This article is part of Sinclair Int’l Step-By-Step Reloading Series. Most of the products mentioned in this article are sold through
by Roy Hill, Brownells/Sinclair Copywriter
Making your own precision handloads is a meticulous journey with many steps, many important matters to consider, and many sets of measurements to calculate. For those who pursue the perfect group, the highest score, the really long accurate shot, the rewards more than outweigh the effort. Choosing the right cases, deburring the flash holes, making the primer pockets uniform, trimming the cases, and lubricating them are all familiar – and critical – steps along the journey. And now that your brass preparation is complete, you are at last ready to start running the cases through your press and fill them with primers, powder, and bullets. The very first die the brass encounters is the sizing die. You insert the case, work the press’s lever to return the case to its correct pre-fired dimensions – and the journey continues.
There are three types of sizing dies to think about: neck, full-length, and small base. All three have specific benefits and potential drawbacks, and you should choose the type of die you use by thinking very carefully about what kind of shooting you plan to do with your handloads. No matter which type you select, most sizing dies will also punch out the old spent primer with some sort of decapper assembly that uses a hardened steel rod. Many types of sizing dies use an expander ball inside the die to make sure the neck of the case will accommodate a bullet after being sized. With some size dies, the expanders are easily removable and interchangeable, letting you get exactly the neck tension you want. When sizing cases (neck of full-length), rifle cases always need lube.
Neck-Sizing Dies Neck-sizing dies resize only the neck of the case. The benefit of sizing only the neck is that the brass is “worked” very little, reducing the amount of changes to the brss. [We recommend full-length sizing for all applications after the first couple of firings, and semi-auto brass should be full-length sized every time!] Sinclair recommends that neck-sized-only cartridges should not be used any in other rifle besides the one they were originally fired from [unless they are also FL-sized], or in any action other than a bolt-action.
Full-Length Sizing Dies
Full-length sizing dies resize the full length of the case, not just the neck. Full-length sizing helps create handloads that will function in any rifle, not just the one from which the cases were originally fired. The potential downside of full-length sizing is that it may shorten case life because it works the brass more than neck sizing. But it’s possible to “tune” today’s full-length sizing dies so they barely work the brass at all, as this article by Sinclair Reloading Tech Ron Dague shows.
Illustration Shows How a Full-Length Sizing Die Works
Another way to reap the benefits of full-length sizing is to use Redding’s full-length bushing dies, which size the full length of the case but use a system of interchangeable bushings that enable you give the case neck the bare minimum of resizing needed. To see how finely adjustable bushing dies are, and how they resize the case while fully supported, CLICK HERE for Video. The neck bushing helps you precisely control the neck tension to help increase the consistency and accuracy of your handloads.
Small Base Dies
A Small Base Die is another type of full-length sizing die, but one that is typically used when reloading for semi-automatic rifles, like the AR-15, M14, or AR-style .308 rifles. (It may also work well for bolt guns that need extra sizing on the lower section of the case.) A small base die works exactly like a full-length sizing die, only it compresses the brass just a bit more, usually about .001″ more, and may even push the case shoulder back just a hair. Small base dies give that extra bit of compression to the brass to help make sure the case will properly extract from a semi-automatic firearm. The upside is that you get handloads that should work flawlessly in your semi-automatic. The downside is case life may be shortened as compared to brass used only in one bolt-action rifle, because the brass is worked more.
Shoulder Bump Gauges
A handy tool for setting up your full-length sizing dies as close as possible to your rifle’s chamber is a shoulder bump gauge. The bump gauge lets you resize the case as little as possible, to extend case life and help your handloads fit your rifle almost like a neck-sized only die. You use deprimed cases fired in your rifle and bump gauge inserts to help you set up the die so it resizes the case only about .001″ to .004″, depending on what type of rifle you’re shooting.
Video shows how to use a shoulder bump gauge to set up your full-length dies
Article Find by EdLongrange. We welcome reader submissions
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There are many products used successfully for case lubrication for case sizing. And for neck-turning a variety of lubricants are favored. The video above explains the basics of case lubrication with die wax, and spray lubricants. Below we mention three products that have proven very effective. For cases that have a close fit to your chamber via custom FL dies, Ballistol works well and is easy to apply and remove. For neck-turning, some of our Forum members have had great success with some automotive lubricants.
Three Good Lubricants You May Not Have Tried Before If you’re using a body die or a full-length sizing die, try using Ballistol (in the aerosol can) as a lube. It works GREAT without the tacky or gooey residue left by most case lubes. It will also clean off carbon residues on the neck as you lube the case. Just spray a little on a cotton patch (or your fingertips) and wipe each case before you run it up into the die. If you are using a steel neck bushing, be sure to wipe the neck as well. You can usually do a half-dozen BR-sized cases before you need to re-apply Ballistol on the patch. Ballistol is non-toxic, bio-degradeable, and will not harm your skin. It is very slippery, but can easily be removed with a rag or paper towel. Try it–you may retire your One-Shot. Ballistol can also be used to protect wood stocks.
