Glock Donates $75K to Marine Corps Service Organizations
Later this month, GLOCK, Inc. will donate a total of $75,000 to two organizations, the Young Marines and the Marine Corps League. On Wednesday, Sept. 28th, Glock V.P. Josh Dorsey (a former Marine) will present $50,000 to the Young Marines and $25,000 to the Marine Corps League during a presentation held at the Iwo Jima Memorial, Quantico, Virginia.
$50,000 to Young Marines
This will be the sixth consecutive year that Glock has made this contribution to the Young Marines totaling $300,000. The Young Marines is a nonprofit youth organization whose mission is to provides programs for youth that promote mental, moral and physical health through teamwork, self-discipline and a drug-free lifestyle. The program strives to instill core values of “Honor, Courage and Commitment” adopted by each member of the Marine Corps.
$25,000 to Marine Corps League
This is the second year that Glock has made a contribution to this organization. The Marine Corps League is comprised of retired Marines volunteers who render assistance to all Marines and former Marines and to the families of fallen Marines. The group actively supports injured Marines, and assists youth programs. The League takes an active role in Veterans benefits issues and helps with the National Marine Corps Museum.