Kestrel 5700 Elite Offers Ballistic Solutions for Multiple Targets
GunsAmerica just released a detailed review of the recently-upgraded Kestrel 5700 Elite with LiNK, a software-enabled weather meter. If you compete in practical/tactical events (with targets at multiple distances), or campaign a wide selection of rifles, or shoot at Extreme Long Range, you may want to get this device. It offers unrivaled capabilities in a small package. This impressive handheld device combines weather-monitoring capabilities with a full-featured, very sophisticated ballistics solver that now calculates out to 5,500 yards. Using Bluetooth and LiNK technology it communicates with your mobile device as well as LiNK-enabled laser rangefinders.
Why You May Want to Buy the Kestrel 5700 Elite with LiNK:
— The Device can hold up to 30 different rifle/cartridge profiles, each with its own BC and muzzle velocity for ballistic calculations.
— The Device registers current windspeed, wind direction, air temp and pressure, and other variables, and then sends that info via Bluetooth to your smart-phone, updating the ballistic solution. It essentially updates your drop chart in real time.
— The Device “talks” to your smart-phone, providing a large, convenient display that can show both elevation clicks and wind corrections. The display essentially replaces your data card. The Smartphone integration also makes it easy to modify your different rifle/ammo profiles.
— The Device gives you come-ups and wind corrections for multiple targets (at various ranges). These can be displayed in a list, ordered by distance. This is a great feature, check it out:

Quick and Accurate Solutions for all Cartridge Types — Big and Small
The Kestrel 5700 Elite can work for everything from a .22 LR to a .50 BMG. In fact, GunsAmerica’s tester used the Kestrel 5700 for a 6.5 Creedmoor shooting out to 1070 yards, and then used the solver for a .22 LR match out to 300 yards. The data for the 6.5 CM was spot on, but even more remarkably, the holdover for the .22 LR was precise to 0.2 mils at 300 yards. The GunsAmerica Reviewer, Ian Kenney, was impressed:
“I think the best testament to the capabilities of the Kestrel 5700 Elite were on display at a recent range trip where I was getting my modified Ruger 10/22 ready for an upcoming precision rimfire match. I started out with a sort of hodgepodge of information, using an unconfirmed BC [for Eley Force ammo] that I’d heard from a friend along with a muzzle velocity that another friend had gotten with the same ammo. I created a new profile using this assortment of data and entered in target distances for 200 and 300 yards. Imagine the smile on my face then when I got hits at both distances with the elevation setting only being 0.2 mils off at the farthest target.
It’s impressive that the technology allowed me to only be 0.2 mils off with .22 LR ammunition at 300 yards, which is only about two inches, all the while starting out with imperfect data. If that’s not an exquisite demonstration of the versatility of this technology, to be able to toggle between such diverse calibers and get accurate data to long distances, I don’t know what is.”
Kestrel 5700 Elite Special Capabilities
The LiNK Ballistics App lets you set up multiple targets for single-screen viewing. The Kestrel 5700 Elite can also be wirelessly paired with LiNK-compatible laser rangefinders. Being able to instantly accees exact target range data allows a more rapid and and more precise ballistic solution.
In addition to the ballistics solver capabilities, the Kestrel 5700 Elite is a comprehensive weather meter that monitors all key variables including: wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, heat index, pressure, and altitude. Your data log can be transferred to a iOS/Android device wirelessly with the LiNK wireless communication option and Kestrel LiNK app. The 5700 Elite now uses a single AA Battery housed separately from the circuit board.
More Features of the Kestrel 5700 Elite
The Kestrel 5700 elite has almost too many features to list. One notable capability allows you to quickly “tune” a profile by entering field-confirmed data. Kenney explains: “You can go into the gun profile and calibrate the muzzle velocity by telling it how much elevation you used to get a hit, effectively truing your dope in short order. This is ten times faster than logging it in your data book, going back to an online solver, and making adjustments[.]”
Ian Kenney’s Kestrel 5700 Elite Review is very thorough, and contains many more details and insights than we can cover here. For anyone considering purchase of a high-end Kestrel, we strongly recommend you read Kenney’s review. Ian concludes: “I’m not going to lie… with an MSRP of $699, I recognize [the Kestrel 5700 Elite] may not be for everyone. Considering how often I shoot long range and the number of rifles that I have, it makes sense for me[.] The Applied Ballistics solver also gives me the confidence that my dope is going to be accurate no matter what conditions I might find myself in. So for me… this Kestrel delivers the goods.”
Kestrel 5700 Elite Advanced Features (Partial List)
Kestrel LiNK Apps for iOS and Android Wireless Bluetooth for Mobile Devices Connects with LiNK Compatible Range Finders Temperature Sensor (Patented External Isolated) Integrated Applied Ballistics Calculator Applied Ballistics G1/G7 Drag Model Profiles Applied Ballistics Custom Drag Models Average and Peak Wind Correction Muzzle Velocity Calibration Supports Mil, MOA Click Values |
Create and store up to 30 Gun/Bullet Profiles Create and store up to 10 Targets Moving Target Lead Correction Aerodynamic Jump Correction High Angle Shot Correction Target Range Estimator Spin Drift Correction MV-Temp Table Digital Compass Range Card |