Crazy Compulsion to Buy Too Many Guns — The AR Addiction
Forum member Kevin (aka “N10Sivern”), revealed he needs some help with a compulsion — a compulsion to keep buying more and more guns and ammo. Particularly ARs, all shapes and sizes of ARs. Way too many ARs. You could say he has an ARdiction….
In a Forum Thread from a few seasons back, Kevin posted:
“I may need an intervention. Trying to clean my office and pulled this stuff out. I’m missing an AR10 lower somewhere and an AR15 upper. I’ll find them before the day is done. I have a big box full of parts as well, and 4 barrels still in the cardboard tubes. Sigh. This is gonna be a lot of Cerakoting for me.”
Another Forum member said: “For the love of God, man. Delete this thread lest you be accused of hoarding!”
Kevin replied: “I guess I am hoarding a little. But it’s good hoarding right?”
And then he posted this “Mail Call” photo:
Kevin’s caption: “It only gets worse. Mail Call today: 20″ .308 Ballistics Advantage barrel, 26″ Savage 25-06 barrel, 700 pieces of .38 special, 300 pieces of .357 magnum, 500 pieces .308 Win, gas tube, Hornady Modified Case Gauge. I have more crap on the way too.”
Forum Member’s Chime In…
Kevin’s “Need Intervention” post drew plenty of comments from other Forum Members:“God! It is so refreshing to see that my illness is widespread with little hope (or desire) for a cure. I smiled reading each post.” — Gary0529
“You know you have a problem when you open a drawer and find components you forgot you bought.” — JoshB
“It’s not hoarding if you intend to use it. Says he who has 12,000 primers.” — Uthink
“I guess I’ll go ahead and volunteer to help you with your obviously much needed intervention… send me the pictured items and then you’ll no longer have to deal with those nasty temptations. Just think about it, you’ll have less clutter in your office plus you’ll not have to fret over the need for any cerakoting either. I’m just one human being volunteering to help out another fellow human who needs help!” — PikesPG
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Tags: AR10, AR15, Gun Buying, Gun Costs, Hoarding, Hobby Spending, Intervention, Stockpiling