Laser-Equipped Arrowheads for Archers and Bowhunters
Are you ready for laser-equipped arrows? This is NOT a practical joke, or some Hollywood fantasy. Laser arrow technology is here today. Clean-Shot Archery has engineered hunting and competition arrowheads that contain miniaturized lasers. Clean-Shot’s new Spot-On™ arrow tips are the world’s first field-sighted laser broadheads and target points. Chip McBroom, Clean-Shot’s Marketing VP, claims “this product represents a quantum leap in technology for the bowhunter.” The laser’s high visibility enhances a bowhunter’s ability to aim in low light — this can effectively extend the hunt by an hour or more in fading light.
With laser-tipped arrows, the archer uses the laser to sight in the target. This is NOT a remote laser guidance system. There is simply a small battery-powered laser fitted in each Spot-On Target Point or Broadhead. The laser in the Spot-ON arrow tip automatically activates at full draw via a bow-mounted magnet. These Laser Target Points and Broadheads can be used with all archery bows, including crossbows. Arrows tipped with Laser Target Points or Laer Broadheads boast 24″ of elevation adjustment at 30 yards as well as left/right adjustment. You adjust elevation and left/right displacement with simple set screws. Once the heads are “calibrated” with the set screws, the arrows should fly to the red laser dot — if the archer does his part.
Laser Broadheads are Effective and Reusable
Spot-On’s Laser Broadheads feature three replaceable blades, so the units can be re-used even after killing game. Spot-On Laser Broadheads come in 125 grin weight but can be adapted to 150 grains. Broadhead Kits include a 12v car charging unit to recharge the laser batteries. If you use a peep sight the Spot-On Laser Broadhead helps eliminates the parallax error inherent with peep sights.
Spot-on claims that its Laser Broadheads are “changing the way modern day archers prepare, practice, and hunt”. If this technology catches on we’d have to agree. No doubt, by now you’re asking, how much do these gadgets cost? MSRP on a full kit with the bow-mounted magnet and either two (2) Target Points OR two (2) Laser Broadheads is $139.99. MSRP on a two-pack of either Target Points or Broadheads is $99.99 (no magnet or charger). CLICK here for product specs and pricing information.