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October 23rd, 2024

NRA 2025 Major National Championships Move from Indiana

Camp Atterbury NRA move 2025 national matches smallbore high power pistol

NRA has announced that the 2025 National High Power Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, and Pistol Championships — the NRA National Matches — are leaving Camp Atterbury, Indiana, and will be held at different clubs around the country in 2025. (Upper photo by John Parker,

After significant internal discussion and involvement with key NRA Competitive Shooting Board Member stakeholders and committee members from each discipline, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has determined that beginning in 2025, the NRA National Matches for High Power Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, and Precision Pistol will take place at different clubs throughout the United States.

These matches will be managed by selected match directors and staff who possess the necessary expertise to deliver an exceptional NRA National Championship experience under current NRA Rules. The NRA will continue to base its competitive shooting operations at Camp Atterbury and will conduct several annual championships and competitions at Camp Atterbury, such as the NRA World Shooting Championship and the America’s Rifle Challenge Championships.

“At the request of the committee leaders and appropriate NRA board members, the National Matches going to the clubs will ensure NRA rules continue to govern NRA Championships,” said NRA’s Director of Competitive Shooting Cole McCulloch. “The clubs are also in a position to hire experienced staff and match directors, which is what our competitors require.”

Camp Atterbury NRA move 2025 national matches

The venue changes for NRA National Matches should be a positive development for competitive shooters in the view of some leaders. Patti Clark, NRA director and chairperson of NRA’s Smallbore Rifle Committee commented: “This opportunity gives the chance to bring the Matches closer to the Smallbore community. It also allows us to keep our autonomy while providing matches to our Smallbore shooters. As soon as we have dates and locations, we will update the competitors as soon as possible. I look forward to the 2025 awards ceremony, where we will be surrounded by NRA’s historic Smallbore legacy.”

Camp Atterbury NRA move 2025 national matches

The National Rifle Association will release information about the 2025 NRA High Power, NRA Smallbore, and NRA Precision Pistol Championships calendar and match locations soon via the NRA Competitive Shooting Facebook page, and the Shooting Sports USA website.

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October 23rd, 2024

How to Neck-Size Cartridge Brass with LEE Collet Dies

LEE Precision Collet Die

For those who prefer to neck-size their brass (rather than full-length-size), the LEE Collet Die is a popular, inexpensive option. It works by having collet tangs or “fingers” press the neck against a central mandrel. The benefit is that you get a very straight neck, which is sized consistently from top to bottom. Canadian shooter Jerry Teo explains: “LEE Collet Dies produce sized cases with very low runout (measured runout is under .001″ using a Sinclair concentricity gauge). You also don’t get the build-up of brass at the base of the neck, as can happen with bushing neck dies. The neck-shoulder junction stays nice and crisp.”

NOTE: For most handloading, we recommend FULL-LENGTH sizing of cases. You should always have a good Full-length sizing die for your brass. But there are some situations where neck-sizing may be useful. This article explains how to neck-size effectively with a LEE Collet Die.

Here’s a good video that explains how to use a Lee Collet Die to Neck-Size .243 Win brass:

LEE Precision Collet DieTIP ONE — Adjusting Tension
LEE Collet dies don’t have a specific mechanical adjustment for neck tension. But you CAN easily modify the die to provide more or less tension. If you want to adjust the neck tension using a Lee Collet die, you can simply chuck the mandrel in a drill and reduce the diameter with some sand-paper (to increase neck tension) or you can order a mandrel the next caliber larger and turn it to whatever diameter you want (the larger the mandrel diameter, the less the neck tension). You can also order custom mandrels from Lee sized to any diameter you want.

Regarding neck tension, Boyd Allen makes an important point: “The only way to properly get more neck tension with collet dies is to either reduce the diameter of the mandrel, or order a smaller-diameter mandrel from Lee. I remind folks that adjusting the die position to have more toggle at the top of the ram stroke (not the factory recommended method), or leaning on the press handle with more force than recommended will NOT increase neck tension.”

