But that’s not all! During Black Friday, when you place an order over $200, you’ll receive a FREE, Creedmoor Sports 45th Anniversary T-Shirt. And through Tuesday 11/28/2023 at noon, customers also get FREE SHIPPING with orders over $99.00.
Midsouth Black Friday Specials
A large selection of products are deeply discounted for the Midsouth Black Friday Sale. You’ll find big price reductions on everything from bullets to big progressive presses. Our top picks are:
1. Hornady LNL Loading Combo Kit w/ Free Case Prep Duo ($299.99, Save $100)
3. Lyman Gen 6 Powder Dispenser/Scale ($179.99, Save $80)
2. Hornady 17 HMR Ammo ($134.99/500 rounds, Save $55)
4. Frankford Arsenal Tumbler and Depriming Tool ($99.99, Save $65)
Horus Vision 20% Off Sitewide
Horus Vision produces quality riflescopes, rangefinders, spotting scopes, and electronic weather meters. In addition Horus offers combo kits with multiple products. For example the HoVR™ Complete Shooter Package mates the HoVR 5-20x50mm scope with the HoVR 2000 BT Laser Rangefinder and HoVR weather meter. Right now you can save 20% on virtually all products sold through the Horus Vision online store.
Protector Model Shooting Bags — 15% Off with Code THANKFUL
Protektor Model will be discounting its leather shooting bags 15% for Black Friday through 11:59 pm on November 24, 2023. NOTE: You won’t see a “Black Friday Sale” prompt on the website or product descriptions. However, when you put your order in the shopping cart, the 15% OFF savings will be applied via discount code THANKFUL. We just confirmed that on the ProtektorModel.com website at 8:00 pm on 11/23/23.
Winchester Black Friday Special — 20% Off The Entire Store
For Black Friday weekend, the Winchester Gear Store is offering 20% off all merchandise. NOTE: This offer does NOT apply to Winchester brand ammunition, powder, or primers. This is ONLY for clothing and accessories such as hats, sweatshirts, and shotgun shooting vests. To save 20% on all items use code SHOP23 at Checkout.
Share the post "Black Friday 2023 Sales and Discounts — Part Two"
Happy Thanksgiving folks. Major gun and optics makers, tool crafters, and large outdoor gear vendors are offering great bargains for Black Friday week. Expect discounts from 10% to 30% on a wide range of quality products.
While some sales are set for Friday, November 24th only, most of the featured Black Friday Sales have already started. And some of these promotions run through Cyber Monday (11/27/2023). Find other sales at Gun.Deals.
Most of the showcased vendors offer discounts on a large inventory selection — in some cases, everything in stock is discounted 10%, 15%, 20% or more. For other sellers, only specific items are on sale, so we’ve identified those particular deals. In addition to the ten sellers showcased below, Brownells is offering big Discount Code savings on nearly all products. Get 15% OFF your Brownells orders with Code BF15.
Come back tomorrow for Part Two of our Black Friday Sales Showcase!
21st Century Innovation 20% Off One-Day Sale
21st Century Innovation makes some of the very best tools and hardware for precision handloaders. 21st Century’s Arbor Presses, Neck-turning lathes, Concentricity Gauges, and other tools rank at the very top. And now you can get these superb products at a huge 20% discount. Virtually all 21st Century hardware (except the Hybrid-X Shooting Rest) will be 20% OFF for ONE DAY ONLY, Friday November 23, 2023. Use Coupon Code 20BFRI2023 at checkout to save 20%.
Annealing Made Perfect (AMP) — $200 Off MK II Black Friday Sale
AMP Annealers are the most advanced annealing system on the planet. With such high demand for these products, you’ll rarely see a discount on AMP Annealing machines. But this year, for Black Friday, AMP will offer a U.S. $200.00 discount on the advanced MK II (MK2) Annealer “while stocks last”. AMP will will run a countdown clock which will hit zero at 12:00 noon USA Pacific time / 3.00 pm USA Eastern on Thursday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving day 2023). At that point, AMP MK II Annealers will be added to stock at $1,395.00, a $200 discount off regular $1,595.00 price. NOTE: This sale is limited “while stocks last”.
F-Class Products Black Friday Sale
The biggest F-Class Products (FCP) sale ever conducted is happening this week. Sale items include the new Paragon actions, 7 FCP Bundle Kit, two in-stock F-TR complete rifles ready to go, and much more! Save 10% off sitewide with discount code BLACKFRIDAY.
Graf’s Black Friday Promotions and Savings
If you need ammo, bullets, powder, or primers, head over to Grafs.com this week. Graf’s is running a series of promotions. For example you can get 7 lbs. of tumbling media for FREE with a $200 purchase of the excellent Peterson brass. In addition, you can get FREE Hazmat if you buy $150 or more of powder and/or primers. Note: The Free Hazmat offer ends Saturday 11/25/2023 at 11:59 pm CT.
Palmetto State Armory Black Friday Sale
Need an AR Upper/Lower or a carry pistol? Then definitely check out the Black Friday Sale at Palmetto State Armory. Save 20% or more on AR components, handguns, optics, accessories and more. There are also excellent deals on ammunition, such as CCI Blazer 9mm for just $13.99/box.
Area 419 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales
Area419 is running a great extended Black Friday Promo for the next few days. You’ll find significant discounts on most Area 419 products, including tools, scope mounts, muzzle brakes, and Arcalock products. In addition, the superb Area419 Zero Press goes on sale 11/27/2023, and a variety of reloading products will be discounted for Cyber Monday.
Precision Reloading Early Black Friday Sale
Precision Reloading has been running an early Black Friday Sale, with items discounted starting Monday, 11/20/23. New items are added daily through 11/27/2023. Some of the hot deals are: Berger Bullets and Ammo, Hornady Products (including tools, dies, ammo), and Starline Brass. With the full Black Friday Sale, for orders over $79.00, you can get 10% Off Sitewide with code BLACK23. That code should work through 11/26/23 at 11:59 pm.
