CMP Mid-Range Event Gains Attention at 2023 National Long Range Matches Article based on report by Ashley Dugan, CMP Staff Writer
The first-ever CMP Mid-Range 3×600 event at the 2023 CMP National Matches was a big success. This multi-class match drew 110 participants in its inaugural year. This new event had three stages of slow, prone 600-yard shots. The 3×600 was included as part of the CMP Long Range National Match Program. The CMP Mid-Range program will be a fixture at the National Matches in the future, with competition for multiple classes: Long Range Rifle, Service Rifle, Palma, F-Open, F-TR, and AR Tactical.
“We were very excited for the turnout this year,” said Sara Rozanski, CMP highpower coordinator who facilitates the Long Range events. “This is a program we’re looking to put more focus on, and we really hope others consider giving it a try during their trips to Camp Perry each summer.”
USAMU Shooter Leads Field at Inaugural Camp Perry Mid-Range Match
Leading the first Mid-Range Camp Perry 3×600 was SSG Ben Cleland of the USAMU. Ben finished with a superb 600-46X score. Cleland admitted Mid-range is one of his favorite types of matches to shoot, with distances no different than those used in service rifle matches and added challenges that make them even more enjoyable to shoot.
Cleveland stated: “It’s a true precision game — it’s kind of like smallbore with a lot more wind, in my mind, so I really enjoy shooting that. If you’re on it, you can shoot some really big scores and have some great performances, but it’s still very challenging.”
According to Cleland, the 3×600 match is a gateway for service rifle competitors into Long Range events, using the same ranges and distances as regular High Power events. “More people are getting interested in it,” he said of the Mid-range discipline. “It’s not so hard moving from one rifle to the other, as far as shooting goes. The hard part is showing up at Camp Perry with that many different guns, well prepared.”
Scores on the line were extremely tight in the Mid-Range match, with the first seven places separated by only one point. The top three competitors were determined by X-Count, with Cleland finding the win by a margin of seven Xs overall. CLICK HERE for full 3×600 Match Results.
Along with the Mid-Range Event, There Were Five Days of 1000-Yard Matches
Along the the Mid-Range event, the National Long Range events included five days of individual and team 1,000-yard matches for Long Range, Service, Palma, Match, F-Open, F-T/R and AR Tactical classes. Daily awards were presented to overall winners of each match as well as to the top junior, woman, senior and grand senior participants. Overall aggregate awards were also determined for those who competed in all events in the Long Range series.
Individual Aggregate winners included:
Long Range: SSG Jarrod McGaffic, 33, Fort Benning, GA – 1643-89X
Service Rifle: SP4 Dustin Carr, 22, Fort Benning, GA – 1615-74X
Palma: SP4 Adam Fitzpatrick, 27, of Columbus, GA – 1635-99X
F-Open: Kenneth Livengood, 69, Palmerton, PA – 1623-61X
F-T/R: Jack Dean, 50, Cape Coral, FL – 1609-58X
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The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU) published a series of reloading articles on its Facebook Page. In this article, the second in a 3-part series, the USAMU covers the process of loading competition pistol ammunition. The authors focus on two key elements — the taper crimp and the quality/uniformity of the original brass. If you shoot pistol competitively, or just want to maximize the accuracy of your handguns, read this article. The taper crimp tips are very important.
Loading Accurate Competition Pistol Ammunition — Part 2 of 3
Today, we resume our series on factors affecting accuracy in pistol handloads. Readers who missed Part One can visit our USAMU Facebook Page. Scroll down to March 28, 2018 to find that first installment which is worth reading.
One often-overlooked aspect of handloading highly-accurate pistol ammunition is the amount of taper crimp used, and its effect on accuracy. (NOTE: this article pertains to loading for semi-autos – revolver crimp techniques involve some quite different issues.) Briefly, different amounts of taper crimp are used with various handloads to obtain best accuracy. The amount is based on bullet weight, powder burn rate and charge, plus other factors such as case neck tension. During machine-rest testing of experimental Service Pistol ammunition, many variables are examined. Among these, our Shop often varies a load’s crimp in degrees of 0.001″ when re-testing for finest accuracy.
How to Measure Taper Crimp on Pistol Cartridges
One question that often arises is, “How do I measure the taper crimp I’m putting on my cartridges?” Using the narrow part of one’s dial caliper jaws, carefully measure the case diameter at the exact edge of the case mouth on a loaded cartridge. It’s important to take several measurements to ensure consistency. Also, be sure to measure at several places around the case mouth, as case wall thickness can vary. After measuring 2-3 cartridges with a given crimp setting, one can be confident of the true dimension and that it can be repeated later, if needed.
