March 7th, 2020
This week, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio celebrates 25 years on the air, a significant milestone for the original nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the shooting sports. The 25th Annual Episode airs live on Sunday March 8, 2020 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Eastern time on radio stations nationwide. This special show can also be heard online via the GUNTALK PODCAST Site and Apple iTunes.
As a special bonus for Gun Talk Fans, here is a podcast of the first-ever Gun Talk Radio show in 1995.
Bonus Podcast: First Gun Talk Radio Show – March 5, 1995
To celebrate 25 years of radio, Tom Gresham has invited some of his favorite guests to stop by, including Second Amendment Foundation’s Alan Gottlieb, National Shooting Sports Foundation CEO Joe Bartozzi, Ted Nugent, Gunsite’s Ken Campbell, Pro Shooters Julie Golob and Rob Leatham, Sheriff Jim Wilson, and Shootrite Training Academy’s Tiger McKee.
Tom Gresham noted: “When I created Gun Talk in 1995, gun owners had just seen the passage of two massive anti-rights laws — the Brady Act and the Clinton Gun Ban. The media, when it covered this at all, lied and continued to lie … even when corrected. America’s 100 million gun owners were sick of the slanted news coverage, and they found Gun Talk to be a breath of fresh air…”
“Today, we face many of the same challenges… Gun Talk radio is perhaps more important today than … 25 years ago. Whether it’s helping the first-time gun buyer sort out what he needs to buy, or exposing politicians who claim to be supporters of the Second Amendment while putting restrictions on this right, there’s plenty to talk about.”
Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk radio show airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 270 stations. Listen on a radio station near you or via LIVE Streaming. All Gun Talk shows can also be downloaded as podcasts at http://bit.ly/GTRpodcast, Apple iTunes, or through the Gundelio Apps. Gun Talk is also available on YouTube, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and GunTalk.com.
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March 5th, 2020
Report from Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)
At a recent Texas rally, Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden declared Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, the gun-grabbing former Texas congressman, as Biden’s point man on gun issues. You’ll remember that O’Rourke famously called for the confiscation of legally-acquired semi-auto firearms from law-abiding gun owners, in clear violation of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Biden told O’Rourke: “You’re gonna take care of the gun problem with me, you’re gonna be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on you, I’m counting on you, we need you badly.” Biden’s statement worried gun rights advocates. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb: “For Biden to embrace Beto should erase any doubt where the former vice president truly stands on gun rights. Months ago, we vowed to let nobody forget O’Rourke’s brazen threat to take away people’s firearms, and we meant it.”
Gottlieb continued: “Beto O’Rourke represents everything that is wrong with today’s gun ban extremism, and he is one of the worst enemies of the Second Amendment. While he was campaigning, he said gun owners would be given the option of turning in their guns in exchange for cash, or risk being prosecuted. Then he outright threatened to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding Americans.”
“Biden’s mask is completely off,” Gottlieb concluded. “He’s not just a doddering Democrat pushing to become president, he’s an extremist anti-gunner who just promised to put a gun prohibition fanatic in charge of his administration’s gun policy. That’s not just a difference in philosophy, it’s a declaration of war.”
Mental Lapses by Joe Biden: In the South Carolina Presidential Debate, Biden stated that 150 million Americans have been killed by firearms since 2007. That was completely wrong (it would be roughly 45% of the U.S. population). Biden’s defenders claimed it was a simply an over-statement. At best this stupid error shows that Biden is totally misinformed about gun issues. At worst it shows that 77-year-old Biden is suffering from senile dementia and is not fit to serve as President.
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (www.ccrkba.org) is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying and facilitating grass-roots gun rights activists in local communities.
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January 10th, 2020
Some of our Shooters’ Forum members have asked for t-shirts with AccurateShooter.com logos. Sorry folks, we don’t offer those for sale, but we have searched the internet and found ten great t-shirts for gun guys and gun gals. Most of these shirts are available is multiple sizes, and many offer color choices. You’ll find over 100 more gun-themed shirts at the Etsy.com online store.
Click on each shirt image for more specs and purchase options:
Here’s one for 1911 fans…
This may offend your golfing buddies.
Yes, shooting can be therapeutic…
All too true these days…
Here is one for the Ladies…
Beware the gal wearing pink.
Daily routine of dedicated shooters.
Two Firing Pins say “I’d hit that”.
Look carefully, that’s not a steer’s skull.
This is certain to annoy Starbucks liberals.
