June 22nd, 2015
AccurateShooter.com has released the most complete discussion of the 6.5×47 Lapua cartridge ever published. Our new 6.5×47 Cartridge Guide is packed with information. If you own a 6.5×47 rifle, or are thinking of building a rifle with this chambering, definitely read this Cartridge Guide from start to finish. Our comprehensive, 5000-word article was researched and written by the 6.5 Guys, Ed Mobley and Steve Lawrence. Both Ed and Steve shoot the 6.5×47 Lapua in competition and they are experts on this accurate and efficient mid-sized cartridge.
You’ll find everything you need to know about the 6.5×47 Lapua in our new Cartridge Guide. We cover ballistics, reloading, die selection, and we provide an extensive list of recommended loads, for bullets from 120 to 140 grains. You can read interviews with respected experts who’ve built and tested many 6.5×47 rifles. The Guide includes helpful tech tips such as how to maximize the powder fill in your cases. This Cartridge Guide can put you on the “fast track” — helping you develop accurate, reliable loads with minimal development time.
6.5×47 Lapua Cartridge Guide Highlights:
- Cartridge Specifications
- Comprehensive Load Data
- Best Bullets and Primers for 6.5×47
- Ballistics Comparison Charts
- Sizing and Seating Die Options
- 6mm-6.5×47 (Necked-Down) Options
- Ask the Experts Section
- Tips for Accurate Reloading
- Brass Life and Annealing
- Chambering and Gunsmithing Tips
- 6.5×47 Lapua for Hunting
- 6.5×47 Lapua for Tactical Competition
- 6.5×47 Factory-Loaded Ammo
Here is a sample from the 6.5×47 Cartridge Guide’s Ask the Experts Section. This is an interview with Rich Emmons, one of the founders of the Precision Rifle Series:
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March 11th, 2015
Photo courtesy NSSF.
Count this as a small victory for gun owners — the ATF’s proposed ban on “Green Tip” M855 ammo has been taken off the table — for now at least. The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm and Explosives (ATF) announced that it will rethink its proposed ban on commonplace 5.56x45mm M855 “green tip” ammunition. ATF has shelved the M855 ban for the time being while it reviews the 80,000+ comments it has received on the issue. The Shooting Wire noted that: “In addition to those 80,000 comments from average citizens, letters from both houses of Congress warned the ATF [that its] proposal was…a violation of law as Congress had exempted M855 from armor piercing classification because of its widespread use for recreational and competition shooting.” Though the matter is “off the table” for now, ATF will continue to accept comments through March 16, 2015.
ATF Statement Regard Proposed M855 Ban
“Thank you for your interest in ATF’s proposed framework for determining whether certain projectiles are ‘primarily intended for sporting purposes’ within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(C). The informal comment period will close on Monday, March 16, 2015. ATF has already received more than 80,000 comments, which will be made publicly available as soon as practicable. Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework. After the close of the comment period, ATF will process the comments received, further evaluate the issues raised therein, and provide additional open and transparent process (for example, through additional proposals and opportunities for comment) before proceeding with any framework.”
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January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year to all our readers worldwide, and especially the 26,500+ members of the AccurateShooter Forum. We hope 2015 brings you happiness in your lives and success in your endeavors. And we wish for small groups, good scores, and successful hunts in the New Year.
Download free wallpapers from goodfon.com.
We hope that, in 2015, you’ll enjoy your precision rifles, spending “quality time” at the range with good friends. We upgraded our site this year, acquiring new high-speed dedicated servers. We hope you’ll continue to enjoy our feature articles, our Daily Bulletin, our match reports, and our Free Forum Classifieds. The formula seems to be working — our audience is bigger than ever and it just keeps growing, with over 150,000+ unique users visiting the site every week.
Forum Membership Grows 13% in 2014
Our Shooters’ Forum grew significantly in 2014. Membership grew by 13% as ranks swelled to over 26,500 members! More people are successfully buying and selling in our FREE Forum Classifieds section than ever before. Remember, user donations help make our Free Classifieds possible.
Daily Bulletin Is a Big Hit
The AccurateShooter Daily Bulletin has become a “must read” for anyone interested in serious rifle accuracy. In the Bulletin you’ll find money-saving sale notices, timely match reports, and a host of reloading and accurizing tips. The Bulletin has become THE source for exclusive “scoops” on new products and new shooting technologies. Eric Stecker of Berger Bullets says: “You guys have become the ‘USA Today’ of the precision shooting market.” 365 days a year we offer a unique combination of shooting tips, gear reviews, industry news, and highlighted bargains and special sales.