Note, for heavy case-forming or necking up case necks, we still recommend a thicker lubricant, such as Imperial Die Wax. But for normal case sizing, after your neck has been expanded, Ballistol will do the job, and you won’t need to tumble the brass afterwards. All you need is a very thin layer of Ballistol, and this easily wipes off with a paper towel.
For Neck-Turning, Try STP Blend or Assembly Lube
For lubing the neck-turning tool mandrel while turning case necks, many folks use a blend of STP® Oil Treatment and Mobil 1 lube. Chuckw2 reports: “Try STP and Mobile 1 Synthetic oil in a 50/50 mixture. Very slick, you will need to tumble your cases after turning.” STP is a very thick lubricant, that flows and clings almost like honey. Jason reports the STP blend comes off easily in an ultra-sound bath, using a bit of detergent. At many retailers, STP is also available in a convenient 7-ounce tube, so you don’t have to buy a large bottle.
Another even cheaper option is assembly lubricant. For turning his case necks, RStreich uses assembly lube from an auto parts store. He notes: “The brand I have is reddish in color and kind of sticky like honey. It’s far better than the Imperial die wax I was using before.” There are a variety of types, both with and without moly additive, and you can select the viscosity you prefer if you sample a few brands. Be sure to clean out any lube residue from the inside of your necks when you have completed your neck-turning.
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Have you recently purchased a new scope? Then you should verify the actual click value of the turrets before you use the optic in competition (or on a long-range hunt). While a scope may have listed click values of 1/4-MOA, 1/8-MOA or 0.1 Mils, the reality may be slightly different. Many scopes have actual click values that are slightly higher or lower than the value claimed by the manufacturer. The small variance adds up when you click through a wide range of elevation.
In this video, Bryan Litz of Applied Ballistics shows how to verify your true click values using a “Tall Target Test”. The idea is to start at the bottom end of a vertical line, and then click up 30 MOA or so. Multiply the number of clicked MOA by 1.047 to get the claimed value in inches. For example, at 100 yards, 30 MOA is exactly 31.41 inches. Then measure the difference in your actual point of impact. If, for example, your point of impact is 33 inches, then you are getting more than the stated MOA with each click (assuming the target is positioned at exactly 100 yards).
How to Perform the Tall Target Test
The tall target test determines if your scope is giving you the proper amount of adjustment. For example, when you dial 30 MOA, are you really getting 30 MOA, or are you getting 28.5 or 31.2 MOA? The only way to be sure is to verify, don’t take it for granted! Knowing your scopes true click values insures that you can accurately apply a ballistic solution. In fact, many perceived inaccuracies of long range ballistics solutions are actually caused by the scopes not applying the intended adjustment. In order to verify your scope’s true movement and calculate a correction factor, follow the steps in the Tall Target Worksheet. This worksheet takes you thru the ‘calibration process’ including measuring true range to target and actual POI shift for a given scope adjustment.
NOTE: When doing this test, don’t go for the maximum possible elevation. Do NOT max out the elevation knob, running it to the top stop. Bryan Litz explains: “It’s good to avoid the extremes of adjustment when doing the tall target test. I don’t know how much different the clicks would be at the edges, but they are not the same.”
Tall Target Test For Milrad Scopes with B2B Target
This Precision Rifle Network video shows how to do a scope-tracking test using the pre-printed Sniper’s Hide Tall Target from Box to Bench Precision (B2B). With the primary line divisions in MILs, this printed target is perfect for Milliradian scopes. From bottom of the vertical line to the top there are 10 mils (36 inches) of travel. The markings are high contrast to make the testing easier.
In this video, there are some very helpful tips on setting up the target frame correctly and making sure the Tall Target is perfectly vertical. A plumb line can help. In this video the vertical tracking of a Burris XTR III 5.5-30x56mm scope is tested. Actual testing begins at 7:20 time-mark. The Precision Rifle Network has many other informative videos, with a new video released every week.
Should You Perform a WIDE Target Test Too?
What about testing your windage clicks the same way, with a WIDE target test? Bryan Litz says that’s not really necessary: “The wide target test isn’t as important for a couple reasons. First, you typically don’t dial nearly as much wind as you do elevation. Second, your dialed windage is a guess to begin with; a moving average that’s different for every shot. Whereas you stand to gain a lot by nailing vertical down to the click, the same is not true of windage. If there’s a 5% error in your scope’s windage tracking, you’d never know it.”
Verifying Scope Level With Tall Target Test
Bryan says: “While setting up your Tall Target Test, you should also verify that your scope level is mounted and aligned properly. This is critical to insuring that you’ll have a long range horizontal zero when you dial on a bunch of elevation for long range shots. This is a requirement for all kinds of long range shooting. Without a properly-mounted scope level (verified on a Tall Target), you really can’t guarantee your horizontal zero at long range.”