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January 7th, 2020
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a firearm owner (most of our Daily Bulletin readers are). But how much do you really know about the history of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? The Second Amendment itself contains only 27 words (printed above), but those words have a rich history behind them.
To illuminate the origins of the Second Amendment, and to explain how its interpretations have evolved over the years, Arizona Attorney, the journal for the State Bar of Arizona, has published a detailed two-part “Illustrated History” of the Second Amendment by attorney Robert J. McWhirter, an expert on the Bill of Rights. To read the two-part series, CLICK Here for PART ONE, and CLICK Here for PART TWO.
We think all gun owners should read McWhirter’s article, which is both entertaining and insightful. Don’t worry — this is not a dull “law school” treatise. McWhirter’s article features dozens of illustrated footnotes (some fascinating, some merely amusing). Here are some sample footnotes — you can see this is a treasure trove of Second Amendment trivia.
*The American Bar Association has published Mr. McWhirter’s book Bills, Quills, and Stills: An Annotated, Illustrated and Illuminated History of the Bill of Rights.
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October 14th, 2019
Photo by Architect of Capitol, AOC.gov.
Gun owners, rights activists, and lovers of liberty will be gathering on the lawn of the Capitol Building in Washington DC on Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, at 1:00 in the afternoon. The 2nd Amendment Rally is organized by The Firearms Coalition. We invite all interested firearms owners who can reach DC (without difficulty) to attend the rally, and show support for our Second Amendment rights.
Commentary by Jeff Knox, Firearms Coalition
This is a grassroots effort, and you are the grassroots. Without the active participation of you and other grassroots activists, this isn’t going to work. At the recent Gun Rights Policy Conference, activist Nicki Stallard characterized the difference between rights activists and gun control extremists, saying that we’re herding cats, while they are stampeding cattle. That’s pretty accurate, though I think sheep or lemmings would be more appropriate in describing anti-rights activists.
If you live within 200 miles of DC, there is little excuse for missing this critical event, and many people who live much farther away will be doing whatever it takes to be there. Buses are being arranged by local groups from as far away as New York, Ohio, and South Carolina. Check with your local groups to see what arrangements are being made, and if they aren’t doing anything, take the initiative and volunteer to be the local coordinator to take reservations and rent a bus or van.
The core message of the 2nd Amendment Rally, is “We Are the Gun Lobby”, as in “We the People”, and we demand that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights be respected and adhered to. President Trump, Vice President Pence, Rep. Scalise, Rep. Massie, Sen. Paul, and other congressional leaders have been invited, to join with grassroots rights leaders and activists from around the country. CLICK HERE for list of speakers.
About the Firearms Coalition
The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona and Manassas, VA. Visit: www.FirearmsCoalition.org.
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October 6th, 2019
The National Rifle Association (NRA) declared victory in San Francisco last week, after Mayor London Breed formally disavowed key provisions of a municipal resolution that signaled the blacklisting of contractors linked to the Second Amendment advocacy group.
On September 3, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which runs the City and County of San Francisco, unanimously approved a resolution that called for the City to investigate ties between its contractors/vendors and the NRA. The SF Board’s resolution declared the NRA was a “domestic terrorist organization.” Not surprisingly, the NRA sued.
On September 9, 2019, less than a week after the resolution was enacted, the NRA challenged it as government action attacking its First Amendment rights. In its filing, the NRA called the resolution a “blacklisting” measure, and urged San Francisco’s Federal court to “step in and instruct elected officials that freedom of speech means you cannot silence or punish those with whom you disagree.”
Late last week, rather than await “instruction” from a court, San Francisco Mayor London Breed backed down. In a formal memorandum to City officials, she declared that “no [municipal] department will take steps to restrict any contractor from doing business with the NRA or to restrict City contracting opportunities for any business that has any relationship with the NRA.”
San Francisco Mayor Breed is the “Mayor for All San Franciscans”, unless, of course, you are a Republican, or a firearms owner, or an NRA contractor, or a supporter of the Second Amendment.
“The [Mayor’s] memo serves as a clear concession and a well-deserved win for the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution,” says William A. Brewer III, counsel for the NRA. “It is unfortunate that in today’s polarized times, some elected officials would rather silence opposing arguments than engage in good-faith debate.” “The NRA will always fight to protect our members and the constitutional freedoms in which they believe”, added NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.
The NRA’s challenge to a similar ordinance in Los Angeles remains pending. Last month, the city’s motion to dismiss was denied in its entirety by Dederal District Judge Stephen V. Wilson, who found that the NRA had stated a clear First Amendment claim.
