November 3rd, 2020

VOTE Today.
In many respects the future of individual American freedoms and the Second Amendment will turn on the results of this election. YOUR VOTE COUNTS.
If you have not already voted — either by mail or via early in-person voting, VOTE today.
— If you are set to vote in-person, drive to the polling place and VOTE.
— If you have a vote-by-mail ballot, be sure to fill it out, verify it (as required) and take it to the Post Office or official ballot pick-up location in your area.

Who Should You Vote For?
Every American should vote for the candidate he or she believes is best qualified to run the nation for the next four years. In making that decision, VOTE for POLICIES not Personalities. Who supports the Constitution? Who supports the Second Amendment? Who supports Religious Freedom? Who supports hard-working small-business owners? Who supports Lower Taxes? Who supports vital U.S.-based industries? Who stands against Antifa agitators who want to burn our cities down?
This is a very important juncture in our nation’s history.
Let your voice be heard — VOTE today.
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September 11th, 2020

Election Day is just 52 days away. On November 3, 2020, Americans will head to the polls. For gun owners, this may be the most significant Presidential election in a generation. The Democratic Party, as stated in the DNC platform and Democrat-sponsored Bills now in Congress, intends to severely restrict gun rights, require a federal license for gun ownership, ban online ammo sales, and ban whole classes of firearms.
Nearly 5 million Americans are first-time gun buyers. We hope they, along with ALL gun owners, will vote on November 3rd, and remember which candidates support the Second Amendment. As the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) states: “Current events across the United States demonstrate why the Founding Fathers 230 years ago had the foresight to recognize why the right to keep and bear arms would still be vital today.”
Target shooters, hunters, and gun owners must work together to defend their Constitutional rights. On Election Day 2020, vote to protect America’s firearms freedoms: #GUNVOTE.
Hornady Contributes $500,000 to 2020 #GUNVOTE Effort
#GUNVOTE is a vital NSSF campaign to encourage America’s gun owners to register to vote and vote for candidates who support the Second Amendment and gun rights. Go to Action.gunvote.org to learn how to register to vote in your state, and find your polling place.
Hornady Manufacturing, maker of ammunition, tools, and reloading components, has contributed $500,000 to the NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter registration and education campaign.

“A historic number of Americans have jumped off the fence to purchase firearms so far this year, and it’s critical for gun owners old and new to be educated and vote in November,” said Steve Hornady, President of Hornady Manufacturing. “The Second Amendment has never faced a threat like it does today. It is crystal clear why our right to keep and bear arms is now more important than ever. Making this contribution to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE campaign will ensure the firearm and ammunition industry has the resources needed to educate gun owners, target shooters and hunters about what is at stake in this election. Hornady Manufacturing is proud to support this critical voter registration, education and mobilization campaign.”
SIG Sauer Contributes $250,000 to 2020 #GUNVOTE Effort
SIG Sauer, a world-leading firearms maker, has contributed $250,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter registration and education campaign. This campaign seeks ensure that America’s gun owners exercise their right to vote so they can protect the Second Amendment.
“SIG Sauer believes it is imperative for all gun owners to be registered to vote and to know where the candidates at all levels of government stand on the Second Amendment so that on election day they can make informed choices to protect their rights”, said SIG Sauer CEO Ron Cohen. “Our contribution to the #GUNVOTE campaign represents SIG Sauer’s wholehearted belief in the NSSF #GUNVOTE effort”.

With the Presidential election looming, the stakes have never been higher. Joe Biden and his VP candidate Kamala Harris have pledged to enact new laws that could result in rifle confiscation, criminalization of private sales, and banning of online guns and ammo purchases. In addition, Biden and Harris have called for new gun taxes, while Harris has advocated banning guns by Executive Action — rule by fiat, bypassing the legislative process.
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September 2nd, 2020

Election Day is just 61 days away. On November 3, 2020, Americans will head to the polls. For gun owners, this may be the most significant Presidential election in a generation. The Democratic Party, as stated in the DNC platform, intends to severely restrict gun rights, and ban whole classes of firearms.
Nearly 5 million Americans are first-time gun buyers. We hope they, along with ALL gun owners, will vote on November 3rd, and remember which candidates support the Second Amendment. As the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) states: “Current events across the United States demonstrate why the Founding Fathers 230 years ago had the foresight to recognize why the right to keep and bear arms would still be vital today.”
Smith & Wesson Contributes $500,000 to 2020 Gunvote Effort
#GUNVOTE is a vital NSSF campaign to encourage America’s gun owners to register to vote and vote for candidates who support the Second Amendment and gun rights. Go to Action.gunvote.org to learn how to register to vote in your state, and find your polling place.
Firearm manufacturer Smith & Wesson has contributed $500,000 to the NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter registration and education campaign. This is the largest donation the campaign has received to date.