NOTE: For ‘known-distance’ competition, this is the only mandatory part of the tall target test, since slight variations in elevation click-values are not that important once you’re centered “on target” at a known distance.
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AR-platform rifles are fun and versatile, but the standard, mil-spec triggers leave much to be desired. They tend to be gritty, with creep and heavy pull weight. One of the easiest, most effective AR upgrades is a trigger group swap. An improved fire control group makes a huge difference. There are many aftermarket trigger options for the AR platform rifles. Choose single-stage or two-stage, either standard trigger assembly or unitized “drop-in” trigger, such as those made by Timney or Triggertech.
When upgraded with a precision trigger and match barrel, AR-platform rigs work great in NRA High Power competitions (Photo from NRA Blog, at Camp Perry).
Two-Stage vs. Single-Stage Triggers
Two-stage triggers have two separate movements. The first stage offers a light, spring-loaded pressure that works against the shooter’s pull until stopping at the second stage – this is called “take-up”. If there is no spring pressure, it is known as “slack”. Should the shooter continue to pull the trigger once he’s arrived at the second stage, the mechanism will operate like a single-stage trigger from there until engaging the sear and firing the gun. Some shooters prefer a two-stage trigger because it allows a mental preparation (first stage) before the final decision to “break the shot”.
Single-stage triggers feature no take-up or slack, as they begin engaging the sear as soon as the shooter begins pulling the trigger. Some competitive shooters prefer the two-stage trigger because of the feedback it provides during its first stage, while other shooters, including those using their rifle in tactical scenarios, may want the surety of a single-stage trigger, ready to engage and fire once their finger is inside the trigger guard. Regardless of preference, a good trigger will feature minimal creep and should be free of grittiness, providing a smooth, even break.
Drop-In Trigger Assembly vs. Standard Trigger Group
Once you decide between a single-stage or two-stage trigger, you can choose between standard and drop-in trigger groups. Standard trigger groups feature all the fire control group parts separated, and need to be pieced together and installed much like a mil-spec trigger, while drop-in trigger are pre-assembled and contained within a casing that simply drops in to the receiver and accepts the pins, hence the name.
After-Market Trigger Comparison
Some shooters prefer drop-in triggers due to the ease of installation, while others opt for standard groups so they can access the components individually for cleaning adjustment or replacement. If one piece of a drop-in trigger fails, you’ll need to either replace the entire unit or send it to the manufacturer for repair, whereas you may be able to simply replace the broken component of a standard trigger without needing a whole new trigger set.
Trigger Terminology — “Creep”, “Stacking”, “Overtravel”
“Creep” or “travel” is the distance the trigger moves between the end of take-up and when the trigger breaks to fire the fun. Too much creep can affect accuracy, but no creep can be unsafe, as the shooter may not be prepared to fire. “Stacking” occurs when the trigger weight actually increases during travel — this shouldn’t happen. Lastly, “overtravel” is the distance the trigger continues moving back after the gun fires.
This article is based on a longer story in the NRA Blog.
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In April 2020, the National Rifle Association (NRA) launched, a website dedicated to the fastest-growing group of firearm owners — America’s women. This website serves the increasing number of female gun owners, huntresses, and competitive shooters. Female involvement in firearms is growing significantly. Consider these numbers: Statistica estimates that 22% of women in the USA owned firearms in 2020, while 23% of women surveyed in a 2011 Gallup Poll stated they owned a gun.
Here are three excellent Articles from the website, all worth reading. For each example, Click the Photo or direct link to read the full article on
1. Flying with Firearms — What You Need to Know
We recommend that any gun owner, female OR male, should definitely read this article. It is one of the better discussions on the web of airline travel with firearms, covering international travel as well as domestic flights. The article notes that you should obtain U.S. Customs Form 4457 before flying overseas with a firearm. GET Form 4457 HERE.
“Flying with a gun is actually a lot easier than you’d probably expect. You need a couple of specific gear items, and you need to know the proper procedure, but it’s a relatively simple process. I’ve flown with long guns and handguns dozens of times around the country and around the world. The process is generally the same, but with some additional steps and maybe additional hassle depending on the airport [and personnel.]” READ FULL ARTICLE on
2. Modular Safes — Smart Option for Easier Moving
The second article features a great video showing how to assemble a modular safe in under 30 minutes. This article also explains the benefits of modular gunsafes — primarily easier transport and installation.
“Modular safes have been around for a few years now and are becoming more popular. Here’s why: The safe comes delivered to you in panels, so you can bring them into your home one at a time and put it together anywhere you like. This makes it easy to carry up and down stairs, onto elevators or anywhere! Security — Is it as secure as one that comes pre-assembled? The answer is, absolutely.” READ FULL ARTICLE on
3. Rimfire .22 LR Handguns for Self-Defense
This article looks at a wide variety of .22 LR pistols and revolvers. The author discusses the pros and cons of a rimfire defense gun, concluding that while the stopping power is limited, having some protection is better than going unarmed.