About the NRA
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. With over five million members, NRA fights to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against criminals. The NRA remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement, and the armed services.
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June 14th, 2019
Another legislative attack on the firearms industry is being pushed in Congress by Democratic party politicians. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) reintroduced legislation this week that targets the gun industry, allowing persons to sue the makers of firearms that were used by criminals to cause injury. Currently, such lawsuits are blocked by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) enacted in 2005.
The new Democratic legislation, the “Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act”, would repeal the PLCAA. If the PLCAA is repealed, then gun-makers could potentially be sued for the actions of criminals using firearms — even if the guns were stolen. If bad guys cause harm with guns, the Democrats want the gun-makers to pay, and keep paying. The goal is to eventually bankrupt the gun industry and put companies such as Colt, Ruger, and Smith & Wesson out of business.
The Democrats have gone after the PLCAA before. NPR reports: “The effort to repeal PLCAA by Democrats on Capitol Hill is not new. Schiff first introduced the measure in 2013, and it has been reintroduced at least two other times without gaining traction.”
The real goal of this legislation is to cripple the gun industry. GunAmerica Digest explains: “One of the primary goals of anti-gunners is to bankrupt the gun industry by repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA).”
The sponsors of the new legislation claim their legislation is needed to protect citizens. Congressman Schiff (D-CA) declared: “This bill would pierce the gun industry’s liability shield by putting an end to the special protections the gun industry receives when they shirk their fundamental responsibility to act with reasonable care for the public safety.”
GunsAmerica Digest says don’t believe this: “Schiff and Blumenthal are grossly mis-characterizing the purpose of PLCAA. It does NOT protect members of the gun industry from product liability suits for manufacturing or design defects or certain types of negligent conduct. It merely prohibits lawsuits against gun makers for damages resulting from the third-party criminal misuse of their firearms.”
It’s clear what the sponsors of this legislation really want. They seek to destroy the U.S. gun industry through waves of lawsuits — “death by 1000 cuts”. The anti-gunners may not be able to remove the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights, but if they succeed in bankrupting all the major gun-makers, then the “Right to Keep and Bear Arms” won’t be worth much.
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May 18th, 2019
Story based on Report by NRA-ILA
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken up a challenge by an NRA state affiliate to a New York City gun control scheme that effectively prohibits lawfully-licensed handgun owners from leaving the city with their own firearms. In the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. City of New York, NY case, the plaintiffs raise objections to the N.Y. City law, particularly that it violates the Second Amendment.
Few laws in the history of our nation, or even in contemporary times, have come close to such a sweeping prohibition on the transportation of arms. — U.S. DOJ Brief challenging N.Y. City law
Given the uniquely oppressive and bizarre nature of the challenged restrictions, many observers believe the real question in the case isn’t whether New York City will lose but on what grounds and how badly. The City itself, in fact, recently made a desperate attempt to avoid a ruling on its laws by claiming to the court that it was in the process of revising the regulations to address the issues raised in the case. The court rejected that gambit, and proceedings in the case have continued.
The Trump administration, through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), has filed a brief in support of the plaintiffs. The DOJ argues that the New York City regulation is unconstitutional, because the “transport ban infringes the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.” The DOJ’s brief states the Second Amendment does not end at the property line of one’s own home.
“The Second Amendment guarantees both the right to ‘keep’ and the right to ‘bear’ firearms”, the brief states. “Read naturally, the right to ‘bear’ firearms includes the right to transport firearms outside the home; otherwise, the right to ‘bear’ would add nothing to the right to ‘keep’.”
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April 6th, 2019
President Donald Trump will address NRA members at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is the third consecutive year that President Trump will deliver the keynote address at the Leadership Forum. This is part of the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, which runs April 25-28 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis.
“Donald Trump is the most enthusiastic supporter of the Second Amendment to occupy the Oval Office in our lifetimes. It is truly an honor to have President Trump address NRA members for the fifth consecutive year,” said Chris Cox, NRA-ILA Executive Director. “President Trump’s Supreme Court [and Appellate Court] appointments ensure that the Second Amendment will be respected for generations to come. Our members are excited to hear him speak and thank him for his support for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”
President Donald Trump
Keynote Speaker, NRA-ILA Leadership Forum |
TICKETS HERE: bit.ly/NRAILALeadershipForum |
Indiana Convention Center—Lucas Oil Stadium
100 South Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46255 |
Friday, April 26, 2019
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tickets Required |
GET FREE APP for NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits
If you plan to attend the 2019 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, you should get the official Mobile APP. This will help you access Convention info quickly and easily. You can search for exhibitors, tag your favorites, request meetings, add notes, and map booth locations. Key APP features include: Event Floorplan, Searchable Directory of Exhibitors, Event and Seminar Schedule, New Products Info with Product Photos.
