June 14th, 2024

Today is Flag Day — Honor the Stars and Stripes

flag day june 14 Woodrow wilson continental congress stars stripes
Flag Day graphic courtesy Diosesan.com.

Today, June 14th, is Flag Day. The stars and stripes flag of the United States is honored and celebrated this day every year. Wikipedia explains: “Flag Day…commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The Flag Resolution stated ‘That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation’.” Super Sabre Society notes: “While we have added stars to that original flag as our country has expanded, the ideals it represents never fade — courage, liberty and loyalty“.

flag day june 14 Woodrow wilson continental congress stars stripes

America Celebrates Flag Day on June 14 Thanks to Woodrow Wilson
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation designating June 14 as Flag Day. On August 3, 1949, National Flag Day was officially established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day is not an official Federal employment holiday with Federal employees off work. However, it is at the president’s discretion to officially proclaim the observance. On June 14, 1937, Pennsylvania became the first state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday, beginning in the town of Rennerdale.

Interesting Historical Fact — Today is Also the Birthday of the U.S. Army
June 14 is also a day to celebrate our Army. The United States Army celebrates the U.S. Army birthday on this date, as Congress officially adopted the American Continental Army on June 14, 1775.

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