However, for good results, one must use brass from one maker due to variances in case wall thickness. For example, the same degree of crimp that imparts a measurement of 0.471″ with Brand X brass may result in 0.469″ with Brand Y. Thus, for best accuracy, using brass from the same manufacturer is important — particularly for 50-yard Slow Fire. In a perfect world, it is better still to use brass from one lot number if possible. With the popularity of progressive presses using interchangeable tool heads, keeping separate tool heads adjusted for each load helps maximize uniformity between ammunition lots.
Brass Uniformity and Accuracy
Brass is important to pistol accuracy. While accurate ammunition can be loaded using brass of mixed parentage, that is not conducive to finest results, particularly at 50 yards. It is important for the serious competitor to pay attention to his brass – even if only for the 50-yard “Slow Fire” portions of “Bullseye” matches and practice. By segregating brass as described above, and additionally keeping track of the number of times a given batch of cases has been fired, one can ensure case neck tension and case length are at their most uniform.
Given the large volumes of ammunition consumed by active pistol competitors, using inexpensive, mixed surplus brass for practice, particularly at the “short line” (25 yards), is understandable. In NRA Outdoor Pistol (“Bullseye”), the 10-ring is relatively generous — especially for a well-trained shooter with an accurate pistol and load. However, for the “long line” (50 yards), purchasing and segregating a lot of high-quality brass to be used strictly for slow-fire is a wise idea. To keep track of your brass on the line, use a unique headstamp marking with 1 or 2 colors of marking pen ink.
Uniform Cartridge Overall Length is Important
Cartridge case Overall Length (OAL) uniformity as it comes from the factory is important to achieving utmost accuracy. More uniform case lengths (best measured after sizing) contribute to greater consistency of crimp, neck tension, ignition/burn of powder charge, headspace (rimless cartridges), etc. Cartridge case-length consistency varies noticeably by maker and, with lesser manufacturers, also from lot to lot. Some manufacturers are more consistent in their dimensions than others, and also in the hardness/ductility of their brass. Similarly, pay attention to primer brands, powder lot numbers, etc.
Consider Using a Lock-Out Die with Progressive Presses
When reloading pistol ammo with a Progressive press, we strongly recommend the use of a lock-out die, or other system that can detect double charges or low charges. If your progressive is manually advanced, the possibility of a double charge is very real — and that can have disastrous consequences.
On website you’ll find an excellent two-part series on the function and set-up of the RCBS Lock-Out Die. This die prevents loading if a high or low powder charge is detected. The video above shows setup of the RCBS Lock-Out Die on the Dillon XL-650 progressive press.
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Jessie Harrison — one of the greatest female pistol shooters on the planet. In the video below, Jessie offers good tips on safe handgun mag changes.
In this Pro Tip Video, Jessie Harrison talks about Dry-Fire Pistol Training:
One of our Forum members asked: “Are there any good books on pistol marksmanship? I’m looking for a book that covers techniques and concepts….” Here are eight recommended titles that can make you a better pistol shooter. These books run the gamut from basic handgun training to CCW to Olympic-level bullseye shooting.
More Good Guidebooks for Competitive Pistol Shooters
There are other good books which can help competition pistol shooters. For new pistol shooters, we recommend the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting. This full-color publication is the designated student “textbook” for the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course.
If you’re interested in bullseye shooting, get the USAMU’s The Advanced Pistol Marksmanship Manual. This pistol marksmanship guide has been a trusted resource since the 1960s. Action Shooters should read Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals by Brian Enos, a well-known pistol competitor with many titles. Julie Golob’s popular SHOOT book covers pistol marksmanship, along with 3-Gun competition. Julie holds multiple national pistol shooting titles. may earn a small Affiliate commission on books sold through Amazon.
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Gunsmith Darrell Holland sells a Priming Tool Adapter that upgrades the RCBS Auto Bench Priming Tool with key features — including primer seating depth control. If your hand starts to hurt after priming dozens of cases with a hand-held, squeeze-type priming tool, you may want to consider Holland’s invention, which he calls the “Perfect Primer Seater” (PPS).
Holland basically has modified the RCBS lever, adding a precise crush control and a means of measuring depth with a gauge. He claims this gives “an EXACT primer seating depth based on primer pocket depth and primer thickness”. With Holland’s PPS, primer seating depth is controlled with a rotating wheel that limits lever travel in precise gradations. You can buy the complete priming system for $340.00, or, if you already own the RCBS Auto Prime tool, you can purchase an adapter kit (with base, arm, adjuster, and gauge etc.) for $190.00. To order, visit Reloading Equipment Page. Look for the Perfect Primer Seater Adapter for $190.00 or order the Complete Unit for $340.00.