EuroOptic — 10% Off Black Friday Nightforce Sale
This week you can save big bucks on Nightforce scopes which are rarely discounted this much. With the EuroOptic Black Friday Sale you save 10% on Nightforce NX8 and ATACR scopes. This 10% discount can be worth $175 to $395 in savings! In addition, EuroOptic is offering some sales tax rebates.
Weatherby 15% Off Rifles, 20% Off Ammo, 15-25% Off Gear
Right now, through an extended Black Friday Sale, Weatherby is running its “biggest rifle discount of the year”, with 15% Off Weatherby Mark V and Vanguard rifles. Plus ammunition and and brass is discounted 20%. In addition, Weatherby is offering up to 25% off accessories, hunting gear, clothing, gun cases, and other products sold through the Weatherby online store.
Springfield Armory 20% Off Black Friday Week Sale
You can save 20% sitewide now at the Springfield Armory online store. NOTE: Springfield Armory rifles and handguns are NOT sold direct through the website, so this sale applies to AR Uppers, airguns, pistol slide assemblies, optics, magazines, holsters, apparel, and other accessories.
Share the post "Black Friday 2023 Sales and Discounts — Part One"
At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.
1. Powder Valley — Factory Seconds Bullet Sale, Save 30-52%
⏺ Save up to 52% on major brand factory-second bullets
Powder Valley is running a big sale on major-brand factory seconds bullets. For .22, 6mm, 6.5mm, and .308 calibers you’ll find a good selection of tipped and HPBT bullets on sale at up to 52% off the normal price. There are also some .284, .338, .375, and .416 caliber bullets at big savings. This is a great way to get good quantities of high-quality bullets for rifle training and/or varmint hunting. We’ve generally found “seconds” to shoot very well and be consistent in weight. They may just have a small visual flaw in jacket appearance. In addition, Powder Valley has pistol bullets on sale in 9mm, 10mm, and .45 calibers.
2. Sportsman’s Warehouse — Hunting Gear Sale
⏺ Save up to 40% on hunting gear, packs, and camo attire
⏺ Good prices on brass for hunting, match, and ELR cartridges
If you need good brass for your hunting rifle, check out the Nosler brass sale at Midsouth. Along with the popular .270 Win and .308 Win hunting cartridge offerings, you’ll find a variety of other hunting cartridges at attractive prices. Cartridge types on sale include: .17 Rem Fireball, .204 Ruger, .223 Rem, 22 Nosler, .22 Rem Mag, 24 Nosler, 6mm Creedmoor, .243 Win, .257 Roberts, 6.5 Grendel, 6.5 Creedmoor, .260 Rem, 6.5×55, 6.5-284, .270 Win, .280 Rem, 30-30 Win, .308 Win, 30 Nosler, .30-378 Whby, 325 WSM, 33 Nosler, 8×57, 8mm Rem Mag, 9.3×62 Mauser and more!
4. KYGUNCO — Taurus Judge Home Defender Revolver, $579.99
⏺ Shoot big cartridges or shotshells in 13″ defense weapon
Taurus recently released a compact, new firearm which has significant advantages as a home defense weapon. Officially a 13″ barreled revolver, the new Taurus Judge Home Defender can shoot .45 LC cartridges AND shoot .410 gauge shotshells. That means it can work like as a pistol-grip shotgun. This Judge Home Defender is easy to store yet powerful and effective when used against a criminal intruder. You can order this new defense gun for $579.99 at KYGUNCO.
6. KYGUNCO — Savage 64 Precision Rimfire Rifle, $249.99
⏺ Great deal on good starter rifle for NRL22
Here’s a bargain-priced .22 LR rifle in a nice, modern chassis. The modern Savage 64 Precision houses a semi-automatic action in a chassis with M-LOK slots and an ergonomic pistol grip. The heavy barrel has a threaded muzzle for easy attachment of brake, tuner, or suppressor. This is a good starting rifle for NRL22 — the semi-auto action allows fast follow-up shots. Get this rifle on sale now for $249.99.
7. Palmetto SA — Leupold Binoculars and Harness Kit, $99.99
⏺ Save 50% now on Leupold Binoculars and Harness
Hunters and varminters need binoculars. A great option is the Leupold BX-1 Timberline 10×42 Binoculars with Go Afield Harness. Right now this combo is just $99.99, a 50% savings off the regular $199.99 price. But act soon — we expect this deal to expire soon. These Leupold binoculars offer solid reliability and quality glass in a lightweight package. This combo includes the excellent, adjustable GO Afield binocular harness, that will hold your binocs and other items securely all day long.
8. Graf & Sons — LEE Classic Turret Press, $129.99
⏺ Amazingly low price for a 4-station turret, with many great features
Right now the LEE Classic Turret Press is just $129.99 at Graf’s — an awesome deal. This 4-station Turret Press has earned excellent user reviews: “This cast iron frame model with all-steel linkage is built like a tank”; “Great press — solid as a rock. I originally bought it for reloading pistol ammo but like it so well I use it for almost everything”; “the turret auto-indexes perfectly and locks solid with no effort. I really like how easy it is to still use it as a single-stage when working up a load but not have to change dies, just simply rotate the turret by hand.” With four stations you can keep dies for multiple cartridge types. The long stroke allows rifle cases over 3″ long to be loaded. Spent primers run directly through the ram to an attached clear PVC tube that reliably catches every primer.
8. MidwayUSA — Browning Sleeping Bag, Tent, Blanket SALE
⏺ Great deals on Browning branded camping gear
Many readers will be out in the field this fall on hunting trips. Here are three Browning-brand items that are hugely discounted at MidwayUSA. The Browning Endeavor Sleeping Bag is an amazing bargain at $59.99, 72% off the original price. The Browning Big Horn 5+ SR Tent is spacious, and a great value at $229.99, $270 (54%) off the regular price. We’ve used the 70″x50″ polyester-covered Endeavor Blanket for car camping and boat trips and it worked great. NOTE: This is not thin like typical blankets — it should be considered a polyester quilt.
