September 20th, 2024

NSSF urges all gun owners, hunters, recreational target shooters and supporters of the Second Amendment to register to vote and then vote in the upcoming election. On Election Day, November 5th, be sure to vote or, alternatively, vote by mail in advance where that is an option. If you have not yet registered, you can get information on registering by visiting GunVote.org.
With just 46 days left until Election Day, several states are starting to send out vote-by-mail ballots and offering advanced in-person voting. NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter education campaign seeks to ensure all gun owners and hunters are registered to vote and educated about where the candidates stand on the Second Amendment and gun rights.
The GunVote.org website conveniently lists all U.S. states with links to state websites where more details about registering to vote, early voting protocols and the entire process can be found. Gunvote.org also has information on polling places so that exercising the right to vote is as easy as possible.
“For millions of Americans who cherish their Second Amendment rights, this truly is the most critical election in history. Vice President Kamala Harris has clearly laid out her anti-gun agenda [which includes mandatory confiscation of AR15s]. It is abundantly clear she will continue the Biden-Harris attack on the Second Amendment and will restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans even more than she has over the past three and a half years,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior V.P. and General Counsel.

A Few Thousand Votes Can Make a Difference in Swing States
In 2020, the presidential election swung in just a few key states by margins of a few thousand votes. Reporting shows there are more than 10 million hunters and Second Amendment supporters who remain unregistered to vote ahead of the 2024 election. Make sure you’re registered. Check that your hunting and range buddies are registered too. Visit www.GunVote.org for all the information you need to get registered and to find your polling place to make sure you Don’t Risk Your Rights® on November 5th.”
Reports have show millions of American firearm owners still have yet to register to vote. That includes more than 515,277 in Pennsylvania and 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. In addition, Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Virginia all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners that remain unregistered and in Arizona – another state that could swing the election – that number totals approximately 133,000.
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November 3rd, 2020

VOTE Today.
In many respects the future of individual American freedoms and the Second Amendment will turn on the results of this election. YOUR VOTE COUNTS.
If you have not already voted — either by mail or via early in-person voting, VOTE today.
— If you are set to vote in-person, drive to the polling place and VOTE.
— If you have a vote-by-mail ballot, be sure to fill it out, verify it (as required) and take it to the Post Office or official ballot pick-up location in your area.

Who Should You Vote For?
Every American should vote for the candidate he or she believes is best qualified to run the nation for the next four years. In making that decision, VOTE for POLICIES not Personalities. Who supports the Constitution? Who supports the Second Amendment? Who supports Religious Freedom? Who supports hard-working small-business owners? Who supports Lower Taxes? Who supports vital U.S.-based industries? Who stands against Antifa agitators who want to burn our cities down?
This is a very important juncture in our nation’s history.
Let your voice be heard — VOTE today.
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September 9th, 2020

Shown is text from H.R.5717 and S.3254 mandating Federal firearms licensing.
Make no mistake about it — leaders of the Democratic party want to dismantle the Second Amendment and impose devastating new restrictions on gun owners. Companion Bills currently in Congress will require a Federal License to own ANY Firearms. The first line of the identical bills, H.R.5717 and S.3254, mandates a federal license for any American to legally “purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition”. Yes you can’t even own ammo without a Federal license. Morever, to obtain such a license, citizens can be subject to psychological/character exams so that bureaucrats can “make a determination of suitability”. Such requirements effectively destroy the Second Amendment. Imagine if you had to obtain a license to vote, or pass a psychological “determination of suitability” before you could attend your church.
These companion bills, which have been endorsed by Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris, represent the greatest legislative threat to the gun rights in the history of the country. Biden himself has called for the banning of AR15s and other modern sporting rifles, while Harris has advocated the use of Executive Action to confiscate semi-auto rifles (as was done recently in Canada).