User Review by Tommy Todd
Sierra Bullets’ Chief Ballistician Tommy Todd acquired the Holland Perfect Primer Seater, and gave it a positive review. Todd writes: “This cartridge case priming system allows you to measure the primer pocket depth and adjust the seating tool to match the primer seating depth for a contact fit with a measured lot of primers to the cases you are working with. Mr. Darrell Holland has taken a standard RCBS automatic bench-mounted priming tool and modified it to a new level of precision. The modifications allow you to measure the primer pocket depth, primer height, and with the addition of an adjustable stop on the priming tool achieve precision primer seating, rather than how the primer ‘feels'[.]
If you are already utilizing the RCBS priming tool, Mr. Holland offers an adapter kit to upgrade your equipment. If you are looking for a new priming unit, I suggest giving this product a try. Increasing consistency when seating primers should result in smaller groups[.]”
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The 17th Edition of the Cartridges of the World was released in June, 2022, so it is still quite current. This massive 704-page reference contains illustrations and load data for over 1500 cartridge types. That makes it a unique, very valuable resource. If you shoot a wide variety of cartridges, or are a cartridge collector, this book is a “must-have” resource. The latest 17th Edition includes 30+ new cartridge types and 1500+ photos. The print version costs $32.97 at plus $3.99 shipping. Or you can get the print book from Amazon 3rd party sellers starting at $27.38 delivered plus $3.99 shipping. The Kindle eBook version costs $19.47.
Updated 17th Edition with Feature Articles
The 17th Edition of Cartridges of the World includes cartridge specs, plus tech articles on Cartridge identification, SAAMI guidelines, wildcatting, and new cartridge design trends. Cartridges of the World, the most complete cartridge reference guide in print, includes a full-color section with feature articles such Cartridges of the AR-15, Creedmoor Cartridge Family, .404 Jeffrey, .30 Carbine, plus “Cartridges and Cans” (suppressors).
View Free Book Sample Content
FREE STUFF for You: If you want to see what you are getting, there is a very large sample section of the previous 16th Edition available online with over 100 pages of content and dozens of photos and illustrations. To access all this FREE INFO, CLICK HERE, then click on the cover photo where it says “Look Inside”.
NOTE: This is content from the 16th Edition, but most is the same in the 17th Edition.
Cartridges of the World 17th Ed. CHAPTERS:
Chapter 1: Current American Sporting Cartridges
Chapter 2: Obsolete American Rifle Cartridges
Chapter 3: Wildcat Cartridges
Chapter 4: Proprietary Cartridges
Chapter 5: Handgun Cartridges of the World
Chapter 6: Military Rifle Cartridges of the World
Chapter 7: British Sporting Rifle Cartridges
Chapter 8: European Sporting Rifle Cartridges
Chapter 9: American Rimfire Cartridges
Chapter 10: Shotgun Shells
Chapter 11: U.S. Military Ammunition
Chapter 12: Cartridge ID by Measurement
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A cool new show premiers on The History Channel very soon. This new series, entitled “The Green Way Outdoors”, debuts on The History Channel this upcoming Saturday, September 2, 2023 at 9:00 am Eastern Time. (Check local listings for air times in your area). All five Saturdays in September will feature two 30-minute episodes back to back, also available the next day on History Channel Streaming. The Green Way Outdoors also has an active YouTube Channel with over 400 videos and podcasts.
About The Green Way Outdoors TV Series
With an innovative style, The Green Way Outdoors series aims to “reinvigorate the outdoor industry by connecting with Millennials and Gen-Z like never before.” Each episode explores specific hunting and fishing tactics for particular species, guiding viewers through nature to the dinner table. As a result, the team’s journey summarizes eight years of dedication, hard work, and resilience to create an enlightening experience for viewers.
Nosler Will Sponsor The Green Way Outdoors
The Green Way Outdoors series is designed to make hunting and fishing more accessible through informative and entertaining content. Nosler will be a major sponsor of this new outdoor series: “We are proud to partner with the entire team at The Green Way Outdoors. Their dynamic and engaging content accurately portrays why we all love hunting, fishing, and spending time outdoors. Presenting a positive message around hunting and conservation to The History Channel audience is a tremendous opportunity, and one that we are excited to support,” said Mason Payer, Senior Marketing Manager at Nosler.
Kyle Green, Executive Producer of The Green Way Outdoors stated: “The truth is, I have been using Nosler ammunition since I could afford to purchase my own ammo. The brand always stood out to me as the highest quality[.] My go-to bullet for our Hisoty Channel series is the Nosler Trophy Grade AccuBond.”
