SAAMI Releases Ammunition Equivalency Resources
The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI), has released two new online reference tables. These resources clarify the interchangeability of certain ammunition in a specified firearm chamber, and identify the names of equivalent and historical cartridges.
SAMMI states: “These documents are important for firearm safety because they … identify what ammunition can be safely shot in firearms, whether it is an alternate cartridge in a specified firearm chamber or a known equivalent historical name for a cartridge.”
“These important documents … provide guidance to both industry professionals and the firearm-owning community. They emphasize important safety and technical information regarding the proper matching of ammunition and firearms, and what precautions must be taken”, stated Joe Bartozzi, SAAMI President/CEO.
Access both documents on the website under Informational Publications and Advisories.
New Resource Content (Click Charts to view PDF Files)
Generally Accepted Firearms and Ammunition Interchangeability — This document lists generally accepted alternate firearm/ammunition combinations which will generally allow for the safe firing of an alternate cartridge in a specified firearm chamber. There is also information on shotshell interchangeability and commercial vs. military standards.
Generally Accepted Cartridge and Chamber Names — This document lists equivalent/historical names for cartridges that are in common use.
NOTE: Beyond historical cartridge names that are in common use, there are a very few firearm/ammunition combinations which will generally allow for the safe firing of an alternate cartridge in a specified firearm chamber. CLICK HERE for SAAMI’s listing of those cartridges/chambers.