9. Amazon — GuardTech Plus Gun Cleaning Kit, $48.95
⏺ Excellent full-featured cleaning kit for all types of guns
This big GuardTech Plus Cleaning Kit will work for rifles, pistols, and even shotguns. You get a big selection of brushes, jags, and mops that fit calibers .17 to .50. In addition, there are picks and tooth-brush-style brushes for cleaning your action, plus a pull-through cleaning rope. You get all this, in a nice fitted hard case, for just $48.95 on Amazon. Choose green case (as shown), or black case.
⏺ Good compact muffs for the price with a good 26dB SNR
We say it all the time but don’t ever shoot without quality hearing protection. Consider these Vanderfield folding ear muffs. Priced at just $15.99, these come in a variety of colors (black, brown, green, gray, red, purple, pink) so you can easily tell yours apart from others. The 26dB SNR sound protection rating is above average for compact muffs. For maximum protection use plugs under the muffs. (FYI, “SNR” or Single Number Rating, is the EURO equivalent of the NRR noise rating in the USA.)
Share the post "Bargain Finder 419: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week"
Here are six rebate or instant savings programs that can save you $50 to $100 on guns and ammunition. For example you can save $75 on a Beretta pistol, save 20% on Winchester ammo, save $100 on a KelTec carbine, or save 8% on a new Browning rifle, shotgun, or pistol. IMPORTANT: Some of these rebates expire soon — so don’t delay if you want these deals!
Click on each photo below to see REBATE details.
Winchester 20% Off Ammo Rebate — Valid through 4/30/2023
Taurus Handgun G3/GX4 Rebates — Valid through 6/18/2023
Browning Save 8% Rebate — Valid through 4/17/2023
Beretta $75 OFF Pistol Rebates — Valid through 5/31/2023
SIG Sauer Free Ammo Rebate — Valid through 6/30/2023
KelTec Sub 2000 $100 Rebate — Valid through 6/30/2023
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.
⏺ Nice, compact 9mm complete with integrated laser — great carry gun
Here is a great value in a 9mm carry/defense pistol. The Smith & Wesson SD9VE 9mm features a comfortable grip, high visibility sights, and a built-in laser. The Crimson Trace LG-457 Laserguard is a powerful red laser designed specifically for Smith & Wesson SD/SD VE pistols. Featuring Crimson Trace’s Instinctive Activation system, the laser system can be set to activate instantly when the pistol is gripped, via a button on the grip front. This two-tone pistol has a black polymer frame and stainless slide. Priced at just $369.99 on sale, this S&W handgun is $200 less than a similar-sized Glock 19 without a laser.
2. KYGUNCO — Mossberg Night Train Rifle Combo, $731.99
⏺ Very good long range hunting deal, complete with 6-24x50mm scope
Here’s good hunting rifle package — rifle AND 6-24X scope — at a very attractive price. For $731.99, you can get a Mossberg Patriot Night Train Rifle and Scope combo package in 6.5 Creedmoor, .308 Win, or .300 Win Magnum. A high quality 6-24x50mm scope and rings are included with all three models, and the .308 Win and .300 WinMag models include a fitted muzzle brake. This is a nice, complete package with good chamberings for deer and elk.
3. Midway USA — Frankford Arsenal Sale, Save up to 35%
⏺ Big discounts on numerous popular products — save up to 35%
Frankford Arsenal offers a full line of reloading equipment from dies to tumblers. You can find all their gear on sale during the Frankford Arsenal Sale at MidwayUSA. With up to 35% off a wide variety of popular products, this is a great time to pick up reloading tools and accessories. Along with the three products shown above, here are some of the best bargains:
4. EuroOptic — Leupold BX-2 Alpine Binoculars Sale
⏺ Quality binoculars with great warranty, now $50 Off (up to 21% savings)
A good pair of binoculars needs to be durable, feel comfortable in your hands, and provide a bright, sharp image. Leupold’s BX-2 Alpine HD Binoculars have these qualities, plus a great Leupold guarantee, and excellent performance for the price. Right now EuroOptic has four types of Leupold BX-2 Alpine binoculars on sale for $50 off the regular price: 8×42, 10×42, 10×52, and 12×52. For general daytime spotting use we’d chose the 10×42 model, now just $199.99 on sale.
5. Graf & Sons — LEE Classic Turret Press, $129.99
⏺ Amazingly low price for a 4-station turret, with many great features
Right now the LEE Classic Turret Press is just $129.99 at Graf’s — an awesome deal. This 4-station Turret Press has earned excellent user reviews: “This cast iron frame model with all-steel linkage is built like a tank”; “Great press — solid as a rock. I originally bought it for reloading pistol ammo but like it so well I use it for almost everything”; “the turret auto-indexes perfectly and locks solid with no effort. I really like how easy it is to still use it as a single-stage when working up a load but not have to change dies, just simply rotate the turret by hand.” With four stations you can keep dies for multiple cartridge types. The long stroke allows rifle cases over 3″ long to be loaded. Spent primers run directly through the ram to an attached clear PVC tube that reliably catches every primer.
⏺ Big savings on popular electronic muffs favored by many shooters
All shooters should wear quality ear protection whenever they visit the range. Electronic muffs allow you to hear conversations/range instructions while still providing vital protection from loud gunshot noises. Walker’s is a respected maker of electronic muffs. And right now Walker’s Razor Slim electronic earmuffs are on sale at significant savings. These Razor Slim Ear Muffs feature slimmer ear cups. The thinner design provides less interference (and more comfort) while shooting rifles and shotguns. Razor Slim Muffs have a 23 dB Noise Reduction Rating with a fast, 0.02 second response time. These electronic muffs feature two omni-directional microphones with a single (combined) volume control.