“Over the last few months we’ve seen the launch of new handguns chambered for .22 LR that sport the same looks and features as center-fire handguns designed for daily concealed carry. The models I’ve had a chance to work with so far include the compact Taurus TX22 semi-automatic pistol, the pocket-size Ruger Lite Rack LCP II, Kel-Tec’s P17 semi-automatic and the Taurus 942 8-shot snubnose revolver.” READ FULL ARTICLE on
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.
1. Sportsman’s WH — Savage 64 Precision Rimfire Rifle, $259.99
⏺ Great deal on good starter rifle for NRL22
Here’s a bargain-priced .22 LR rifle in a modern chassis. The semi-auto Savage 64 Precision boasts a nice chassis with M-LOK slots and ergonomic pistol grip. The heavy barrel has a threaded muzzle for easy attachment of brake or suppressor. The testers in the video said this rifle was a “fantastic trainer gun” — very reliable AND very accurate. That makes this a great starting rifle for NRL22, plus the semi-auto action allows fast follow-up shots. Get this rifle on sale now for $259.99 at Sportsman’s Warehouse.
⏺ Nice small press and LOTs of tools — great price
For people getting started in hand-loading, it’s wise to start with a kit that has most of the tools you need. The very affordable RCBS Partner Press Reloading Kit comes with Press, Powder Scale, Powder Funnel, Loading Block, Lube Tray, Neck Brushes, Dubur Tool, Load Manual and more. These Partner Presses work well for loading at the range, or use the compact Partner as a second press for depriming or bullet seating.
3. EuroOptic — 15% Off Vortex Optics
⏺ Significant savings on full line of Vortex optics
Vortex scopes are a top choice of hunters and target shooters alike. Vortex offers a superb warranty and a wide variety of optics types and zoom levels. If you’ve wanted to grab a new Vortex riflescope or spotting scope visit EuroOptic. Right now you can get 15% off the vast majority of Vortex products EuroOptic has in stock. Use CODE VTX15 to get the 15% savings.
4. CDNN Sports — HK 416 .22 LR Rimfire, $399.99
⏺ Great option for AR cross-training or rimfire gun games, save $200
If you own an AR for Service Rifle competition or 3-Gun matches, here’s a great option for inexpensive rimfire cross-training. An AR-type .22 LR rifle can also be effective in NRL22 matches. Right now you can save $134 on the HK 416 .22 LR rifle plus you get a $50 card for HK webshop products. This rifle boasts a 16.1″ barrel, retractable stock, M-LOK rail, and adjustable flip-up sights. With authentic AR dimensions and ergonomics, this is a great cross-trainer.
5. Firearms Depot — Aguila .22 LR Ammo 2000 Rds, $109.38
⏺ Amazingly low price for .22 LR Ammo for plinking and training
How’d you like decent .22 LR ammo for just 5.5 cents ($0.055) per round? This is one of the best deals we’ve seen in years. You could shoot a 100-round NRL22 match for just $5.50 in ammo cost. Heck you could pay that much for just nine major brand 6.5mm bullets (at $59.99/100 they’re 60 cents each). Act soon to get these spectacular savings.
6. MidwayUSA — Walker’s Quad Connect 26 dB NRR Bluetooth Electronic Muffs, $44.79
⏺ Comfortable with excellent 26 dB NRR plus Bluetooth connectivity
These Walker Ultimate Electronic Quad muffs have an exceptionally high 26dB noise reduction rating (NRR). Some other electronic muffs are rated at just 20 or 21 dB NRR, a huge difference. These are equipped with Bluetooth so you can receive calls and audio from your smartphone. These muffs boast FOUR Omni Directional Microphones, twin volume controls, adjustable frequency tuning, integrated voice mic, and really fast reaction time. If you want something thinner, the Walker’s NRR 23 Slim Muffs are also on sale, for just $39.99, 33% Off.
7. Amazon — Tipton Best Gun Vise, $79.59
⏺ Versatile, stable, works with all rifles, including ARs
When cleaning long guns, you need a secure, stable platform. We recommend the Tipton Best Gun Vise, now $79.59 on Amazon (#ad). This vise was designed to accommodate the widest possible array of firearms for cleaning, maintenance, or gunsmithing. This vise is easily configurable to handle bolt-action rifles, break-open shotguns, AR-15s, and handguns.
8. MidwayUSA — Wheeler AR Magwell Support Block, $19.99
⏺ Great AR holder — use with Gun Vise or bench-mounted
Here’s a cool tool for AR owners, now just $19.99 on sale. The Wheeler Delta series mag well vise block holds standard AR15 lowers with your Tipton Best Gun Vise, or can work directly mounted to a bench. The vise block has 180 degrees of rotation. There is a built-in hammer stop to protect your lower while testing triggers. NOTE: This block is designed for general maintenance only. It will NOT work for removing or installing barrels, handguards, or other accessories that require large amounts of torque.