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Need something for the walls of your “man cave” or reloading room? Looking for a great birthday gift for one of your shooting buddies? The creators of the Cartridge Comparison Guide offer a collection of wall posters showing ammunition types from 17 caliber rimfire cartridges all the way up to giant 35mm military rounds. currently offers 12 different large wall posters that display a huge variety of cartridge types. For example, the American Standard Poster (shown above) contains every standardized cartridge mass produced in the USA as of 2021. The cartridges are 100% to scale (life size). These posters feature full color images on high gloss / high quality 100-lb poster paper.
For example, the Rifleman’s Classic Poster (below), a full 38 inches wide and 27 inches tall, is the most comprehensive. This $17.76 poster displays over 300 rifle cartridge types at true size (within 4/1000 of an inch). Cartridges shown range from .17 caliber all the way up to the big boomers (including some cannon shells). The Rifleman’s Classic Poster includes nearly all American Standardized Rifle Cartridges and many European rifle cartridges.
Rifleman’s Classic Poster Click to view large size poster.
Ammunition Performance Specifications Poster
There is also an interesting Ammo Performance Specs poster. This shows dozens of popular hunting cartridges with the velocity, energy, momentum and recoil for each cartridge displayed in a bar graph.
This shows the actual size of the Ammo Performance Poster as displayed on a wall.
Small patches are not very efficient at distributing bore cleaning liquids inside your bore. The problem with a tight-fitting patch is that the solvent gets squeezed off in the first few inches. You can switch to a smaller jag, or a bore mop, but there is an even better way to get an ample amount of solvent in your bore. Just spray directly into the bore with a wash bottle, an inexpensive plastic bottle with an L-shaped dispensing neck, tapered at the end.
When using the wash bottle, you can either just plug the breech and spray from the muzzle end (where most copper fouling is), or, alternately, put the wash bottle neck directly in the chamber and spray forward. When spraying from the chamber forward, you may need to use a rubber O-Ring to seal off the action… depending on the bore size and the particular wash bottle’s neck spout diameter. We prefer to plug the breech and squirt from the muzzle.
Bottle Solvent Application Great for Smaller Bores
Using wet patches or wet brushes is an inefficient way to really saturate the tight bores of 17s, 20s, and 22s. Even with a cotton bore mop, most of the solvent will be squeezed out before it gets to the end of the bore, where most copper fouling occurs. For these smaller 17, 20, and 22-caliber bores, you can just take the wash bottle and stick the tapered nozzle right in the chamber. The tapered end will press fit in the throat, sealing off the chamber. With the barrel slightly nose-down, give the bottle a couple good squirts until the solvent mists out the muzzle. In just a few seconds, this will put more solvent in the bore than a half-dozen wet patches.
A solvent-filled wash bottle is also handy for wetting your brushes. It’s much easier to saturate a bore brush (without spilling solvent on your stock), by using the wash bottle. You can get wash bottles from,, or lab supply stores.
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.
1. Amazon — Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper, $149.90
⏺ Save 22% or more on excellent powder scale/dispenser
A good electronic powder scale/dispenser lets you more precisely with greater charge-weight consistency. The Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper delivers 0.10 (one-tenth) of a grain accuracy. This modern, easy-to-use machine also connects via Bluetooth to a very handy App on your phone that stores your loads for various cartridge and bullet types. Priced at just $149.90 on Amazon, this is an awesome deal. This same Intellidropper Platinum sells for $229.99 elsewhere — $80 more than the Amazon price.
2. Sportsman’s Warehouse — Optics Clearance Sale
⏺ Big savings on optics from Nikon, Leupold, Crimson Trace, Burris and more
Once a year Sportsman’s Warehouse has a giant End-of-Summer Optics Clearance Sale. With this major sale you’ll find big discounts on a wide range of optics from leading manufacturers including Nikon, Leupold, Crimson Trace, Bushnell, SIG Sauer, Meprolight, Burris, and more. Save on riflescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, laser rangefinders, and red dot sights.
3. Natchez — Lyman Labor Day Sale, Save up to 22%
⏺ Significant savings on Lyman tools and combo kits
Lyman makes quality products from brass tumblers to case trimmers. Check out the Lyman Sale over at Natchez. You can save on Lyman powder dispensers, case trimmers, Case Prep center, brass tumblers, trigger gauges, and more. In addition, the very complete Lyman Reloading Kit with Turret Press is discounted $72.50. This is a great opportunity to pick up some quality Lyman tools for your reloading room.
4. Natchez — Bushnell Optics Sale
⏺ Great fall deals on Bushnell scopes, LRFs, and binocs
Are you looking for a quality yet budget-priced scope for your hunting rifle, or perhaps a set of binoculars for that fall hunt? Check out this Bushnell Clearance Sale at Natchez. You’ll find Bushnell scopes, binoculars, and rangefinders at heavily discounted prices. For example the Bushnell 3-12x40mm Prime Multi-X scope is just $194.99, a $50 savings off the regular $244.99 price.