7. Amazon — Birchwood Casey Dueling Tree, $269.99
⏺ Dueling trees are great fun for pistol and rimfire shooters
Interactive targets are fun — and a dueling tree is great for both solo training and pair shooting. Training with these targets can improve target acquisition times and follow-up shot speeds. This Birchwood Casey Dueling Tree offers fun competitions with a fellow shooter. When you hit a plate it swings to the opposite side. The winner is the shooter who gets all his plates to the other side first. Designed for handgun use, this Dueling Tree is fun and easy to set-up.
⏺ Lightweight adjustable rest for sighting-in hunting rifles and ARs
This very affordable, Birchwood Casey Bravo Shooting Rest works for sighting-in hunting rifles and ARs. At 15 lbs., it is easy to transport to the range. It has 3.5 inches of vertical adjustment with the center crank, allowing it to work with a variety of rifles, including mag-fed semi-autos. One cool feature is that this steel-framed Shooting Rest is designed so it can work from the Bench AND while shooting prone on the ground. This rest has a bubble level and adjustable rear height control. It’s on sale now for just $92.94 on Amazon, a significant savings over the regular price.
9. EuroOptic — Gamin Fenix 6 Watch, $259.99
⏺ Compact yet powerful — great item for hunters and hikers
The Fenix 6 Smartwatch by Garmin offers GPS functionality in an ultra-compact device. This Smartwatch comes preloaded with multiple Apps for finding location and mapping multi-point tracks. The Fenix 6 features ABC sensors including an altimeter, barometer, and 3-axis digital compass. This Garmin Smartwatch also offers multi-GNSS capabilities, which provides combined access to GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo navigation systems for greater navigational accuracy than GPS alone. And you can boost battery life to weeks using Expedition Mode, an ultra-efficient, low-power GPS modality.
Share the post "Bargain Finder 394: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week"
At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.
1. Palmetto SA — S&W M&P 9mm Shield Bundle, $374.99
⏺ Great value Bundle PLUS $75 S&W Factory Rebate
S&W makes some great firearms and one of their best values is the M&P 9mm M2.0 pistol. With this multi-item BUNDLE you get the M&P Shield M2.0 9mm plus a cleaning kit, range bag, and tactical knife — all for $374.99. On top of that, S&W offers a $75 Rebate on this pistol. That lowers your net cost to just $299.99!
⏺ Great spotting scope for the price with rock-solid warranty
Having a quality spotting scope can help when in the field, at matches, or just having fun at the range. We found a great deal on the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x60mm spotting scope, now just $249.99 at MidwayUSA. This spotting scope has good light transmission throughout the magnification range. Sharpness is good, and the spotting scope’s construction stands up to rough use in the field. This spotter is protected by Vortex’s VIP Unlimited Lifetime Warranty. If you need a bigger objective, MidwayUSA also has the 20-60x80mm version for $324.99.
3. Brownell’s — LEE Breechlock Kit, $157.50 with Discount Code
⏺ Get a complete reloading kit for less than the cost of a single-stage press
Would you like to grab a complete reloading setup for under $200? Brownells offers the Lee Breechlock Press Package for a low $174.99 price. But it gets better — enter Brownells 10% Off codes TA10 or WLS10 at checkout to bring the price down to a crazy low $157.50 (before tax/shipping). This is a great deal on a complete reloading package with all the essentials — Press, Powder Measure, Scale, Priming Tool, Chamfer Tool, Shellholders, and more.
4. Amazon — HQA TSA-Approved Rifle Case, $109.99
⏺ Very rugged, full-featured TSA-approved roller case
Whether flying or just transporting your rifles to the range it’s important to protect them with a rugged, quality gun case. The solidly-built HQ ISSUE 41″ Tactical Rifle Case meets all the TSA requirements and can withstand tough treatment. Offered in two colors — Flat Dark Earth and Gray — this case has rollers to ease movement through the airport. Handy pick-n-pluck foam allows a secure custom fit for your firearms. NOTE: This case is 41″ overall so it will NOT fit long-barrel competition rifles unless the action is separated from the stock/chassis. For larger rifles, one good option is the Eylar 53″ Protective Roller Rifle Hard Case priced at $199.99.
5. Graf’s — Frankford Arsenal Trimmer, $69.99
⏺ Adjustable collet for all case sizes — strong user reviews
The nicely-crafted Frankford Arsenal Universal Precision Trimmer is a versatile tool that can work with most popular cartridge types. This case-trimming system indexes on case shoulders for precise trimming every time. The adjustable collet system works with shouldered cases from .17 Remington to .460 Weatherby and fits just about any drill or drill press.
6. Graf’s — Federal .22 LR Hi-Vel ammo, 525 Rounds $36.99
⏺ Quality USA-made ammo, just $0.07 (seven cents) per round
With the high cost of primers, powder, and bullets these days, more gun guys/gals are shooting rimfire rifles. If you need good .22 LR ammo at a very attractive price, check out Federal .22 LR Hi-Vel ammo at Graf’s. Get a bulk pack with 525 rounds for just $36.99. That works out to $3.52 for 50 rounds — a great price for good-quality major USA brand ammo.
7. Natchez — Pistol and Rifle Magazines on Sale
⏺ Huge selection of pistol and rifle magazines deeply discounted
Have you been waiting for the right time to pick up more magazines for your favorite pistol or rifle? Right now Natchez is running a big Multi-Brand Magazine SALE. You’ll find mags for Glock, Ruger, SIG Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, and Kimber at big savings. For example, a Glock G17 Gen5 17rd magazine is just $19.99. That’s 17% off the regular $23.99 price.