9. Amazon — Scope Turret Magnifying Glass with Level, $12.99
Making rapid, yet precise scope turret adjustments can be challenging, especially during fast, timed stages. Most scope turrets have small, thin markings that can be tough to see (particularly with older eyes). To see your elevation turret markings better, try the Monstrum Scope Turret Magnifying Glass with Level (#ad). This simple but effective tool places a magnifier on the shooter’s side of the turret allowing easy viewing. In addition, this handy unit includes a built-in bubble level to help the shooter avoid canting his rifle.
10. Amazon — MTM R-100 Ammo Box, $17.99
⏺ Best 100-rd ammo box, securely holds cartridges nose up or nose down
For transporting ammo to the range, we like the MTM R-100 Deluxe ammo box (#ad). These durable R-100 flip-top ammo boxes provide excellent protection for your ammo. When rounds are in the nose-down position special fingers in each hole prevent bullets from hitting the bottom of the box, thereby preventing tip damage. You can also pick up a semi-transparent blue version for $17.99 at MidwayUSA. We like being able to see the cartridges inside the box.
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When we first ran this story a few seasons back, it proved immensely popular with our readers. In case you missed it the first time around, check out what can be done with a factory Savage 110 BA at extreme long range — 1760 yards (one mile). Shooter Mark Dalzell did a great job with the video, which features multiple camera views so you can see the shooter and the target at the same time. Enjoy!
This video by Mark Dalzell demonstrates the long-range capabilities of the Savage 110 BA chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. Mark took his “BadAss” rig out to the southwest Nevada desert just north of Jean Dry Lakes. He placed a 2’x3′ target way, way out there — a full mile (1760 yards) away. At that range, flight time to target was 3.75 seconds! Sighting with a Nightforce 5-22x50mm NXS scope, Mark needed a few shots to get on target, but eventually made multiple hits, using 67 MOA of elevation and 2.25 MOA left windage. You can view the hits starting at 1:56 time-mark on the video. (Mark had a second camera set up closer to the target — this displays frame in frame in the video, and if you watch carefully you can see the strikes.) The ammo was HSM 250gr HPBT match with a 3.600″ COAL. The shooting was done at 8:13 in the morning, with clear conditions, very light winds. Temp was 57°, humidity 24.5, Density Altitude 3666. Video soundtrack is La Grange by ZZ Top.
LISTEN TO MARK TALK about One Mile Shooting:
CLICK Play Button to hear Mark Dalzell TALK about his .338 LM Savage 110 BA and how he scored hits at 1760 yards.
Good Shooting Mark. That’s darn good for a factory rifle. You also had the elevation dialed in real close before the firing started! That shows a good knowledge of your ammo’s long-range ballistics. We also noticed how effective that muzzle brake was. Recoil looked about the same as an un-braked .308 Win.
.338 Lapua Magnum Cartridge Diagram
If you thought Mark’s 1760-yard shooting was impressive, Mark has produced another video that shows a session at even greater distances — out to 2300 yards. Watch Mark Dalzell Shoot at 2300 Yards.
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Most folks would be very impressed with a centerfire rifle that can shoot a quarter-inch group at 100 yards. But to do that with a rimfire rifle, shooting little .22 LR cartridges, that’s quite an accomplishment. Today’s Sunday GunDay story spotlights a superbly accurate new .22 LR Benchrest gun belonging to Forum member Dave Way. This rimfire tack-driver was crafted by respected gunsmith Alex Wheeler of Wheeler Accuracy. Check out this five-shot group Dave shot once he had figured out his optimal tuner position. That is mighty impressive for a rimfire rifle!
A sub-quarter-MOA group at 100 yards is impressive for a centerfire rifle. But for a rimfire rifle, it is truly stunning. Check it out — this rifle hammers!
I tested three lots of Lapua Super Long Range today. This lot looked really good so I bought a case. It’s a blast shooting this rifle over wind flags. It’s amazing how little wind it takes to move the bullet at 100 yards. I was having to hold off today to finish up groups. That’s when it’s the most fun. — Dave Way
Dave posted in our Shooters’ Forum: “To say I was impressed with the quality of the action and the accuracy of the rifle would be an understatement. I shot five different lots of Lapua Midas, Lapua Long Range, and Lapua Super Long Range ammunition. At 50 yards all the groups were pretty tight. I was shooting in some wind, using flags. One lot seemed to stand out so I put a target at 100 yards and shot three rounds in it as aiming points. I shot three five shot groups with the last 15 rounds of that lot that I had with me. All three groups were under 1/2″ and they were getting tighter as I moved the tuner!”
