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February 21st, 2025

FREE Targets for NRL22 and Precision Rimfire Fun and Training

Dots Target
AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL: At 25 yards, this is a fun rimfire plinking target. At longer distances it can be a great training target for precision centerfire shooters.

NRL22 and PRS rimfire competition is hugely popular. And we’re seeing great interest in .22 LR rimfire tactical cross-training. With a rimfire rig, you can practice regularly for a fraction of the cost of centerfire shooting. That way you can build your skill set without breaking the bank. Decent rimfire ammo can be had for 10 to 20 cents a round. Compare that to $1.20 (or more) for centerfire handloads and as much as $2.00 per round for factory ammo such as Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor.

NRL22 rimfire tactical

To help with rimfire cross-training, here are some of our favorite rimfire tactical targets, all in easy-to-print PDF format. Click each target image to download the FREE target. You’ll find more free targets for load development, precision practice, and fun shooting on our AccurateShooter FREE Targets Page.

NRL22 .22 LR jonathan Ocab rimfire tactical
Modern Rimfire Tactical Rifle with MPA BA Comp Chassis and Vudoo V-22 action.

Targets for Rimfire Training and Fun Matches

Here’s a rimfire training target with “big to small” target circles. Start with the largest circles, then move to the smaller ones in sequence. This systematic drill provides increasing challenge shot-by-shot. Novices often are quite surprised to see their accuracy improve as they move from bigger to smaller aiming points. That provides positive feedback — always a good thing.

Right Click and “Save as” to download printable PDF versions of target.

This Vortex Nation video features an 80-minute interview with Travis Ishida, one of the original founders of the NRL22 and NRL22-X disciplines. Travis told us that the NRL now runs 7-8 times as many rimfire matches as centerfire matches.

Rimfire Practice Targets

SPECIAL BONUS–Rimfire Tactical Precision Targets

These FREE targets by DesertFrog are offered in Adobe Acrobat format for easy printing.
CLICK HERE to download all six targets as a .ZIP archive.

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February 12th, 2025

NRL Hunter — Challenging Field Competitions Slated for 2025

nrl hunt hunter match event schedule 2025 registration

NRL Hunter is a popular series of competitions for all levels of hunters — both newcomers and experts. Matches that showcase hunting skills are hosted through the country with multi-distance, walk-around shooting courses similar to PRS/NRL, but limitations on weight and equipment cost make this more affordable and practical. These events provide a competitive format for new and seasoned hunters to learn about skills, gear, and local hunting terrains. To participate in matches, hunters must purchase a $100 Annual NRLH membership ($75.00 for Young Guns). For more information, visit

In this video top NRL Hunter Pro division competitor Jon Pynch shows the gear he uses to win. He talks about gear used for spotting and ranging targets, building positions, and making shots. Jon also gives his tips on how to cope with broken down equipment and bad weather. Check out the video and try an NRL Hunter match in your state.


Here are upcoming NRL Hunter events slated for the next 8 weeks. CLICK HERE to visit the full NRL Hunter Match Calendar showing all 31 events scheduled in 2025. Registration is still available for most of these matches. You’ll need to become an NRL Hunter Member and then pay match fees which are typically $250-$275 Individual, $500-$550 Team, and $150-$185 Skills.

nrl hunt hunter match event schedule 2025 registration

This is only partial listing. CLICK HERE for all 28 NRL Hunter 2025 events.

Listen to FREE NRL Hunter Podcasts

Here is the most recent NRL Hunter Podcast, released 1/29/2025. In this episode William Righter, Mike Lilly, Sarah Beard, and Nick Mowrer join Travis Ishida at the 2025 NRL Hunter PRO-AM held in Arizona last month. They review how NRL Hunter competitions run, and how to get the best results. CLICK HERE to visit the NRL Hunter Podcast page with dozens of other informative podcasts, all accessible at no cost to you.

nrl hunt hunter match event podcast 2025

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June 22nd, 2024

FREE Targets for NRL22 and Precision Rimfire Cross-Training

Dots Target
AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL: At 25 yards, this is a fun rimfire plinking target. At longer distances it can be a great training target for precision centerfire shooters.