“This election cycle marks a crossroads in the future of the firearms industry and of our very freedom to bear arms,” said Mark Smith, President and CEO of Smith & Wesson. “We must ensure the Second Amendment is protected at every level. It is critical that hunters, recreational target shooters, and all those seeking to exercise their constitutional right to protect themselves and their families be educated and vote in November. [Voters’] choices at the polls will impact the future of all Americans’ free exercise of their constitutional rights.”
Six Companies Will Match NRA-ILA Donations Dollar-for-Dollar
The NRA-ILA has joined forces with with six companies that have pledged to match $1 million in donations made to NRA-ILA through November 15, 2020. The six participating companies are: SIG SAUER, Kel-Tec, Credova, Rock Island Auction Company, Taurus, and Davidson’s Gallery of Guns. If you make a donation to the NRA-ILA, your donation will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, by these six companies. If you give $50, they give $50. If you give $100, they give $100. The maximum matching is $1,000,000.

“These patriotic businesses are pledging vital resources to support and defend the Second Amendment because they understand that our right to own a gun in defense of ourselves and our families is on the ballot in November. By working together with such partners, our membership intends to defeat those … trying to strip our rights away”, said Jason Ouimet, executive director, NRA-ILA.

Through this Partners for Patriotism campaign, anyone who makes a donation to NRA-ILA between now and 11/15/2020 will have their donation matched. Folks can make donations of any size — whatever they can spare. Whatever individuals donate will automatically be doubled by the six participating companies.
With the Presidential election looming, the stakes have never been higher. Joe Biden and his VP candidate Kamala Harris have pledged to enact new laws that could result in rifle confiscation, criminalization of private sales, and banning of online guns and ammo purchases. In addition, Biden and Harris have called for new gun taxes, while Harris has advocated banning guns by Executive Action — rule by fiat, bypassing the legislative process.
Share the post "Gun Makers Support NSSF and NRA-ILA Election Programs"
August 27th, 2020

Range photo from Athena Gun Club in Houston, TX. Athena has 26-lane indoor shooting range.
A Girl & A Gun (AG&AG) is a club by women shooters for women shooters. With a network of instructors and affiliated ranges, AG&AG operates training clinics and competition events throughout the country. AG&AG recently sponsored a nationwide survey of 6000 club members. This survey revealed interesting trends in gun purchases by females. By way of background, a previous survey by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimated that about 40% of 2020 gun sales are to first-time buyers, and that roughly 40% of those first-time gun buyers were women.

AG&AG did a follow-up survey of club members who were first-time gun buyers. This showed that the leading motivator in gun acquisition were concerns over riots and civil unrest. This was followed by worries over the upcoming election and possible future gun bans.

There were some very interesting comments by AG&AG members, who expressed their personal reasons for buying guns and seeking firearms training:
Kathryn in Texas: “I’m a trauma surgeon and have treated a fair share of gunshot victims in Chicago and Houston. I have been pretty ‘anti-gun’ as a result up until COVID. At that point, I figured I might as well get comfortable with at least handling firearms in case I had to use one.”
Theresa in Nevada: “I’ve never felt the need to own a gun or want a one. However, with the extreme levels of crime, every individual should learn to protect themselves. With our political leaders allowing the police to be torn apart, this made me feel the need to step up and take measures for my protection.”
Jan in Michigan: “As a history teacher with 35 years of teaching experience I know that the first thing revolutionaries and tyrants do upon seizing power is to take away the public’s guns. As a child my family lived in inner city Detroit in the heart of the 1967 riots….More recently, the rioters came down my street after their burning and looting rampage downtown in my city of Kalamazoo, Michigan. I decided that I have to defend myself and not allow myself to be a sitting duck. “
Anonymous in Connecticut: “I [was] interested in joining A Girl & A Gun Club for a while and in the wake of the protests and defunding of police I thought this was extremely important. Being from the Northeast it is difficult to find others with the same ideals so I thought this would be the best place to start.”