From your mobile device, click buttons for official NRA Meetings mobile APP:
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February 26th, 2019
In this essay from The Shooting Wire, Tom Gresham states that the anti-gun left seeks nothing less than the eventual confiscation and destruction of all privately-held firearms. The anti-gunners have revealed their goals, says Gresham, through radical legislation recently introduced in Congress, and suggestions that an Executive Order by a future by a Democratic Party President could halt ALL gun sales. Gresham says gun owners must wake up, and take action NOW. Otherwise our rights will be lost. We think every gun owner should read this.
They Just Showed Their Hand
by Tom Gresham, GunTalk.com
Sometimes understanding what’s going on requires us to connect the dots on things that don’t immediately appear to be connected. Looking at recent events, it’s now possible to see the plans of the gun banners.
It’s much worse than almost anyone imagined.
First, what happened?
H.R. 8, a bill in the House, would end the private sales of guns, would end being able to give a gun to someone, and would criminalize even loaning a gun to someone — unless you got the permission of the FBI each time you want to buy, sell, loan, or borrow a gun. In other words, there could be no legal transfer of a gun in the U.S. unless the government approves each transaction.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened that a Democrat President could declare a national emergency on gun violence.
A separate bill — H.R. 1112 — would (according to the NRA-ILA) “…eliminate the 3-day safety-valve provision under the federal firearms background check system that prevents the government from enacting an indefinite delay of firearm purchases for law-abiding Americans.”
Currently, if a firearms retailer submits the background check to the FBI, and it is delayed, after three days the dealer is free to legally transfer the firearm. This provision in the current law is the safety valve. It guards against the government shutting down background checks (through incompetence, technical snafu, or even political activism) and stopping gun sales from dealers. (Private sales currently would be untouched.)
Pelosi’s threat didn’t just pop into her head. This idea has been in the works.
Consider those three actions.
The expanded background check provision requires that all gun sales, and gifts, and loans — any transfers — must go through the FBI NICS system.
H.R. 1112 would kill the protection of allowing retailers to sell guns when they don’t get a “denial” from the FBI in three days.
If those two provisions were in place I fully expect a Democrat president to act after a highly-publicized shooting to declare a national emergency and shut down the NICS checks for 90 to 120 days. Maybe even a year.
That would be so that we could have a “national conversation” about gun violence. America’s gun owners would suffer a “mere inconvenience” the banners will say. Except that most privately-owned gun stores could not survive three or four months with no gun sales.
This is not happenstance.
It’s not an accident.
It’s not coincidence.
The gun ban lobby is not dumb.
This has been the plan all along.
1. Kill off all private sales, forcing all legal gun sales to go though dealers.
2. Kill the provision in current law which protect gun owners from a government shutdown of the background check system.
3. Declare a National Emergency and close background checks, which stops all legal gun sales.
Make no mistake. This is part of the larger plan to confiscate (“mandatory buy-back”) your guns.
Naturally, there would be legal challenges. The current makeup of the Supreme Court favors — ever so slightly — the hope that the high court would stop such a thing. If it took months to work its way through the courts, however, massive damage would be done. Thousands of businesses would close and tens or hundreds of thousands of people would be thrown out of work.
Naturally, to the “if it saves one life” crowd, that’s a price they are willing to pay. Well, they wouldn’t pay it. We will. And that doesn’t even touch on the subject that no one wants to talk about … [resistance].
How do we stop this?
We stop it the old fashioned way. We beat it at the polls. We beat it by speaking up in our churches. We beat it with peaceful activism in the streets. We join every single gun rights group — even those which less “pure” by whatever standard is in vogue on any given day.
We spend money. A lot of money. We stop complaining about requests for donations. We donate annually an amount equal to the price of a new gun. How about a dollar a day? We actually do call the offices of our Congressional representatives monthly and talk politely with the staff there about our concerns on Second Amendment matters. We volunteer on campaigns. We go to school board, city council, and state legislature meetings and hearings. We show up.
Two things must happen.
First, you have to look in the mirror and admit you haven’t done enough/much/anything. No one else can do this. Each of us must have the conversation with ourselves and take an honest look at what we have and have not done. And what we can do.
