October 6th, 2019

The National Rifle Association (NRA) declared victory in San Francisco last week, after Mayor London Breed formally disavowed key provisions of a municipal resolution that signaled the blacklisting of contractors linked to the Second Amendment advocacy group.
On September 3, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which runs the City and County of San Francisco, unanimously approved a resolution that called for the City to investigate ties between its contractors/vendors and the NRA. The SF Board’s resolution declared the NRA was a “domestic terrorist organization.” Not surprisingly, the NRA sued.
On September 9, 2019, less than a week after the resolution was enacted, the NRA challenged it as government action attacking its First Amendment rights. In its filing, the NRA called the resolution a “blacklisting” measure, and urged San Francisco’s Federal court to “step in and instruct elected officials that freedom of speech means you cannot silence or punish those with whom you disagree.”
Late last week, rather than await “instruction” from a court, San Francisco Mayor London Breed backed down. In a formal memorandum to City officials, she declared that “no [municipal] department will take steps to restrict any contractor from doing business with the NRA or to restrict City contracting opportunities for any business that has any relationship with the NRA.”

San Francisco Mayor Breed is the “Mayor for All San Franciscans”, unless, of course, you are a Republican, or a firearms owner, or an NRA contractor, or a supporter of the Second Amendment.
“The [Mayor’s] memo serves as a clear concession and a well-deserved win for the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution,” says William A. Brewer III, counsel for the NRA. “It is unfortunate that in today’s polarized times, some elected officials would rather silence opposing arguments than engage in good-faith debate.” “The NRA will always fight to protect our members and the constitutional freedoms in which they believe”, added NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.
The NRA’s challenge to a similar ordinance in Los Angeles remains pending. Last month, the city’s motion to dismiss was denied in its entirety by Dederal District Judge Stephen V. Wilson, who found that the NRA had stated a clear First Amendment claim.
About the NRA
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. With over five million members, NRA fights to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against criminals. The NRA remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement, and the armed services.
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September 24th, 2015

Photo from High Bridge Arms Facebook page.
This is a cautionary tale of what can happen when municipal governments are allowed to enact radical, restrictive gun laws…
San Francisco, California has over 850,000 residents*. But thanks to SF’s gun-phobic elected officials, you soon won’t be able to find a single store that sells guns and ammo within city limits. High Bridge Arms, San Francisco’s last remaining gun shop, announced it will be closing its doors in October. The reason is the threat of a new SF law requiring gun retailers to video-tape sales transactions and turn over private customer data to the city. This proposed city ordinance goes way beyond existing state and Federal background check requirements.
“Big Brother” is alive and well in the “city by the Bay”. According to Guns.com, San Francisco Supervisor Ken Farrell introduced a municipal ordinance requiring gun vendors to video-tape gun/ammo sales transactions and deliver buyer/firearms data to police every week. Gun shop owners would be required to “hand over personal information to include names, addresses and birth dates to city officials in conjunction with gun and ammo sales.”
Given the threat of this draconian new city law, High Bridge Arms, San Francisco’s last remaining gun store, announced it would cease operations next month. Posting on Facebook, High Bridge’s owner declared: “We are closing our shop. For many reasons I cannot get into at this moment, it appears our final days will be through to the end of October of 2015.” It is not known whether High Bridge Arms will re-locate to a different location outside San Francisco city limits.

San Francisco-based Top Shot Champion Chris Cheng says the closure of High Bridge Arms will only encourage the anti-gun politicians who run the city: “With High Bridge moving out, it will be interesting to see what will happen to legislation the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering which would require video-taping gun and ammunition sales, and sharing ammo sales data with SFPD. My guess is that even with High Bridge closing by the time they vote on this, they will pass it in the hopes to keep any future gun shops from trying to open in the future.”
High Bridge Arms has a long history in San Francisco. Serving sport shooters as well as city law enforcement personnel, High Bridge has operated in the same Mission Street location since the mid-1950s when Olympic shooter and gunsmith Bob Chow opened the shop. In 1988, Andy Takahashi bought the business from Mr. Chow.
*The U.S. Census Bureau estimates San Francisco’s population at 852,469 as of July 1, 2014. San Francisco photo by Creative Commons License, attribution Bernard Gagnon.
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August 8th, 2015

Welcome to the wacky world of Municipal Anti-Gun Ordinances. San Francisco and Los Angeles have city-specific magazine bans and gun storage requirements, and now it appears that Seattle may target gun owners with new “sin taxes” on firearms and ammunition.
$25 Per Gun and Five Cents Per Round
The Seattle City Council will soon vote on a new local law that will add a $25.00 surcharge to every new gun purchase. In addition, the proposed Seattle City Ordinance will add a $0.05 (five cent) fee to each and every centerfire round sold in Seattle. Rimfire .22LR rounds will be taxed $0.02 per round.
The stated purpose for the new Gun and Ammo Tax is to raise money to combat crime, according to Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess, author of the Gun Tax ordinance. Burgess told local KING-5 TV reporters that this is essentially a “Sin Tax” on guns and ammo: “We’ve been working on this for several years. Sure, I wish we would have done this 20 years ago, but we know what the problem is. We tax cigarettes and alcohol and even wood-burning stoves for public health purposes. Why not guns and ammunition?”
While supporters of the Gun and Ammo Tax, including Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, claim the new city tax would raise over $300,000 to fight crime, in reality this measure is more about getting rid of guns that it is about making Seattle safe. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has opposed the Seattle Gun and Ammo Tax, stating: “[This ordinance] will have no effect on decreasing gun violence. It is designed to place a huge burden on legitimate firearms retailers and law-abiding gun owners. Additionally, the proposed ordinance is a gross violation of Washington’s firearms preemption statute.”

Daniel Xu, writing in OutdoorHub.com notes that gun buyers already pay Excise Taxes with each purchase: “However, unlike the [Federal] Pittman-Robertson Excise Tax, which retains funds for conservation and habitat-protection efforts, the funds collected by the ordinance will go entirely back into the city for ‘gun violence research and prevention programs’. City leaders have yet to specify… how the funds will be spent.”
READ Related Story in OutdoorHub.com. Public domain Seattle photo by Rattlhed.
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September 24th, 2010
This Sunday, September 26, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio will broadcast live from the Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Francisco, CA. Host Tom Gresham will interview speakers and attendees at the 25th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), a free, 3-day conference that focuses on all facets of gun rights — past, present and future. Speakers at this year’s GRPC include Alan Gottlieb, Alan Gura, former congressman Bob Barr, Joseph Tartaro, Prof. John Lott, Massad Ayoob, Larry Pratt, Jeff Knox, and more.
M1 Garand and M1 Carbine Import Controversy
Also on the show this Sunday, Tom talks with Montana Senator Jon Tester about the Senator’s recent letter to Secretary Clinton and the State Department, regarding the rejection of South Korea’s proposal to sell its surplus of American-made M1 Carbines and M1 Garand rifles to the U.S. “I count myself among many gun rights advocates who fundamentally disagree with the State Department’s reasoning. Rejecting the responsible sale of legal firearms over hypothetical concerns that they could be used for “illicit purposes” sets a dangerous precedent and it is contrary to the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans,” writes Senator Tester.

In its 15th year of national syndication, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2pm – 5pm Eastern, and runs on over 100 stations, plus SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio. All Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts through Apple iTunes, the Gun Talk iPhone App, or at Gun Talk’s Podcast Library. More information is available at www.guntalk.com.
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