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January 14th, 2025

M1A — Civilian Version of Military M14 Rifle

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
“Descended from the M1 Garand, the M14 utilized multiple improvements that made it a far superior firearm for combat and a much better rifle for competition.” — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA.

In the April 2018 issue of Shooting Sports USA, you’ll find a good article on the civilian version of the M14, now sold commercially as the Springfield M1A. An evolution of the battle-proven M1 Garand, the M14 was designed to shoot the 7.62×51 (.308 Win) round instead of the larger .30-06 Springfield cartridge used in WWI, WWII and Korea. While the vast majority of today’s M1As are chambered for .308 Win/7.62×51, Springfield Armory also produces a 6.5 Creedmoor version.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
The CMP’s M14 Heritage Match will be held Sunday, August 3, 2025 at the Viale Range at Camp Perry.

Dick Jones reports that accurized M14/M1As could post remarkable scores: “The accuracy potential of the M14/M1A is unquestionable. During their reign as service rifles, they produced multiple perfect 200 scores at 600 and 1000 yards in the hands of top shooters. This is a difficult feat with a modern, scoped, magnum-caliber rifle and remarkable with an iron-sighted battle rifle. Good competition rifles can group 10 shots under one MOA, and the meticulously-massaged rifles used by the top shooters during my career would consistently put up 10 shots under an inch at 200 yards off a test cradle.”

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

Springfield M1A at Past Camp Perry National Matches
In years past, the CMP hosted a major M1A Match every summer at Camp Perry, sponsored by Springfield Armory. Significant prizes were awarded. In past years M1A Match competitors took home over $25,000 worth of cash and merchandise. This year M1As can compete in the general Garand, Springfield, Vintage and Modern Military match slated at Camp Perry for July 31 through August 2, 2025. There will also be a M14 Heritage Match on August 3, 2025.

For many years, the semi-auto version of the M14 was “top dog” in iron sights Service Rifle competition. Now that discipline is dominated by .223 Rem (5.56×45) AR-type rifles, but the bigger .308-caliber rifle, now sold as the Springfield M1A, remains popular.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
Photo courtesy Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In this video, YouTube Reviewer Hickok 45 compares the M1 Garand and the M14/M1A:

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

See how the modern M1A is built in this Springfield Armory Video:

As racing improves automobiles, competition improves firearms, and the current crop of Springfield M1As, from the Basic to the top-of-the-line Super Match and Loaded models, reflects the years of development. The M14 and its variants are still in service today and it’s still considered by many to be the best battle rifle in the history of the U.S. Military. — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA

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January 2nd, 2024

M1 Garand Number 1,000,000 — As Presented to John C. Garand

John Jean C. Garand M1 NRA Allan Cors Springfield Armory
Past NRA President Allan Cors’s favorite firearm is this unique M1 Garand, originally given to John C. Garand by the Springfield Armory. Images courtesy NRA Museum (top) and NRA Publications.

Allan Cors, who served as NRA President 2015 to 2017, has a very special M1 Garand in his firearms collection. This unique M1 rifle was originally owned by none other than its inventor, John C. Garand. This historic Springfield Armory M1 rifle bears the serial number 1,000,000. This rifle, which came complete with a walnut-fitted case, silver-plated clip and gold-plated cartridges, was originally presented to its designer John C. Garand as a retirement gift in 1953. Remarkably, this gift was the only reward the famous gun designer received for his contribution to the Allied victory in the Second World War.

Read Full Story on »

Upon his passing, Garand’s family offered the rifle for sale. As the M1 was one of his passions and realizing the extraordinary historic significance of this particular gun, Allan Cors made an offer on the M1. The Garand family accepted.

“I felt very good that they trusted me to do the right thing. Let’s face it: we are only temporary custodians of these things,” Cors said. “They are here in our hands for a while, and then they are passed on to the next generation.”

About John C. Garand
Jean Cantius Garand, also known as John C. Garand, was a Canadian designer of firearms who created the M1 Garand, a semi-automatic rifle widely used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps during both World War II and the Korean War. Garand’s fondness for machinery and target shooting blended naturally into a hobby of designing guns, which however took a more vocational turn in 1917. That year the United States Army took bids on designs for a light machine gun, and Garand’s design was eventually selected by the War Department. The U.S. government employed Garand as an engineer with the Springfield Armory from 1919 until he retired in 1953. Born in 1888, John C. Garand died in 1974.