⏺ Excellent pistol plus Sierra ammo and 5 magazines
If you’re in the market for a good 9mm defensive pistol, check out the PSA Dagger Compact 9MM PistolCombo Kit. For under $400 you get the PSA Dagger pistol, five 15-rd PMAG Magazines, AND 100 rounds of Sierra Sports Master 9mm ammunition. This is a great combo for the money. NOTE: This pistol has an optics-ready slide and a threaded barrel for use with muzzle brake or suppressor.
6. Bullet Central — Bix’n Andy TacSport Pro-X Triggers
⏺ Big savings on excellent trigger for hunting and tactical rifles
Bix’n Andy makes some of the best competition triggers, much respected for their repeatability and reliability. The latest Bix’n Andy trigger is the TacSport PRO-X. This new model brings the feel of a Bix’n Andy Competition trigger to the TacSport family. This rugged trigger boasts an encapsulated housing that protects the stainless steel internals. The Pro-X will work very well for a variety of disciplines — precision (PRS/NRL) shooting, target shooting, and long-range hunting.
7. Amazon — HighWild Target Stand, $29.99
⏺ Use this sturdy metal stand with your wood target frame
At many ranges you need to set up your own rifle targets. A handy system combines a sturdy metal base with a wood frame. For under $30 you can get the Highwild Adjustable Target Stand Base. This adjustable metal stand base allows you to use wood frames of various sizes. This easy-to-transport metal stand adjusts from 8″ to 24″ in width, so it works with a variety of target frame sizes.
8. Amazon — Caldwell Front and Rear Filled Bag Set, $29.24
⏺ Good, inexpensive set-up for sighting-in hunting rifles
If you need an inexpensive set of bags to zero your hunting rifle this fall, consider the Caldwell DeadShot Front and Rear Bag Combo. The front bag can also be used in PRS/NRL matches for support. NOTE: Both front and rear bags come filled with corn cob media to allow for immediate use. These bags be used on virtually any surface, and are stable on wood, or concrete benches or rotating shooting stands.
⏺ Nice knife (three color options) with six replaceable blades
For hunters, a sharp and sturdy knife is essential. A good, affordable option is the Outdoor Edge 3.5″ RazorLite EDC Knife which comes with six (6) replaceable blades. Each blade is securely seated in a black oxide-coated steel blade holder, allowing fast blade replacement at the push of a button. This is also a good choice for campers and boat owners who need a razor sharp knife with easily-changed blades. NOTE: This knife is offered with three handle colors for the same $29.95 price: Orange (as shown), Blue, and Gray.
10. Midsouth — RCBS Case Tumbler, $134.99 with RCBS Rebate
⏺ Great price plus $25 further savings with RCBS Rebate
Need a tumbler to clean a large load of brass? Grab one of these RCBS Rotary Tumblers while they are on sale and RCBS offers a $25 Rebate. This unit has a 2-gallon capacity and ships complete with 5 pounds of stainless steel media. User reviews have been very positive. Price-wise, this is a very good deal at $159.99. The very same RCBS Tumbler is currently $199.97 on Amazon. The $25 RCBS Rebate lowers your final net price to just $134.99!
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Product innovation is all about “building a better mousetrap”, or in this case, building a better bore-cleaning patch. A real smart guy, Shane Smith, has invented a triangular patch that earned a patent. The U.S. Patent Office has awarded a utility patent for BoreSmith’s Triangle Patch™. This unique cleaning patch was designed by Shane Smith, a mathematician/physicist who employed his scientific and firearms knowledge to create innovative bore-cleaning products.
BoreSmith’s clever Triangle Patch™ (aka Pyramid Patch) presents more cleaning surface area to the bore wall than does a conventional square or round patch (of equivalent size). At the same time, the unique geometry makes Triangle Patches much less likely to jam in the barrel. This is because the notches in the sides of the triangle allow the patch to sit more uniformly on the jag (without bunching up). In addition, the Pyramid patch is must less likely to jam due to pleating. One reason conventional patches get stuck is unwanted 5-layer pleating. The special notches in the Pyramid patch remove all or most 5-layer pleating. As a result the patch does not bunch up and this also reduces rod bowing. SEE Triangle Patches HERE on Amazon.
Triangle Patch Function and Geometry Explained (See 1:18 time-mark):
NOTE: Despite what you may see in this video, you should ALWAYS insert brushes and patches from the chamber end first, using a fitted cleaning rod bore guide. With bolt-action rifles, NEVER insert a cleaning rod (with brush or jag) in through the muzzle. This may damage the delicate crown of your barrel.
