.22 LR Rimfire Ammo in Stock Now at Midsouth and Brownells
We are starting to see more factory-loaded ammo hit the shelves at gunstore across the country. Finally, some 9mm ammo is under $20/box. However, good rimfire ammo is still in short supply and when it does arrive, it sells out fast. We did some searching today, and we found good .22 LR rimfire ammo at two of our favorite vendors: Brownells and Midsouth. Check out these deals. NOTE: If you need .22 LR ammo, don’t hesitate. We have found that decent deals will sell out in a day or two.
Midsouth .22 LR Ammunition in stock 7/14/2021:
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Midsouth has SK and Norma .22 LR Ammo in stock. Both are very good manufacturers. Choose from many SK ammo types — all are good choices with good accuracy.
Brownells .22 LR Ammunition in stock 7/14/2021:
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Brownells has specific types of Norma, CCI, Federal, SK and Remington .22 Ammo in stock. The Norma Tac-22 has shot very well in test rifles.