December 4th, 2013
In the spirit of the season, German Salazar offers this gift to our readers: free books. In his Rifleman’s Journal blog, German notes: “I can think of no better gift than knowledge, in this case knowledge of the early days of ballistic science, organized competitive shooting, the NRA and much more.”
Google, a company we all know for its internet search service, has undertaken a massive project known as Google Books under which they are scanning and making available millions of out-of-print books with uncertain copyright ownership.
Below you will find a list of books, each with a clickable title link and brief description. The title link will take you to the Google Books page for each book. You can read the entire book online, or you can download it to your computer as a PDF file and save it (or print it). You can also create your own Google Library and save the books there for access from any computer. Most of these books are hundreds of pages long, so consider your paper and toner supply before printing!
The Bullet’s Flight From Powder to Target, Franklin W. Mann, 1909, 384 pages.
This is the original and still widely read and highly regarded book on internal and external ballistics. Dr. Mann was a tireless experimenter and had the resources to pursue his interest with the best equipment available. A close friend of Harry Pope as well as other notable experimenters in the early days of smokeless powder, Mann’s work is thorough and well documented. If you’re interested in ballistics, this is the foundation that you must know in order to understand the ensuing century of work in that field.
Irish Riflemen in America, Sir Arthur Blennerhassett Leech, 1875, 216 pages.
This book chronicles the Irish rifle team’s trip to America in 1874 to compete against the best of America’s riflemen as organized by the Amateur Rifle Club of New York when the fledgling NRA ignored the Irish challenge. The book also includes a great deal of history of Irish target shooting and an account of a hunting trip in the American West by members of the party. Well worth reading.
The American Rifle, Townsend Whelen, 1918, 637 Pages.
Townsend Whelen was — and remains for many of us — the dean of American firearms writers. Here is a man who truly did it all and wrote about it with the authority of experience and the modesty of a true gentleman. Despite his roots in Philadelphia society, Whelen sought outdoor adventure and hard living and he found it; we are all richer for his ability to document it so well. This book, written immediately after (and during) the Great War gives a great insight into the period from a rifleman’s perspective: equipment, reloading, shooting — it’s all here. A long book and worth every page.
Suggestions to Military Riflemen, Townsend Whelen, 1909, 243 pages.
Townsend Whelen’s pre-war book on marksmanship which brought him to national prominence in the military establishment. Whelen, who coached the national championship winning Army rifle team at Sea Girt in 1906, covers all aspects of shooting the Model 1903 rifle, including long-range shooting. There is also an appendix covering the Krag-Jorgensen as it was still used by various state guard units at the time. Positions, sights, zeroing, windage, score books, slow-fire, rapid-fire, long-range, ammunition, vision; it’s all here. Every topic you see covered in a modern book on marksmanship was covered by Whelen in this book. You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been — this is a “must read” for the serious marksman and student of history.
Modern Rifle Shooting From the American Standpoint, W. G. Hudson, 1903, 155 pp.
Dr. Hudson was one of the leading lights of the early smokeless era (as well as the Schuetzen era), a contemporary and friend of Mann and Pope, Hudson was a tireless investigator of all things related to accuracy. This very hard to find book is an introduction to target shooting with a detailed overview of equipment and practices and is well illustrated with many plates of top level equipment of the day; a real gem.
Manual for Rifle Practice: Including Suggestions for Practice at Long Range, George Wood Wingate, 1879, 303 pages.
Wingate was the central figure in the founding of the National Rifle Association of America. Like Whelen’s manual 30 years later, Wingate’s book was adopted as the training manual by many military organizations. An authoritative view of marksmanship instruction in the day of the Trapdoor Springfield, Sharps, Remington Rolling Block, and Peabody military rifles. Includes diagrams and instructions for their care.
How I Became a Crack Shot — With Hints to Beginners, W. Milton Farrow, 1882, 204 pp.
Milton Farrow was one of the top shots of his time. Well-bred and highly educated, modesty was not among Farrow’s virtues. This makes for entertaining reading as he describes his travels and his many shooting accomplishments. The Hints for Beginners section has advice that remains sound even these many years later.
The Gun and its Development, William Wellington Greener, 1907 (8th Ed.) 786 pages.
Originally published in 1881, Greener’s book covers all aspects of the firearms world at that time and this 8th edition has many updates. While much of the text focuses on shotguns, there is a great deal of other material in this massive tome, including coverage of gunpowder and explosived, pistols, rifles, target shooting, rifle clubs and much more of interest to the modern rifleman. Many great period advertisements at the end will make you wish for a time machine!
Description and Rules for the Management of the United States Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903, United States Army Ordnance Dept., 1904 (5th rev. 1914), 72 pages.
Here is the original US Army manual for the new Springfield Model 1903. A must-have for the Springfield 1903 buff or student of history.
Cartridge Manufacture, Douglas Thomas Hamilton, 1916, 167 pages.
This book is a well-written, technical presentation of small arms cartridge manufacturing during the Great War. An inside look at all processes at the Frankford Arsenal including case manufacture, bullet manufacture, loading and packaging. A useful historical treatise on the topic.
CLICK HERE for more FREE, downloadable Classic Shooting Titles.
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August 22nd, 2013
Want a FREE Remington Catalog? Well here you go. The latest editions of Remington’s product catalogs are now available online. You can view a digital version of the 2013 Remington Catalog in an ezine-style format, with tabs and flippable pages. Alternately you can download the 2013 catalog as a PDF file, either section by section, or as one big, humongous file. (Warning — the complete 2013 digital catalog PDF is a 187.5 mb file). You can also download a free PDF version of the Remington Model 700 Owner’s Manual (link below).
The Rifle Catalog features all the latest Remington rifles, including the Model 700 ‘Target Tactical’ model. This 11.75-lb gun boasts a Bell & Carlson composite stock with ergonomic grip and adjustable LOP and cheekpiece. The .308 Win Target Tactical retails for $2117.
Launch Remington 2013 Digital Catalog | Download Remington 700 Owners Manual (PDF)

