The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) returns to its regular competition schedule in 2021 and will add a few new events around the country. And for the first time, pistol matches will be offered at ALL major CMP competition events. The 2021 season kicks off March 12-21, at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Arizona, with the Western CMP High Power and Games Matches. The Western Games, entering its 17th year, has added new competitions — pistol matches — that have been long anticipated but never fired at the annual event. Registration for the Western CMP Highpower and Games Matches opened November 1, 2020. CLICK Here for Western Games INFO.
Following the Western Games on the other side of the country will be the Eastern CMP Games & CMP HP Rifle Matches, set for April 23-May 2, 2021, at the Camp Butner National Guard Facility in North Carolina. Eastern Games will follow the same lineup of rifle and pistol clinics and competitions (including the Pistol Marksmanship 101 course) as the Western Games. Registration for the CMP Eastern Games opens December 1, 2020. CLICK Here for Eastern Games INFO.
2021 CMP Competition Schedule
January 12-18 – Talladega 600 Matches (rescheduled from 2020) | Talladega, Alabama
March 12-21 – Western CMP Games & CMP HP Rifle Matches | Phoenix, Arizona
April 23-May 2– Eastern CMP Games & CMP HP Rifle Matches | Camp Butner, North Carolina
June 8-13 – Talladega D-Day Matches | Talladega, Alabama
September 19-26 – New England CMP Games & CMP HP Rifle Matches | Jericho, Vermont
October 17-24 – Oklahoma CMP Games & CMP HP Rifle Matches | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 16-21 – Talladega 600 | Talladega, Alabama
Electronic Targets — As in previous years, rifle competitions will be fired on CMP Targets, a user-friendly electronic target system that instantly displays shot placement. These electronic targets eliminate the need for pit duty, allowing matches to run more efficiently.
About CMP Competitions and Travel Games
These competitions are regional competitions held throughout the year, featuring CMP’s unique rifle and pistol outdoor events. Recognized as staple events of the CMP schedule, Travel Games are centered around recreation-oriented competition and educational activities that are designed to accommodate experienced marksmen as well as those hoping to learn more. The CMP will continue to adhere to evolving safety precautions, including mask wearing and social distancing, that may be in place while events are held.
Classification System (including Match Pistol Classification)
Competitor scores in the 80 Shot and/or EIC Rifle matches will count towards CMP’s HP Rifle Classification System. The CMP also has introduced the Match Pistol Classification. Competitors firing in the CMP Pistol 2700 will have their scores count towards their CMP Match Pistol Classification. Classifications are based on a competitor’s average scores fired in his or her most recent competitions. The CMP maintains a national database of competitors and scores that are used to establish competitor classifications. Competitors can view his/her current CMP Classification by logging into CMP Competition Tracker and clicking in his/her personal “Competitions” and “EIC Results” files.
CMP Adds Pistol Events for Major Matches
For the first time, pistol opportunities will be available at all CMP competition events.
Registration for the Western CMP Highpower and Games Matches opened Nov. 1, 2020. Learn more about the event by visiting the CMP website.
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The 2018 Western CMP Cup and CMP Games Event kicked off today at the Ben Avery Range in Phoenix, Arizona. The event runs through Monday, October 22, 2018. For 2018 the CMP takes over what were the Creedmoor Cup Matches, and all matches will now follow CMP High Power Rifle Competition Rules. Notably, this year the Cup and Games matches on the High Power range will be fired on the CMP’s electronic targets. That means less time in the pits, and faster cyeling of relay. Also new this year, the CMP will be adding more smallbore events at Ben Avery. Click HERE for full schedule of events.
The CMP Cup Matches include two CMP 1000 Aggregate Matches followed by a 4-Man Team Match and an EIC Service Rifle Match. Following the CMP Cup Matches will be the CMP Games Matches, which will include Small Arms Firing School (SAFS), Garand/Springfield/Vintage/Modern Military Matches, Carbine Match, Rimfire Sporter match and Vintage Sniper Team Match.
In past years, Dennis DeMille, former Creedmoor Sports General Manager, served as an instructor for the Small Arms Firing School at the Western Games. Below, Dennis shows a young competitor at the CMP Western Games how to adjust his leather sling.
