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March 15th, 2025

Saturday Movies: USAMU Marksmanship Skills Videos + Articles

USAMU Markmanship training videos
SFC Lance Dement as featured in CMP’s First Shot Online journal.

The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU) has created a series of instructional videos about High Power Rifle shooting, Service Rifle shooting, 3-Gun matches, and pistol competition. We’ve linked five of these informative USAMU videos today along with a special profile video on Amanda Elsenboss, who, as a USAMU shooter, has won both the Long Range and High Power National Championships in recent years.

In addition, as a major BONUS, we link twenty (20) informative articles authored by expert USAMU shooters and coaches. Those excellent, detailed articles covering a wide range of topics including rifle positions, wind reading, fitness training, trigger control, nutrition, training plans, and much more.

Amanda Elsenboss — National HP and Long Range Champion

The gifted SSG Amanda Elsenboss won the 2023 NRA High Power Championship, the 2021 NRA High Power National Championship, and the 2019 NRA Long-Range Championship. In 2022 Amanda also won the National President’s Rifle Match, the first woman ever to do so. Those accomplishments place Amanda among America’s legendary shooters. Amanda started shooting at age 8 with her father, then began competitive marksmanship at age 13. In 2009, she joined the U.S. Army as part of the USAMU rifle team. She has left full-time service, but is now a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard.

Sight Alignment and Trigger Control

In this USAMU Shooter’s Corner instructional video, SFC Kenneth Rose explains key elements of using sights on a service rifle. Rose also explain how to make the trigger pull at the optimum moment when the sights are perfectly aligned and steady.

How to Set Up Sling and Rifle for Prone Shooting

In this video, the USAMU’s SGT Jonathan Wannemacher explains how to set up a service rifle sling for prone rifle shooting. Wannemacher has earned a number of coveted awards including the the Distinguished Rifleman Badge and President’s Hundred Tab.

Rifle Grip, Stance, and Body Position for 3-Gun Action Matches

SFC Daniel Horner, now with SIG Sauer, is arguably the best 3-Gun action shooter on the planet. Horner has won multiple major 3-Gun Championships, shooting rifle, shotgun, and pistol in timed action matches. Horner’s speed, accuracy, and mobility is without peer. In this video, Horner shows techniques for AR-type rifle shooting in 3-Gun competition.

Amazing Trick Shot with Air Rifle

In this Trick Shot Tuesday video SPC Ivan Roe shoots a pill (at two different angles) off the top of a balloon. Very impressive shooting! Ivan hails from Manhattan, Montana and has been a notable member of the USAMU International Rifle Team.

How to Use Data Books During Matches

Data books can be very valuable tools during marksmanship training. In this video, USAMU shooter SGT Lane Ichord explains Data Book basics and how to log information during practice and matches.

USAMU Saturday Movies service rifle training

BONUS: 20 Marksmanship Articles from USAMU Experts

USAMU shooters and coaches have written an excellent series of articles on highpower and service rifle shooting. Many of these originally appeared in The First Shot, the CMP’s on-line magazine. Here are twenty notable USAMU expert articles:

Elements of a Good Prone Position – Building the Position – By SPC Matthew Sigrist
Crossed-Ankle Sitting Position – By SFC Grant Singley
Standing and Trigger Control – By SFC Brandon Green

Bare Necessities for Highpower Rifle Competition – By SPC Nathan J. Verbickas
Physical Conditioning for Highpower Shooting – By SGT Walter E. Craig
Better Performance Through Proper Nutrition – By CPL Walter Craig

The Importance of the Data Book – By SFC Jason St John
Rifle Cleaning and Maintenance – By SSG William T. Pace
Developing a Training Plan – By SFC Lance Dement

Sight Adjustment and Minute of Angle (MOA) – By SSG Daniel M. Pettry
No-Wind Zero and Marking Your Sights – By SFC Jason St. John
What Sight Picture Is Best For You? – By SSG Tobie Tomlinson
Reading the Wind (Part 1, Rapid Fire) – By SFC Emil Praslick
Reading the Wind (Part 2, 600 Yds) – By SFC Emil Praslick