8. Amazon — RCBS Automatic Priming Tool, $115.99
⏺ Popular and efficient bench-top priming unit
If you’re looking to prime your cases fast and consistently then check out the RCBS Auto Priming Tool. This tool mounts securely to a bench top. It is simple to use but reliable and very consistent thanks to its single-stage lever system. You can load up to 100 primers in the two provided vertical primer-holder tubes. This system is very efficient — you can insert a case and prime it in just a few seconds. Here are verified owner comments: “Fast with very consistent sitting depth”; “Works fantastic, netting me over 500 cases an hour easily — my hand-priming days are over”; “Loading the primers into the feeding tube is easier than handling individual primers [with] traditional tools.”
9. Amazon — Hunpal Compact Tripod, $19.99
⏺ Handy tripod for hunters and varminters — low-cost and compact
For plinking fun days or a varmint trip, sometimes a simple, small-format front rest may be all you need. This HUNTPAL Portable Tripod offers versatility, low cost, and a compact footprint. With aluminum construction, non-slip rubber feet, and the ability to work as either a tripod or monopod, this HUNTPAL unit can be helpful for varminters and hunters in the field. It can also work as a front rest for sighting in a hunting rig.
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Shooting steel targets is fun — both at close-range with pistols and rimfire, and at long range with centerfire rifles. If you’ve been thinking of getting some steel targets, here’s a great SAVINGS opportunity. Right now, as a June 2022 Pre-Father’s Day Deal, Action Target is offering a full 20% off ALL Steel Targets. That’s a great promo from one of the most respected metal target-makers on the planet.
IMPORTANT — Though this is listed as a Father’s Day SALE, the discount is only valid for TWO DAYS — June 1st and 2nd, 2022. So don’t hesitate. Use discount code FATHERS2022 during checkout on the ActionTarget.com website.
Action Target posted: “Father’s Day is just around the corner, and we know Dads want steel shooting targets. So from June 1st-2nd, use coupon code FATHERS2022 and save 20% on all steel targets.”
If you shoot pistols, or rimfire rifle, this Dueling tree is a ton of fun. Shoot solo or two shooters can enjoy challenge matches on this PT Dueling Tree. With the 20% Off code you can save $93.20 off the regular $466.00 price. There are many other great steel targets, such as the rimfire plate rack or the full Steel Challenge Kit.
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
⏺ Nicely equipped semi-auto .22LR — Good for NRL22 matches
Are you looking to get into the NRL22 discipline but don’t have a rifle to do it with? Check out the Thompson Center T/CR22 .22 LR Rimfire Rifle. This features a 17″ barrel (with front and rear sights) and the stock has a handsome Mossy Oak Camo finish. Equipped with a Picatinny Rail, this is ready to mount a scope for competition. This is a good starter rifle for NRL22 and other tactical rimfire games. Plus it can serve for fun plinking and hunting small varmints.
⏺ Save $110-$125 on quality spotters with Big 82mm objectives
Having a quality spotting scope is critical for a successful hunt or for reading wind and mirage at a match. One of the absolute best scope for the money is the Kowa 82sv and right now you can take advantage of the Kowa Scope Specials over at Creedmoor Sports. You can pick up the 82sv along with a cover plus your choice of the 25x LER eyepiece or the 20-60x eye piece and be ready for whatever adventure is next on your list.
3. Bullet Central — Berger 7mm 180gr Hybrid Bullets, $63.99
⏺ Choice of Champions — Get Berger 7mm 180s while you can
One of the most sought-after match bullets right now is the Berger 7mm/.284 180gr Hybrid Match Bullet. Many vendors are sold out. But we found them in-stock at Bullet Central and ready to ship. Considering the demand, we wouldn’t wait long to order and we’d probably order enough for your upcoming matches this year (including the F-Class Nationals).
4. Amazon — Roll-Up Shooting Mat with Bonus Sand Bag, $34.99
⏺ Great value, rolls-up into small format, free support sandbag
Traveling for matches can often mean stripping down to the bare minimum of gear and that usually mean leaving behind large padded shooting mats. A good option instead is a packable shooting mat such as this 78.5″ x 28.5″ Depring folding mat. This mat folds up into a very small footprint making it great for throwing in your checked baggage. FOUR Colors are offered, all priced at $34.99: Tan (shown), OD Green, Black, and Camo. These Depring shooting mats ship with a FREE 6″ x 3.75″ “Unfilled Gun Rest Sand Bag” which can be used for front or rear support.
5. Midsouth — LEE Breech Lock Reloader Press, $41.99
⏺ Great deal on compact press with breech lock quick die changes
Every handloader can benefit from a compact, secondary press for decapping at home and/or seating bullets at the range. Weighing under 2.5 pounds, this LEE Breech Lock Reloader Press is easy to transport. The open front design makes it easy to insert/remove cases. This LEE press offers Breech Lock functionality for rapid die changes. With the Breech Lock bushing in place, you can instantly swap dies with a twist of the wrist. Right now this LEE Reloader Press is on sale for $41.99 at Midsouth
6. Natchez — Federal XM193 5.56×45 Ammo 400rds, $399.99
⏺ Big savings on CCI 9mm ammo and XM193 ammo for ARs and .223 Rem rifles
Natchez is running a special ammo deal right now. You can save on rifle and pistol ammo AND get FREE SHIPPING. Choose one of three bulk packs: CCI Blazer 9mm 500 rounds for $549.99; or Federal XM193 5.56×45 400 rounds in can for $369.99 ($319.99/400 rds if you buy two cans); or Winchester Lake City M193 5.56×45 1000 rounds in box for $779.99. NOTE: The rifle bulk packs are officially 5.56x45mm ammo, but it should also shoot fine in most modern rifles chambered for .223 Remington. The CCI 9mm and Winchester M193 are priced very competitively, so don’t hesitate.
7. Sportsman’s Warehouse — Allen Soft Rifle Case Sale, 20% OFF
⏺ Huge selection of soft-side rifle cases on sale starting at $16
You can never have enough protection for your rifles while transporting them which means having a quality soft case. A great place to start is with the Allen soft case sale over at Sportsman’s Warehouse. You’ll find everything from simple single gun cases to deluxe double rifle cases — all at 20% off.