Ballistics Data for Dozens of Factory Loads
Remington also has a comprehensive Ballistics Data Sheet with ballistics information for all Remington loaded ammo — from 17 Fireball all the way up to the 45/70 Government. Even if you don’t use factory-loaded ammo, this is a very useful resource that allows you to quickly compare velocities, energy, wind drift, and drop among a wide variety of cartridges. Which shoots flatter… a .204 Ruger or a 22-250? Remington’s Ballistics Data Sheet provides a quick, reliable answer. Info is laid out in tables, with color coding for different bullet types.
CLICK HERE to download Ballistics INFO

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October 13th, 2012
AccurateShooter.com has a HUGE collection of FREE downloadable PDF targets. We offer a very wide range of target designs: Load Development Grids, NRA Bullseye targets, Official-Size BR targets, Realistic Varmint Targets, Silhouette Shapes, Fun Plinking Targets, and even specialized tactical training targets.
If our collection of free targets isn’t enough, or if you want to create a new kind of target — you’re in luck. There’s an Australian-based interactive website that allows you to create your own customized, printable PDF targets. Just follow the step-by-step instructions to set paper size, layout, bullseye color and diameter. You can even add Score Numbers to your target rings. The Aussie Shooting Targets website is easy and fun to use. It’s much faster to create targets this way than to try to draw a series of circles with PowerPoint or MS Paint. And, if you’re not feeling creative, you can download nearly 100 pre-design A4-sized targets from the same Website.
CLICK HERE to Design Your Own Target | CLICK HERE to Download Free Pre-Designed Targets

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July 24th, 2012
The Range Report, the NSSF’s “Magazine for Shooting Facilities” has been reborn as a digital eZine AND a full-featured website, RangeReport.org. This gives readers multiple ways to access information about range operations. If you prefer a conventional website format, with headlines, links, and thumbnail graphics for navigation, then visit RangeReport.org. In addition to hosting the latest Range Report feature articles, the new website also provides Range News, Q&A, and instant access to other features. The website also boasts a Digital Archive of all past Range Report issues in three, handy digital formats: eZine (flip-page), iPad, and PDF.

Read The Range Report in a Magazine-Style (Flip-Page) Format
If you favor a print magazine-style experience, which allows you to flip pages and view full two-page spreads, then visit the new Range Report Digital eZine. Just like a hard-copy magazine, the Range Report eZine begins with a index section and has feature articles placed sequentially, like chapters in a book. The Summer 2012 debut Range Report eZine is 51 pages long, with many interesting articles, including a report by Tom Carpenter on how to conduct shooter training classes, plus a feature by William Kendy on how to promote your range through Co-Op Advertising.