NRL22 and PRS rimfire competition is hugely popular. And we’re seeing great interest in .22 LR rimfire tactical cross-training. With a rimfire rig, you can practice regularly for a fraction of the cost of centerfire shooting. That way you can build your skill set without breaking the bank. Decent rimfire ammo can be had for 10 to 20 cents a round. Compare that to $1.00 (or more) for centerfire handloads and as much as $2.00 per round for factory ammo such as Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor.

NRL22 rimfire tactical

To help with rimfire cross-training, here are some of our favorite rimfire tactical targets, all in easy-to-print PDF format. Click each target image to download the FREE target. You’ll find more free targets for load development, precision practice, and fun shooting on our AccurateShooter FREE Targets Page.

NRL22 .22 LR jonathan Ocab rimfire tactical
Modern Rimfire Tactical Rifle with MPA BA Comp Chassis and Vudoo V-22 action.

Targets for Rimfire Training and Fun Matches

Here’s a rimfire training target with “big to small” target circles. Start with the largest circles, then move to the smaller ones in sequence. This systematic drill provides increasing challenge shot-by-shot. Novices often are quite surprised to see their accuracy improve as they move from bigger to smaller aiming points. That provides positive feedback — always a good thing.

Right Click and “Save as” to download printable PDF versions of target.

This Vortex Nation video features an 80-minute interview with Travis Ishida, one of the original founders of the NRL22 and NRL22-X disciplines. Travis told us that the NRL now runs 7-8 times as many rimfire matches as centerfire matches.

Rimfire Practice Targets

SPECIAL BONUS–Rimfire Tactical Precision Targets

These FREE targets by DesertFrog are offered in Adobe Acrobat format for easy printing.
CLICK HERE to download all six targets as a .ZIP archive.

Permalink Competition, Shooting Skills, Tactical No Comments »
June 14th, 2023

FREE Targets for NRL22 and Tactical Rimfire Cross-Training

Dots Target
AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL: At 25 yards, this is a fun rimfire plinking target. At longer distances it can be a great training target for precision centerfire shooters.

NRL22 and PRS rimfire competition is hugely popular. And we’re seeing great interest in .22 LR rimfire tactical cross-training. With a rimfire rig, you can practice regularly for a fraction of the cost of centerfire shooting. That way you can build your skill set without breaking the bank. Decent rimfire ammo can be had for 10 to 20 cents a round. Compare that to $1.00 (or more) for centerfire handloads and as much as $2.00 per round for factory ammo such as Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor.

NRL22 rimfire tactical

To help with rimfire cross-training, here are some of our favorite rimfire tactical targets, all in easy-to-print PDF format. Click each target image to download the FREE target. You’ll find more free targets for load development, precision practice, and fun shooting on our AccurateShooter FREE Targets Page.

NRL22 .22 LR jonathan Ocab rimfire tactical
Modern Rimfire Tactical Rifle with MPA BA Comp Chassis and Vudoo V-22 action.

Targets for Rimfire Training and Fun Matches

Here’s a rimfire training target with “big to small” target circles. Start with the largest circles, then move to the smaller ones in sequence. This systematic drill provides increasing challenge shot-by-shot. Novices often are quite surprised to see their accuracy improve as they move from bigger to smaller aiming points. That provides positive feedback — always a good thing.

Right Click and “Save as” to download printable PDF versions of target.

This Vortex Nation video features an 80-minute interview with Travis Ishida, one of the original founders of the NRL22 and NRL22-X disciplines. Travis told us that the NRL now runs 7-8 times as many rimfire matches as centerfire matches.

Rimfire Practice Targets

SPECIAL BONUS–Rimfire Tactical Precision Targets

These FREE targets by DesertFrog are offered in Adobe Acrobat format for easy printing.
CLICK HERE to download all six targets as a .ZIP archive.

From Popping Paper to Slamming Steel…

After you’ve trained with these printable paper targets you might want to switch to steel. Shooting steel reactive targets is fun as you get instant gratification when you hear the clang and see the steel plate move. This video reviews a NRL22 steel target kit produced by JC Steel targets from strong AR500 steel.