John Jean C. Garand M1Credit: NPS Photo, public domain

In Springfield, Massachusetts, Garand was tasked with designing a basic gas-actuated self-loading infantry rifle and carbine that would eject the spent cartridge and reload a new round based on a gas-operated system. Designing a rifle that was practical in terms of effectiveness, reliability, and production, stretched over time; it took fifteen years to perfect the M1 prototype model to meet all the U.S. Army specifications. The resulting Semiautomatic, Caliber .30, M1 Rifle was patented by Garand in 1932, approved by the U.S. Army on January 9, 1936, and went into mass production in 1940. It replaced the bolt-action M1903 Springfield and became the standard infantry rifle known as the Garand Rifle. During the World War II, over four million M1 rifles were manufactured. The Garand Rifle proved to be an effective and reliable weapon and was praised by General MacArthur. General Patton wrote, “In my opinion, the M1 rifle is the greatest battle implement ever devised.” Source:

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January 1st, 2024

BargainFinder 432: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week

AccurateShooter Deals of the Week Weekly Bargain Finder Sale Discount Savings

At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.

NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.

This week we mark a special milestone of bargains and discounts. To celebrate the first day of 2024, we are boosting the number of deals listed, for a total of TWENTY-FOUR great deals for 2024!

The Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper powder scale/dispenser has earned positive owner reviews. This unit is FAST, and you can program your loads with a smart-phone App. Get it now for $179.99 at Midsouth, a great deal.

Teslong borescope rigid regular sale

Everyone needs a borescope to check barrel fouling. Teslong makes very good borescopes. Get the Basic Model for $55.99 or get the Rigid Model for $99.99 with a metal shaft. Both work well.

springfield armory rifle .22 LR viridian scope

Here’s a nice .22 LR bolt-action rifle for just $399.99 on sale. This Springfield Armory 2020 rifles comes complete with installed Viridian EON 3-9x40mm scope.

feastoria dual soft gun case backpack hunting carbine 42

This dual-mode rifle case for hunters and tactical shooters boasts comfortable shoulder straps, plus large external pockets. This case is offered in green or black in 36″, 42″, and 51″ sizes. The 36″ model starts at $55.95 on Amazon.

2024 deals of week taurus G3 pistol

Here’s a nice Taurus 9mm pistol with threaded muzzle for $299.99 at Brownells or just $269.99 with $30 Taurus Factory Rebate.

zeiss terra 10x15 TL binoculars

These compact ZEISS TL 10x25mm binoculars are now just $199.99 on sale at MidwayUSA. That’s $200 off the MSRP — an amazing bargain for very high quality binoculars.

vortex diamondback spotting scope spotter sale 20-60x60mm 20-80x

Every serious shooter needs a good spotting scope. Get a quality Vortex 20-60x60mm Diamondback spotter for just $249.99 at MidwayUSA. Or get the larger 20-60x80mm spotting scope for $324.99.

ear muff shooting sale

Protect your ears while hearing those around you with these Walker Electronic Muffs with Walkie Talkie. These slim muffs include a Walkie-Talkie attachment and have a 23db NRR rating. These sell for over $110 elsewhere.

hornady press sale

Here’s a killer deal on rimfire plinking ammo. You get 2000 rounds of Aguila Super Extra .22 HiVel 40gr ammo for just $114.99! That works out to just $2.88 per 50rd box or less than $0.06 per round. Plus you get FREE Shipping on 1/1/2024.

rifle trigger sale

The Hornady RFID Vehicle Safe offers rapid handgun access without a conventional key or keyboard entry. Right now this Hornady RFID vehicle safe is just $89.00, a 60% savings off the normal $224.99 price.

graf's varget powder sale

Varget powder is a great choice for .223 Rem, 6BR, 6mm Creedmoor, .308 Win. But it has been very hard to find. Graf’s has Varget in stock $50.99 per pound. Grab some now.

shooting target sale

Simple targets are hard to beat at the range. We love these Champion Sight-In Targets for only $3. Grab a bunch and go have some fun.

Frankford Arsenal F-1 Single Stage Reloading Press

The Frankford Arsenal F-1 single-stage press has great reviews from buyers. The open front offers excellent access for cartridges and operation is smooth. Get this on sale for $128.99 at Midsouth.

electronic bluetooth ear protection plugs walkers

Walker’s Electronic Earplugs with BlueTooth are now just $149.99, a $100 savings. These plugs provide good NRR 24 dB hearing protection while allowing you to hear range commands.