So you want to shoot Infantry Trophy? – By SFC Norman Anderson
Thinking Your Way to Success – By SFC Emil Praslick
Coats, Gloves, and Mitts – By PFC Evan Hess
Straight to the Rear – By SPC Tyrel Cooper
It’s Just a Sling – By SFC Lance Dement
Strapping In – By SPC Calvin Roberts

USAMU Saturday Movies service rifle training

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March 15th, 2025

Shilen SWAP MEET Takes Place Today in Texas

Shilen Barrels Swap Meet Ennis Texas TX

The much-loved Shilen SWAP MEET is happening today. The popular event takes place in Ennis, Texas this Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 8:00 am through 2:00 pm CDT. This will be at Shilen’s new, bigger and better production facility. If you are looking for some great bargains on gun gear, and are near the Dallas-Fort Worth area, definitely mark this date on your calendar. The Shilen Swap Meet is one of the best events of its kind, and Team Shilen will even deliver a complimentary lunch to attendees. Plus machines will run from 8:00 am to 11:00 am so you can see how Shillen crafts top-quality barrels.

No Vendor Fees, No Entry Fees, and FREE Lunch!
ANYONE can come and ANYONE can be a vendor. There are NO entry or vendor fees and the event will proceed rain or shine. There will be gun stuff everywhere –buy and sell as much as you like. There will be free lunch, as always.

There will be prize drawings — get signed up when you arrive so you can have a chance to win some free stuff. If you want to sell products let Shilen add you to the list of vendors on Shilen’s website. This is not required, you can just show up and set up. Call 972-875-5318 or send email to


Watch Barrel-Making. A Shilen crew will run barrel-making machines from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Watch precision barrels being made. The techs will answer all your questions about the process.

Sign up for Door Prizes — Shilen Merchandise. There will be multiple drawings for free or discounted Shilen apparel or merchandise. Go to the sign-up table to be entered in the drawings.

Get Shilen Barrels and Actions at Huge Discounts. Shilen Barrels, Actions, and Barreled Actions will be sold at huge discounts on Saturday. “Swap Meet Barrels” were originally ordered by Shilen customers throughout the year, but orders were canceled or customers changed their mind on contour, chamber, etc. These barrels were placed back in stock for resale. When Swap Meet Time arrives any such barrels still remaining in stock are sold at huge discounts. NOTE: These barrels are in NO WAY factory “seconds” or any lower quality. The warranty on these barrels is the same as any other Shilen barrels.

Sell Your Own Gear. At the Shilen Swap Meet, you can Bring Your Own Table (BYOT). Register to sell anything gun-related: presses, reloading gear, stocks, triggers, scope rings — you name it. Vendor Space is available on a first come-first served basis, starting Saturday morning at 7:00 am. Email or call Shilen for more information. Email: Call: 972-875-5318.

Shilen Swap Meet 2018 Ennis Texas TX

TIPS for Visitors: The SWAP MEET concludes at 2:00 pm. The best stuff sells fast, so if you are looking for something particular get there early! Keep an eye on the Shilen’s Swap Meet page for a preview of Vendors and the products they’ll be selling.

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March 15th, 2025

Catastrophic Kaboom Caused by Cleaning Rod Left in Barrel

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction
CLICK HERE to zoom image.

We first ran this story a few years back. We’re republishing it today as a reminder to our readers that safety should be their paramount concern at the range. Avoid distractions and always check your barrel for obstructions before you chamber a round or pull the trigger. A moment of inattention can result in a catastrophic kaboom.

Discharging a .338 Lapua Magnum round with a cleaning rod in the barrel — that’s a recipe for disaster. What happens when a fired .338 caliber bullet and a cleaning rod try to occupy the same place at the same time? Well you get a catastrophic kaboom, with metal pieces flying all over the place, and a shooter very lucky to escape without serious injury. This incident occurred recently in Manatee, Florida, as reported by Sniper’s Hide member Queequeg. We thank for granting permission to publish these revealing images in the Daily Bulletin. CLICK HERE for more Kaboom info from the ‘Hide.

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction
This story should serve as a chilling reminder to follow proper safety practices whenever you are at the range. Always check to make sure there is no obstruction in the bore BEFORE loading a live round.