Anyone involved in range operations (whether commercially or as part of a shooting club) should find The Range Report a useful resource. Now that Range Report contents are available in multiple formats, it’s easier than ever to access hundreds of articles that can help your club run your range safely and profitably. Readers can also also Subscribe to the magazine’s monthly e-newsletter.
RANGE REPORT Digital Archive
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July 16th, 2012
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has just released the latest, 8th Edition of the CMP Guide to Rimfire Sporter Shooting. This FREE, 50-page digital publication covers equipment, positions, course of fire, rules, scoring and much more. You’ll find helpful “how-to” sections on aiming, sight picture, hold control, and trigger control. Reading these sections can benefit any prone or three-position shooter.
The National Rimfire Sporter Match will be held next Sunday, July 22nd, at Camp Perry (Port Clinton, Ohio). It is still possible to sign up for this fun event — which draws more shooters than any other competition at the annual National Matches. Register today at www.cmp.org/NM.html.
Rimfire Sporter Match Basics
The CMP Rimfire Sporter Rifle Match is an inexpensive, fun-oriented competition using .22 caliber sporter rifles (plinking and small game rifles) commonly owned by most gun enthusiasts. To compete, all you need is a basic rifle, safety gear, and ammunition. No fancy, high-dollar rifles are required.
The event is shot with standard sporter-type, rimfire rifles that can weigh no more than 7 ½ pounds, with sights and sling. Rifles may be manually operated or semi-automatic; shooters with manually operated actions are given extra time in rapid-fire to compensate for the difference.
There are three classes of competition — the standard “O Class” for open-sighted rifles, “T-Class” for telescope sighted and rear aperture sighted rifles and “Tactical Rimfire” class, which is a .22 caliber A4 or AR15 style rifle. Firing for all classes is done at 50 and 25 yards on a target with a 1.78″ ten-ring and an 18″ outer one-ring. Even new shooters can get hits on this target, but it’s still tough enough that no one yet has fired a perfect 600×600 score.
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January 30th, 2012
How well do you know the key provisions of Federal firearms regulations? If you want to play the game, you better know the rules. Thankfully, you can access most important Federal firearms laws in one convenient PDF document, the Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has collected and published key federal firearms statutes in this 242-page, downloadable Reference Guide. The actual statutes and rulings are collected in the front of the document. There is an index on page 169 that will help you get answers to specific questions. NOTE: this Reference Guide came out in 2005. If you have serious concerns about compliance with Federal law you should check with the ATF directly to obtain the latest versions of federal statutes.
Important Topics in the Q&A Section include:
- Building of Firearm for personal use
- Transfers of firearms
- Out of state purchases of firearms
- Rules for Shipment of firearms
- Mailing firearms via U.S. Postal Service
- Residency Rules
- Curio and Relic Firearms
- NFA Firearms Rules
- FFL Sales at Gunshows
- Special Rules for Gunsmiths, Pawn-brokers, and Auctioneers
- Ammunition Manufacturing Rules
- NICS Procedures
ATF Guide to State Gun Laws
Along with the Guide to Federal Regulations, the ATF offers a free downloadable guide to State Laws and Published Ordinances. The latest version we found online was the 30th Edition, drafted in 2009 and revised in 2010. This 526-page PDF guide covers all 50 states, and provides a “Ready Reference Table” to assist gun dealers and FFLs comply with all state laws when selling or transferring arms.
This is a very useful resource, but we remind all readers that they should check for updates or changes in state laws since this document was published four years ago. To aid in that task, the ATF’s State Law Guide has a complete list of state Attorneys General Offices with contact information. The ATF also provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions on its website. CLICK HERE for ATF FAQ. Other ATF Publications are available at http://www.atf.gov/publications/firearms/.
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January 27th, 2012
MidwayUSA’s Master Catalog has been the “magnum opus” of gun gear catalogs. Over 1,000 pages long, the Master Catalog includes more than 100,000 products. This year, the 35th Annual MidwayUSA Master Catalog is available is a convenient PDF Digital Edition. There are over 1,040 pages in this new digital edition, complete with color photographs, firearm schematics, reference charts, detailed product information, and an extensive index to help you find exactly what you need. You can even download these files to your tablet, laptop, or smartphone.
Download the 200mb digital edition by visiting MidwayUSA’s Catalog Center. Scroll down the page until you see Click to Download the Entire Catalog in the lower left. We’ve tried out the 35th Annual Master Catalog loaded on an iPad and it’s very handy. It’s nice to have it on the iPad drive, so you can access the complete inventory of gear and reloading components even without an active web connection.
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November 14th, 2011
For the remainder of today, November 14th, the Android OS Quickoffice Pro App is FREE for the taking. That’s right, this App, normally priced at $14.99, costs zero, zip, nada. This productivity App lets you create, edit, and view Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. The Quickoffice Pro App also includes a PDF Viewer for Adobe Acrobat files. Remember this FREE OFFER is good for today only on Amazon.com!

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March 14th, 2011
Forster Products has released a comprehensive product catalog in digital format. This FREE 36-page PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file includes all of Forster’s most popular products, such as the Ultra Micrometer BR Seater, Forster Case Trimmer, and Co-Ax® Press.
In addition, the catalog includes the many less-well-known but handy specialty tools crafted by Forster. These include: 3-in-1 Case Mouth Cutter, Power Case Trimmer (for drill presses), Oversize Expander Balls, Co-Ax® Primer Seater, Inside Neck Reamers, Collet Bullet Puller, Stuck Case Remover, Swiv-O-Ling Vise, Magnetized Headspace Gauge Removal Tool, Gunsmith Screwdivers, and much more. CLICK HERE to Download Catalog.