⏺ Durable, fitted pistol cases for 3 or 6 handguns
Do you find yourself needing to transport several pistols at a time but are tired of having a case for every gun? A handy, affordable solution are the MTM Tactical Pistol Handgun Cases. These fitted cases are offered in different sizes to accommodate 3 to 6 pistols with ease. These can also be locked up to comply with just about any state requirement. They also feature a rubber O-Ring for weather protection.
⏺ Versatile knife for camping and home, sharp stainless blade
Sometimes you just need a simple, no-nonsense knife in the field that doesn’t cost a lot in case it’s lost or broken. We found this Morakniv Craftline Pro S Fixed Blade Utility Knife which fits the bill exactly. It’s stainless steel, comes with a sheath, and is 3.6″ long making it well-suited for a multitude of cutting tasks. It also makes a good marine safety knife.
10. Amazon — MTM 50rd Deluxe Ammo Carry Box, $11.49
⏺ Hinged top, bullet tip protection, secure latches
Carrying 50 rounds of .20 Practical, .222 Rem, .204 Ruger, or .223 Rem/5.56×45 ammunition has never been easier thanks to the MTM H50-RS Deluxe 50-Round Rifle Ammo Case. These stackable MTM ammo boxes feature a strong, durable mechanical hinge. This provides years of use and allows the lid to sit flat. This MTM Deluxe case also has specially designed slots that hold the cartridges in place while protecting the bullet tips. Maximum Overall Cartridge Lenthe is 2.37″ bullet up and 3.45″ bullet down.
At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. Graf & Sons — Huge 25% Off Sightron Optics Sale — All Scopes
If you’re looking for a high-magnification zoom optic for matches and long-range shooting, here is one of the best Optics Sales of the year. Now at Graf’s get 25% off the entire inventory of Sightron optics — riflescopes as well as spotting scopes, red dot sights, and binoculars. There are some truly great deals here. For example, the 10-50x60mm SIII for $817.49, or a 3-16x42mm S-TAC for just $292.49. There are over 150 items discounted 25% — you should really check out this sale.
2. CDNN Sports — Remington 770 Rifle with Scope, $249.99
Looking for a first hunting rifle for a family member, with the Remington heritage? Check out this Rem 770 package with 3-9X40mm scope. As this is our Deals of the Week #243, we looked for a .243 Winchester. We found both Standard and Youth model .243 Wins are just $249.99. Other Rem 770 scoped rifle packages are available from CDNN for just $249.99 in all these popular chamberings: .270 Win, .30-06, 7mm Rem Mag, .30-06, and .300 Win Mag. All these rifles come with a pre-mounted 3-9x40mm riflescope. The Rem 770 features an ergonomic stock with raised cheekpiece and textured grip and forearm.
3. Amazon — 42″ Double Long Gun Case Backpack, $63.71
The Savior Tactical Double Rifle case will hold TWO rifles, plus a large pistol. This case has nice thick padding, plenty of pockets, AND comfortable shoulder straps so you can carry it like a backpack. Shown above is the 42″x12″ Flat Dark Earth (Tan) version, $63.71 on Amazon. Along with the 42″-long case, there are 36″, 46″, 51″, and 55″ models. The 55″ Savior Tactical case ($86.53 on Amazon) is big enough for most PRS rifles, even with long barrels. These gun cases also come in OD Green, Black, and Gray.
Whether hunting or target shooting, spotting scopes get you on target faster and easier than bare eyes or riflescope. If you need a good all-purpose spotter, check out the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x60mm angled spotting scope for $399.00. It offers great clarity and rock-solid lifetime guarantee. There’s also a straight version for just $349.95, with same 20-60X power and 60mm objective. If you need more low-light ability, the Vortex 20-60x80mm spotter is $499.00, angled or straight.
5. Brownells — Walker’s Ear and Eye Protection, 20% Off Sale
All shooters need quality hearing protection. We recommend safety glasses for all disciplines. Right now you can get up to 20% OFF Walker’s Ear and Eye Protection. Save on standard muffs, electronic muffs, ear-plugs, game-ear systems, and shooting glasses. There are also combo muffs/glasses packages at big discounts. You’ll find plenty of bargains — shooting glasses starting at $5.99 and muffs under $15.00.
6. Midsouth Shooters — Tipton Cleaning Rod Rack, $6.88
Want to organize all your cleaning rods? The Tipton Cleaning Rod Rack holds up to six (6) cleaning rods of various lengths and handle types. There are molded bumpers for T-Handle rods plus hanging hooks on either end for additional accessories. Right now this rack is on sale for just $6.88, complete with mounting holes and screws.
7. Natchez — Sale on EarMuffs, Eye Protection, Targets & More
Natchez Shooters Supplies is running a big Spring Range Day Sale right now, with substantial savings on a variety of products. Earmuffs and shooting glasses are deeply discounted, and and AR500 target plate with stand is 45% off. CLICK HERE to see all 29 featured items.
Nikon’s ProStaff 1000i Laser Rangefinder boasts 6-power optics, good controls, Incline/Decline Technology, and a rugged, rainproof case. This unit offers 1000-yard ranging capability — plenty for hunting or varminting. The ProStaff 1000i offers switchable Horizontal Distance / Actual Distance display mode. At just $179.99, this Nikon LRF is a bargain. The same unit costs $200 or more elsewhere.