The Triangle Patches work great with Boresmith’s patented dual-diameter bore brushes:
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For today’s Sunday GunDay story, we feature highlights from two in-depth reports on rifles built around the relatively new 6GT cartridge (also known as the “6mm GT”). Developed by George Gardner (G.A. Precision) and Tom Jacobs (Vapor Trail), the 6GT was designed to feed well from magazines, be more efficient than the 6mm Creedmoor, and offer outstanding accuracy. It is just enough bigger than the 6mmBR or 6 Dasher so it feeds better. But it retains many of the qualities of the 6mmBR (high efficiency and outstanding accuracy). Burning significantly less powder than the 6mm Creedmoor, the 6GT is a bit less expensive to shoot, and should, theoretically at least, deliver better barrel life.
“The [6GT] is a more predictable and barrel-friendly cartridge than the 6mm Creedmoor. It can utilize the accurate and forgiving powders of the 6BR, has fantastic accuracy, and due to its shoulder angle and case length, it doesn’t suffer from feeding issues.” —
We should say that the 6 Dasher has been used very successfully in PRS/NRL competition, with some aftermarket magazine accessories. For this reason, if you already shoot a 6 Dasher, moving to a 6GT may not be worth the cost of new dies and new brass. A.J. Deysel, writing for, writes:
“The longer case of the 6mm GT means it feeds as reliably from a magazine as a 6mm Creedmoor, and offers slightly higher powder capacity and in turn velocities than the 6mmBR variants, whilst still being able to use the same accurate and forgiving propellants.
You will also find many competitive and average Joes shooting 6mmBR and 6mm Dashers with a Primal Rights or some other mag conversion kit, having very few if any mag-feed issues at all, so that pretty much also nullifies the need to move away from those [chamberings] if you already own one of those or the reloading equipment for it.” —
Part I: The 6GT Cartridge for Precision Rifle Competition
Report by Vu Pham
I was ready to build a 6 Dasher when I saw a lot of buzz… about a new caliber George Gardner (Owner of G.A. Precision) and Tom Jacobs (Owner of Vapor Trail Bullets) designed, the 6GT. After some research and talking to George, I ditched the 6mm Dasher build and had GA Precision build me a 6GT on a GAP Templar action I already had in the safe. The reasons to try the 6GT in a new PRS-style rig were as follows:
1. Push a 110-115 grain class bullet at 2880-2930 FPS safely in the Sacramento heat.
2. Achieve a load that is reliable and predictable. The caliber must be easy-to-tune and predictable from barrel to barrel. I don’t want to spend weeks developing a new load each time I spin on a fresh barrel.
3. Be able to run the same mag in all my guns without having to tweak or use mag kits. The round must feed from AICS and AW magazines without major tweaking or hiccups.
4. Get good barrel life. The barrel needs to go 2200-2500 rounds with match-grade reliability and accuracy.
5. Have a competitive cartridge with the least possible recoil without sacrificing too much performance down range, compared to bigger options like the 6mm Creedmoor.
6GT feeding from un-modified magazines has been flawless in all the rifles we tested. The 6GT feeds so well, I sometimes have to do a press check to ensure there is a round in the chamber.
On paper the 6GT seemed like the perfect cartridge for PRS- and NRL-style competition. It has the low recoil of a 6 Dasher, with good feeding and mag compatibility. With the 6GT, a competitor can push 105gr bullets at 3000+ FPS or run heavier bullets at 2800-2900+ FPS.
Knowing that I would initially have to make my own 6GT brass and do quite a bit of load development, I enlisted the help of Dan Bertocchini with CS Tactical. Dan has a lot more experience with wildcats and is the man when it comes to this type of data gathering. He has been running a 6 Dasher for a few years so I was curious how he would compare the 6GT to his 6 Dasher.
