Quick History of Silhouette Shooting
The NRA Blog ran an feature on Silhouette shooting by NRA Silhouette Program Coordinator Jonathan Leighton. Here are selections from Leighton’s story:
NRA Silhouette Shooting
The loud crack from the bullet exiting the muzzle followed by an even louder ‘clang’ as you watch your target fly off the railing is really a true addiction for most Silhouette shooters. There is nothing better than shooting a game where you actually get to see your target react to the bullet. In my opinion, this is truly what makes this game so much fun.
Metallic Silhouette — A Mexican Import
Silhouette shooting came to this country from Mexico in the 1960s. It is speculated that sport had its origins in shooting contests between Pancho Villa’s men around 1914. After the Mexican Revolution the sport spread quickly throughout Mexico. ‘Siluetas Metalicas’ uses steel silhouettes shaped like game animals. Chickens up front followed by rows of pigs, turkeys, and furthest away, rams. Being that ‘Siluetas Metalicas’ was originally a Mexican sport, it is common to hear the targets referred to by their Spanish names Gallina (chicken), Javelina (pig), Guajalote (turkey) and Borrego (ram). Depending on the discipline one is shooting, these animals are set at different distances from the firing line, but always in the same order.
Before Steel There Was… Barbeque
In the very beginnings of the sport, live farm animals were used as targets, and afterwards, the shooters would have a barbeque with all the livestock and/or game that was shot during the match. The first Silhouette match that used steel targets instead of livestock was conducted in 1948 in Mexico City, Mexico by Don Gonzalo Aguilar. [Some matches hosted by wealthy Mexicans included high-ranking politicians and military leaders]. As the sport spread and gained popularity during the 1950s, shooters from the Southwestern USA started crossing the Mexican border to compete. Silhouette shooting came into the US in 1968 at the Tucson Rifle Club in Arizona. The rules have stayed pretty much the same since the sport has been shot in the US. NRA officially recognized Silhouette as a shooting discipline in 1972, and conducted its first NRA Silhouette Nationals in November of 1972.
Now There Are Multiple Disciplines
The actual sport of Silhouette is broken into several different disciplines. High Power Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, Cowboy Lever Action Rifle, Black Powder Cartridge Rifle, Air Rifle, Air Pistol, and Hunter’s Pistol are the basic disciplines. Cowboy Lever Action is broken into three sub-categories to include Smallbore Cowboy Rifle, Pistol Cartridge Cowboy Lever Action, and regular Cowboy Lever Action. Black Powder Cartridge Rifle also has a ‘Scope’ class, and Hunter’s Pistol is broken into four sub-categories. Some clubs also offer Military Rifle Silhouette comps.
Here is a rimfire silhouette match conducted by the Sporting Shooters’ Assn. of Australia.
Where to Shoot Silhouette
NRA-Sanctioned matches are found at gun clubs nation-wide. There are also many State, Regional, and National matches across the country as well. You can find match listings on the Shooting Sports USA website or contact the NRA Silhouette Department at (703) 267-1465. For more info, visit SteelChickens.com, the #1 website dedicated to Silhouette shooting sports.
Similar Posts:
- Silhouette Shooting — A Quick History
- A Short History of Silhouette Shooting
- Quick History of Silhouette Shooting — the Origins in Mexico
- Silhouette Shooting — How It Started and Modern Disciplines
- NRA Silhouette National Championships in Ridgway, PA
Tags: Animal Silhouette, Livestock, Mexico, Pancho Villa, Pistol, Silhouette, Standing Position
Quote from above ” [Some matches hosted by wealthy Mexicans included high-ranking politicians and military leaders]. ”
Gee, if only we could get ours to hold still long enough…..
The first Silhouette match that used steel targets instead of livestock was conducted in 1948 in Mexico City, Mexico by Don GonZalo Aguilar.
Our gun club runs a very popular modified version of the smallbore silhouette in Reno NV: http://palominogunclub.org/262/smallbore-silhouette-match/
Get off your stool shooting butts and try shooting standing up like God intended a man shoot.
In which version of the Bible might one find that statement made by God?
I hear the NRA is going back to live animals
Bought a 54 in in the early 90’s and took up sillwets in rimfire and loved it then moved cities and no one shot that discipline.
Sold the rifle and moved on. Shame.
In the St. Louis metro east, we have a fantastic indoor air rifle silhouette league at the Highland Gun Club. It is fantastic practice and lot of fun.
A great alternative to the current gi joe style shooting sports.
Smallbore silhouette is really fun! It’s challenging, yet you don’t need a custom rifle to be competitive. It helps immensely to have a good quality optic and a good trigger, but other than that you don’t need any special gear. Clubs in my area are very friendly, and you don’t even need to be a member of the club to shoot matches, since it’s an NRA sponsored event. It’s a great sport for new shooters who are looking for a fun challenge, and a great way for experienced shooters to cross-train. Now get out there and support your local silhouette club!
Been shooting IHMSA the original Sillywet in the USA since 1984 If you haven’t shot if with a pistol you don,t know the thrill of BANG CLANG
And, there is Lever Action Silhouette for those who like “Traditional” non equipment-race competition.
No mention of the chin gun controversy… a very interesting chapter in the American story of silhouette shooting. Why is this not discussed?