The Jews for the Protection of Firearms Ownership (JPFO.org) have analyzed these companion bills in Congress. The JPFO states that this legislation’s “character [and] suitability” requirements for licensing would effectively eliminate the Second Amendment: “The Bill of Rights’ ban on infringement would be ignored… Unelected bureaucrats will literally choose who can bear arms [and] all existing arms in private hands will be subject to confiscation.”
The Democratic-sponsored gun control legislation, H.R.5717 and S.3254 will require current and future gun owners to pass psychology and character tests to continue owning the firearms they already legally possess. When asked, legal experts have been unable to describe how this could be applied fairly and predictably. America has an estimated 100 million gun owners. That number has grown dramatically in 2020 because of citizens’ fears over large scale rioting and intimidation by BLM and Antifa, and the demands by Democrats to “defund the police”.
The first line of the identical bills, HR5717 and S3254, requires a federal license for any American to legally “purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition”. This is de facto infringement.
To obtain this license you would need to prove to unelected officials that you are of “sound mind and character”, you do not “potentially create a risk to public safety”, and you meet “any other requirements the State determines relevant”. Authorities, “make a determination of suitability”, for your possession and ownership of firearms, including any you currently own.
How bad are the Democratic-sponsored gun bills? Read this summary of Senate Bill 3254, sponsored by Elizabeth Warren. The provisions of companion House Bill H.R.5717 are identical.
Senate Bill 3254 Official Summary of Provisions
Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020
This bill makes various changes to the federal framework governing the sale, transfer, and possession of firearms and ammunition. Among other things, the bill does the following:
— Requires individuals to obtain a license to purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition;
— Raises the minimum age — from 18 years to 21 years — to purchase firearms and ammunition;
— Establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties;
— Requires law enforcement agencies to be notified following a firearms-related background check that results in a denial;
— Creates a statutory process for a family or household member to petition a court for an extreme risk protection order to remove firearms from an individual who poses a risk of committing violence;
— Restricts the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices;
— Restricts the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, or receipt of ghost guns (i.e., guns without serial numbers);
— Makes trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense;
— Requires federally licensed gun dealers to submit and annually certify compliance with a security plan to detect and deter firearm theft;
— Removes limitations on the civil liability of gun manufacturers;
— Allows the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue safety standards for firearms and firearm components;
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July 3rd, 2020

As the November 2020 election quickly approaches, many of the candidates’ platforms include proposals that severely threaten your Second Amendment rights. Presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden endorses a broad ban on semi-automatic rifles and further restrictions on handguns. From proposed bans on popular modern sporting rifles and ammunition to mandates for federal licensing and registration, these ill-informed proposals would strip away the rights of law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to protect public safety. It is time you make a choice and take a stand.
Visit www.gunvote.org then click on the 2020 presidential candidates link to view their positions and quotes on Second Amendment issues. Gunvote.org also has links to help you REGISTER TO VOTE for the November 2020 Election.
As target shooters, hunters, and gun owners, we must not risk our rights! On Election Day 2020, vote to protect America’s firearms freedoms: #GUNVOTE.
Even between elections, target shooters, hunters, and gun owners would do well to stay informed about the issues that affect us. Becoming educated about the views, votes, and decisions of officeholders and those positioning themselves to run for office should be an ongoing concern. #GUNVOTE is here to help you to protect America’s firearms freedoms. Don’t wait until election time. Become educated and keep yourself informed before it’s time to #GUNVOTE.
Protecting your rights has never been more important than it is today. Our national crisis has exposed the politicians who want to strip away our constitutional freedoms. Send them a message! Be a voter in the 2020 elections to protect your rights!
Help Drive Pro-Second Amendment Voter Registration
NSSF is urging all industry businesses and activist-minded individuals to download and display NSSF’s #GUNVOTE Banners on their company websites and incorporate #GUNVOTE messages in their social media campaigns. You can link to Gunvote.org, where visitors can find voter-registration information for their states and other helpful resources.
This message is provided by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry.
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July 29th, 2016

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) #GUNVOTE program is an important voter registration and education campaign for the November 2016 election. The NSSF’s Gunvote.org website helps visitors register to vote, find a polling place, and determine how candidates stand on gun rights and Second Amendment issues. Quickly find all state and federal candidates in your area with a Zip Code search (or you can search by name). The NSSF’s #GUNVOTE program also provides election news, voter education video resources, and more.
To assist the NSSF’s voter registration and education efforts, Hornady Manufacturing has committed $250,000 in support of #GUNVOTE programs. This is the largest donation the #GUNVOTE campaign has received to date.
“For the first time in our nation’s history, we have a Presidential candidate who is openly running against the lawful commerce in firearms, which is a prerequisite to our ability to exercise our Second Amendment rights,” said Stephen Hornady, President of Hornady Manufacturing. “It is vital that America’s hunters, target shooters and all gun owners become educated on what the candidates are saying and that’s why the #GUNVOTE initiative of our industry is so important. Our company is proud to be a part of this cooperative effort.”
We support the NSSF’s efforts to inform the public and help gun owners register to vote. This is a very important election for firearms owners and supporters of the Second Amendment. As the NSSF explains: “With the balance of the Supreme Court at stake, this election will affect our constitutional rights. It is crucial that all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters register to vote, become informed about candidates’ positions, and on Election Day, #GUNVOTE.”
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