FFL-Holders Must Start Using New Revised Form 4473
FFL-holders take note. The ATF has revised Form 4473 for over-the-counter transactions. As of July 9, 2012, for all transactions requiring a 4473, use of the NEW REVISED FORM is MANDATORY. You need to start using the new form right now. ATF mailed new Form 4473 packets to FFL-holders. If you have not received the new Form 4473, CLICK HERE to Download New Revised Form 4473.
- If you are an FFL and have not received a supply from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), contact your local ATF office immediately. To obtain the forms, call the ATF Forms Distribution Center, 301-583-4696, or order online at www.atf.gov.
- UPDATE: If you have not received a packet of the revised ATF Form 4473, April 2012 Edition. To ensure that you are utilizing the correct version of the form, you may print the revised ATF Form 4473 at http://www.atf.gov/forms/download/atf-f-4473-1.pdf. Please be sure to copy all six pages of the form and staple them together if you elect to use a printed or photocopied version of the form.
- The impetus for the revisions resulted from two opinions issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) relating to aliens’ ability to receive and possess firearms. In response to DOJ’s concerns, questions ll.l and 12, and corresponding instructions, have been modified. See "Open Letter to All Federal Firearms Licensees" for a more detailed explanation and a copy of the revised form, along with "notices, instructions and definitions."
- An "Important Notice to All Federal Firearms Licensees" has been issued by ATF to further explain changes appearing in the new Form 4473.
- "Questions and Answers — Revised ATF4473 (April 2012 Edition), prepared and published by ATF, poses relevant questions regarding the changes in Form 4473 and provides helpful answers.