Sling Shooting Tip — The Benefits of Leather
“Many shooters shy away from using a leather sling because they have never been taught how to use one. That’s unfortunate. A leather sling offers more support than a web sling, which is important when competing with the heavier than normal rifles.” — Dennis DeMille
The Benefits of Dry-Fire Training
Once you set up your sling properly, you’ll need practice. Dennis DeMille stresses the importance of dry-fire practice with sling and shooting coat. Dry-Fire training is essential to the sling disciplines. DeMille, a past National Service Rifle Champion, told us that, for every minute he spent in actual competition, he would spend hours practicing without ammunition. While in the USMC, Dennis would practice in the barracks, working on his hold and dry-firing:
“The most important thing is to spend time off the range practicing. Most of what I learned as a High Power shooter I learned without ammunition — just spending time dry firing and doing holding exercises. Holding exercises will really identify the weak parts of your position. The primary purpose of dry firing is to get you used to shooting an empty rifle. If you can shoot a loaded rifle the same way you shoot an empty rifle then eventually you will become a High Master.”
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The 2018 Western CMP Cup and CMP Games Event will be held October 16-22 at the Ben Avery Range in Phoenix, Arizona. For 2018 the CMP takes over what were the Creedmoor Cup Matches, and all matches will now follow CMP High Power Rifle Competition Rules. Notably, this year the Cup and Games matches on the High Power range will be fired on the CMP’s electronic targets. That means less time in the pits, and faster cyeling of relay. Also new this year, the CMP will be adding more smallbore events at Ben Avery. Click HERE for full schedule of events.
The CMP Cup Matches include two CMP 1000 Aggregate Matches followed by a 4-Man Team Match and an EIC Service Rifle Match. Following the CMP Cup Matches will be the CMP Games Matches, which will include Small Arms Firing School (SAFS), Garand/Springfield/Vintage/Modern Military Matches, Carbine Match, Rimfire Sporter match and Vintage Sniper Team Match.
All Competitors firing on the High Power range will be firing on Kongsberg Electronic Targets (KTS). The KTS system registers each shot and relays the location and score value to a monitor beside each shooter on the firing line. CLICK HERE for Electronic Target Scoring Rules.
M1 Carbine Match is always very popular.
There will be shade for the Rimfire Sporter Match, at least during the prone stage.
Eye, Ear, and Cranial (Sun) Protection
Vintage Sniper Rifle Match competitors try to keep cool
A Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) will be held on Friday, October 19, 2018.
In 2014, two competitors sported vintage U.S. Marine Corps uniforms. Semper Fi!
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Shooting USA will broadcast a great episode today, September 19, 2018. There are three segments worth watching. First the TV show spotlights the popular GAP Grind, a Pro-Am PRS event at the K&M Precision complex in Tennessee. Then this episode covers the CMP Western Games at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix. Finally John Scoutten reviews two new 6.5 Creedmoor Savage rifles.
AIR TIMES — NOTE possible changes this week during the Outdoor Channel’s Deer Week promotion. Check Outdoor Channel TV listings in your cable menu. Shooting USA Episode normally airs Wednesdays at 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, and 8:00 PM Central.
Part One: GAP Grind Pro-Am PRS Match
Lots of Action, with 20+ Stages
The GAP Grind, the biggest PRS match in the country, is a notoriously challenging, “high tempo” match with minimal down-time between stages. Over the course of 20+ stages, competitors will fire 200+ shots at a variety of steel, paper, moving, and reactive targets out to 1,200 yards. Targets vary in size/difficulty based on the shooter’s position, distance, and time allotted. Most stages include “stressors” — i.e. time limits or required movement(s).
Part Two: CMP Western Games
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) was established by act of Congress in 1903, with the purpose of teaching shooting skills to American citizens. The Western Games at the Ben Avery Facility North of Phoenix draws enthusiasts from many Western states for competition with Service Rifles, vintage military rifles, M1 Carbines, and Rimfire Sporter rifles. Along with numerous matches (including the Vintage Sniper Team match), the Western Games features Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) shooting clinics.
“Our mission is to teach marksmanship and give the citizens of the United States the opportunity to learn marksmanship, with an emphasis on youth”, states Mark Johnson, CMP Chief Operating Officer.