Quick Summary: “I am really digging the 6GT and the capabilities it offers. It can launch 103gr Vapor Trails at 3000+ FPS or lob heavy 115gr DTACs in the low-to-mid 2900s comfortably. I think we will see this cartridge go mainstream in PRS/NRL-style competition in 2020.” — Vu Pham
The new 6GT Cartridge Was Tested in Three (3) Tactical Rifles:
Rifle 1: Vu’s 6GT 1.0
Builder: GA Precision
Action: Left Hand GAP Templar (large firing pin)
Barrel: Bartlein 7.7 Twist finished at 26″ with a 419 Hellfire Brake
Stock: KMW Sentinel
Optic: Vortex Razor Gen II 4.5-27x56mm EBR-7C MRAD
Bi-Pod: Harris
Trigger: Timney Calvin Elite
Magazines: AICS and AW
Support Bag: Wiebad Fortune Cookie
Rifle 2: Vu’s 6GT 2.0
Builder: Rubicon Precision
Action: Impact Precision 737
Barrel: Bartlein 7.0 Twist finished at 27″ with a 419 Hellfire Brake
Stock: XLR Industries Envy Chassis
Optic: Vortex Razor Gen II 4.5-27x56mm EBR-7C MRAD
Bi-Pod: Harris with Henderson Arca adapter
Trigger: Trigger Tech Diamond
Magazines: AICS and AW
Support Bag: Wiebad Fortune Cookie
Rifle 3: Dan’s 6GT
Builder: CS Tactical
Chambered by: Rubicon Precision
Action: Lone Peak Arms Fusion
Barrel: Proof 7.0 Twist finished at 28″ with a Muzzle Brake and More Brake
Stock: XLR Industries Envy Chassis
Optic: Minox ZP5 5-25x56mm MR4
Bi-Pod: Arca Cyke Pod (PRS)
Trigger: Trigger Tech Diamond
Magazines: MDT
Support Bag: Armageddon Gear OG Game Changer, Waxed Canvas
Alpha Munitions Pre-Production 6GT Brass George Gardner was kind enough to send us 50 pieces of Pre-Production Alpha 6GT brass for preliminary testing. Like the cases I formed from 6.5×47 Lapua brass, the Alpha 6GT brass will use a small rifle primer. Purchased direct from Alpha Munitions, 6GT brass is now $1.30 per case, which is comparable with Lapua 6mm Creedmoor brass, currently $120.99/100 at
The major difference between 6.5×47 Lapua-formed brass and Alpha 6GT brass is the case capacity. Alpha 6GT brass has 1.5 to 1.7 grains more case capacity. When a piece of 6.5×47 Lapua brass is formed into a 6GT, the walls of the case now become the shoulder and part of the neck. In a normal piece of brass, the shoulder and neck are typically thinner because of the thickness of the brass tapering from the body to neck.
While the cartridge design was optimized for Hodgdon Varget, the extra case capacity of the Alpha 6GT brass opens the door to Hodgdon H4350 (my favorite powder) and Alliant Reloder 16.
Test Results with Alpha Munitions 6GT Brass
Initial test results were as expected from a premium brass-maker. Dan and I both got excellent Standard Deviations and Extreme Spreads over my MagnetoSpeed V3 and his LabRadar. This string below was with 112gr Barnes Match Burners and 33.8 grains of Varget. Can’t complain about a 3 FPS Extreme Spread!
Yes, H4350 Works with the Alpha Munitions Brass
Personally, I prefer running Alpha 6GT brass with H4350 rather than Varget pushing a heavier bullet. H4350 burns slower and cleaner which should equate to better barrel life. The Lapua-formed 6GT cases just do not have the capacity to reach the cartridge’s full capability with the slower burning powders.
Is the 6GT cartridge accurate? Definitely. Here is a 5-shot group at 600 yards shot by Dan. This was Alpha 6GT brass, with Hodgdon H4350 pushing Barnes 112gr Match Burner bullets.
PART II — 6GT Load Development with Multiple Powders
This text is taken from a full report by Mike McCasland on his 6GT (aka “6mm GT”) bolt action rifle. This rig was designed for general use, not just for PRS/NRL matches. In his 6GT rifle, Mike tested multiple powders including Varget, H4350, Reloder 16, Reloder 15, Shooters World Precision, and Vihtavuori N140. For more details, CLICK HERE for full report.
About the 6mm GT Cartridge
BRASS — The first thing you’ll find is cartridge brass choices for the 6 GT are rather limited currently. At present, the only commercial options are Hornady and Alpha Munitions. For the die-hard Lapua fans, you can technically make 6mm GT brass from 6.5×47 Lapua, however that process is very labor-intensive.
I have used both Hornady and Alpha brass in this rifle and haven’t noticed much difference between the two. I will say that my batch of Alpha brass was slightly softer than Alpha brass I’ve used in other calibers; you could feel a difference when neck turning cases. I’m unsure if that’s a batch issue, or something specific to their 6mm GT brass as a whole. As far as performance, there was little discernable difference. Oddly enough, the Hornady brass seemed to have slightly less case capacity than the Alpha; with most other cartridges it’s the other way around.
POWDERS — The 6mm GT was designed with Hodgdon Varget in mind, and that popular powder works exceedingly well in this platform. That said, the 6mm GT can work with a wide variety of powders, some yielding better performance than Varget.