.338 Lapua Magnum + Cleaning Rod + Inattention = Kaboom!

Kaboom at Manatee!
Sniper’s Hide member Queequeg recently published shocking photos of a catastrophic kaboom involving a .338 Lapua Magnum (Savage action). The action was blown off the rifle, shrapnel went through the roof, and the barrel split at the tenon before taking an excursion downrange. The action did crack in the front but the lugs remained engaged so the bolt did not slam to the rear (luckily for the shooter).

Here’s the report: “This happened [January 20, 2014] at the Manatee Gun and Archery Club. Al, Ren and myself were there with a couple other folks. Ren was at bench 12, I was at 13. The fellow at 11 was running a Savage .338 Lapua. He had a very bad day! He damn sure could have killed himself and quite likely Ren as well.”

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction

Queeqeg added: “After the boom, I heard Ren ask ‘Are you alright’ and then turned to look in time to see the fellow reacting in total shock — literally stunned. Ren and I went over to him and could not see any major injuries. Ren was uninjured as well but had a lot of fiberglass splinters on him. The barrel nut is what I presume punched the two holes in the roof. The shooter is a regular there[.] He had been having a problem with sticky cases though he said he was certain the loads were mild. That’s why he was content to knock the sticky ones out with the rod. He simply forgot to remove the rod after knocking out the last stuck case. You can see what happened next.”

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction

Kaboom Manatee Savage .338 LM, Lapua Magnum, catastrophic, explosion, cleaning rod, obstruction

To learn more about this incident, go to the original Snipers Hide Forum Thread. There you’ll find more details and four pages of related discussions.

The Important Lesson Here
What did the .338 LM shooter do wrong here? You will say — “Well that’s obvious, he left a cleaning rod in the barrel and then shot a round.” Yes, that was a potentially fatal error. But that was his second mistake — one that occurred only because he made a more fundamental judgment error first.

The FIRST mistake was not acknowledging the problem with his ammo. Had he heeded the warning signs, he would still have a rifle (and an unsoiled pair of trousers). When he first observed that he was having problems with extracting cases, a warning light should have gone off in his head. Presuming his extractor was not broken (and that the chamber was cut properly) he should have been able to extract his brass if he was running safe loads. The lesson here we all need to learn is that if you observe a serious ammo-related issue, it is time to stop shooting. Don’t try to invent work-arounds just to extend your range session, when there are clear signs that something is wrong, very wrong.

Permalink Gunsmithing, Shooting Skills, Tech Tip No Comments »
March 15th, 2025

Improve Bullet Seating with Case Neck Dry Lubrication

Forster original caseneck case neck brass dry mica lube lubricator system

If you want smoother bullet seating, inside neck lube can help. Forum member Ackleyman II likes to add a little Mica powder inside his case necks before seating bullets. This is easily done with the Forster three-brush neck lube kit. Ackleyman tells us: “Many loads that I have will not shoot well with a dry neck compared to a neck that is cleaned and lubed with this [Forster Dry Lubricator] — the best [$17] you have ever spent.”

The Forster Case Neck Lubricator features three brushes attached to a tough, impact-resistant case with holes for bench mounting. The brushes accommodate all calibers from 22 to 35 caliber. The kit includes enough “motor mica” to process 2000 to 3000 cases and has a cover to keep dust and grit from contaminating the mica. By moving the case neck up and down on the correct mica-covered brush, the neck can be cleaned and lubricated at the same time.

Function: Lubricate case necks for easier resizing
Contents: Kit with base, lid, and three nylon brushes
Lubricant: Includes 1/10 oz. of Motor Mica, enough to process 2000-3000 cases

Neck Lubrication After Ultrasonic Cleaning or Wet Tumbling with Pins
If you wet-tumble your cases with stainless media and solvents or ultrasonically clean your brass, you may find that the inside of the case necks get too “squeaky clean”. The inside surface of the neck looses lubricity. In this situation, applying a dry lube can definitely be beneficial. CLICK HERE to see story about ultrasonic cleaning.

Ultrasonic Brass Cleaning

ultrasonic brass cleaning neck lubricant moly dry lube

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