Part Three: Savage 6.5 Creedmoor Rifles Review
In this review segment of today’s Shooting USA episode, John Scoutten reviews two new 6.5 Creedmoor rifles from Savage Arms. The Model 10 BA Stealth is a short action bolt gun priced at $1,207 MSRP. The MSR 10 Long Range is am AR-platform semi-auto priced at $2,284 MSRP. Both rifles showed good accuracy with factory ammunition. For this test both Savage rifles were topped with Bushnell Elite LRTS optics.
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Registration is now open for all of the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) 2018 Travel Games, featuring a variety of rifle and pistol events held around the country throughout the year. The CMP has revamped its 2018 Travel Games schedule by adding matches and establishing its own Classification System. Moreover, the CMP will take over the Creedmoor Cup Matches, and all matches will now follow CMP High Power Rifle Competition Rules. CLICK HERE for Travel Games INFO.
The 2018 Travel Games schedule now includes the Cup Matches (formally the Creedmoor Cup Matches), now administered by the CMP. These will be part of the Eastern Games and the Western Games.
Events fired at the Travel Games include a mix of modern and vintage military rifle competitions like the John C. Garand, Springfield, Rimfire Sporter, Carbine and Vintage Sniper Matches. The Travel Games also feature pistol matches, as well as a Small Arms Firing School and other training clinics taught by qualified CMP staff members.
Registration Procedures
Upon registration, competitors will choose match date, relay, relay time and rifle for the Garand/Springfield/Vintage/Modern Military Rifle Matches only. There will be different relays and relay time choices available for competitors to fire Garand (GAR), Springfield (SF), Vintage Military (VM) or Modern Military (MM) rifles. Competitors may only choose a maximum of FOUR relays per day to allow the opportunity to fire the GSM 3-Gun and 4-Gun Aggregates.
New Classification System
Additionally, the CMP has created a new Classification System. Competitor scores in the 80 Shot, 100 Shot or EIC Rifle matches will count towards CMP Classification. Competitor classifications are based on a competitor’s average scores fired in his or her most recent competitions. The CMP maintains a national database of competitors and scores that are used to establish competitor classifications. Competitors can view his/her current CMP Classification by logging into CMP Competition Tacker and clicking in his/her personal “Competitions” and “EIC Results” files.
Electronic Targets at Travel Games
As last year, rifle competitions will be fired on CMP Targets, a user-friendly electronic target system shows shot placement and records scores. This system and eliminates the need for pit duty — allowing matches to run more quickly with less physical strain.
New Pay-Back Program for Clubs
A Club Pay Back Program is also being introduced during the 2018 Games season, where $5.00 per competitor will be awarded to any CMP Affiliated Club that has five or more of their members attending and participating in the marksmanship competitions held at the event.
About the CMP Travel Games
The Travel Games are regional competitions held throughout the year, featuring exclusive CMP rifle and pistol outdoor events. A common part of the CMP schedule for the last decade, the Games are centered around recreation-oriented competition and educational activities that are designed to accommodate experienced marksmen as well as those hoping to learn more.
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Ellis Wins Three-Gun and Four-Gun Titles at 2017 Western CMP Games Story based on Report by Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer
In a masterful showing of marksmanship, William Ellis of Langley, England won both the Three-Gun and Four-Gun Aggregate rifle competitions during the CMP Western Games in Phoenix last month. 2017 was a great year for Ellis, who first traveled to the Western Games in 2009. William’s 2017 performances earned him the second Distinguished Rifleman Badge by a non-U.S. citizen this past year.
Earning twin Aggregate Titles was a great accomplishment for Ellis, who had nearly won three years ago. In 2014, Ellis was the runner-up (second-place) in both 3-Gun and 4-Gun. But this was Ellis’s year — he was unstoppable. He shot superbly in the Arizona desert, taking the top spot in the Springfield Rifle Match along with second place in the Vintage Military Match. Those strong showings helped earn Ellis the 3-Gun and 4-Gun overall victories. To accompany his centerfire victories, Ellis shot great in the Rimfire Match, winning the Tactical Class. This was truly a masterful five days of shooting by Ellis.