Frankford arsenal universal bullet seating die .224 .243 .264 .284 .308 .338 6mm 6.5mm 7mm

With this Frankford Universal Seating Die you can load NINE different bullet diameters: .224, .243, .257, .264, .277, .284, .308, .325, .338. Now $76.99 at Midsouth this kit includes micrometer stem, 9 bullet alignment sleeves, 3 VLD bullet seating stems, and molded storage case.

shooting target sale

Anyone with a gunsafe can benefit from this handy Lockdown Safe Accessory Pack. For just $9.99 (80% off), you get a Vault Light, Large Organizer, and Document holder for passports and ID cards.

mtm ammo ammunition container crate stackable

Here’s a great set-up for storing loaded ammunition and brass. The handy MTM 4-unit Ammo Crate comes with four stackable, O-ring sealed 30-Cal ammo containers. These will protect your ammo from moisture. The full crate measures measures 23.5″ L x 11.3″ W x 7.5″ H.

rifle storage silicone gun sock cover

You should cover your long guns in your safe to prevent rust and avoid dings/scratches. Right now for $23.99 on Amazon, you can get a multi-color set of four GMW 52″x4″ gun socks with silicone-treated fabric. Or get four gray socks for $24.99.

S&W pistol 9mm crimson trace laser

This is a great deal — Get a 9mm Smith & Wesson SD9VE pistol with built-in Crimson Trace Laser and extra night sights for just $299.99.

vortex diamondback binoculars

These 10-power Vortex Diamondback Binoculars are rubber-armored and 100% weatherproof with O-Ring seals. Get these for just $129.99, a $100 savings off the regular $229.99 price.

2024 deals of week burris eliminator laser rangefinder 4-16x50mm

The Burris Eliminator IV is a 4-16x50mm optic with a built-in Laser Rangefinder. This is great option for varmint hunters. This rangefinding scope is on sale for $1099.99 at MidwayUSA, a 37% savings.

shooting book sale

You have the equipment but do you have the skills to shoot in the wind? Grab The Wind Book and you’ll get tips and tricks from wind experts so you can dominate your next match.

gun cleaning kit amazon

This Gloryfire Elite Gun Cleaning Kit features brushes and brass jags for all popular calibers. It includes cleaning rod sections, patches, bore mops, pull cords, and even a chamber flag. This $69.99 kit has 79% 5-star ratings.

Federal 9mm pistol FMJ brass ammunition ammo

Get high-quality, American-made Federal 9x19mm brass-cased FMJ pistol ammo at a great price — just $14.99 for 50 rounds at Midsouth.

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November 23rd, 2023

Black Friday 2023 Sales and Discounts — Part One

Black Friday Deals bargain sale discount

Black Friday Deals bargain sale discountHappy Thanksgiving folks. Major gun and optics makers, tool crafters, and large outdoor gear vendors are offering great bargains for Black Friday week. Expect discounts from 10% to 30% on a wide range of quality products.

While some sales are set for Friday, November 24th only, most of the featured Black Friday Sales have already started. And some of these promotions run through Cyber Monday (11/27/2023). Find other sales at Gun.Deals.

Most of the showcased vendors offer discounts on a large inventory selection — in some cases, everything in stock is discounted 10%, 15%, 20% or more. For other sellers, only specific items are on sale, so we’ve identified those particular deals. In addition to the ten sellers showcased below, Brownells is offering big Discount Code savings on nearly all products. Get 15% OFF your Brownells orders with Code BF15.

Come back tomorrow for Part Two of our Black Friday Sales Showcase!

21st Century Innovation 20% Off One-Day Sale

Black Friday Sale discount 20% 21st Century innovation

21st Century Innovation makes some of the very best tools and hardware for precision handloaders. 21st Century’s Arbor Presses, Neck-turning lathes, Concentricity Gauges, and other tools rank at the very top. And now you can get these superb products at a huge 20% discount. Virtually all 21st Century hardware (except the Hybrid-X Shooting Rest) will be 20% OFF for ONE DAY ONLY, Friday November 23, 2023. Use Coupon Code 20BFRI2023 at checkout to save 20%.