We need your support. For over 10 years the site has relied largely on volunteer efforts by dedicated shooters. But as the site grows, serving a larger audience, we need the assistance of professional gunsmiths, writers, and video editors. Those guys don’t work for glory alone.
Consider this — what do you pay for a movie ticket these days? Probably $8.50 or more for 90 minutes of escapism. For a buck a month ($12 a year) you can help this site provide a YEAR’s worth of info, tests, and shooting news that you won’t find anywhere else.
In the past quarter about 120 site users have donated. We thank all those who have generously contributed. But that still leaves tens of thousands of users who access the site regularly without contributing. In fact, though our readership grew significantly in 2014, we received $3000.00 less in donations than during 2013.
Here’s our proposal. First, if you have used our FREE Classifieds to successfully sell your rifles or shooting gear, consider sending in a dollar or two from your sale proceeds. Second, for those who use the site regularly, consider donating One Dollar a Month. That’s less than the price of a cup of coffee.
How to Contribute
Making a donation to the site is simple and easy. Just click on the orange “Donate” button at right. If you have a credit card, you don’t need a Paypal account to contribute. Any sum is welcome — donations need not be large. |
Help Support this Site by Making a Secure Donation.
If you don’t like Paypal, you can send a check. Make the check payable to our “Answerman” Jeff Williams. Please list your Forum Log-In Name (if any), and mail the check to:
Jeff Williams
P.O. Box 2409
Evergreen, CO 80437-2409
Share the post "Happy New Year and Message to Our Readers Worldwide"
December 25th, 2014
Holiday Greetings to Our Readers
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our readers and especially our 26,480+ Forum Members. This marks our tenth Christmas “in business”, and the site is stronger than ever thanks to our members and industry sponsors. AccurateShooter.com (and 6mmBR.com) are now accessed by over 150,000 unique users every week. Part of the reason for that success is the hard work of our volunteer helpers.
Unsung Heroes Deserve Recognition
I want to acknowledge some guys who have really helped out the site. Number one is JayChris, our IT guy — he keeps the servers running smoothly and maintains our Forum. We just updated the Forum software this week and Jay pulled that off without a hitch. Thanks also go to Jeff Williams, our “Answerman” who fields miscellaneous questions from our readers. We have a great place to test rifles thanks to our good buddy (and designated trigger-puller) Joe Friedrich. I also want to recognize our regular contributors, including German Salazar, Jason Baney, Robert Whitley, Mark LaFevers, and Vince Bottomley. And special thanks to Boyd Allen and EdLongRange who tirelessly supply story leads for the Daily Bulletin. These guys (and many others) have all contributed much time and effort.
You can download this photo as a FREE computer wallpaper from Wallpaperhere.com.
We also want to thank our major sponsors, without whose support the site could not provide the full AccurateShooter.com experience, with an active Forum, an archive of in-depth articles, and fresh content 365 days a year in our Daily Bulletin. We’re grateful to all our sponsors and advertisers.
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May 19th, 2014
25,000+ members and counting! The AccurateShooter.com Shooters’ Forum hit a major milestone on May 18, 2014. We surpassed 25,000 registered members. If you have considered joining our Forum, but haven’t done so yet, there’s no better time than now.
As a Shooters’ Forum member, you can exchange ideas with other serious shooters. Sell your gear through our FREE Forum Classifieds. You can get valuable advice on shooting and reloading from top shooters such as National Champions Larry Bartholome, Sam Hall, and Derek Rodgers. Get long-range advice from Ballistics Guru Bryan Litz and past F-Class Team Captain Shiraz Balolia. As well, many top tool-makers and barrel-makers visit the Forum regularly, such as Dave Kiff (PT&G), Frank Green (Bartlein Barrels), and John Perkins (21st Century Shooting).
Benefits for Registered Shooters’ Forum Members
- FREE Classified Ads for Forum Members.
- Forum Members Get Advanced Notice of Special Offers.
- Specialty Sub-boards for Reloading and Gunsmithing.
- Gear Talk Section with Hundreds of User Gear Evaluations.
- Special Area for Varmint and Game Hunters.
- Leading Accuracy Forum with High “Signal to Noise Ratio”.
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March 6th, 2014
Here’s a “heads up” for our Shooters’ Forum members. On Saturday, March 8, we plan to upgrade our Forum server. As a result, the Forum will be unavailable (offline) for 3-4 hours on Saturday, March 8, starting at about 10:00 am Central Time. Don’t worry, when the upgrade is completed, there will be no change in format or layout. The Forum will look the same and navigation will be unchanged.