Above are initial 100-yard, 5-shot groups Dave Way shot with his rifle, while experimenting with different tuner positions. The largest group (on left) was a 0.416″, while the smallest (on right) was 0.296″. The average of the three groups was a stellar 0.369″ (0.352 MOA).
Dave Way treasures this rifle and praised Alex Wheeler’s skills as a gunsmith: “I have never received a rifle from Alex that didn’t shoot incredibly well and this one is no exception. I’m just getting into the .22 world so I don’t know if this is good, great, or excellent accuracy but it seems pretty accurate to me.”
Lot Testing and Tuner Experimentation Pays Off
Here are some initial groups Dave Way shot during initial ammo testing. They are all under half-inch at 100 yards. That’s pretty impressive — but read on. When Dave optimized his tuner position and found a great lot of Lapua Super Long Range .22 LR ammo — his groups got even smaller. Dave notes: “They could have been better but I was just getting used to the trigger and everything.”
Here are a series of three-shot, 50-yard groups. You can see this rifle is quite consistent. This is with five different lots of Lapua .22 LR ammunition.
Lot Testing with Lapua Ammo — Three-Shot Groups at 50 Yards
Rifle Components
Holeshot 2500X Right Bolt, Left Port Action
Muller Works 1:16″-twist, 8-groove Barrel
Holeshot Barrel Tuner
Bix-N-Andy Trigger
Holeshot 2500X actions and Holeshot tuners are now produced and sold by Precision Quest Products.
Have questions about this ultra-accurate rig? You can discuss this Wheeler-built rimfire rifle in a current AccurateShooter Forum Thread.
Three 50-Yard Groups, All Under 0.180″ — That’s Consistency!
With the right ammo, this rig is wicked accurate. Here are three groups shot at 50 yards one after another. Dave shot these three 5-shot groups consecutively while optimizing his tuner: “Working with tuner the last two trips to the range. [It was] very consistent and pretty tight at tuner setting 162. Here are three consecutive 50-yard groups (5 shots each).” The biggest group (at bottom) measured 0.175″ (0.334 MOA), while the smallest group (middle) was a stellar 0.154″ (0.294 MOA) — that’s mighty impressive!
Alex Wheeler Crafted His Own Superb Rimfire Rifle First
Gunsmith Alex Wheeler of Wheeler Accuracy has, over the years, concentrated on ultra-accurate mid-range and long-range centerfire benchrest rifles, along with some stellar long-range hunting rifles. But Alex has started to venture into rimfire shooting. Prior to building the Dave Way rimfire rifle featured here, Alex built a “sister rifle” for himself with similar components. That gun turned out so well that Dave asked Alex to build another. And, as you can see, Dave’s new Wheeler-built rimfire rifle turned out to be a true tack-driver.
Alex credits Dave’s shooting skills: “I don’t think its possible for anyone to send a rifle to Dave that doesn’t shoot. He just has a knack for it. I’m glad I got into the rimfire stuff. I don’t have any interest in rimfire competition but it’s taught me a lot about bench manners and I get a lot more trigger time. It’s a great tool to learn wind flags with as well. It should make me a better centerfire shooter. That was really why I built mine. I normally sell every gun I build eventually and Dave was going to get mine but I said you should start gathering parts, I think I’m keeping this one!”
Lapua Long Range and Super Long Range .22 LR Ammunition
Dave Way had great results with his Lapua .22 LR ammo. Lapua Long Range and Super Long Range ammunition comes from Finland, and is designed for the growing long-range rimfire disciplines with targets at 100-300 yards. This ammo delivers very low ES and SD numbers. Our friend F-Class John tested this ammo and confirmed it performs very well (SEE Test Video).
Capstone’s Marketing Director, Geoff Esterline, explains: “Each production lot of Lapua’s [LR and Super LR] are test-fired in 50-round groups for dispersion. The results determine whether it makes Super Long Range or Long Range packaging.”
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SHOT Show 2024 concluded 1/26/24, but another big shooting/hunting event is right around the corner, and this time the public is invited! (SHOT Show is restricted to outdoor industry personnel and media). The Great American Outdoor Show runs February 3-11, 2024 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This 9-day event celebrates hunting, fishing, and the outdoor lifestyle.
The show features over 1,000 exhibitors with booths and displays covering 650,000 square feet of exhibit hall space. At the Outdoor Show you’ll find firearms and optics makers, hunting outfitters, fishing guides, and RV experts. Each day there will be special events including seminars, featured speakers, archery competitions, celebrity appearances, outdoor skills demonstrations and much more.
Along with the 400+ outfitters, there will be experts giving instruction on archery, fishing, and hunting skills. CLICK HERE for profiles on the experts and featured speakers. Here are four of the leading hunting and firearms speakers on the schedule:
Big Country Concert on Saturday Night
Country music fans have reason to cheer this year. On Saturday February 10, 2024 (from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm), there will be a major 2024 NRA Country Concert. Warren Zeiders and Randy Houser will be rockin’ the house with special guest Jacob Bryant. CLICK HERE to pre-order Concert Tickets.
