Looking for a match-worthy PRS/NRL rig for under $2050.00? Check out Savage’s Model 110 Elite Precision, now with a $200 rebate, lowering your net cost to $1849.99 (some calibers higher price). With the purchase of a Savage m110 Elite Precision, m110 Precision, or Impulse Elite Precision rifle you qualify for a $200 mail-in rebate from Savage. CLICK HERE for rebate info.
GunsAmerica Digest completed a very thorough test of the 110 Elite Precision, declaring that this modern Savage is “Competition-Ready Out of the Box.”
The 110 Elite Precision has many notable features:
1. Modular Driven Technologies (MDT) Adjustable Core Competition (ACC) Chassis
2. Trigger adjusts from 1.5-4.0 pounds
3. Barrel comes with timed muzzle brake from factory
4. MDT Stocks easily accepts Weights and Accessories
5. Takes AICS-compatible Magazines
6. Titanium Nitride coated bolt body
This rifle boasts an excellent MDT ACC modular chassis. GunsAmerica stated: “Combined with the excellent trigger, an AR-compatible vertical grip, flared magazine well, and AICS mag system (along with a host of additional features), the 110 Elite Precision comes with everything you need [for PRS/NRL matches].” The stock has ARCA rails on the fore-end and M-LOK mounting points for accessories and/or weights. You can add an additional 9 pounds of steel to customize the balance/mass of the rifle to improve stability and minimize recoil.
The Cheekpiece and Buttpad are adjustable, along with Length of Pull (LOP).
Another reviewer noted that the 110 Elite Precision has important accurizing tweaks from the factory: “Key upgrades include a blueprinted action … Savage squared the receiver face and cleaned up the receiver threads to ensure they’re concentric with the barrel’s bore. This combination goes a long way in eliminating the occasional flyer that can ruin a good group or cause a miss in a match.” Source: GunsandAmmo.com.
Decent Accuracy with Factory Ammo
What kind of accuracy can you expect? Decent for a factory barrel and factory ammo. With Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor ammo, shooting off a sled, the test rifle delivered 1.1-MOA average groups. We would expect considerably better accuracy using a proper front rest with a bag-rider fitted to the fore-end. Likewise, the gun would almost certainly shoot better with handloads with Lapua brass and Berger bullets. Handling was good: “The Elite Precision is about as shootable as it gets. The 12.6-pound rifle produces very little recoil with the 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge, and … the ACC chassis can be weighted to control recoil even further.”
Actual owners have been impressed with the 110 Elite Precision. One buyer posted: “You couldn’t build a complete PRS rifle that is this good of a platform for even close to the price!” GunsAmerica tester Jordan Michaels concurred that this rig is a great choice for PRS/NRL factory-class: “If you’re in the market for a rifle to compete in a long-range competition, the Savage 110 Elite Precision is an excellent choice.”
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Our friends, Ed Mobley and Steve Lawrence, aka the “6.5 Guys”, have written an excellent article on getting started in practical/tactical competition. If you are new to the game, these tips can help you save money, progress faster, and have more fun. Here are article highlights, but we recommend you read the full story,5 Tips for Attending Your First Precision Rifle Match, onwww.65guys.com.
We often meet people who are new to long range precision shooting, and want to improve their knowledge and skill level. However, they aren’t sure if they are ready to sign up to compete in a match. They often ask, “What knowledge or skills are necessary to compete in a match?” Others may state, “I need to purchase this gear or that gear before I can attend a match”. For those guys who have a strong interest in precision rifle shooting, and who wish to chec out a precision rifle match, below are Five Tips to make it a positive experience.
TIP ONE: Make Plans and Commit to Go
First you need to start by finding a match to attend. This may entail a little bit of research and investigative work on your part to find what matches are scheduled in the next few months. We recommend starting with any match that may be within a reasonable driving distance. This may likely be a local “club” match, many of which are held on a regular basis. These make great venues because it will provide an opportunity to meet some of the regular attendees as well as shooters that are from your geographic area. Additionally, most of the smaller matches are a little more relaxed in terms of level of competitiveness.
Once you decide on the match you want to attend, do your homework. This means finding out if you need to pre-register or pre-pay the match fee. Commit to going by registering for the match and putting it on your schedule. Be sure to find other useful information for questions such as:
— What time should I arrive?
— Is there a mandatory safety briefing for new shooters at that venue?
— What is the travel time required to get to the match site?
— How many stages will there be?
— Is there a description of the stages available before the match?
— How many rounds should you bring?
— Are there special equipment requirements? (E.g. do you need chamber flags, is there a pistol stage?)
TIP TWO: Bring What You Have
(Don’t Spend a Fortune at the Start)
Some new shooters often assume they need a custom match rifle or all of the miscellaneous shooting gear associated with long range precision shooting to compete in match. While having a Kestrel weather meter and a high quality laser range finder and other shooting accoutrements are invaluable kit, you will find other shooters at your first match that will provide you with the information and coaching you need to get on target.
In fact, the only gear you really need to bring is a scoped rifle with a bipod and ammo capable of consistently shooting within one MOA. Also, be sure to know the ballistic drops or have a ballistic drop table prepared for your rifle/ammo to dial the correct DOPE on your scope for different target ranges. Many of the other participants at the match will be willing to let you borrow a support bag, bipod, tripod or other gear if you need one — just ask. Don’t use the excuse of not having the right gear to delay getting out to a match!