TIP TWO — Polish and Tune for Easy Case Removal
Some users have complained that their Collet Dies grab the case-neck too firmly, making the case hard to remove. There are solutions to this problem. First inspect the collet fingers and smooth the inner surface up a bit with polishing compound or an extra-fine sanding pad. Second, you can open up the fingers a little bit. LEE recommends that if your Collet Die is sticking, take a steel punch and tap the fingers apart a little bit so that the natural “unloaded” position is wider. Lastly, you should lightly lubricate the outside of the collet fingers (see arrows) before you re-assemble the die. This will ensure they slide smoothly. Also, to prevent the collet fingers from closing too tight, never load up the die with your press without putting a case in place first. Without a case neck between the collet fingers and the mandrel, the collet can clamp itself too tight as you raise the ram.

TIP THREE — Always Have a Case Inside When Operating Collet Die
Our friend Boyd Allen tells us that you need to follow directions and NEVER operate the die without a case inside. Boyd explains: “This is because doing so will spring the quadrants of the collet inward so that they interfere with the insertion of a case, and the user will have to figure out how to undo the damage if the die is to operate properly. This advice would not be needed if everyone read the instructions before using the die…. but many times, they don’t. Another thing that I tell new users is to take the die apart so that they will have a better chance of understanding how it works.”

Lee custom neck sizing collet diesTIP FOUR — Size Twice and Spin Your Case 1/8th Turn
After reaching fully “down” on your press handle, withdraw the case about an inch and manually rotate it about 1/8th (NOT 1/4 or 1/2) turn while still in the shell-holder, then size again. This will place the die’s collet petals on the four “high spots” of the case neck and will result in a rounder, more evenly-sized neck with slightly more bullet tension. This takes only about one second more per case and is well worth the slight extra effort. (We thank reader Stonecreek for this smart tip).

Get CUSTOM Lee Collet Dies for Your Brass
Yes LEE does make custom collet neck-sizing dies! LEE Precision currently offers Custom Collet Neck-Sizing Dies, made from two of your fired cases. LEE offers custom standard-thread (7/8×14) collet dies for $100.00 (plus S/H) and custom large-thread (1¼x12) collet dies for $160.00 (plus S/H). This is a good option if you run wildcats or have unusual chamber dimensions.

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October 23rd, 2024

Build Your Own Portable Reloading Bench with B&D Workmate

portable reloading benchA while back, we featured a portable reloading bench built on a Black & Decker Workmate. That proved a VERY popular do-it-yourself project so we’re showing it again, in case you missed it the first time.

Texan Robert Lewis made himself a great portable reloading bench from plywood mounted to a Black & Decker Workmate. The bench, roughly 22″ x 19″ on top, folds up to fit easily in your car’s trunk or behind the seats in a pick-up truck cab. Four recessed bolts hold the wood top section to the collapsible B&D Workmate. The sides and back of the unit are attached to the base with small nails. There is a small shelf (also nailed in place) which can be used to clamp a powder measure or hold a scale. Shown in the photo is a Harrell’s Benchrest measure and Harrell’s single-stage “C” press.

Click for Detail of Top.
portable shooting bench

Originally, the whole unit could be built for about $65.00 with pine, or $80.00 with oak (as shown). Robert explained: “The Workmate was $40. If someone bought a 2’x4′ sheet of 3/4″ oak plywood, I think it is around $30. Using pine plywood would be about half that. Fasteners were $3. Spar Urethane would be $5.” [Editor: We have seen major inflation — the Workmate is now $90+ and you’ll be spending more for the wood, so figure the whole project might be $150.00.]

Robert told us: “I used a couple ideas I found on the web. The Larry Willis website gave me the idea to use the Black and Decker Workmate as a base. I found the Workmate on sale for $40 and the top is made from oak plywood I had in my shop. I sealed the wood with three coats of Spar Urethane. The whole thing folds into a nice package for transportation to and from the range.”

NOTE: Since we first ran this story, the price of a Black & Decker Workmate WM225 has increased substantially. But good news — Amazon is currently selling WM225-A Workmates for $77.78, a decent price, particularly for Prime members who get FREE shipping. And for the same $77.78 price at Home Depot, you can get the Workmate WM225 with Local Store Pickup or home delivery (in most states).


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