June 18th, 2024

Major Increase in First-Time Gun Owners in USA

NSSF gun ownership report new shooter 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Article based on NSSF Report by Matt Manda
There has been a very significant trend since 2020. Firearm industry data reveals something very notable. The NSSF reports: “In a major shift since 2020, a population the size of Florida has become first-time, brand-new gun owners. That’s right — more than 22.3 million people who previously had decided firearm ownership wasn’t for them looked around, decided they didn’t like what they were seeing, jumped off the fence and lawfully purchased a gun at retail. 22.3 million. One thing’s for sure, those Americans can make a difference on Election Day.”

CLICK HERE for Full Story on NSSF.org »

We hope those new gun owners vote for candidates that support their Second Amendment rights. Four more years of Biden will not be good for our Second Amendment rights, as the NSSF explains:

“It is abundantly clear that there is a brand-new Florida-sized population that is giving gun rights a heavier weight as they consider how to cast their ballots. Those 22.3 million Americans need to register and on Election Day to #GUNVOTE® so they don’t risk their rights. With federal elections just five months away, control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are up for grabs while crime and neighborhood safety continue to be at top of mind for voters. And above all, voters will decide whether or not to give President Biden, who continues to support severe gun control restrictions and uses executive actions to implement them on his own, another term.”

Nearly 30% of all firearm purchases in 2021 went to new gun owners, according to data from the Firearm Trade Industry Association.

About the Surge in First-Time Gun Buyers
Midway through 2020, first-time gun owners accounted for approximately 40% of buyers, according to retailers. The “normal” is usually somewhere around 20-24%. All told in 2020, there were approximately 8.4 million new first-time gun owners. In 2021, the initial surge in first-timers subsided a bit and the number totaled about 5.4 million first-time gun buyers. The percentage dropped to around 30% of all buyers. In 2022, totaled approximately 4.2 million and 2023 actually rose just a bit to 4.3 million, according to industry data.

The 2024 figures aren’t finalized yet, but so far there have been just north of 6 million total FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verifications processed for the sale of a firearm. If the percentages hold to average, that could mean another million more first-time gun buyers for the year so far. According to industry data, those first-time buyers are spending an average of $500-$700 on their purchase (mostly for 9mm handguns).

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