One reason not to make a big initial investment in a new rifle and assorted gear before competing, is we’ve seen a number of people come into the sport and try it for a year and then make the decision to move on to something else.
TIP THREE: Be Prepared to Learn
As a new shooter at a match, there is no better opportunity to learn. We often look to our local club matches as a group ‘training’ session to prepare for the bigger matches. You will find competitors at all levels of skill and many of your fellow shooters will enthusiastically provide helpful advice once they learn you are new to the sport. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions if you would like ideas for how to engage a stage, but also be sure to do more listening than talking as you receive guidance and tips from more experienced competitors.
Watch and observe other shooters and how they approach and ‘game’ a specific stage or course of fire. You’ll begin to recognize which shooting positions work best for different scenarios, and maybe even come up with some new ones that no one has thought of before.
Seeing what the better shooters do is an invaluable instructional tool. You can use your smart phone’s video camera to record other shooters (with their permission). When you’re ready to shoot, ask another shooter to record your performance. Watching yourself will point out needed areas of improvement.
After each match conduct an informal after action review and summarize for yourself the things that went well and what you should continue to do. You should also identify the specific shooting skills you should develop and make a plan to integrate the appropriate practice drills into your practice sessions. Finally, if you maintain a shooter’s data book or journal you’ll want to note things such as:
After Action Review – How you did, what went well, things you need to work on in practice. Stage Observations – Successful methods used for specific courses of fire. Note barricades, positions used, specific gear used for stages. Gear Observations – How your rifle/gear performed, what new items you should add to your “buy list”.
TIP FOUR: Be Safe and Have Fun
You’ve all heard a parent or teacher say, “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.” The same can be said of the shooting sports. Safe handling of firearms is the number one rule at any match, and comes before the FUN part in terms of importance.
Before all matches start there will always be some form of a mandatory safety briefing. Make sure you know, understand, and follow any unique safety protocols for the match you attend. Some matches require all rifles have chamber flags inserted and are stowed in bags/cases while not on the firing line — other matches may not. If you run afoul of any safety rules, you risk the chance of being disqualified from a stage or worse, the entire match.
The second rule is simply have fun. This starts with having a good attitude throughout the day. Keep in mind that as a new competitor you should think of a match as a solid day of practice and training. If you blow a stage, use it as an opportunity to diagnose what you could have done differently or what you need to improve on — then smile and drive on.
Any day at the range or shooting is a good day. A match is an opportunity to hang out with like-minded people who are passionate about shooting and impacting targets far-far away. Life is great when you are doing what you enjoy!
TIP FIVE: Make Friends
There is no better way to meet lots of precision rifle shooters and make friends than at a match. The people that attend the tactical precision matches on a regular basis are those that have ‘fallen into the deep end of the pool’ and are really into the sport. As a result, they have become part of the local precision shooting community. As you strike up conversations at the match, find out if your new-found friends visit specific forum boards or social media outlets, or if there are other matches they attend.
Precision shooters tend to congregate and share information in different corners of the Internet. It will serve you well to meet some of the guys in person at matches and be able to connect a face to a screen name. As you develop your friendships and develop a level of trust, you will find opportunities become available to shoot with others in your local area, or get ‘read-in’ on a secret honey-hole of a spot to shoot long distance. Additionally, the local shooting community will often find it more convenient to sell or trade gear and equipment locally than deal with buyers/sellers that are out of state.
Getting Started in PRS/NRL — One Man’s Story
My name is Jeff Cosgrove. I have shot for 20+ years but I found my interest in shooting was dwindling over time. I got somewhat bored with shooting paper at 100 yards or plinking cans out in the desert. About 3 years ago I decided I wanted to shoot long range. I picked up a used MPA in .300 Win Mag and started shooting long range with a new buddy. That day I fell in love with guns all over again.
With that new .300 WM I found my reloads were not up to my expectations (high ES/SD), so I purchased all new reloading hardware. One of my purchases was a used Benchsource Annealer. The guy I bought that from asked if I had ever tried PRS and he invited me to check out a match. So I went to a local PRS event as a spectator. I looked at many rigs and took notes. By the end of the day I knew this was something I really wanted to do. I then acquired a used chassis rifle that I thought would work well for PRS.
After working with that first PRS rifle, a 6.5 CM with Stiller Tac30 action, MDT chassis, and Proof Carbon-wrapped barrel, I quickly learned that gun did not handle and balance the way I hoped. It was too light in the front, the ergos were poor, and scope eye relief was not optimal. So I decided to build my own GEN 2 PRS rifle, a switch-barrel rig that I now use in competition. READ FULL Story HERE.
Load Development Using 6.5 Guys Custom Spreadsheet
To hold and analyze his load development data, Jeff uses the spreadsheet from 65Guys.com. this can really help identifying your best load. The Excel spreadsheet is detailed, yet makes it simple to analyze your data. You can even copy and paste your chronograph data if your chrono logs on to a SD card.
In this 6.5 Guys video Steve provides an overview and tutorial for using the Excel load development analysis model that he has developed. The Excel Load Development Analysis Spreadsheet version 2.0 is FREE. Download from the 6.5 Guys Load Development Page using this LINK for XLSM spreadsheet.