We are upgrading to increase horsepower — moving to a server with a much faster processor, more storage, and 8 times more RAM. We hope you’ll see a difference in Forum speed, particularly during peak traffic periods. You should notice that searches run faster. During the upgrade process the Forum will be offline (not available) for 3-4 hours (if things go according to plan). There is a chance we might be offline for a longer period if there are unanticipated issues.
How You Can Help — Please Delete Your Old Private Messages
There’s a simple thing Forum members can do to help the Forum run faster and better — “pruning” your old private messages (PMs). Many thousands of Forum members are each retaining scores of private messages that are many years old. All those stale messages represent millions of database entries. Those millions of old PMs slow down the database and increase the load on our servers.
Please help us out by getting rid of your private messages more than six months old. This is a super-simple process you can do in a few seconds. The process is explained in this Forum Thread about Private Messages. Pruning your old PMs will help streamline the database, AND it will make your personal message archive open more quickly.
CLICK HERE for Instructions on How to Delete Your Old Forum Private Messages
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August 15th, 2013
Here’s a “heads up” for our Daily Bulletin readers and site visitors. On Saturday, August 17, we plan to upgrade our servers and install new software for the Daily Bulletin and AccurateShooter.com. As a result, the Daily Bulletin and AccurateShooter.com will be unavailable (offline) for up to 24 hours on Saturday, August 17. There is a small possibility of downtime on Sunday as well.
The work is being done to streamline the database that handles the thousands of articles on the Daily Bulletin and the main site. In addition we will be installing new server software that should be faster yet easier to trouble-shoot. This should give us improved security and stability, and it should allow the Daily Bulletin and main site to run faster. You should notice that searches run faster.
So guys… don’t freak out if you cannot access Accurateshooter.com and the Daily Bulletin this upcoming weekend. God willing, all the necessary work can be done within a 24-town span on Saturday. If all goes according to plan, you can log in on Sunday without a hitch. All existing articles, photos, and resources will be backed up and restored — there will simply be a “time out” for 24 hours or so. IMPORTANT: You will still be able to use our Shooters’ Forum without interruption.
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April 19th, 2013
Readers who have just recently discovered the Daily Bulletin may not realize that AccurateShooter.com has hundreds of reference articles in our archives. These authoritative articles are divided into mutiple categories, so you can easily view stories by topic (such as competition, tactical, rimfire, optics, shooting skills etc.). One of the most popular categories is our Technical Articles Collection. On a handy index page (with thumbnails for every story), you’ll find over 100 articles covering technical and gunsmithing topics. These articles can help you with major projects (such as stock painting), and they can also help you build more accurate ammo. Here are five popular selections from our Technical Articles archive.
Stress-Free Pillar Bedding. Richard Franklin explains how to do a top-quality bedding job, start to finish.
OnTarget Software Review. Our Editors test free software that measures shot groups with great precision. We explain how to use the program and configure advanced features.
Savage Action Tuning. Top F-TR shooter Stan Pate explains how to enhance the performance of your Savage rifle by optimizing the torque settings of the action screws.
Complete Precision Case Prep. Jake Gottfredson covers the complete case prep process, including brass weight sorting, case trimming, primer pocket uniforming, neck-sizing, and, case-neck turning.
Stock Painting Instructions. Step-by-step guide for stock painting by expert Mike Ricklefs. Mike shows both simple coverage and fancy effects.
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March 14th, 2013
Here’s great news for IBS members. The IBS has announced its affiliation with AccurateShooter.com, the premier website dealing with all types of rifle accuracy. The IBS and this website will work together to provide prominent media coverage of IBS events. IBS President Jeff Stover explains: “The IBS leadership was faced with an unexpected dilemma in late 2012 with the loss of our print media outlet. We think the partnership with Accurateshooter.com will present the IBS (and the sport of benchrest) front and center before a large, global audience of shooters interested in small groups and high scores from 100 to 1000 yards.”
Building its internet presence will benefit the IBS and its members says Stover: “Benchrest shooting has earned a highly respected position among the shooting disciplines. Most, if not all, innovations in rifle accuracy technology have been derived from benchrest. Nevertheless, it has been a ‘niche’ shooting sport. We in the IBS feel that AccurateShooter.com will help us achieve two major goals. The first is to give our members (and the matches they shoot) increased exposure. AccurateShooter.com has a worldwide audience with over 130,000 visitors every week. Secondly, we hope this website will present benchrest shooting as approachable and a mature discipline that is ready to welcome new shooters.”
