November 10th, 2011

Semper Fi — Marine Corps Celebrates 236th Anniversary Today

I met an old man today — 88 years old. On his head was a cap that said “Viet Nam Veteran”. I stopped to thank him for his service, and shake his hand. Though he walked with a cane, his grip was firm and his eyes revealed an inner strength.

Pointing to his cap, I said “my brother served there too, in the Delta.” He nodded and said, “I was at Phu Bai — Marines”. Then he touched his cap and said… “of course that was the third time for me. World War II… Korea… Viet Nam”.

Three wars… in three decades. That’s dedication. That’s sacrifice. As we parted, he smiled and said, “You know it’s the Marine Corps’ Birthday today.” “Indeed it is”, I answered, “today’s the 236th anniversary of the Corps. I bet you’re proud.” He paused, and then said… “Proud? Yes… but pride is just part of it, son… just part.”