9. MidwayUSA — Tipton Jag Sets Brass or Nickel-Plated 25% Off
If you shoot a variety of calibers, you need one of these Jag Kits, now 25% Off. You get 13 different diameter jags in a fitted case for under $15.00. That’s a steal. We like the Nickel-Plated Ultra Brass Jags (25% off price $14.09) because you don’t get “false positive” blue from your solvent interacting with the jag itself. But the regular Solid Brass Jags (25% Off price $12.74) also work great and some folks think they are more durable. We own these Jag kits and use them for everything from a .17 HMR up to a 45/70. Both kits contain 13 jags covering these calibers: .17, .20, .22, .243/6mm, .25/6.5mm, .270/7mm, .30, .338/8mm, .35/9mm, .375, .40, .44 and .45. NOTE: MidwayUSA’s product title states there are 12 Nickle-Plated Jags. However the Nickle-Plated Jag Kit photo shows thirteen (13), the description lists 13, Tipton’s Website shows 13, and that’s what we got in our Nickle-Plated Jag Kit.
10. Amazon — Two Rolls of 3″ Neon Target Stickers, $12.99
We like these bright, Neon 3″ target stickers. These are big enough to see at 600 yards, providing a 1/2 MOA target center at that distance. For $12.99 at Amazon.com, you get 250 3″-diameter self-adhesive circles (125 targets per roll). The high-contrast fluorescent red/orange color provides an excellent HI-VIZ aiming point, along with good contrast for bullet holes within the 3″ circle. To help line up your reticle cross-hairs, the target centers feature black markers at 3, 6, 9, and 12 0’Clock.
Share the post "Bargain Finder 243: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week"
At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. LongShot Cameras (TargetVision) — CyberSale Save Up to $100
Longshot Cameras (aka TargetVision) makes the best long-range target camera systems on the market. These deliver sharp, clear images from impressive distances. View on your mobile device. You can even mark/score your shots with Longshot’s mobile Apps. Right now you can save on ALL LongShot Camera products. The superb LongShot LR-3 2-mile UHD (Ultra-High-Definition) is now just $699.00 on sale, while the 300-yard UHD Marksman is on sale for $349.00. The new Hawk Spotting Scope camera is a steal at $249.00, marked down from $299.00. Act soon — these deals expire 12/2/2019.
2. Powder Valley — Free HazMat Starting 11/29/19 — All Brands
Need powder and/or primers? Then head over to Powder Valley. Starting November 29, 2019 (this coming Friday), you can get FREE HazMat for all brands of reloading powder and primer. And yes you can combine powder and primers in the same shipment. This great FREE HazMat offer runs through December 2, 2019. Go to PowderValleyInc.com and select FREE HazMat during checkout, starting Friday November 29th.
3. EuroOptic.com — HUGE Nikon Scope Close-Out Sale
Nikon is getting out of the riflescope business. Nikon will continue to make spotting scopes, binoculars, and rangefinders — but no more riflescopes. That means HUGE close-out savings! EuroOptic.com is running a close-out sale on Nikon riflescopes. This sale includes the excellent Black FX1000 (FFP), and Black X1000 (SFP) tactical scopes. If you are looking for a great tactical or hunting scope at a crazy low price, head over to EuroOptic this week. For example the 4-16x50mm FX1000 MRAD is marked down from $749.95 to just $369.95, a 50% savings!
4. XLR Industries — Chassis System Discounts, $50-$300
If you’re a fan of modular chassis systems, here’s a great early Black Friday Sale. Starting today 11/27/19, XLR Industries is offering huge discounts on their modern metal/composite chassis systems, which are made for Remington, Savage, Howa, and Tikka actions both right- and left-hand. Use these Discount Codes to save up to $300 on a purchase: BLK300 ($1000+ order); BLK200 ($750-$999 order); BLK150 ($595-$749 order); BLK50 ($250-$594 order).
5. Midsouth — New .308 Win Lake City Brass, $79.99/250 cases
Midsouth Shooters has acquired a large quantity of excellent Lake City 7.62×51 (.308 Win) Primed Brass. NOTE, this is New Brass that has never been fired. However it is described as “pull-down”, meaning the brass had originally been assembled into loaded ammo. The brass comes PRIMED with CCI #34 primers, with crimped primer pockets. The brass is sold in 250-count bags for $79.99. That works out to just $0.32 per case — a great deal for primed, strong Lake City Brass. This is good stuff for M1As and hunting rifles.
6. Midsouth — Tipton Best Gun Vise 2, $78.99
Midsouth has the Tipton Best Gun Vise 2 for just $78.99, a fine deal on a versatile, highly adaptable unit. An Amazon #1 Best Seller, this deluxe gun vise has earned much praise from owners. Or if you want something more basic that’s easier to move around, check out the Tipton Cleaning Gun Vise for $45.99 from Midsouth — a very attractive price. Either way you can’t go wrong.
7. Grizzly Industrial — Bald Eagle Slingshot Rest, $129.97
Maybe you’re just getting into F-Class or just need a good stable front rest to shoot from and don’t want to spend a ton of money on one. Don’t worry because Grizzly now has the Bald Eagle BE1129 aluminum slingshot rest for an amazingly low $129.97 close-out price. Just add your favorite front bag and you’re ready to go with a competition quality elevation adjustable rest. They also have the Bald Eagle BE1209 – Big Fifty Rest on sale now for $176.97 close-out price. With a much wider span and cast-iron legs, the Big Fifty is designed for larger guns up to .50 caliber. Either way, these rests are a great value.
8. Amazon — MTM AC4C Ammo Crate with 4 Ammo Boxes, $22.99
Here’s a very cool product from MTM at a great price. The versatile MTM AC4C Ammo Carrier features four, lockable polymer ammo cans in a fitted, four-slot 23.5″ x 11.3″ x 7.5″ carry crate. This makes it easy to haul four full ammo cans. Actual purchasers have raved: “Moments after I received this storage box set I ordered another. Very well built and great design. Awesome and a steal at the price.” Right now this is on sale at Amazon for just $22.99 with free shipping on orders over $25. The system includes four lockable, O-Ring 11.3″ x 7.2″ x 5″ ammo cans (AC30T) for multi-caliber ammo storage. The crate even includes tie-down points for transport in a cart or ATV. NOTE: Last year this MTM AC4C system sold for $39.99. The current $22.99 price represents a 43% savings! Our Deals Editor recently ordered this himself and he liked it so much he immediately ordered another AC4C kit.