NOTE: If that direct link does not work, CLICK HERE to go to the 6.5 Guys website page, then look for the “Load Development Analysis Model Version 2.0″ link in the second paragraph.
In this video Steve explains some key statistical concepts for performing load data analysis. He also provides tips and guidance for determining the optimal load for your rifle as you analyze the load data you’ve collected.
Good Resource for PRS/NRL Newbies — Practical Shooter’s Guide
Marcus Blanchard, $19.98 Paperback, $9.99 Kindle
Thinking of getting started in the Practical/Tactical shooting game? Looking for ways to be more stable when shooting from unconventional positions? Then you may want to read Marcus Blanchard’s Practical Shooter’s Guide (A How-To Approach for Unconventional Firing Positions and Training). Unlike almost every “how to shoot” book on the market, Blanchard’s work focuses on the shooting skills and positions you need to succeed in PRS matches and similar tactical competitions. Blanchard provides clear advice on shooting from barricades, from roof-tops, from steep angles. Blanchard says you need to train for these types of challenges: “I believe the largest factor in the improvement of the average shooter isn’t necessarily the gear; it’s the way the shooter approaches obstacles and how they properly train for them.”
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Are you looking to get started in PRS and NRL practical precision rifle competition? Or perhaps you’d like to advance your skill set so you can place higher in big matches (and get your hands on those prize table items)? Of course there is no substitute for trigger time in the field, but there ARE some great print resources. These four books can help you select the right equipment, improve your shooting skills, make better wind calls, increase your fitness, and develop a more efficient between-match training program.
1. Precision Rifle Marksmanship: The Fundamentals
Frank Galli, $20.50 Paperback, $15.99 Kindle
Frank Galli (aka “LowLight”) is the founder/head honcho of SnipersHide.com, the most active tactical community on the internet. Galli is also a retired USMC scout-sniper. Practical Precision Rifle shooting is one of the hottest trends in competitive shooting today. PRS and NRL matches draw big turn-outs and boast impressive prize tables. Galli’s Precision Rifle Marksmanship (#ad) book covers the fundamentals of precision marksmanship with easy-to-understand methodology. The book uses the same instruction process that Galli uses in his live marksmanship classes.
As Sniper’s Hide guru Frank Galli explains, there is no voodoo when it comes to precision rifle marksmanship, but there are techniques that, when practiced, make the difference between good marksmanship and great marksmanship. Understanding the reasons that a bullet hits or doesn’t hit its intended target at ultra-long distances is a crucial element to learning. Galli’s explanations of how to understand and compensate for wind speed and direction are excellent — great wind-reading advice.
Published in 2020, this 272-page well-illustrated book covers the latest equipment (scopes, LRFs, chassis systems, mags, bags, bipods, tripods) favored by tactical competitors in PRS/NRL type matches.
2. Long Range Shooting Handbook
Ryan Cleckner, $22.46 Paperback, $9.99 Kindle
Ryan Cleckner’s Long Range Shooting Handbook (#ad) is the best-selling modern book on practical rifle skills. A former U.S. Army sniper instructor, Cleckner is knowledgeable, and his text is well-organized and chock full of good information. You can view Sample Chapters on Amazon.com.
Ryan Cleckner’s highly-regarded Long Range Shooting Handbook is designed as an intro to important fundamental concepts such as MOA vs. Mils, External Ballistics, and Environmental Effects. Included are personal tips and advice based on Cleckner’s years of experience as a sniper instructor and special operations sniper.
The Long Range Shooting Handbook is divided into three main categories: What It Is/How It Works, Fundamentals, and How to Use It. “What It Is/How It Works” covers equipment, terminology, and basic principles. “Fundamentals” covers the theory of long range shooting. “How to Use It” gives practical advice on implementing what you’ve learned, so you can progress as a skilled, long range shooter. This book will benefit any long-range shooter, not just PRS/NRL competitors.
3. IMPACT! — Training and Preparing for Precision Rifle Matches
Rodney Maze, $14.99 Paperback, $4.99 Kindle
Impact!, by PRS competitor Rodney Maze, is an entry/intermediate level guide to preparing yourself and your equipment to compete in precision rifle type matches. It will also benefit anyone looking to learn about practical-style long range and precision shooting. We recommend you check it out for yourself — there are 20 Pages of free sample content (#ad) on Amazon. Topics covered include:
— Rifle, optic, and equipment selection
— Setting up your rifle, bags, tripods for PRS/NRL matches
— Understanding ballistics and how to record and use ballistic data
— Techniques for using holdovers for multi-target stages
— Gun skills, rapid fire techniques, clearing malfunctions
— Shooting off of barricades, and specialty stages
— Effects of wind and how to improve your wind calls
— Tips for live fire and dry fire practice
— Preparing yourself and your equipment for a match
— Mental strategies and techniques
Impact! is illustrated with plenty of photographs. Topics are divided logically, and concepts are explained in clear language. Also included is an extensive glossary of terms used in precision shooting and a list of additional resources you can use to further pursue your precision shooting knowledge. This book also includes a handy Appendix with formatted pages for recording data about your rifle, scope, and ammunition. There is also a Wind table for recording your rifle “dope” and wind hold-offs. Lastly, Impact! has a useful table of unit conversions.