Annealing Made Perfect (AMP) — $200 Off MK II Black Friday Sale

Black Friday Sale discount $200 Off AMP mark 3 MK II annealer annealing machine Thanksgiving

AMP Annealers are the most advanced annealing system on the planet. With such high demand for these products, you’ll rarely see a discount on AMP Annealing machines. But this year, for Black Friday, AMP will offer a U.S. $200.00 discount on the advanced MK II (MK2) Annealer “while stocks last”. AMP will will run a countdown clock which will hit zero at 12:00 noon USA Pacific time / 3.00 pm USA Eastern on Thursday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving day 2023). At that point, AMP MK II Annealers will be added to stock at $1,395.00, a $200 discount off regular $1,595.00 price. NOTE: This sale is limited “while stocks last”.

F-Class Products Black Friday Sale

Black Friday Sale discount 10% F-Class Products FCG Paragon actions F-TR

The biggest F-Class Products (FCP) sale ever conducted is happening this week. Sale items include the new Paragon actions, 7 FCP Bundle Kit, two in-stock F-TR complete rifles ready to go, and much more! Save 10% off sitewide with discount code BLACKFRIDAY.

Graf’s Black Friday Promotions and Savings

Black Friday Sale discount graf's free hazmat graf sons Thanksgiving

If you need ammo, bullets, powder, or primers, head over to this week. Graf’s is running a series of promotions. For example you can get 7 lbs. of tumbling media for FREE with a $200 purchase of the excellent Peterson brass. In addition, you can get FREE Hazmat if you buy $150 or more of powder and/or primers. Note: The Free Hazmat offer ends Saturday 11/25/2023 at 11:59 pm CT.

Palmetto State Armory Black Friday Sale

Black Friday Sale discount 20% Palmetto State Armory Thanksgiving

Need an AR Upper/Lower or a carry pistol? Then definitely check out the Black Friday Sale at Palmetto State Armory. Save 20% or more on AR components, handguns, optics, accessories and more. There are also excellent deals on ammunition, such as CCI Blazer 9mm for just $13.99/box.

Area 419 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales

Black Friday Sale discount 20% 21st Century innovation

Area419 is running a great extended Black Friday Promo for the next few days. You’ll find significant discounts on most Area 419 products, including tools, scope mounts, muzzle brakes, and Arcalock products. In addition, the superb Area419 Zero Press goes on sale 11/27/2023, and a variety of reloading products will be discounted for Cyber Monday.

Precision Reloading Early Black Friday Sale

Black friday sale precision reloading berger hornady

Precision Reloading has been running an early Black Friday Sale, with items discounted starting Monday, 11/20/23. New items are added daily through 11/27/2023. Some of the hot deals are: Berger Bullets and Ammo, Hornady Products (including tools, dies, ammo), and Starline Brass. With the full Black Friday Sale, for orders over $79.00, you can get 10% Off Sitewide with code BLACK23. That code should work through 11/26/23 at 11:59 pm.

EuroOptic — 10% Off Black Friday Nightforce Sale

Black friday sale eurooptic nightforce atacr sales tax rebate

This week you can save big bucks on Nightforce scopes which are rarely discounted this much. With the EuroOptic Black Friday Sale you save 10% on Nightforce NX8 and ATACR scopes. This 10% discount can be worth $175 to $395 in savings! In addition, EuroOptic is offering some sales tax rebates.

Weatherby 15% Off Rifles, 20% Off Ammo, 15-25% Off Gear

Black friday sale weatherby mark v vanguard ammo sale

Right now, through an extended Black Friday Sale, Weatherby is running its “biggest rifle discount of the year”, with 15% Off Weatherby Mark V and Vanguard rifles. Plus ammunition and and brass is discounted 20%. In addition, Weatherby is offering up to 25% off accessories, hunting gear, clothing, gun cases, and other products sold through the Weatherby online store.

Springfield Armory 20% Off Black Friday Week Sale

Black friday sale springfield armory

You can save 20% sitewide now at the Springfield Armory online store. NOTE: Springfield Armory rifles and handguns are NOT sold direct through the website, so this sale applies to AR Uppers, airguns, pistol slide assemblies, optics, magazines, holsters, apparel, and other accessories.

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June 28th, 2023

The Springfield M1A — Popular 7.62×51 Semi-Auto Civilian Rifle

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
The Annual Springfield M1A Match will be held Sunday July 30, 2023 at the Viale Range at Camp Perry.