This is a total lifestyle change. It’s a change in where you spend your money and your time.
Second, each of us has to bring along a friend into this activism. I’m not talking about taking someone to the range, though that’s always worthwhile. I’m talking about convincing or more friends that each of you really must donate a buck a day. A lot of dough? Less than many of us spend on coffee. Times a million gun owners.
We win or we lose right here. Right now.
The solution is as close as your mirror.
— Tom Gresham
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February 13th, 2019
Marlin 1895 Background image from Sportsmans Arms, Petaluma, CA.
Are the days of private gun sales numbered nationwide? Democrats in the U.S. House of Representative have introduced an extreme gun control measure, H.R. 8, that would regulate all private gun sales, circumventing state laws covering gun rights. American Military News reports: “A new bill restricting private gun sales is expected to move to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives this week for a vote. The bill, H.R. 8, was introduced by [House] Democrats. H.R. 8 plans to stop Americans from conducting private gun sales as they have been since 1791. Instead, they will be required to conduct background checks on prospective buyers before they can sell their own property. The House Judiciary Panel is expected to send the bill to the floor for a vote on Feb. 13.”
Background Checks Would Be Required Nationwide for ALL Private Party Gun Sales
This new legislation would essentially require that ALL gun sales, even between private parties, be subject to Federal NICS background checks.* On the surface, this seems to have some appeal, but there is little convincing evidence that such legislation will produce a meaningful reduction in gun violence. Why? Criminals obtain guns illegally (though theft and the black market), and nearly all the mass shooters in recent years have used weapons that were obtained legally, AFTER the perpetrators had passed normal FBI background checks.
Despite these facts, supporters of H.R. 8, say it is time to outlaw private gun sales. Rep. Henry C. Johnson (Democrat, Georgia) claimed: “Because background checks are not required for sales by unlicensed gun dealers, guns end up in the hands of dangerous people. The failure of Congress to pass universal background check legislation has eroded our sense of safety on the streets, in our schools, and even in our places of worship.”
Conversely, gun rights supporters state that H.R. 8 will NOT have the desired effects. Rep. Doug Collins (Republican, Georgia) stated: “I appreciate the efforts of those who want H.R. 8 and many who have signed on, but similar gun control measures would not have prevented Columbine, San Bernardino, Charleston, or other tragedies. You go to the Bureau of Prisons, when they put out their statistics, most criminals — as you well know — do not get their guns from legal sources.”
* Some states, such as California, already require background checks, made through an FFL, for private-party transfers. But in many other states, a private party can still sell a firearm to another private party, provided there is compliance with applicable state and local laws.
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February 4th, 2019
Where in the USA are guns most popular, on a per-capita basis? Look at this chart. The states with darker purple have the most background checks per capita. The Top 10, in order, are:
1. Kentucky – 1012
2. Illinois – 198
3. Indiana – 123
4. West Virginia – 119
5. Idaho – 109 |
6. Montana – 101
7. Minnesota – 98
8. South Dakota – 94
9. Tennesse – 92 (Tie)
10. Wyoming – 92 (Tie) |
Kentucky has a far higher number than any other state — 1012 per 1000 residents, and 4,508,298 overall per year. That’s not because the Bluegrass State has more avid gun owners (per capita) than elsewhere in the country. Rather, Kentucky has more background checks per capita because it is the only state that requires all concealed carry permit holders to undergo automatic monthly rechecks. That means 12 checks per year. Other states might have a single background check when the firearm is acquired.
Trends in Background Checks and Gun Ownership
The total number of background checks has risen steadily for nearly the past 20 years (though there was a slight decrease in 2017). In 2018, Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealers initiated more than 23 million background checks, with significant variations in how many requests came in from each state.
Gun Control Legislation on the Rise Nationwide
In 2018, the 50 U.S. states passed 69 new gun control measures. Those 69 new laws are more than three times the number passed in 2017.
The struggle between gun rights and gun control continues on both a state and a national level. Seeing this wave of new legislation makes one wonder, “how many of these new laws will really reduce crime or enhance personal safety?” Or, rather, are the vast majority of these laws merely intended to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, banning new classes of arms or creating new costs (and hassles) for gun owners. The anti-gunners’ strategy is to work incrementally, banning one type of firearm after another. The goal, ultimately, is to ban handguns altogether, and to ban all semi-automatic rifles.
Information in this report provided by YourLocalSecurity.com.
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