4. Practical Shooter’s Guide
Marcus Blanchard, $19.99 Paperback, $9.99 Kindle
Thinking of getting started in the Practical/Tactical shooting game? Looking for ways to be more stable when shooting from unconventional positions? Then you may want to read Marcus Blanchard’s Practical Shooter’s Guide (A How-To Approach for Unconventional Firing Positions and Training) (#ad). Unlike almost every “how to shoot” book on the market, Blanchard’s work focuses on the shooting skills and positions you need to succeed in PRS matches and similar tactical competitions. Blanchard provides clear advice on shooting from barricades, from roof-tops, from steep angles. Blanchard says you need to train for these types of challenges: “I believe the largest factor in the improvement of the average shooter isn’t necessarily the gear; it’s the way the shooter approaches obstacles and how they properly train for them.”
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Bushnell Match Pro ED 15×56 Binocular with MRAD Reticle
Bushnell’s impressive Match Pro ED 15×56 binoculars are designed for precision and competition rifle shooters. These 15-power, high-magnification binoculars offer ED Prime glass and a proprietary, rotating Shot-Call MRAD reticle. This reticle allows fast shot calls and corrections — something important for PRS/NRL competition. Bushnell says these new 15×56 binoculars, when mounted securely, have “enough power to effectively replace your spotting scope with a wide field-of-view that puts less stress on your eyes and allows you to more easily observe projectile flight.”
Early prototype versions of the Match Pro ED 15×56 binocular proved their worth in PRS/NRL competition. Bushnell pro shooter Robert Brantley has used the Match Pro ED binocular in PRS matches where he won four consecutive Tactical Division titles. In this video, Brantley explains the key features of Bushnell’s 15X, reticle-equipped Match Pro ED binoculars:
“The … Match Pro binos offer the perfect setup for spotting and calling shots on the range,” said Brantley. “They offer … the ability to fine tune corrections with the Shot-Call reticle. It truly does offer the best of everything and I’m not ever going back to shooting without them.”
Two important features of the Match Pro ED binoculars are the Shot-Call reticle and BridgeSet Stabilizer. The offset MRAD reticle is designed for target sizing, ranging and follow-up shot correction. The reticle has a dedicated focus adjustment and can be rotated for leveling after IPD (interpupillary distance) adjustment. Users can lock in their preferred IPD with the integrated bridge-lock, which ensures the binoculars are set for quick use.
This unit has some cool features. The BridgeSet IPD stabilizer provides a barrel angle stop that keeps your inter-pupillary distance constant in the field. A first of its kind, the BridgeSet is like a zero stop for your binoculars. These binoculars also have dual adjustable diopters to keep both barrels perfectly focused. This is important because many folks have slightly different vision in their left vs. their right eyes.
Bushnell’s 15-power Match Pro ED binoculars boast fully multi-coated ED (Extra-Low Dispersion) Prime objective lenses and BaK4 Abbe-Koenig roof prisms with PC3 dielectric phase coatings to ensure 92% light transmission. These Match Pro ED binoculars also feature Bushnell’s EXO-Barrier for high resolution regardless of weather conditions. A rugged magnesium housing protects the internal mechanisms while IPX5 waterproof sealing shields the optics from moisture. Another very good feature is that you can mount a tripod adapter to either the front or rear bridges based on your preference. That’s handy. These binoculars weigh a hefty 56 ounces (3.5 pounds), so you’ll definitely want to mount them on a tripod.
These Bushnell Match Pro ED 15×56 binoculars are available for $699.99 at EuroOptic.com and other leading vendors. Plus EuroOptic is currently offering FREE shipping with orders over $250.00. The Match Pro ED 15×56 binocular is backed by Bushnell’s 20-year Lifetime Ironclad Warranty. CLICK HERE to see full product profile on Bushnell.com.
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Are you looking to get started in tactical/practical competitions? Or perhaps you already have have some PRS/NRL experience but want to upgrade your equipment and enhance your match results. Here are eight videos that can help you improve your game. These videos feature top PRS/NRL competitors and knowledgeable manufacturers’ representatives. You’ll find other related videos on the Long Range Precision Shooters YouTube channel.
How Accurate Are the Top PRS Shooters?
In this video, MDT put three top centerfire PRS shooters to the test, running them through some of the most difficult stages. The goal? To showcase the level of accuracy and precision these top shooters can achieve. From shooting off barricades to hitting targets from rooftops and rocks, these shooters demonstrate why they are considered among the best in the world. Top-tier modern PRS/NRL rifles when shot prone from a bipod at 100 yards can do 1/3-MOA or better for three shots.
Building a Custom PRS/NRL Rig
Action, trigger, barrel, chassis, rails, and optics — this video from Burris covers all the key components of the modern PRS/NRL rifle. This video discusses the pros/cons of various configurations and the explains what to look for in a PRS/NRL riflescope.
PRS Tactical Division Explained
In this video MDT Shooter Matt Stiner explains the basics of competition in the PRS Tactical division. The video covers rifle, cartridge choice, optics, and key accessories. He also explains how to set up your PRS Tactical rig for best results. In addition Matt talks about bullet and brass options.
Shooting a PRS Match for the First Time
Here’s an amusing video from the land Down-Under — Australia. The video covers a club PRS match, showing various shooting positions. Around the world, the PRS discipline is growing rapidly, particularly with younger marksmen under 35. The matches are fun and fast-paced and the sport is much more dynamic and physically challenging than benchrest or F-Class competition.