About A Girl & A Gun
AG&AG is now moving into its 10th year of educating women on the safe use and storage of firearms, and promoting women’s interest and participation in training and competitive and recreational shooting sports. The club’s mission is especially relevant today and the organization is stronger than ever.
Share the post "More Women Than Ever Are Buying Guns for Self-Defense"
July 31st, 2020

Presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, called the firearm industry “the enemy” from the debate stage one year ago. Now the Democratic Party’s Official Platform lays out an agenda to dismantle the firearm and ammunition industry and destroy Second Amendment rights in America.
How do the Democrats plan to attack your gun rights? CLICK HERE to find out. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) posted the party’s draft platform online. This platform will be formally adopted during the Democratic convention in Milwaukee in mid-August. Just two paragraphs of the 80-page document are dedicated to firearms, but the message is clear. The DNC Draft Platform includes:
- Halting and criminalizing online firearm and ammunition sales
- Forcing states to require licenses for owning any firearms
- Instituting delay processes for background checks
- Criminalizing private firearm transfers
- Banning the manufacture and sale of modern sporting rifles
- Banning the manufacture and sale of 10+ Rd capacity magazines
- Enacting ex parte “red flag” laws to seize guns without legal recourse
- Mandating home storage requirements under penalty of law
- Repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

Require Licenses for Firearm Ownership
The right to “keep and bear arms” is a fundamental right recognized by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. However, the Democrats want to restrict Second Amendment freedoms by requiring that all Americans first obtain a license before being allowed to purchase any firearms. This licensing scheme would be carried out by incentivizing “states to enact licensing requirements to own firearms[.]

Ban and Confiscate ARs and other Modern Sporting Rifles
The DNC platform contemplates the confiscation of modern sporting rifles. Biden has told voters he would appoint former U.S. Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke as his gun control sheriff, after O’Rourke said “Hell, yes…” to forcibly confiscating modern sporting rifles. Biden answered CNN’s Anderson Cooper when he asked if his federal buyback plan would mean the government would confiscate firearms. “Bingo,” Biden said. “You’re right, if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is they should be illegal, period.”

Authorize Delays in FBI NICS Background Check System
Changes called for in the DNC platform will cause delays in the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System for gun sales. Right now, 91% of all NICs background checks are completed within a few minutes. Just 9% are delayed. Of those, 88% are finalized within three working days. The Democrats want to see background checks held up and delayed for many reasons.
Repeal of Protections for Gun Makers against Litigation
The DNC also seeks to revoke the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which blocks lawsuits against gun-makers arising from criminal activity by individuals. Such lawsuits threaten a vital American industry. Allowing a lawsuit against a firearms company for the actions of a deranged criminal would be like allowing a lawsuit against an automaker if a drunk driver runs a red light or deliberately runs over a pedestrian. The maker of the car, or firearm, should NOT be financially responsible for the illegal actions of product users.
This story is based on NSSF News Release
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July 3rd, 2020

As the November 2020 election quickly approaches, many of the candidates’ platforms include proposals that severely threaten your Second Amendment rights. Presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden endorses a broad ban on semi-automatic rifles and further restrictions on handguns. From proposed bans on popular modern sporting rifles and ammunition to mandates for federal licensing and registration, these ill-informed proposals would strip away the rights of law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to protect public safety. It is time you make a choice and take a stand.
Visit www.gunvote.org then click on the 2020 presidential candidates link to view their positions and quotes on Second Amendment issues. Gunvote.org also has links to help you REGISTER TO VOTE for the November 2020 Election.
As target shooters, hunters, and gun owners, we must not risk our rights! On Election Day 2020, vote to protect America’s firearms freedoms: #GUNVOTE.
Even between elections, target shooters, hunters, and gun owners would do well to stay informed about the issues that affect us. Becoming educated about the views, votes, and decisions of officeholders and those positioning themselves to run for office should be an ongoing concern. #GUNVOTE is here to help you to protect America’s firearms freedoms. Don’t wait until election time. Become educated and keep yourself informed before it’s time to #GUNVOTE.
Protecting your rights has never been more important than it is today. Our national crisis has exposed the politicians who want to strip away our constitutional freedoms. Send them a message! Be a voter in the 2020 elections to protect your rights!
Help Drive Pro-Second Amendment Voter Registration
NSSF is urging all industry businesses and activist-minded individuals to download and display NSSF’s #GUNVOTE Banners on their company websites and incorporate #GUNVOTE messages in their social media campaigns. You can link to Gunvote.org, where visitors can find voter-registration information for their states and other helpful resources.
This message is provided by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry.
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May 30th, 2020