Ellis Will Be Featured on Shooting USA
The media took notice of Ellis, who may have traveled farther than any other competitor at this year’s Western Games. Ellis will be featured in a Carbine Match video segment by Shooting USA TV, which filmed portions of the 2017 CMP Western Games for an upcoming episode.
Other Winners at CMP Western Games — Ben Avery Shooting Facility, October 13-17, 2017
Garand Match: Randall Dwornik, 287-3X
Vintage Military: William Fairless, 290-7X
Modern Military: Jeffrey Schneider, 293-6X
Vintage Sniper Team Match:
Manual Class: Michael Miller, Mike Barranco – 393-11X
Vintage Sniper Semi-Auto Class: SSG Steven Ophoff, Jeffrey Schneider – 364-8X
Training and Instruction at Western Games
Along with competitive events, Western Games also featured a Small Arms Firing School class, a Garand-Springfield-Military new competitor clinic, and a High Power Level II Range Officer class.
Hot Day-Time Temps and Wicked Night Winds at Ben Avery
2017 Western Games competitors experienced hot weather in Phoenix. Temperatures reached well into the 90s each day. The afternoon of the Sniper team match day saw temps topping out at 102° F. But the real weather problem was a gale-force wind that howled one night. The CMP’s 30 electronic targets were set up on the berm in front of the High Power rifle range pits wall. After the Small Arms Firing School was concluded, 40+ MPH overnight wind gusts toppled the entire target line. Thanks to the CMP staff and several competitors, the majority of the targets were reset, and all matches were fired upon them for the scheduled day and the remainder of the matches.
About the CMP Western Games at Ben Avery
The CMP Western Games include Garand, Springfield, Vintage Military, Modern Military, Rimfire Sporter, Carbine, and Vintage Sniper matches. The October Western Games event is the last of the CMP Travel Games events held each year. The other Travel Games, hosted in Oklahoma, North Carolina, and New England, feature both vintage and modern rifle and pistol events — recreational competition for both adults and juniors and all experience levels. The Western Games is the only Travel event for rifles only.
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This year, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) will offer a new Range Officer Training Program. This comprehensive training program will train and certify Range Officers for the CMP phases of the National Matches, CMP Travel (Regional) Games competitions, and CMP 3-position air rifle championships. The first objective of the new program is to train volunteers to serve as Range Officers in the 2017 National Matches. The course fee will be waived for National Matches volunteers.
CMP Chief Operating Officer Mark Johnson explained: “Knowledgeable, fair, effective Range Officers are absolutely essential… The CMP recognizes that the best way to make sure it has excellent Range Officers for its competitions is to train them.”
The CMP held the first-ever New England CMP Games event in 2016.
Range Officer Volunteers will be enrolled in Level I training to be completed in the first months of 2017. Level II courses will be available prior to the start of the National Matches. If you have questions about the RO Training Program, email the CMP Competition Department: competitions [at]
Level I Range Officer Training
Level I Range Officer instruction covers general topics common to all Range Officer work. Enrollees will receive a Range Officer Handbook titled Becoming a Range Officer and be able to complete an online training course. Enrollees who complete Level I training will receive a certification and CMP Range Officer Vest and be eligible to attend Level II training.
Levels II and III Range Officer Training
Level II courses are discipline-specific, 1-day, in-person sessions taught by CMP-appointed instructors. Level II RO instruction will be offered for four shooting disciplines: 1) Highpower Rifle; 2) Bulls-Eye Pistol; 3) Rimfire Sporter; and 4) 3-Position Air Rifle. The highest Level III certification will be issued after Range Officers who complete Level II training serve as Range Officers in CMP competitions under the supervision of a CMP Master Range Officer. CMP Master Range Officers will conduct/supervise the training of Level II and Level III students. The first Level II courses should begin in March or April.
CMP Rimfire Sporter Competition Level II Training will be offered for this and other specific disciplines.
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Our friend Dennis Santiago was doing pits duty during the Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) phase of the CMP Western Games. Here are some views from the pits at the Ben Avery Range in Phoenix, Arizona. Dennis also took a video from the pits during live fire. Listen to rounds zip over-head and impact into the berm beyond the targets, in the video below.