Building Your Rig — Gear and Cartridge Selection for PRS/NRL
Part of a Firearms Depot PRS mini-series, this video covers gear and cartridge. Host Adam delves into the core elements that craft a winning setup. The video covers factors to consider when choosing a cartridge. The video also discusses chassis and barrel selection. Along with the gear talk, the video covers factors to consider when selecting a smith to help with chambering and rifle building.
Road to the PRS
This video from Kestrel offers good advice on getting started in PRS/NRL shooting. Experts demonstrate multiple shooting positions and offer advice on shooting from barricades. Topics covered include rate of fire, scope use, and equipment selection.
Savage 110 Elite Precision — Good Production Class Choice
This Alabama Arsenal video shows the Savage 110 Elite Precision on PRS Match stages using bags, tripods, and bipods, firing from stone barriers, field frames, and wood platform supports. If you are in the market for a PRS rifle, this video, which now has 355,000 views, is well worth watching. It covers specific features including trigger, chassis, magazines, and Atlas attachment. NOTE: The price limit for Production Class has risen significantly over the years, with a current MSRP max of $3000 for the rifle and $2500 for the optic.
PRS on a Budget — Converting a Basic Rifle for PRS Use
Top of the line rifles for competition are exceedingly expensive, but there is another option if you have a rifle in the safe that doesn’t get much use. Top F-Class shooter and wind coach Keith Glasscock notes: “I converted my .223 Remington varmint rifle into a Tactical class/PRS training rifle to save costs on ammunition and barrels so I can get better, faster.” Keith shows a very logical way to get started in the PRS/NRL game.
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Camdyn Powers won the Ladies Division at the 2024 National Rimfire League (NRL22) Championships held June 21-23, 2024 in Frederic, Wisconsin. Along with winning the Ladies Division Title, Camdyn secured an impressive 7th place overall finish. Camdyn said the match was tough: “This match pushed my mental and physical abilities, but I managed to navigate the challenges and make wind adjustments effectively on the clock. It was my best two-day match performance with achieving a 95% hit percentage of the top shooter.” She noted that her Lapua rimfire ammo was accurate and reliable.
With this major 2024 title, Camdyn has secured her status as the top woman in NRL22 competition — in 2023 she was the 2023 NRL22 Ladies Division Season Champion, as well as the 2023 Ladies Match Winner.
Powers competes with a Vudoo V22 bolt-action rifle with a 20″ MTU-V contour Bartlein barrel in an XLR Envy Pro Chassis. On top is a Burris XTR Pro 5.5-30X FFP competition scope, with illuminated reticle. Camdyn’s sponsors include Lapua (ammunition), Burris Optics, Vudoo Gun Works, and WieBad Gear Bags.
Camdyn praised her Burris XTR Pro competition scope: “With my XTR PRO, I could see the target clearly and bullet trace for accurate adjustments that led to impacts.” Burris Optics Marketing Director Jordan Egli stated: “We are incredibly proud of Camdyn Powers and her outstanding success at the NRL22 Championship. Her victory is a testament to her hard work and determination[.]”
About NRL22 Rimfire Competition
The National Rifle League (NRL) started off sponsoring major centerfire tactical matches, similar to PRS competitions. The NRL then added a .22 LR Rimfire series, called NRL22, which is now the premier precision rimfire league in the country. The NRL22 rimfire discipline has been a huge success, as rimfire guns are fun to shoot and ammo is very affordable. NRL22 is now the most active type of NRL competition by far, with a vast selection of matches around the country. Popular NRL22 matches have drawn up to 170 rimfire competitors. Divisions may include: Open, Base, Ladies, Air Rifle, Old Guns, and Young Guns. Get more info at NRL22.org.
About NRL22 Tactical/Practical Competition The goal of NRL 22 is to make Precision Rifle competitions more available to every community. A significant percentage of American cities do NOT have nearby ranges where you can shoot to 500 yards and beyond. However, most Americans can access 100-yard ranges within a relatively short drive and most shooters own a .22 LR rifle. The NRL22 program is designed so any facility with a 100-yard range can host matches. Participants at local NRL22 events can then attend the National Championship. NRL22 started with four classifications: Open, Base, Ladies, and Young Guns (8-18 age). Air Rifle is the new fifth class.
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Precision Rifle Series (PRS) Rimfire Finale on Shooting USA
This week Shooting USA showcases the PRS Rimfire Finale. This rimfire discipline is like Precision Rifle Series (PRS) centerfire competition, but shot with .22 LR rimfire rifles. Shooters can compete without the high cost of centerfire ammo and without the need for a 1000-yard range. The 2023 PRS Rimfire Finale, sponsored by Ruger, was held in Pennsylvania in October 2023. The big event drew over 200 competitors. SEE: PRS Rimfire Series Info.
Shooting USA SHOW TIMES: This Shooting USA Episode airs Wednesday, June 17, 2024 at 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific; 8:00 PM Central. If you miss the regular broadcast, you can stream the show online at any time on Vimeo for $0.99 per episode.