As shown above, all products are clearly illustrated with photos or diagrams, and inventory numbers are provided so you get exactly the right part when ordering. If you’re a serious reloader, you should download this catalog and browse through Forster’s full product line. We guarantee you’ll find something new and interesting — did you know, for example, that Forster makes a universal sight-mounting fixture for gunsmiths (photo below)?

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November 25th, 2009
Free Recent Sample Issues to Review
Wolfe Publishing offers FREE, downloadable partial samples of the January 2010 issue of Rifle Magazine and the December 2009 issue of Handloader Magazine. (Note: these are fairly large, 4-5 megabyte .pdf files.) The Rifle magazine sample spotlights Volquartsen’s Evolution varminter. The Handloader sample issue has a nice story on Black Powder Cartridge Rifle (BPCR) Silhouette, plus a full feature on the unusual 22 Jet cartridge.
FREE Hard Copy Samples Also Offered
You can also order FREE sample hard-copy issues of Rifle Magazine, Handloader Magazine, and Successful Hunter magazine. You can request up to one (1) issue each. Just supply your name and address on the Hardcopy Sample Order Page. The full copies of recent issues are both worth a read. The latest issue of Rifle magazine has a good story on the Volquartesen Evolution varmint rifle. The Dec/Jan Handloader includes a fascinating “Cast Bullet Myth Busting” article, plus a guide to powders for the 220 Swift.
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September 24th, 2009
Here is a useful, FREE program that will convert MS Word documents, Excel files, or Powerpoint presentations into universal .PDF (Adobe Acrobat) documents. Today only, September 24, 2009, the PDF Tiger program is FREE for the downloading (regular price is $29.95).
Who needs this kind of program? Well, if you prepare club newsletters or match reports, it’s a good idea to publish .PDF versions of your documents on the web. Additionally, if you have a gunsmithing or parts business with technical documents, you’ll want to offer .PDF versions of important files, such as price lists or installation instructions. Also, if you host shooting matches or clinics, you can provide .PDF versions of sign-up sheets and match rules. The benefit of .PDF (Acrobat) files is that they can be read by anyone with a web browser and the FREE Adobe Acrobat plug-in; also .PDF files can be easily scaled for printing. You could create a target in Powerpoint, for example, then save as a .PDF file for printing.
CLICK HERE to download PDF Tiger. (FREE today only. NOTE: The download comes with a help file listing a license key for full use. For the key to work, You MUST install the program before midnight 9/24 when the offer runs out.)
In addition to converting Word or Excel documents to .pdf files, PDF Tiger can also convert .PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, Rich Text Documents, Plain Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave Flash SWF Files. So, if you’re running a club website, you can build web-friendly html pages starting with .PDF files.

NOTE: PDFTiger is offered for FREE today only, as a promotion on www.GiveawayoftheDay.com a website that offers a new FREE software product each day of the year. If you miss today’s PDFTiger promotion, check for other free software products in the future.
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April 2nd, 2009
Lead by top UK shooter Vince Bottomley, a team of UK gun experts has launched Target Shooter, a new online “e-zine” dedicated to precision shooting. This is a great new offering — you should log on to TargetShooter.co.uk right now to check it out. Vince explains: “Our online magazine will cover target shooting in all its forms, including rimfire and centerfire benchrest, F-Class, classic military rifle, and tactical. We’ll deliver feature articles plus match reports and gear reviews.”
Target Shooter employs a publishing format called “Scribd” that delivers a print-magazine style format over the web. This is actually kind of cool, as you can zoom pages smaller and larger and download the entire “magazine” for off-line reading. A new edition of Target Shooter will be released every month.
Target Shooter Offers Great Content
The debut April 2009 edition, 109 pages long, is truly impressive. It contains many interesting articles including a 2009 IWA (Euro Shotshow) report from Vince Bottomley, a comparison test of budget scopes by Carl Boswell, a detailed F-TR Tubegun review by Laurie Holland and Vince B., and a fascinating discussion of Field-Target shooting by Tim Finley (covering all positions). And that’s not all — the magazine offers a two-month event calendar, plus match reports (check out Gwyn Roberts’ Gallery Shooting Tri-Nations tournament report).
Target Shooter also features many gear reviews and product evaluations. In the April edition, Carl Boswell provides a comprehensive review of the BullzeyePro optical boosters. If you are considering purchasing this product you should definitely read this review — it even includes through-the-lens photos, so you can see the magnification boost with your own eyes.
Overall, the new Target Shooter online magazine is a mighty impressive accomplishment. It is rich with content, the photography is excellent, and the level of technical expertise is high. We were very impressed by the diversity of disciplines covered — this magazine covers much more than conventional benchrest. Any gun enthusiast interested in precision shooting should log on to TargetShooter.co.uk. Not only is it one of the best sources of shooting information available, but it is currently 100% free. You can’t beat that.

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