IBS President Jeff Stover Talks About IBS Match Coverage on AccurateShooter.com
[haiku url=”http://accurateshooter.net/Video/jeffstovertalks.mp3″ title=”Jeff Stover Talks about IBS”]Click “Play” to Hear Audio |
Beyond the major match coverage at AccurateShooter.com, the IBS website (Internationalbenchrest.com) will remain the IBS’s primary online resource for schedules and match results for every registered IBS match, be it short range or longrange.
Looking Ahead — What the IBS Plans
In the future, the IBS envisions further synergies with AccurateShooter.com. Together we are exploring ways to enhance the way benchrest matches are scored and reported. AccurateShooter.com provides a new media platform that will allow both the match results and the human side of the competitions to be brought to life. There will be a dedicated area on this website for important IBS match reports (and special IBS features). We foresee a system being developed that will standardize the match scoring software that would be used at the range and then quickly be made available on the web. Match reports will evolve from a simple set of scores and equipment reports to rich content with lots of photos, audio reports, and even video clips.
Watch IBS Slide Show
AccurateShooter Teams up with IBS for Event Coverage
At AccurateShooter.com, we’re delighted to team up with the IBS. We plan to provide enhanced IBS match coverage in the months ahead. With luck, we’ll kick off our IBS coverage with three upcoming matches: the 1000-yard Match at Whitehorse WV (April 20), the Pennsylvania State Score Championships in York, PA (April 27), and the Boop/Altemus Memorial Shoot at Weikert, PA (May 11-12, group match). And of course, we’ll be covering the major IBS National events later in 2013.
We want to provide the “full story” of matches with photos, equipment features, and interviews with top shooters. Where possible, we hope to include audio interviews with the “Top Guns” and some videos of the matches. Our IBS Match Reports will feature the latest benchrest hardware, including some of the most accurate rifles ever made….
Our IBS Reports will show the ranges where benchrest dreams are chased, and world records are set.
And our Match Reports will feature the great people (of all ages) who make IBS Benchrest shooting such a great sport and rewarding pastime.
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January 1st, 2013
Download free screen-saver from 123newyear.com.
Happy New Year to all our readers worldwide, and especially the nearly 20,000 members of the AccurateShooter Forum. We hope 2013 brings you happiness in your lives and success in your endeavors. And we wish for small groups, good scores, and successful hunts in the New Year.
We hope that, in 2013, you’ll enjoy your precision rifles, spending “quality time” at the range with friends who share your “addiction to accuracy”. We’ve made major upgrades to our site this year, acquiring new high-speed dedicated servers, and adding a staff “Answerman” to provide direct help for our members. We hope you’ll continue to enjoy our feature articles, our Daily Bulletin, our match reports, and our Free Forum Classifieds. The formula seems to be working — our audience is bigger than ever and it just keeps growing. And with the demise of Precision Shooting Magazine in November 2012, AccurateShooter.com’s role as an information resource is more important than ever.
Forum Membership Grows 23% in 2012
We experienced big growth in our Shooters’ Forum in 2012. Membership grew by 23% as member ranks swelled from 16,000 members to nearly 20,000 members! Forum traffic (pageviews) rose 40% in 2012 — that’s a huge increase in one year. And more people are successfully buying and selling in our FREE Forum Classifieds section than ever before.
Daily Bulletin Is a Big Hit
The AccurateShooter Daily Bulletin has become a “must read” for anyone interested in serious rifle accuracy. Daily Bulletin viewership is up 37% in 2012 compared to the year before. In the Bulletin you’ll find money-saving sale notices, timely match reports, and a host of reloading and accurizing tips. The Bulletin has become THE source for exclusive “scoops” on new products and new shooting technologies. Eric Stecker of Berger Bullets says: “You guys have become the ‘USA Today’ of the precision shooting market.” 365 days a year we offer a unique combination of shooting tips, gear reviews, industry news, and highlighted bargains and special sales.
Big Plans for 2013 — With Your Help…
In the months ahead we plan to release more feature stories, more videos, more informative ‘how to’ articles, and some major gear comparison tests. We also hope to do audio interviews (“podcasts”) with top shooters such as Carl Bernosky, Sam Hall, and John Whidden. We’ll continue to offer serious field tests and inside “scoops” on the latest precision shooting products. And now that Precision Shooting Magazine has folded, we hope to fill that void with articles from some of your favorite PS writers.
We need your support. For over eight years the site has relied largely on volunteer efforts by dedicated shooters. But as the site grows, adding new types of content and more sophisticated features, we need the assistance of professional gunsmiths, writers, and movie editors. Those guys don’t work for glory alone.
For the site to continue to deliver more cutting-edge content, we need to bring in paid helpers. Right now, the site reaches over 125,000 shooters every WEEK. If the majority of those users could provide a small donation every year, we could deliver more stories, more tests, more Gun of the Week features, and more videos.