PRS Rimfire Finale — Over 200 Competitors
The 2023 PRS Rimfire Series Finale drew over 200 competitors. The Finale Match was hosted last October by MKM Precision in Kennerdell, Pennsylvania. PRS and NRL tactical matches are among the fastest-growing competitive shooting disciplines. And rimfire tactical disciplines are actually growing even faster (than centerfire PRS/NRL) because .22 LR ammo is much cheaper than centerfire ammo, and there are many more ranges where rimfire matches can be held. PRS Rimfire offers the same kind of fun without the high cost of centerfire ammo and the time-consuming burden of hand-loading. Rimfire PRS also offers generally less expensive rifles, and a whole lot less recoil.
At the PRS Rimfire Finale in Pennsylvania match directors set out many unique courses of fire, and the target placements were certainly challenging. Many of the stages had cross-course target lay-outs. This makes wind-reading much more challenging, especially with the relatively slow, low-BC .22 LR cartridges used in PRS rimfire competition.
Tune in to Shooting USA TV on Wednesday, 6/19/24 to see the PRS Rimfire Finale. You’ll enjoy the coverage of this popular PRS rimfire sport, which we expect to grow significantly in 2024 and beyond. Notably, the National Rifle League (NRL) now conducts many more NRL22 matches than NRL centerfire matches. And competitors of course are drawn by the fun/challenge of a tactical match with much lower ammo costs — $0.10-$0.25/rd vs. $1.20/rd or more (counting brass, primer, bullets, powder, and barrel wear). And there are many more viable venues, because you don’t need a very big range to run a rimfire tactical match.
Getting Starting in PRS/NRL Rimfire Competition — The Rifle
Interested in getting started in PRS Rimfire competition? This MDT video explains the components you’ll need for a top-level .22 LR PRS rig.
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With over 340 shooting-related videos, the Alabama Arsenal YouTube Channel is a remarkable resource. This video channel provides detailed field tests of tactical-type rifles, ARs, and pistols. The testers have access to some very impressive ranges, and many of the tests are far more thorough than you’ll typically find with most gun magazines and gun-centric YouTube channels. For example, Alabama Arsenal (AA) has a series of 1000+ round pistol test videos. These are well worth watching if you are considering purchase of a defensive handgun.
Today we showcase multiple rifle videos covering two centerfire rifles, and three precision rimfire rigs. After these field test videos, you’ll find an interesting technical video which investigates how suppressors can affect muzzle velocity.
Barrett MRAD .300 PRC at 2200 Yards — Extreme Long Range
Here’s a rugged tactical rifle put to the test at Extreme Long Range. This video, featuring a Barrett MRAD chambered for the .300 PRC cartridges, features accuracy testing out to 2200 yards (1.25 miles). There is some good drone footage covering the long path to the target. The shooter noted that the bullets fired from his .300 PRC “go sub-sonic somewhere between 1800 and 1900 yards”, creating additional ballistics challenges at this yardage.
Savage 110 Elite Precision for PRS Production Class
In this video AA’s team reviews the Savage Elite Precision Rifle with MDT ACC Chassis. Retailing for about $1810.00 in 6mm Creedmoor, this is one of the better production class options for PRS and NRL competition. Starting at the 3:10 time-mark, the video shows how all the adjustments function on the MDC ACC Chassis. Guns America Digest did a full review of this rifle, and was quite impressed.
Rimfire .22 LR Bergara B-14R in WOOX Furiosa Hybrid Chassis
Alabama Arsenal recently tested a .22 LR Bergara B-14R rimfire rifle fitted with the WOOX Furiosa hybrid chassis system, an Italian-made product featuring wood sections over a strong aluminum core chassis. The bolt operation and ergonomics of the B-14R simulate a Remington 700 very closely, making this rifle good for rimfire cross-training. The B14-R model tested was the version with carbon-wrapped barrel.
The WOOX Furiosa is an innovative, unique aftermarket replacement chassis. This high-tech hybrid stock/chassis combines wood sections over a full-length, aerospace-grade aluminum skeleton chassis, giving it the “feel” of a wood stock with the strength and stability of a metal stock. We like the way the stock feels on the trigger hand in particular and the smooth wood cheekpiece is also very nice. Made in Italy, the Furiosa is offered in three versions all with wood sections on the forearm, grip area, and cheekpiece. Choose natural Walnut Brown, Micarta Black, or Midnight Grey. Alabama Arsenal tested a B14-R fitted with the Micarta Black version. Below are photos of a centerfire rifle in a WOOX Furiosa hybrid chassis, with the Brown Walnut elements.
CZ 457 Varmint Precision Trainer and Chassis
In this video, Alabama Arsenal compares two higher-end versions of the popular CZ 457 rimfire rifle, a great choice for the NRL22 and PRS 22 disciplines. The test compares the CZ 457 in a Manners composite stock with a CZ 457 version in a Varmint Precision aluminum chassis. Right now basic CZ 457 rifles start at about $540.00, with the Varmint Precision models running $930 for the metal chassis version and $1130 for the Manners carbon-fiber composite stock model.
Informational Video about Rifle and Pistol Suppressors
Alabama Arsenal regularly tests its firearms with suppressors. Over time, the testing team has leaned much about modern sound moderators, comparing features and learning how to install and maintain quality suppressors. Here is an interesting video that shows how suppressors affect shot velocities.
