November 8th, 2009

Creedmoor Cup Results from Phoenix

The 2009 Western Creedmoor Cup Matches were held October 21-25 at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility outside Phoenix, AZ. The Creedmoor Cup Matches, which immediately follow the CMP Western Games, attract many of the nation’s best High Power rifle shooters. This was the third year the Western Creedmoor Cup was conducted at Ben Avery. The previous venue was Camp Pendleton in California.

CMP Western Games and Creedmoor Cup Complete Results

Match rifle shooter SPC Sherri Gallagher (USAMU) was the Creedmoor Cup Aggregate Match overall winner (as well as high woman shooter). Sherri posted a combined Agg score of 797-33X. Neil Jensen followed with an aggregate score of 791-30X. TSgt Daniel Rodriguez ANG scored the highest Creedmoor Cup Service Rifle Agg with a 782-26X, with junior Tyler Rico taking second with a score of 781-33X. Rico was also the top junior shooter, winning a Bushmaster AR-15 upper donated by Remington Arms. The top senior was Brandon Dale with a score of 751-20X.

Sherri Gallagher
Match Rifle Winner SPC Sherri Gallagher. Photo Courtesy Jonathan Ocab.

In team competition, USMC Team Base Hawaii won the service rifle event with an aggregate score of 1899-42X. Team Predator, consisting of Phil Hayes, Neil Jensen, Royal Hubert and Matthew Hubert, won the match rifle team event, posting 1895-40X. Finishing second in match rifle with an 1878-52X, was the popular Deadeyes team: Dennis DeMille (Mgr. of Creedmoor Sports), Ronald Zerr, Steve Davis, and GySgt. R. Lee Ermey (USMC Retired). “Gunny” Ermy is the host of the new Lock ‘N Load TV series on the History Channel.

'Gunny R. Lee Ermey

The Creedmoor Cup matches were proceeded by the 6th Annual Western CMP Games, which ran for four days. The CMP Games featured shooting clinics, Garand matches, Rimfire Sporter matches and many other events. This year, there were a record 476 entries in six different CMP Games events. CLICK HERE for compete Western CMP Games match report.

Story based on report by Steve Cooper, CMP Writer. Photos courtesy CMP. Ermey photo by Gary Anderson, DCM.