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July 8th, 2022

2022 Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge in Utah

NRL Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge price utah north springs shooting complex

A new discipline has proven very successful. The NRL Precision Hunter Challenge features a multi-distance, walk-around shooting course similar in some ways to PRS/NRL, but limitations on weight and cost of equipment make this more affordable and more practical. The new discipline is catching on — the 2022 NRL Precision Hunter Challenge match, held June 24-26, 2022, in Price, Utah, drew nearly 150 competitors. Hornady was the title sponsor of the event.

Shooters from all over the country competed in 20 challenging stages. The course of fire consisted of 160 rounds with hiking between stages at the North Springs Shooting Complex. The Precision Hunter Challenge featured target distances from 200-850 yards, and angled shots between 0-10°. At the North Springs Shooting Complex, there were natural terrain obstacles and tree stands. Competitors had to navigate the terrain to establish their shooting positions — very much the opposite of a benchrest match!

NRL Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge price utah north springs shooting complex

“The NRL HUNTER Series is designed to help educate new and seasoned hunters about their skills, gear, and personal limitations. The Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge did just that!” said Travis Ishida, President of the NRL. “With a well-designed course of fire that was both challenging and fun, this match encompassed everything we are looking for. With over 50% new faces at this match the NRL HUNTER Series is growing faster than we ever imagined” he added. Verl Dallin, Match Director, added: “With the help of the staff and ROs, the Hornady Precision Hunter Match turned out simply fantastic”.

This video contains highlights from the 2021 Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge:

Here are the 2022 Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge division and class winners:

Factory – Kevin Wilkey
Open Light – Morgun King
Open Heavy – Serge Ducourneau
Team -Tyler Payne & Scott Peterson
Top Young Gun – Marshall Lewis
Top Lady – Katalin Burjan

CLICK HERE for complete 2022 Precision Hunting Challenge Match results on The next major NRL Hunter event is the 2022 COMPEXPO Hunter Challenge taking place July 20-22, 2022, at the Cameo Shooting and Education Complex, in Palisade, Colorado.

NRL Hornady Precision Hunter Challenge price utah north springs shooting complex

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January 14th, 2021

New NRL Hunter Competition Series Kicks Off in February 2021

NRL Hunter competition Championship hunting match

There will be a new NRL competition series in 2021 — NRL HUNTER (NRLH). This will complement the popular NRL tactical series and NRL22 rimfire series. For its inaugural (first-ever) 2021 season, NRL HUNTER will host nine regional hunting matches, followed by the NRL HUNTER Championship — the Grand Slam Finale. The Season Championship will take place August 2-8, 2021 at the Cameo Shooting Complex in Grand Junction, Colorado. The championship match will be directed by NRL HUNTER developer Scott Satterlee and the NRL’s Director of Match Operations.

NRL HUNTER 2021 Series Schedule (Ten Events):

1. Nehawka, Nebraska – February 19-21, 2021
2. Farmington, New Mexico – March 5-7, 2021
3. Arbuckle, California – March 26-28, 2021
4. Mount Pleasant, Tennessee – April 16-18, 2021
5. Laramie, Wyoming – April 23-25, 2021
6. Dupuyer, Montana – May 6-9, 2021
7.Hammett, Idaho – May 21-23, 2021
8. Dalton, New Hampshire – June 25-27, 2021
9. Price, Utah – July 23-25, 2021
10. NRL HUNTER Grand Slam Season Championship
Grand Junction, Colorado – August 2-8, 2021

The first-ever NRL HUNTER match will take place in Nebraska, February 19-21, 2021:
NRL Hunter competition Championship hunting match

NRL HUNTER, a division of National Rifle League (NRL), is a series of competitions for hunters by hunters. It provides a competitive format for new and seasoned hunters to learn about their skills, gear, and local hunting terrains. To participate in matches, hunters must purchase a $100 Annual NRLH membership ($75.00 for Young Guns). For more information, visit


There will be three gear-based Classes: Open Heavy, Open Light and Factory. In addition there will be separate Ladies and Young Guns divisions.

NRL Hunter competition Championship hunting match

NRL HUNTER’s founders state: “Hunting isn’t merely a hobby or pastime; it is our way of life. For us, it is about community, education, and a strong foundation of ethical harvesting. It is the desire to be the most proficient hunter possible, it is the passion that has driven NRL to develop the NRL HUNTER series[.]”