Wall of Guns — $10 for a Chance to Win One of 40 Firearms
Right in the middle of the action will be The NRA Foundation’s Wall of Guns. Located at booth #39 in the PA Farm Show Complex’s main hallway, the Wall, which has display cases on both sides, will offer chances to win firearms during all nine days of the show.
The Wall of Guns has been a favorite since the NRA took over the show in 2014. For only $10, attendees have a 1 in 100 chance to win a brand new firearm or a $400 cash prize. After every 100 tickets are sold, a winner is drawn. With over 40 firearms to choose from, the $10 ticket is an easy buy for most attendees. All of these firearms have been graciously donated to The NRA Foundation in support of preserving the Second Amendment. Click HERE to view all 2024 Wall of Guns ticket packages.
Text in this article is Copyright 2024 Any site republishing this story agrees to pay damages and/or licensing fees.
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Many shooters these days clean their cartridge brass ultrasonically, or wet-tumble their cases with stainless media (above). Both methods get brass clean and shiny, inside and out. However, when those wet-cleaning processes are completed, you’re left with a pile of soaking wet brass. How do you dry your brass quickly and efficiently, without unsightly water spots? Read on for some great answers…
In our Shooters’ Forum, Member Terry asked: “How do you dry your brass after Ultrasonic cleaning?” In a Reloading Forum Thread, many smart suggestions were posted. A dozen fellow members outlined a variety of effective case-drying procedures, which work equally well for both wet-tumbled brass and ultrasonically-cleaned cases. Here are the Top 10 brass-drying suggestions from our Forum members.
TOP TEN Ways to Dry Cartridge Brass After Wet Cleaning
1. Food Dehydrator — Shake the brass in towel to get the bulk of water off. Next leave in the food dehydrator for 45 minutes or until there are no signs of moisture inside the cases. — Lawrence97
2. Lyman 5-Level Case Dryer — Rinse off cleaning solution(s), then load brass by type into racks in Lyman Cyclone Case Dryer. This is easier to load/unload than food dehydrators and holds more cases.
3. Hot Water + Compressed Air — Rinse all your cases as a batch using scalding hot water from the kitchen sink. Hot water evaporates off of brass very very quickly. Then hit them with compressed air. Takes 10 minutes. Simple. — SG4247
4. Oven Dry in Pre-Heated Oven — After pre-heating to 200° or so, turn off oven and put brass inside on a tray. Most important! Tell your wife what you are doing so she doesn’t crank it up to 425 to heat pizza! — MClark
NOTE: Many other members suggested oven drying at 150-200°. We recommend turning OFF the oven so you don’t cook your brass if you forget to remove the cases.
5. Towel Dry then Warm with Heat Gun — Roll brass in a towel until no more water shakes out. Lay out on cardboard box top and blow off with Harbor Freight heat gun. $9.99 on coupon. Two minutes of heated air and about half hour of wait and they are good to go. This is with primers removed. — Shaggy357
6. Compressed Air, then Sun Dry Outside – I rinse the brass, then blow them out with compressed air. Then, dependent on the time of year, lay them on a towel in the sun. — HogPatrol
7. Dishwasher on Dry Cycle – In the winter, I drop my wet brass cases neck-down on the rack pegs in the dishwasher, then turn on the dry cycle. In the summer…well, I’m in Texas. They go to the porch for a bit. — Toolbreaker
8. Alcohol Rinse then Air or Oven Dry — Rinse in 90% Isopropyl alcohol and either let air dry or stick in 175° oven for half an hour. Alternatively, use a dehydrator. — Zipollini
9. Slow Air-Dry in Loading Blocks — I have a reloading block with holes drilled in it. I simply load the block up and let it air-dry in the cupboard for a couple of days. — JCS
10. Wipe with Towel Then Anneal Normally — This thread is stirring my OCD side. Seems complicated for just drying — my brass dries just fine when I anneal it. This entire process can’t take an hour per batch. When finished, the brass is cleaned, annealed, and ready to size. — CHLuke
Deprime, then tumble brass with stainless media, water, Lemishine, and dish detergent.
Shake them easily in a strainer to knock out most media then grab 4-5 pieces, shake them over the bucket for the last of the media then inside a towel.
Finally blow out the primer pockets and wipe with a towel, load in the Annealeez.
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SHOT Show 2024 has just concluded. Thousands of new products were unveiled at SHOT Show, including hundreds of new rifles. Today’s Saturday Movie showcase features a number of new (or nearly-new) rifles displayed at SHOT Show 2024 in Las Vegas. This showcase gives our readers a chance to check out some of the newest hunting, precision, and tactical rifles recently featured at SHOT Show 2024.
New Carbon-Fiber Stocked Savage Hunting Rifle
The HuntStand staff had a chance to field test the new KLYM rifle series from Savage. Based on a new carbon-fiber platform, the straight-pull Savage KLYM weighs just 6.7 pounds without optics.