Field Testing — Do Suppressors Change Bullet Velocity
Want to see more content like this? Here are LINKS…
Alabama Arsenal has nearly 300 videos on its YouTube channel. In addition, you’ll find dozens of firearms photos and other shooting-related content on Alabama Arsenal’s social media pages: Facebook; Instagram; and Twitter. You can support the Arsenal’s gun testing by subscribing to the Alabama Arsenal’s PATREON Page.
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Former Army Ranger sniper instructor Ryan Cleckner is the author of the best-selling Long Range Shooting Handbook. Cleckner hosts a series of videos that cover shooting techniques appropriate for tactical and PRS-type disciplines. Here are five short videos that cover various aspects of shooting techniques and rifle set-up. We think PRS/NRL competitors (and long-range hunters) can benefit from these videos.
“Consistency is the key to accuracy.
You need to think about a system of how you’re going to shoot that is not only comfortable, but [is] repeatable when you’re shooting.” — Ryan Cleckner
In this first video, Cleckner explains proper scope position. Ryan finds that some shooters place the scope too far forward or too far rearward. If the scope is too far back you may have issues with eye relief and stock reach to shoulder. If it is too far forward, you may have cheek-weld problems or get neck strain.
Cleckner offers a simple method to check your scope position: “To see if your scope is set up properly … close your eyes, lay your head on your gun, get completely comfortable, and only when you are set-up, then open your eyes. If you can’t see clearly through your scope, CHANGE something [such as comb height or scope position]”. “When you open your eyes, if you see some scope shadow [i.e. the black ring around the edge of the scope picture], figure out which way you need to move your head to get rid of that shadow, and then make adjustments to either your position, the rifle, or the scope.”
Cleckner prefers shooting off a bag when in the prone position, when that is practical. The bag provides a more stable support than a small Harris-type bipod, doesn’t require pre-loading the rifle, and there is less bounce or hop on recoil.
Former Army Ranger sniper team leader Ryan Cleckner explains how important it is to keep your rifle straight up and down when long-range precision shooting. Cleckner demonstrates with an AR-10 modern sporting rifle how slight cant to your rifle can cause a miss over long distances.
Here Cleckner covers some of the basic points of trigger control on tactical-style rifles. These basic principles apply to both single-stage and two-stage triggers. NOTE: For benchrest rigs, with ultra-light pull weights, more refined techniques may be appropriate.
In tactical events, when you’re shooting on the clock and loading from a detachable magazine, you should manipulate the bolt smoothly but strongly. Here Cleckner demonstrates how to cycle a tactical-type rifle. He says, “You should be running the bolt on your rifle with authority. Run it like you mean it!” NOTE: Completely different techniques are appropriate for custom benchrest rifles that manually feed.
Long Range Shooting Handbook — A Good Resource
Cleckner’s Long Range Shooting Handbook covers a wide range of topics important for precision marksmanship — both shooting skills and technical matters. You can view Sample Chapters from Ryan’s Book on Amazon.com. Cleckner’s book is designed as an intro to key concepts such as MOA vs. Mils, External Ballistics, and Environmental Effects. Included are personal tips and advice based on Cleckner’s years of experience as a sniper instructor and special operations sniper.
The Long Range Shooting Handbook is divided into three main categories: What It Is/How It Works, Fundamentals, and How to Use It. “What It Is/How It Works” covers equipment, terminology, and basic principles. “Fundamentals” covers the theory of long range shooting. “How to Use It” gives practical advice on implementing what you’ve learned, so you can progress as a skilled, long range shooter. Overall, this is one of the best resources available for tactical shooters and PRS/NRL competitors.
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With the growing popularity of tactical shooting competitions, unfortunately more and more young males are now suffering from psychological issues, some of which are quite serious. For this reason, the National Institute of Healthe (NIH) recently published an advisory stating that health professionals should watch for worrisome issues that commonly arise with participants in PRS and NRL competitions:
“Notice: Individuals who compete in PRS/NRL activities may exhibit multiple mental and emotional issues. This is related primarily to competition stress and financial anxiety over excessive costs of PRS/NRL participation. We recommend immediate intervention, particularly if the individual is married.”
These PRS/NRL shooters may exhibit “anger, anxiety, and inability to control emotions” warned the NIH. This typically happens after a poor shooting performance or when the individual contemplates the vast sums of money he has spent on PRS/NRL guns, gear, optics and ammo. The anger and anxiety can be most extreme when a competitor is soundly defeated at the range by other shooters with very inexpensive rifles. This can create anger and even lead to violence or worse, suicidal thoughts.
Compulsive Spending Behavior Among PRS/NRL Participants
In addition, the NIH warned that the initial “rush” and thrill of PRS/NRL competition has lead to compulsive spending behavior, similar to a “gambling addiction”. The individual spends more and more money on gear and equipment when there is no good reason to do so and no performance gain. Analysts explain that the very act of shopping and spending provides an addictive brain reaction which can cause PRS/NRL participants to spend more and more money even after they stop shooting matches. The spending becomes compulsive.
Post Range Shooting Disorder — PRSD
Analyzing the behavior and emotions of precision shooters, psychotherapists have adopted a new terminology for the mix of troublesome issues that PRS/NRL competitors exhibit in great numbers. The disturbed condition has been deemed “PRSD” which stands for Post Range Shooting Disorder (PRSD).