In the April 2018 issue of Shooting Sports USA, you’ll find a good article on the civilian version of the M14, now sold commercially as the Springfield M1A. An evolution of the battle-proven M1 Garand, the M14 was designed to shoot the 7.62×51 (.308 Win) round instead of the larger .30-06 Springfield cartridge used in WWI, WWII and Korea. While the vast majority of today’s M1As are chambered for .308 Win/7.62×51, Springfield Armory also produces a 6.5 Creedmoor version.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
“Descended from the M1 Garand, the M14 utilized multiple improvements that made it a far superior firearm for combat and a much better rifle for competition.” — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA.

Dick Jones reports that accurized M14/M1As could post remarkable scores: “The accuracy potential of the M14/M1A is unquestionable. During their reign as service rifles, they produced multiple perfect 200 scores at 600 and 1000 yards in the hands of top shooters. This is a difficult feat with a modern, scoped, magnum-caliber rifle and remarkable with an iron-sighted battle rifle. Good competition rifles can group 10 shots under one MOA, and the meticulously-massaged rifles used by the top shooters during my career would consistently put up 10 shots under an inch at 200 yards off a test cradle.”

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

CLICK HERE for INFO on 2023 Springfield M1A Match »

Springfield M1A at Camp Perry National Matches
The CMP hosts a major M1A Match every year at Camp Perry, sponsored by Springfield Armory. The Annual Springfield M1A Match will be held Sunday July 30, 2023 at the Viale Range at Camp Perry. Significant prizes will be awarded. In past years M1A Match competitors took home over $25,000 worth of cash and merchandise.

For many years, the semi-auto version of the M14 was “top dog” in iron sights Service Rifle competition. Now that discipline is dominated by .223 Rem (5.56×45) AR-type rifles, but the bigger .308-caliber rifle, now sold as the M1A, remains popular. This year’s Springfield M1A match will be held at Camp Perry on August 8, 2021.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
Photo courtesy Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In this video, YouTube Reviewer Hickok 45 compares the M1 Garand and the M14/M1A:

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

See how the modern M1A is built in this Springfield Armory Video:

As racing improves automobiles, competition improves firearms, and the current crop of Springfield M1As, from the Basic to the top-of-the-line Super Match and Loaded models, reflects the years of development. The M14 and its variants are still in service today and it’s still considered by many to be the best battle rifle in the history of the U.S. Military. — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA

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December 26th, 2022

Springfield Armory M1A — Care, Maintenance, and Operation

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

Do you own an M1A rifle? If so, you’ll want to view a new video from Springfield Armory (SA). As part of SA’s new Workbench Video Series, this 9-minute video is a detailed guide to the M1A rifle. The video can benefit any M1A owner or shooter: “These in-depth videos were developed to help new gun owners safely care for and maintain their firearms, as well as provide a useful resource for seasoned gun owners”, notes Steve Kramer of Springfield Armory. In the video, firearms expert Steve Horsman provides a step-by-step guide for the popular M1A semi-auto rifle.

Springfield Armory M1A Workbench Video:

“Descended from the M1 Garand, the M14 utilized multiple improvements that made it a far superior firearm for combat and a much better rifle for competition.” — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA.

Ray Gross M1A service rifle

An evolution of the M1 Garand, the M14 was designed to shoot the 7.62×51 (.308 Win) round instead of the larger .30-06 Springfield cartridge used in WWI, WWII and Korea. While the vast majority of today’s M1As are chambered for .308 Win/7.62×51, Springfield Armory also produces a 6.5 Creedmoor version

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

For many years, the semi-auto version of the M14 was “top dog” in iron sights Service Rifle competition. Now that discipline is dominated by .223 Rem (5.56×45) AR-type rifles, but the bigger .308-caliber rifle, now sold as the M1A, remains popular. Each summer, the CMP hosts a major M1A Match at Camp Perry, sponsored by Springfield Armory. This is a popular event with 100+ competitors and significant cash prizes.

See how the modern M1A is built in this Springfield Armory Video:

As racing improves automobiles, competition improves firearms, and the current crop of Springfield M1As, from the Basic to the top-of-the-line Super Match and Loaded models, reflects the years of development. The M14 and its variants are … still considered by many to be the best battle rifle in the history of the U.S. Military. — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA

How to Install a Scope Mount on an M1A

Folks — there is another M1A scope-mounting video from Springfield Armory which is worth watching. We recommend you watch both videos before starting this task, which requires some specialized tools.

