104 Years Young, Clyde Roberts is America’s Oldest Active Hunter
Photo courtesy Meghan Marchetti/Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
You are as young as you feel. Virginian Clyde Roberts, widely regarded as America’s oldest active hunter, is 104 years of age. Now four years past the century mark, Clyde remains an active hunter who loves the outdoors. In fact Clyde has had a very successful season this year. American Hunter reports: “Roberts tagged three deer… during the 2017 Virginia season — a feat, according to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, only 6 percent of the state’s hunters accomplish.” On his latest hunt, with his son Mike by his side, Clyde harvested a large 8-point buck with his trusty .270 Win. That latest 8-pointer marks the 11th deer Clyde has taken since turning 100 years of age.”
Watch 2015 Video Interview with Clyde Roberts
Photo courtesy Mike Roberts
2016 was a good year for Clyde as well. Last deer season, Clyde took the biggest buck of his life during an Election Day hunt with his granddaughter, Christin. It was also a solid 8-point buck, the largest animal Clyde has harvested in his 40-year hunting career. CLICK HERE for Christin Elliot’s account of her Muzzle-Loader hunt with her grandfather.

Clyde Roberts Started Hunting After Retirement
Remarkably, Clyde didn’t start hunting until he retired about 40 years ago. Outdoor Hub reports: “Clyde’s son, Mike, reveals … that his father wasn’t always a hunter. He simply took it up as a hobby to pass time after retirement [at the age of 65]. Perhaps the best part about Mr. Robert’s hunting career, is that for decades he’s been reaping the benefits of a $5 lifetime hunting license he purchased from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries upon his retirement.”
Clyde has done well with his $5 lifetime hunting license, observing: “I suppose the State fish and game folks figured anyone retiring would not be around long enough for them to lose money. I have hunted and trapped on that $5 license for decades!”
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Tags: 104 year old, Clyde Roberts, Deer Hunting, grandfather, Muzzle Loader, Outdoor Hub, Virginia Hunting License