PRSD is most acute with PRS/NRL competitors who spend huge sums of money yet perform poorly at matches. The anxiety is increased with young married men who cannot reveal to their spouses the true costs of their precision shooting hobby. That in turn leads to guilt, conflict, and higher rates of divorce.
Psychotherapists have observed multiple symptoms of PRSD among competitive shooters, particularly those who have spent over $5000 on their shooting gear yet regularly get beaten by others with cheap factory rifles. That leads to anger, frustration, and other negative emotions.
Do you know someone with PRSD? Look for these common symptoms and behavior patterns:
1. Lack of control over purchasing and spending
2. Challenged relationships (esp. Wife issues)
3. Inability to control emotions
4. Lack of focus during working hours
5. Negative self-perception and self-loathing
6. Avoidance of certain places (such as ranges where scores were poor)
7. Sleep disturbances and nightmares
8. Making grumpy posts on social media
9. Boredom in reloading room
10. Increased beer consumption
How to Cope with PRSD
Psychotherapists and counselors have found that PRSD can be significantly lessened with conscious, sustained effort over the course of many weeks. They recommend a five-stage plan:
1. Stop buying new tactical rifles and optics, and maxing out your credit cards.
2. If married, give $3 to your wife for every $1 you spend on your gun hobby.
3. Limit monthly PRS/NRL spending to one-half of your rent/mortgage.
4. Stop keeping score at PRS/NRL matches — chill and relax.
5. Get another hobby.
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Precision Rifle fans should watch Shooting USA this week. On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Shooting USA offers a special edition devoted to the 2023 Armageddon Gear (AG) Cup Invitational. The AG Cup posts the biggest cash money match in Precision Rifle Competition. It’s an elimination format shot over three days of challenging competition on stages of fire created at K and M Precision’s ranges in West Tennessee. On the final day, the top competitors face ten courses of fire to determine who will claim the Armageddon Gear AG Cup. This is the fifth year of the invitation-only match for America’s top Precision Rifle shooters, with the potential reward of huge cash prizes.
This 2023 AG Cup video has good footage of the stages and views downrange.
It’s the fifth year for the richest rifle tournament in the world. The AG Cup is the brainchild of Tom Fuller, the owner of Armageddon Gear, and to say it’s a success is a bit of an understatement. Over $70,000 in prize money was up for grabs, with a huge cash prize for the overall match winner.
Shooting USA runs on the Outdoor Channel Wednesdays 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, 8:00 PM Central.
No Outdoor Channel on cable? Then you can subscribe to Stream the Broadcast on the internet.
This video shows highlights from the 2022 AG Cup, with many stages illustrated.
Arena Training Facility — 2300 Acres
The 2300-acre Arena Training Facility is a premier shooting facility with multiple shooting ranges from 50m to 2100m. Arena’s 1000-yard covered Known Distance range offers multiple benches, steel and paper targets out to 1000 yards. On Arena’s UKD (unknown distance) range shooters can engage steel out to 2300 yards. This 2100m UKD range boasts a 3-Story Shooting Tower, Air-Conditioned Shoot House, and multiple Positional Challenges.space.
Armaggedon Gear — Tactical Accessories Armageddon Gear, founded by former U.S. Army Ranger Tom Fuller, sells support bags, gun cases, slings, suppressor covers, scope covers, and a wide variety of other accessories popular with the PRS/NRL crowd. Armageddon Gear now provides products to the U.S. Military, Law Enforcement, as well as PRS/NRL competitors.
Armageddon Gear Game-Changer Bag
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With custom rifles growing more and more expensive each year it is great to see that factory-built “precision” rifles can be fully competitive in PRS/NRL competition.
A Savage ace recently won matches in both the NRL Hunter Series and the Precision Rifle Series (PRS). Team Savage shooter Matt Alwine kicked off March with a first-place triumph in the NRL Hunter Series at the Mason Valley Steel Hunter match. This marks the third consecutive win in the 2024 NRL Hunter Series for the team and Alwine. The following weekend, Matt Alwine obtained an additional first-place win at the Central Coast Chaos match in the Precision Rifle Series in California.
Alwine topped the field at the Mason Valley Steel Hunter match in Julian, California using a Savage 110 Ultralite Elite custom chambered in 25 Creedmoor. Alwine secured first in Open Heavy, and first overall in the Open Light division. At the Central Coast Chaos match in San Luis Obispo, California Alwine secured top marks with a 110 Elite Precision in 6mm Creedmoor, where Alwine placed first in Production Class.
The NRL Hunter Match Series challenges skilled marksmen and women, testing their ability in a variety of shooting scenarios. For future match dates and details on the NRLH Hunter Match Series visit nrlhunter.org/matches-2024. Additional match details, as well as up-to-date scoreboards upcoming matches, can be found at www.precisionrifleseries.com.
Video Reviews of the Savage 110 Elite Precision:
This Alabama Arsenal video shows the Savage 110 Elite Precision on PRS Match stages using bags, tripods, and bipods, firing from stone barriers, field frames, and wood platform supports. If you are in the market for a PRS rifle, this video, which now has 346,000 views, is well worth watching. It covers specific features including trigger, chassis, magazines, and Atlas attachment.
With these most recent wins, Team Savage continues to move through the 2024 shooting season triumphantly. Visit SavageArms.com for Savage Team updates and more information on Savage’s NRL/PRS chassis rifles.
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