March 20th, 2013
Traditions™ Performance Firearms is bringing out a complete line of dummy training cartridges. These will meet SAAMI specs for dimensions, and the dummies are weighted so they handle just like the real thing. Training cartridges will be offered for all firearms types: Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun. Forty different rifle cartridge types — everything from .17 Rem to 50 BMG — will be for sale later this year. Yes there is .22LR, but unfortunately, the 6PPC, 6mmBR, 6XC, 6.5-284, and .284 Win are not yet in the line-up.
Traditions™ Training Cartridges are the only training cartridges available that meet all SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufactures Institute) specifications for dummy ammunition. The Training Cartridges are weighted like real ammunition so they have the same feel when practicing. These training cartridges are intended for function testing, dry-firing, malfunction drills, and teaching demonstrations.
Traditions™ precision Training Cartridges have durable brass cases and rims so they won’t degrade like plastic dummies. Precision-assembled, these are available in over 60 chamberings and shotgun gauges. For most of the common rifle calibers, these training cartridges cost about $10 for a pack of two (2) dummy rounds. For more information or to view Traditions™ complete line of products, go to TraditionsFirearms.com, or call 1-860-388-4656.
Traditions Training Cartridge Types for Rifles |
.17 Rem
.204 Ruger
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem
.223 Rem
22-250 Rem
.223 WSSM
6mm Rem
.243 Winchester |
.243 WSSM
.257 Roberts
.25 WSSM
.25-06 Rem
.260 Rem
6.5×55 Swedish
6.8 Rem SPC
.270 Winchester
270 WSM
7mm-08 |
7mm WSM
7mm Rem Mag
7×57 Mauser
.303 British
.30 Carbine
.30-30 Winchester
.308 Winchester
300 WSM
.30-06 Spr |
.300 Rem UM
300 Win Mag
8×57 Mauser
.338 Rem UM
.338 Winchester Mag
35 Whelen
.375 H&H
.458 Win Magnum
50 BMG |
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December 9th, 2011
Here’s a clever product that provides visual feedback of your aim on the target while you dry-fire. LaserLyte, makers of laser pistol sights and bore-sighting tools, has come up with a smart new application of a miniature laser system. The new caliber-specific Laser Trainer Cartridge fits inside the pistol chamber and features a firing-pin activated switch that indicates bullet impact with a bright red laser dot. To practice, simply cock the hammer or striker, and pull the trigger as you would normally. When the firing pin hits the Laser Trainer Cartridge, a bright red laser displays on your target for 100 milliseconds. Available for 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP, the $99.95 (MSRP) Laser Training Cartridges are rimless so you can work the slide without ejecting the Laser Cartridges.

With a Laser Trainer Cartridge in the chamber of your 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP pistol, you can practice your trigger pull and sight acquisition. But unlike traditional dry-firing, you can see your point of aim when you “break the shot”. This modified cartridge is rimless, so the Laser Trainer Cartridge is not expelled during dry fire, which allows for tap, rack, bang or malfunction training drills. A hardened rubber plunger on the laser also acts as a built-in snap cap to protect the firing pin. The Laser Trainer Cartridge requires three #377 batteries, good for approximately 3,000 shots. For more info on Laser Training Cartridges visit LaserLyte.com.
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June 2nd, 2009
A couple months back, we announced that Eric Kennard had started producing snap caps for match cartridges such as the 6mmBR and 6XC. They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that was true here. Eric started making snap caps because nobody produced such a product for the match chamberings that he shoots. Eric’s match-cartridge snap caps have been so popular that he has expanded his product line to include 12 different cartridges. Plus Eric has recently launched a new website, HarbourArms.com, that features a handy shopping-cart system, so you can easily order all the snap caps you need.

12 Cartridge Types Now Offered
Harbour Arms Precision Snap Caps are available in .223 Rem, 6mmBR, 6BRX, 6mm Dasher, 6XC, 6-6.5 x 47 Lapua, 6.5 x 47 Lapua, 6.5 x 284, .260 Remington, .308 Win, .300 Win Mag, and .338 Lapua Magnum. Each set of two snap caps is precision-crafted from aluminum and costs $12.95 for two snap caps.
Cartridges Offered:
.223 Rem
6mm Dasher
6-6.5 x 47 Lapua
6.5 x 47 Lapua
6.5 x 284
.260 Remington
.308 Win
.300 Win Mag
.338 Lapua Mag |
Who needs a Snap Cap? Anyone who dry fires. It has been said that dry-firing is the best form of practice. Dry-firing allows one to check for proper natural point of aim, position, and trigger control. Many of the custom rifle actions use two piece, thin, or titanium firing pins. These pins are susceptible to fracture or breaking when dry-fired too much. Shotgunners using custom trap or skeet guns would never dry-fire their expensive arms without a Snap Cap to protect their firing pins. Nothing is worse than your firing pin breaking during a match!
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