9. Amazon — Tactical Eyewear Kit, $15.99
Wearing eye protection should be second nature for anyone around firearms for so many obvious reasons. Whether for you, a backup or to have for those shooting with you grab a set of XAegis Tactical Eyewear Kit that come complete with 3 different lenses and protective case. You can easily switch from Gray, to Yellow, to Clear lenses, popping them into the frame. This 3-Lens shooting Kit is an Amazon #1 Best Seller.
Share the post "Bargain Finder 218: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week"
At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. CDNN Sports — Winchester XPR .30-06 Rifle with Scope, $299.99 after Rebate
Hunting season is here! If you need a good basic hunting rifle capable of taking game up to Elk size, here is a crazy good deal. CDNN is offering a Winchester XPR .30-06 Spr rifle, complete with 3-9x40mm Weaver scope, for just $349.99. But it gets even better. If you purchase before the end of September, you’ll get $50 back from Winchester. That $50 rebate lowers your net cost to $299.99! You can pay more than that for just a barrel! This same deal is offered for three other chamberings: .243 Win, .270 Win, and .308 Win.
2. EuroOptic.com — Vortex Scopes Close-Out Sale, Save Hundreds
Vortex scopes have become very popular for good reason. Vortex scopes deliver great performance for the price and Vortex offers a rock-solid lifetime warranty. Right now at EuroOptic.com you can save hundreds on Vortex Viper, Razor, and Strike Eagle riflescopes. Six of the deals are shown above, but there are more options on EuroOptic’s Vortex Close-Out Sale Page.
3. ArmorAlly — Lake City Once-Fired 5.56×45 Brass, $37.50/500
This Lake City 5.56×45 NATO brass is true once-fired, Milspec, thick-walled cartridge brass sourced from the U.S. Military. Lake City 5.56 (.223 Rem) brass is popular and reliable, and works great in AR-platform rifles. ArmorAlly includes 1% overage to account for any damaged brass. NOTE: Lake City brass has crimped primers and will need to be swaged prior to inserting a new primer. Lake City 5.56×45 brass is a good choice for varmint rifles that need hundreds of rounds in a weekend. Once you remove the crimp, you should get many reloads with this brass.
Everyone should own a rimfire handgun, and here’s a nice .22 LR pistol for under $200.00. Palmetto State Armory is selling the TX 22 for $249.99. Fill out the paperwork for the Taurus factory rebate, and you get $50.00 Cash Back. That lowers your net cost to just $199.99 — a great price for a fine .22 LR handgun. We like the ergonomics on this pistol and it has a surprisingly good trigger feel. NOTE: To qualify for the $50 rebate, the TX 22 must be purchased between July 1 and September 30, 2019.”
5. Grafs.com — FREE Litz Book with $200 Lapua Product Buy
This is one example. This deal works with $200 of ANY Lapua products purchased from Grafs.com.
Lapua makes great brass, bullets, and ammo. Bryan Litz writes great books. And now you can get both with this promotion from Graf & Sons. Here’s the deal — if you buy at least $200.00 worth of Lapua product at Grafs.com, you’ll get a free Applied Ballistics book authored by Bryan Litz. Mix and match any Lapua products — as long as the order totals $200.00 or more. We know you’ll want Lapua brass, but you should try out the great Lapua Scenar bullets too! NOTE: The book may be one of various Litz titles, such as Modern Advancements in Long Range Shooting or Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets. You do NOT get to pick the book title — you get what’s available.
6. Brownells & Natchez — 9mm Ammo Under $17.50 per 100
If you have a 9mm pistol, check out these great deals. because 9x19mm ammo is produced in such quantity, it is some of the cheapest centerfire pistol ammo you can buy. Here are two great 9mm Luger ammo deals for you, with big-name factory stuff for under 18 cents per round. Get either Sellier & Bellot or Fiocchi for under $0.18 per round. Brownell’s Sellier & Bellot $174.99/1000 deal with CODE NCS even includes free shipping. And the Fiocchi at Natchez is just $8.49 for a 50-count box.
7. Home Depot — Low-Profile Muffs + Shooting Glasses, $16.17
Every shooter should have an extra set of shooting muffs and protective earwear. These will provide vital protection for friends/guests you bring to the range. And let’s face it, sooner or later you’ll forget your own muffs, so it’s wise to keep an extra set in your vehicle at all times. This week Home Depot a great deal on Walker’s NRR 22 Muffs + ANSI Z87.1-rated Shooting Glasses. Get both as a Combo Set for just $16.17. Midsouth also has this combo for $19.99.
8. Midsouth — Lyman Cyclone Case Dryer, $52.49
Lyman’s Cyclone Case Dryer is great for those who wet-tumble cartridge brass. The Cyclone’s five, stackable trays let you separate up to five different case types. At full capacity, the Cyclone holds up to 1,000 .223 Remington cases or 2,000 9mm cases. The trays can also be used to dry parts that have been ultrasonically cleaned (such as pistol components). The Cyclone’s built in 3-hour timer lets you “set and forget”. Midsouth is offering a VERY good price– $52.49. The same Lyman case dryer is $64.18 on Amazon.
9. Amazon — Tipton Gun Butler, $19.96
Here’s a handy, portable gun caddy that works well for rifle maintenance chores at home or at the range. Right now the Tipton Gun Butler is marked down to $19.96. The Gun Butler offers a convenient platform for cleaning your gun or doing tasks such as scope mounting. Two removable forks/cradles hold a gun securely in place, while compartments and slots hold solvents, jags, brushes, mops, and tools. The Gun Butler features a convenient carrying handle, and slip-resistant rubber feet. NOTE: The front cradle may not work well with wide benchrest fore-ends.
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