Bushnell will be the Title Sponsor of the 2021 season of NRL HUNTER. “We are truly honored to have Bushnell on board as our Title Sponsor for the NRL HUNTER Series,” stated Travis Ishida, NRL President. “This is a terrific partnership in which both groups share the same vision and passion for the hunting community.” Since 1948, Bushnell has offered a full line of products for hunters. Bushnell now sells riflescopes, binoculars, rangefinders, spotting scopes, and trail cameras.

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December 7th, 2018

Tac Competitors Mark Your Calendars — 2019 NRL Schedule

National Rifle League NRL 2019 match schedule

The National Rifle League (NRL) conducts tactical, multi-stage field matches around the country. Along with the Precision Rifle Series (PRS), NRL matches attract many of the top tactical/practical shooters in the country. In addition, the NRL offers serious prizes donated by major sponsors such as Nikon, Kelbly’s, Howa, Benchmark Barrels, and Manners Composite Stocks,

The NRL recently announced its Official 2019 Match Schedule. This includes 18 national level 2-day matches across the nation, culminating with the NRL Championship match. It features NRL representatives in locations from past seasons such as Arizona, Nebraska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Washington, and Wyoming. The schedule also announces new locations in states such as Texas, South Dakota, Iowa, and Kentucky. The 2019 NRL Season is set to kick-off on February 16th, 2019 in Arizona. Here is the list of events, with date, location, and match directors.

National Rifle League NRL 2019 match schedule

National Rifle League (NRL), is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the growth and education of precision rifle shooting. In 2019 the NRL looks to continue the League’s growth and success. “The NRL Executive Board of Directors is honored to have these exceptional match directors as part of the 2019 season who are committed to bringing quality events and help lead the way into the future of the precision rifle community,” stated Travis Ishida, Founder of the NRL.

For more information and the entire 2018 season schedule, visit 2019 sponsorship opportunities are available for this new season.

Location Date Match Director / State Representative

1. Axisworks Long-Range Challenge – Wikieup, Arizona Feb. 16 – 17, 2019 Christ Tressler, Rusty Ulmer
2. Rifles Only – Kingsville, Texas Feb. 22 – 23, 2019 Jacob Bynum
3. Big Horn Steel Classic – Omaha, Nebraska March 9 – 10, 2019 Chaz Macrander
4. PRSID Gem State Stand Off – Vale, Oregon March 23 – 24, 2019 Nate Lauerman, Seth Howard
5. Silent Night – Ninnekah, Oklahoma April 6 – 7, 2019 Justin Watts
6. South Dakota Steel Classic – Orient, South Dakota April 27 – 28, 2019 Michael Kane
7. JC Steel Targets Challenge – Ritzville, Washington May 4 – 5, 2019 Jake Vibbert, Sean Johnson
8. Prairie Rock Shoot Out – Broadwater, Nebraska May 18 – 19, 2019 Lee Anderson
9. The Vortex Rampage – Mt. Auburn, Iowa June 1 – 2, 2019 Jim See
10. Dog Valley Precision Challenge – Nephi, Utah June 8 – 9, 2019 Cole Quarnberg
11. New Mexico Smith Ranch Shootout – Bloomfield, NM June 22 – 23, 2019 Dusty Brixner, Scotty Freidline
12. The Revolution at Rockcastle – Park City, Kentucky June 29 – 30, 2019 Adam Vaught
13. Mile High Shootout – Craig, Colorado July 13 – 14, 2019 Robert Quigley
14. Heatstroke Open – Camargo, Oklahoma July 20 – 21, 2019 Matt Clem, B.J. Bailey
15. Rock Lake NRL Steel Challenge – Cheney, Washington Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2019 Doug Glorfield
16. Monster Lake Mayhem – Cody, Wyoming September 27 – 28, 2019 Phillip Velayo, Caylen Wojcik
17. West Coast Showdown – Pala, California October 19 – 20, 2019 Jorge Ortiz, Scott Satterlee
18. 2019 NRL Championship – Navasota, Texas December 6 – 8, 2019 Dave Ferguson, Prentice Wink

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