Coming Up: Father’s Day and Take Your Daughter to Range Day
Every year, the third Sunday in June is Fathers’ Day. In 2012 this is June 17, so mark your calendars. If your father enjoys the shooting sports, we suggest planning a day at the range with him. And if you’re looking for a gift that will surely be appreciated, consider a Sinclair Int’l Gift Card. These are available in a variety of money values, and Sinclair can mail them directly to your father’s residence. If you’re running short on time, you can get an “eGift Card” sent directly to you father via email. Click the link below to learn more about Sinclair Gift Cards.

Take Your Daughter to the Range Day
This month, along with Father’s Day, there’s another special day to mark on your calendar. June 9th, 2012 is National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day. This is a great way to spend “quality time” with your daughter, and teach her the basics of firearms safety.

The organizers of this event explain: “Boys learn to shoot in Scouts, or with their Dads. Often the girls are left behind, because shooting isn’t ‘girly.’ Well, young ladies can, and do, shoot, and they often do it very well indeed. Learning to shoot gives young women confidence, helps to build self-esteem, and introduces them to a sport they can participate in their whole lives. This event will promote firearms safety and education, as well as family bonding through participation in an exciting and fun sport.”