Nancy’s book is finally shipping! The updated Second Edition of Nancy Tompkins’ book, Prone and Long Range Rifle Shooting, is now in stock and can be ordered from Price is $45.00 including shipping in USA, or $59.00 with shipping in Canada (overseas price is $68.00).
The Second Edition is bigger and better than ever. The new, 382-page Second Edition features color photos, and the book is now a hardback for greater durability. The Second Edition contains a new section on F-Class shooting and you’ll find new and updated information throughout the book. Nancy, the first woman to win the NRA National High Power Championship, is one of the greatest competitive rifle shooters in history. In her book she shares insights that can assist rifle shooters of all levels, in a wide range of disciplines. You’ll learn about shooting fundamentals, wind/mirage reading, body positioning, sling use, gear selection, match preparation, visualization techniques, and much, much more. The book also includes sections by Middleton Tompkins on reloading, equipment, and building a Palma rifle. CLICK HERE for Complete Topic List by Chapter.
Nancy Tompkins — A Truly Legendary Rifle Shoter
Nancy Tompkins has been shooting competitively for over 38 years. She has won the National Long Range Championships 4 times (1986, 1997, 1999 and 2003), the across-the-course National High Power Championships (1998), the Metric Smallbore Nationals (2012) and the Fullbore Nationals (2012).
Nancy has also been the Wimbledon Cup winner (1993) and a 7-time Leech Cup winner (1995, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2011 and 2012). She has won both team and individual medals in the World Championships and has been on seven Palma Teams (as both a shooter and a coach).
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Nancy Tompkins will be bringing out a new Second Edition of her popular book: Prone and Long-Range Rifle Shooting. Nancy hopes to have Second Edition books available by mid-June, 2012. The enhanced Second Edition will feature updates to the current chapters, more photos, plus an entirely new chapter on F-Class Shooting. The Second Edition will be issued as a hardback only, for increased durability. Price isn’t set yet, but Nancy hopes to keep the price “under $40.00″. The book will be available from Sinclair Int’l and direct from Nancy who plans to have a new website for the book running by the end of May.
While visiting the new Lapua Rimfire Test Center in Mesa, Arizona, we had a chance to chat with Nancy, and learn about the Second Edition of Prone and Long-Range Rifle Shooting. Watch the video to hear Nancy talk about her plans for the updated version of her book.
Tompkins Book a Must-Read for Long-Range Shooters
Nancy’s updated treatise is a must-read for serious Palma, F-Class, and High Power shooters. The sections covering Mental & Physical training and Reading Wind & Mirage will benefit all precision shooters, regardless of discipline. Other topics include Shooting Fundamentals, International Competition, and Loading for Long Range. Nancy Tompkins has won the National Long Range Championships four times, and is the first woman ever to win the National High Power Championship. (The second was Nancy’s daughter SGT Sherri Gallagher.) Nancy has also won the prestigious Wimbledon Cup, and is a 5-time Leech Cup winner. Nancy has been on six Palma Teams (as both a shooter and a coach). (Note: photo shows First Edition of book.)
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Bryan Litz, author of Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting, is releasing a Second Edition of his highly respected treatise on Ballistics. The new book is complete, and Bryan Litz is currently taking orders through his website. Bryan plans to start shipping Second Editions on April 18, 2011. The Applied Ballistics (2d. Edition) book and CD, as a package, sell for $49.95 plus shipping.
New Edition is Bigger and Better
Along with all the impressive content from the original book, the Second Edition of Applied Ballistics contains more chapters, more pages, more test-derived bullet data, plus the updated Version 2.0 of the Point Mass Ballistics Solver software (on CD). The Second Edition is even physically bigger — Bryan has bumped up the size to a larger, easier-to-read 7″ x 10″ format. In the bigger book you’ll find two completely new chapters, plus updates of existing chapters. The Second Edition contains new experimental test data on 61 additional bullets, and bullet data pages now include complete stability data. Bryan has also included ballistic performance analysis for both long range hunting and long range target shooting.
A Gold-Mine of Information
If you’ve seen a copy of the First Edition, you’ll know that Bryan has assembled the “mother lode” of ballistics information, much of which is hard to find anywhere else. Heck, just getting Bryan’s field-test-derived bullet data may be worth the “price of admission” for many shooters. While the book goes into many advanced aspects of ballistics, this is not a graduate-level treatise. Bryan successfully created a book that can benefit any serious shooter, not just math wizards or college professors. Here are some of the many topics covered by Applied Ballistics (2d. Edition):
The Ballistic Coefficient
G1 vs. G7 BC Models
Bullet Shapes (Tangent vs. Secant)
Gravity Drop
Uphill/Downhill Shooting
Wind Deflection
Temperature/Pressure Effects
Monolithic Bullets (NEW)
Gyroscopic (Spin) Drift
The Coriolis Effect
Using Ballistics Programs
Getting Control of Sights
Bullet Stability
Extended Long Range Shooting
CD Provides Significantly Enhanced Software With each copy of Applied Ballistics For Long Range Shooting (2d. Ed.), Bryan includes a CD containing Version 2.0 of the Point Mass Ballistics Solver. Combined with experimentally-measured BCs, this program can deliver extremely accurate trajectories and even calculate spin drift. In response to user requests, this 2.0 software update provides valuable new capabilities. First, now you can output trajectories in inches, centimeters, MOA or MILS. Take your pick — whichever you prefer. Second, the new software now provides bullet kinetic energy at all ranges. Last but not least, you can now easily print out your ballistics as a text file.
DEALER ORDERS: If you are interested in becoming a dealer, please email bryan.litz [at] for information on bulk-order discounts.
Disclosure: Applied Ballistics LLC Advertises with
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