All the candidates for Congress listed below do NOT respect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. These candidates are endorsed by a radical anti-gun group, the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. Many of these candidates have also received significant funding from anti-gun organizations.
Of course all voters should do their own research, but we suggest you look very carefully at the backgrounds, public statements, and voting records of these anti-gun candidates. Get the word out that these men and women intend to vote for aggressive and sweeping new legislation that could ban many types of firearms, increase ammo costs, lengthen waiting periods, restrict concealed carry, and limit your rights to defend your home and family.
According to Guns America Digest, these anti-gun candidates hope to spend their way into office with heavy funding from anti-gun organizations: “With at least a $60 million bankroll to spend on these politicians in 2020, Everytown thinks it is in the catbird seat relative to a financially strained and embattled National Rifle Association. The organization, which is funded primarily by failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, believes its anti-gun candidates will win, and win big because they’ve signed on to support legislation that chills the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”
List of Anti-Gun Candidates Endorsed by the Everytown Group:
Congressman Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01)
Hiral Tipirneni (AZ-06)
Congressman Mike Thompson (CA-05)
Congressman Josh Harder (CA-10)
Congressman TJ Cox (CA-21)
Christy Smith (CA-25*) (See Footnote)
Congressman Gil Cisneros (CA-39)
Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45)
Harley Rouda (CA-48)
Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49)
Congressman Jason Crow (CO-06)
Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (CT-05)
Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (FL-26)
Congresswoman Lucy McBath (GA-06)
Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer (IA-01)
Congresswoman Cindy Axne (IA-03)
Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06)
Betsy Dirksen Londrigan (IL-13)
Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (IL-14)
Christina Hale (IN-05)
Congresswoman Sharice Davids (KS-03)
Congressman Katherine Clark (MA-05)
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD-05)
Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-08)
Congresswoman Haley Stevens (MI-11)
Dan Feehan (MN-01)
Congresswoman Angie Craig (MN-02)
Jill Schupp (MO-02)
Kara Eastman (NE-02) |
Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01)
Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03)
Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05)
Congressman Tom Malinowski (NJ-07)
Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11)
Congressman Susie Lee (NV-03)
Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04)
Jackie Gordon (NY-02)
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08)
Congressman Jerry Nadler (NY-10)
Congressman Max Rose (NY-11)
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (NY-12)
Congressman Antonio Delgado (NY-19)
Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01)
Congresswoman Susan Wild (PA-07)
Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08)
Eugene DePasquale (PA-10)
Congressman Conor Lamb (PA-17)
Congressman Joe Cunningham (SC-01)
Congressman Jim Clyburn (SC-06)
Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07)
Wendy Davis (TX-21)
Sri Kulkarni (TX-22)
Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23)
Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32)
Congresswoman Elaine Luria (VA-02)
Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (VA-07)
Carolyn Long (WA-03)
Congresswoman Kim Schrier (WA-08) |
Make no mistake, the Democratic Party politicians hope to advance radical legislation that will restrict gun rights. Remember what Beto O’Rourke pledged…

* Democrat Christy Smith was defeated by Republican Mike Garcia in a Special Election on May 12, 2020. Garcia, a former fighter pilot, stated: “It is clear that our message of lower taxes and ensuring we don’t take liberal Sacramento dysfunction to Washington prevailed. I’m ready to go to work right away for the citizens of the 25th Congressional District.” Garcia and Smith, both of Santa Clarita, will face off again on November 3, 2020 to fill a full two-year term in a swing district.
Share the post "Who NOT to Vote For — List of Anti-Gun Congressional Candidates"
March 8th, 2020

As we draw closer to the 2020 Presidential election, we are starting to see an upturn in U.S. firearms sales, which had slowed somewhat after President Trump’s 2016 election victory. Combined firearms sales are up 17.3% compared to February last year. We are guessing that folks are getting a bit nervous about restrictions on firearms in the event President Trump doesn’t win a second term.
Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF) estimates February 2020 U.S. firearms unit sales at 1,357,643 units, a year-over-year increase of 17.3% from February 2019. Handgun sales (793,301) increased year-over-year by 19.5% whereas single long-gun sales (441,516) increased year-over-year by 12.4%. All other likely background check-related sales (122,826) increased year-over-year by 22.1%. This includes so-called “multiple” sales where the allocation between handguns and long-guns cannot be determined from the data record.
SAAF Chief Economist Jurgen Brauer comments that “it appears as if firearms owners are casting early votes in the upcoming presidential election this year: Unit sales in both, January and February 2020 have been at their highest levels since 2016.”

SAAF’s firearms unit sales estimates are based on raw data taken from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), adjusted for checks unlikely to be related to end-user firearms sales. For example, the FBI’s raw numbers (for February, some 2,776,380) cannot be taken at face value as very large numbers of background checks are unrelated to end-user sales. As a case in point, in February the state of Kentucky conducted about 368,000 so-called permit checks and rechecks alone whereas end-user checks at firearms retailers likely amounted to about 30,000 checks. SAAF makes certain other adjustments to the data based on retailer reports and other information; nonetheless, the estimates still likely understate the “true” number of unit sales.
Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF) is a research consultancy focusing on the business & economics of the global small arms and ammunition markets. Politically unaffiliated, SAAF is an independent resource for industry, advocacy, research, and policy-making, as well as for financial analysts and the media.
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