In the past quarter about 90 site users have donated to the site. I want to thank all those who have generously contributed (at any time). But that still leaves tens of thousands of users who access the site regularly without contributing.
Here’s our proposal. First, if you have used our FREE Classifieds to successfully sell your rifles or shooting gear, consider sending in a dollar or two from your sale proceeds. Second, for those who use the site regularly, consider donating One Dollar a Month. That’s less than the price of a cup of coffee and much less than many websites now charge for their “premium content areas”.
Consider this — what do you pay for a movie ticket these days? Probably $8.50 or more for 90 minutes of escapism. For a buck a month ($12 a year) you can help this site provide a YEAR’s worth of info, tests, and shooting news that you won’t find anywhere else.
How to Contribute
Making a donation to the site is simple and easy. Just click on the orange “Donate” button at right. If you have a credit card, you don’t need a Paypal account to contribute. Any sum is welcome — donations need not be large. |
Help Support this Site by Making a Secure Donation.
If you don’t like Paypal, you can send a check. Make the check payable to our Asst. Editor Jason Baney. Please list your Forum Log-In Name (if any), and mail the check to:
Jason Baney
P.O. Box 105
Montoursville, PA 17754
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November 26th, 2012
We’ve learned that many first-time visitors to AccurateShooter.com may come in via a link to the Daily Bulletin rather than through our home page. As a result, they may not be aware that there is a wealth of other content available to our readers. Our Shooters’ Forum, with 19,300 registered members, is one of the best places on the web to discuss precision shooting and advanced reloading. We also offer FREE Forum Classifieds. On the editorial side, AccurateShooter.com offers hundreds of pages of content, with thousands of photos. Our Cartridge Guides are definitive one-stop resources for popular match calibers, while our Guns of the Week articles spotlight outstanding custom rifles, most with competition pedigrees. In addition, we offer videos, gear reviews, book reviews, gunsmithing tips, and even FREE downloadable targets.
If you’re a new visitor to AccurateShooter.com, you should check out all that we have to offer. There are hundreds of informative articles to read … and they’re all FREE.
AccurateShooter.com Features:
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October 10th, 2012
We know that many of our readers have reached an age when it can be difficult to read small type. Thankfully, there are some easy keyboard tricks that can make our pages easier to view. Here are some tips that can help older eyes, enhancing your reading/viewing experience, when browsing the Daily Bulletin, reading our feature articles, or visiting our Shooters’ Forum.
1. Use the F11 Key on Windows PCs to Enable Full Screen View.
On a Windows PC Keyboard, you’ll find the F11 key above and slightly left of the large “Backspace” key. When you click F11, it will zoom the layout to fill your entire screen, removing the tabs and buttons that can rob space on the top and sides. That provides a less-cluttered layout for reading. To go back to “normal” view, simply click F11 a second time.
2. Use the Scroll Wheel on your Mouse to Increase Text Size.
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can use this with most browsers to increase the size of text in our articles. Just hold down the CTRL key and roll the wheel forward to increase text size. With most browsers, this enlarges the entire web page, so navigation buttons get bigger too.
With Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera Browsers, hold down the CTRL key and spin the wheel forward to make the text larger. Hold the CTRL key down and roll the wheel back to shrink text. |
3. Use the Keypad Plus/Minus Keys to Increase Text Size.
If you don’t have a scroll wheel on your mouse, you can increase the text size by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the + (plus) key on your keypad, located on the right side of your keyboard. Click the – (minus) key to reduce font size, while holding CTRL key.
4. Use + and – Buttons to Change Text Size on Feature Stories.
When browsing the feature stories in our main site, AccurateShooter.com, you can increase or decrease text size by clicking the plus and minus buttons at the top of right column.
The advantage with this method is it just changes the font size for the main story, while leaving the top section and side navigation unchanged. NOTE this doesn’t yet work on all our stories. Some of the older articles have a fixed layout so that the data tables display correctly.
Use Browser Tabs to Keep Bulletin, Forum, and Home Page Open
By using browser tabs, you can have “instant access” to our Forum while reading the Daily Bulletin. This is easy to do if you use a tab-equipped browser, such as Chrome or Internet Explorer 8+. Here’s how to open multiple tabs. When in the Daily Bulletin, Right Click on the “Forum” link at the top of the page. Select “Open in New Tab”. This will let you browse the Forum without closing the Daily Bulletin. Likewise, put your mouse over the “Home”, right click, and select “Open in New Tab”. This way you can have instant access to the Bulletin, the Home Page, and the Forum.
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