Watch Video with rounds flying over the pit zone:
Dennis reports: “Here’s a slice of life at the receiving end of live fire. This is a rapid fire stage as seen from the target pits at the 2015 CMP Western Games. The targets are placed up in the air. The bullets go through them over the heads of competitors protected behind an earth berm. The bullets land in a designated impact area (berm) beyond the target frames.”
At the CMP Western Games, participants shoot, score and do pit service. The pit workers are positioned on a catwalk behind a concrete wall. There is a thick, earth-works berm on the other side.
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Got plans for October? If you live in the western USA, consider a trip to Phoenix for the CMP Western Games. The 11th Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches will be held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Arizona, on 10-19 October 2014. The Western CMP Games Matches run 10-14 October 2014. The Creedmoor Cup Matches take place on 15-19 October 2014. All interested shooters are invited to participate in these unique, national-level competitions. NOTE: Registration for the Creedmoor Cup matches must be done online via
Small Arms Firing School
CMP Rifle Small Arms Firing School offered at during the Western CMP Games in Phoenix, AZ, Friday, October 10th. This course is recommended for all new shooters and anyone that would like to learn gun safety and sound target shooting skills, regardless of previous experience. In this course you will learn about safety, positions, how to load and clear the rifle, how to loop a sling and prepare for practice firing. Rifle SAFS students are required to use the Rock River AR15 commercial rifles issued by the school. Personal rifles are not permitted. Ammunition will be issued for use during practice fire and the M16 EIC Match and coaches will be available to assist students. Junior competitors must be at least 12 years old.
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by Steve Cooper, CMP Writer Having passed muster at the 2010 CMP Eastern and Western Games, the Vintage Sniper Match has been approved as the newest match to be held at Camp Perry in 2011, where the Sniper Match will be sponsored by Hornady Manufacturing. As it turns out, a top Hornady staffer excelled at the 2010 Western Games Sniper match, held recently at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, AZ. The duo of Hornady’s Dave Emary, 52, and Bob Schanen, 62, placed first (out of 14 teams) with an Aggregate score of 559-11X out of 600 possible. Emary fired 141-2X and Schanen 148-4X at 300 yards and the tandem fired matching 135s at 600 yards with Emary scoring five Xs. Glendale “Don” Rutherford, 58, and Brad Donoho, 26, finished second with a 547-7X Aggregate. Emary, chief ballistic scientist at Hornady Manufacturing, said he proposed the idea for the match several years ago as a way to include the popular vintage sniper rifles which, until now, had no official competition format.
Vintage Sniper Match Course of Fire
The Vintage Sniper Match is a challenging prone slow-fire, two-person team event, fired at 300 and 600 yards using scoped vintage military rifles of the Korean War era and earlier. Both team members shoot and spot, alternating roles throughout the match. The event requires good communication and marksmanship in order to score well. After firing sighters at the 300-yard line, both team members fire 10 shots at a target that is exposed for only 20 seconds per shot. Targets are pulled and marked after each shot and the target rises again after a 20-second period. The team’s observer/coach may call out sight adjustments or “Kentucky Windage” corrections as needed prior to the following shot, until firing is complete.
With targets 600 yards in the distance, shooters of vintage military rifles must rely on their observer/coaches and knowledge of shooting conditions to give themselves an opportunity to score well in the new Vintage Sniper Match. After the first 10 shots are fired the shooter and the observer/coach switch positions, make ready and repeat the same sequence. Upon completion of fire at 300, teams move back to the 600 yard line and fire the course again. Though non-scoped rifles will be permitted at the 2011 National Vintage Sniper Match, priority for squadding will be given to competitors with scoped rifles first. Marc Mustafa, 57, of Littleton, Colorado said he enjoyed the Vintage Sniper Test Match because “he likes to move.” Used to shooting elk across the canyons in his home state, Mustafa said the new match format is right up his alley.
Because the match was a test event, each team member was given 15 shots for record at the Western Games but that total will be reduced to 10 (20 total) in the official match in 2011. Achievement awards were not presented following the test match, but the top three teams were acknowledged for their efforts. A total of 14 teams participated and their results may be found on CMP’s online Competition Tracker. For complete results of the Vintage Sniper Test Match and all 2010 CMP Western Games matches, log onto the CMP’s Match Results Webpage.
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