Top AR-Platform Rifles for 2024
AR-platform “Modern Sporting Rifles” continue to be top sellers because of their affordability and versatility. An AR rifle can be used for Service Rifle competition, 3-Gun games, varmint hunting, and of course, home defense. This video features 10 modern-generation AR-platform rifles. Many of these rifles were on display at SHOT Show in Las Vegas this past week.
MDT Chassis and Howa Rifles for 2024 — SHOT Show Report
This video, recorded this past week at SHOT Show 2024, shows some interesting new products — both complete rifles and new components. Many notable products are featured in this 24-minute video. At 16:16 the video shows the new Howa Super Deluxe Walnut rifle. This comes with a handsome figured Walnut stock and either stainless or blued barrels. Starting at 15:04 other new Howa models are shown including a new Mini-action with carbon-wrapped barrel and hinged floor plate.
At 11:05 the video covers MDT’s Zero Stage electronic trigger. First announced in 2023, this is a unique new technology for field rifles. This operates by pressure on the trigger blade, rather than backward mechanical movement. The Zero Stage trigger adjusts from 4 to 64 ounces (0.25 to 4 pounds) without tools. Last but not least, at 00:30 the MDT ACC Premier Gen 2 Chassis is shown (photo below). This has many new features, including a shorter fore-end and new components to help with rimfire magazines.
SHOT Show 2024 “Shorts” — New CZ Rifles, New AirGun
Ten Good Bolt-Action Hunting Rifles — All Under $600
This 9-minute video provides quick looks at ten affordable bolt-action rifles, all under $600.00. If you are looking for a basic hunting rifle, perhaps for a young family member, here are some options with good “bang for the buck”. Using mostly factory footage, this video covers these 10 bolt-guns:
1:04 TC Arms Venture
1:56 Mossberg Patriot
2:28 Ruger Ranch Rifle
3:10 Howa Mini Action Rifle
3:47 Howa Hogue Rifle
4:35 Thompson Center Compass
5:15 Ruger American Rifle
6:03 Winchester XPR Compact
6:52 Remington 783
7:44 Savage Axis II XP
BONUS — Get a Howa Barreled Action for Your Next Rifle Project
Howa M1500 barreled actions are great for hunting and varmint rifle projects. These Japanese-made Howa actions are smooth running and the two-stage HACT trigger is way better than most factory triggers. CLICK HERE to learn more about Howa M1500 barreled actions.
Right now at Brownells you can get a complete Howa barreled action (with trigger!) starting around $400.00. Chamberings in stock now include: 22-250, 6mm ARC, .243 Win, 6.5 Grendel (Mini), 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 PRC, .308 Win, and .300 WinMag. A wide variety of barrel lengths are offered, and some chamberings have carbon-wrapped barrels.
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We are finally seeing prices drop on loaded ammo, and there are some notable inventories of ammunition right now at Midsouth, Palmetto State Armory, Powder Valley and Precision Reloading. We are even starting to see ample supplies of large-caliber hunting rifle ammunition — something hard to find a year ago.
Thankfully, if you shop around aggressively, you can now find many types of ammunition at reasonable prices. By using you can instantly compare ammo prices from dozens of sellers. AmmoSeek monitors more than a 180 online vendors — checking current pricing and available inventory, for pistol, rifle, and shotgun ammunition. Looking for .22 LR ammo for your rimfire trainer or .45 acp ammo for your 1911? Just select the cartridge type from the “Quick Seek” list on the right. Likewise you can find .223 Rem and .308 Win Rifle ammo with one click.
If you haven’t sourced ammo online before, note that, for nearly all jurisdictions, it IS legal to order ammunition online and have it delivered to you at home in most states. But check your state and local laws! California, for example, has prohibited direct ammo shipments to ordinary customers.
Got Ammo? Here’s just part of the vast inventory at Skagit Arms in Washington State.
Use to Find Reloading Components Too also lets you search for reloading components, including powder, primers, brass, and bullets. This is a huge time-saver. You can instantly check a dozen or more vendors to see if a particular type of powder is in stock. Likewise, you can quickly check for primer availability. If you have a big match coming up and are short on primers — this could solve the problem. To search for components, from the AmmoSeek home page, click the gray “Reloading” Tab (see below), then select Bullets, Brass, Primers, or Powder from the pull-down menu. FAQ Page
If you have questions about using, visit the AmmoSeek FAQ Page. You’ll find details on how the search engine works. Here’s one FAQ:
How often does the AmmoSeek engine process its ammunition data?
Every minute or two! AmmoSeek is constantly updating ammunition data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, automatically. Individual retailers are updated at least hourly, most most are updated much more often. Still, however, there’s always the possibility that items can go out of stock the moment after our site is updated, so it’s not always possible to be 100% accurate.
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