I’ve tried a multitude of powders during my initial 6mm GT load development: Varget, Shooters World Precision, RL16, VV N140, H4350, and RL-15 to name a few. In my barrel, Hodgdon H4350 seems to deliver the best velocity/accuracy combination. SD and ES also seemed to be the lowest with H4350.
Load Development for the 6mm GT — Many Powders Tested
BULLETS — The most common 0.120″ freebore chamber allows for the majority of high-BC 6mm projectiles found in both F-Class and PRS. I had good luck with the pointed 107gr Sierra Match Kings (SMK), as well as the 110gr Hornady A-Tips in my rifle. For those looking to run the heavier 112-115 grain 6mm offerings, I believe GAP designed a 0.160″ freebore reamer that gets those bullets out of the neck/shoulder junction. Shown below is the 0.120″ freebore JGS reamer print:
SUMMARY — Good Cartridge with Much Potential
Generally speaking, I think the 6mm GT is a good little round. Some may not subscribe to this theory, but I believe some cartridges are inherently easier to tune than others. I’m not sure the 6mm GT is as easy-to-tune as a 6mmBR, 6 Dasher, or 6 BRA, but I don’t think it lags that far behind.
With relatively little trouble, I was able to find loads with both Varget and H4350 that would consistently shoot very well — 0.2 to 0.3 MOA. Moreover, I found the 6GT cartridge lives up to the velocity claims made by G.A. Precision. I was easily able to push the 110gr A-Tips to 2950 FPS, and the 107gr SMKs to low 3000 FPS range without any pressure signs, or unnecessary wear and tear on the brass.
As a fun test, I ran my 6mm GT rifle in a local 1000-yard F-Class match with the 110gr A-Tips, just to see just how well they would perform. Although wind conditions of the day and some E-Target issues prevented my 6mm GT rig from getting the better of the larger 7mm and .30-Cal rifles, the 6mm GT proved itself an accurate little round at distance. Here is a 1000-yard ShotMarker target:
After putting several hundred rounds through my 6mm GT rifle, I anticipate building another 6GT on a repeater action to give PRS a try. I think if you are looking for a dual-purpose rifle that can run tactical matches (with 100% feeding reliability), and can also be used for mid-range, F-Open Class competition, the 6mm GT would be a very good option.
About the author, Mike McCasland:
Mike McCasland is an avid shooter who competes regularly in F-Class matches. Based in Texas, Mike is the creator of the Texas Precision YouTube Channel. There you’ll find many videos covering reloading, gun projects, and marksmanship. Mike has done some notable product reviews including a comparison test of Micrometer Competition Seating Dies. To access Mike’s YouTube Channel, CLICK HERE.
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Have inflation (and supply chain shortages) affected the price of powder? You bet. Probably WAY more than you could imagine. Forum member “Two Time HM LR” posted this interesting photo (above) showing Hodgdon powder prices from 1978, as sold by O.K. Weber in Oregon.
Eight Pounders under $45.00 in 1978
Now the prices — $20 to $44 — may not get your attention at first. But take note that these numbers are for EIGHT pound containers. Yep eight-pounders were all under $45! For example, H4895 was $44 for 8 pounds back in 1978, 45 years ago. And H335 was $20 for eight pounds — that’s just $2.50 per pound!
These days a single pound of a desirable powder such as H4831 might cost $60+ at some stores IF you can find it at all. On Hodgdon’s web site, H4831 powder is priced at $54.99 per pound in August 2023. Using that current $54.99/lb figure, H4831 is now TEN times higher than it was in 1978, when H4831 cost $44 for 8 pounds, i.e. $5.50 per pound.
Here are some comments from our Forum Members:
“Heck those prices are just about the same as current ones, just a little smaller container now.” — Joe
“I’ve got some H4831 in a can marked ‘WWII Surplus Powder’ with a price tag of $2.75. We’ll never see that again either.” Rick in Oregon
“1978 prices and 2022 income would be nice. Unfortunately that doesn’t work. If you compare prices and income, powder cost about the same. You also have to discount the temporary gouging that we are seeing.” — Tmwinds
“So I used to buy gas for 10 cents per gallon and they’d pump it, check the oil, and clean the windshield.” — Pirate Ammo
One comment suggests that the powder price hike actually tracks general U.S. currency inflation over the last four decades. So perhaps powder price increases are not as bad as they seem, when compared to how all prices have risen since 1978:
“Using H4895 as a comparison basis at $58.50 (list price) in 1978 calculates it to $275 in todays money. Looking at Powder Valley prices it looks like around [$340 in August 2023] for the same item in todays money [a 24% increase in real dollars]. Availability is another issue though and if someone is really needing powder they may well have to pay above suggested retail.” — Drover
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