Military Version Operation Revealed — M14 Training Film

The original military version of the M1A was the select-fire M14. The 27-minute official U.S. Army video below demonstrates the operation of the M14. Field-stripping is shown from the 5:13 time-mark through 8:30. Cut-away drawings show the M14’s gas operation at 8:40.

Watch M14 Functioning Cycle Starting at 9:25 Mark:

The M14’s complete 8-step functioning cycle is demonstrated from the 9:25 time-mark through 22:41. These eight operations are: 1) Feeding; 2) Chambering; 3) Locking; 4) Firing; 5) Unlocking; 6) Extracting; 7) Ejecting; and 8) Cocking. This movie is fairly long, but every M1A owner should definitely watch this video start to finish.

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January 7th, 2022

Springfield Armory SA-35 NRA Publications’ Handgun of the Year

browning hi-power belgium SA-35 9mm pistol

Springfield Armory’s new 9mm SA-35 pistol has been chosen as the NRA’s American Rifleman Handgun of the Year, and 2022 Golden Bullseye Winner. The NRA Publications Golden Bullseye Awards acknowledge important new products. The winners are selected by a committee of NRA Publications staff, representing more than a century of collective experience in the shooting and hunting industry.

Compared to the classic Browning Hi-Power pistol on which it is based, the new SA-35 offers enhanced controls, modern sights, improved feed ramp design, beveled mag-well, and increased 15-round capacity. Additionally, the SA-35 dispenses with the magazine disconnect as found in the original design. This provides the ability for magazines to drop freely. The new SA-35 also features forged steel parts for strength and durability.

“We are incredibly proud that the SA-35 has been given this prestigious award,” said Dennis Reese, CEO of Springfield Armory. “With this pistol, we have taken a revered design and updated it for today’s shooters.”

browning hi-power belgium SA-35 9mm pistol
CLICK HERE to read full Springfield Armory SA-35 review in Guns America Digest.

Springfield Armory SA-35 9mm Pistol

browning hi-power belgium SA-35 9mm pistol

Springfield Armory’s new SA-35 semi-auto pistol takes advantage of modern materials and manufacturing techniques, while retaining the appeal of the J.M. Browning’s original P-35 design. The 9mm features a forged carbon steel frame and slide and a cold hammer-forged barrel.

browning hi-power belgium SA-35 9mm pistol

Enhancements include subtle but significant changes to barrel feed ramp and extractor geometry to ensure the SA-35 will work with today’s defensive rounds. A factory-tuned trigger, 15-round flush-fit magazine, beveled magazine well, re-contoured “no-bite” hammer design, modern Tactical Rack sights, extended thumb safety and more round out the package. The SA-35 is compatible with the original pistol’s design, ensuring access to the broad selection of aftermarket parts and accessories available.

Guns America has done a thorough Review of the new Springfield Armory SA-35.

The modern SA-35 is based on the original Browning Hi-Power, aka the P-35. The Browning Hi-Power military pistol, considered the best 9mm handgun of all time by some collectors, is one of the most widely-used handguns in history, and is found in over fifty countries.

browning hi-power belgium SA-35 9mm pistol

The initial Browning Hi-Power design came from John Moses Browning, but was then finalized by Dieudonné Saive at Fabrique Nationale (FN) in Belgium. Browning died in 1926, several years before the design was finalized. There have been many variants based on the Browning Hi-Power and many clones as well. See: Top Ten 9mm Handguns of All Time.

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August 8th, 2021

Gun Talk Radio Today — Plus Range Ready Giveaway Contest

guntalk radio gear giveaway pistol ammo 9mm .40sw .45 acp

There’s a good episode of Gun Talk Radio this Sunday, 8/8/2021. Today Black Hills Ammunition’s Jeff Hoffman explains the ballistic differences between 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. If you’re considering the pros and cons of these calibers you’ll want to listen to the show. In addition Rick Ector from Detroit talks about CCW Training. The show also features Springfield Armory’s Rob Leatham talking about the new 1911 Emissary pistol (see below). Call 866-TALK GUN (866-825-5486) to talk with Tom live during the show!

This broadcast airs Sunday August 8, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Eastern time on 270+ radio stations nationwide. Listen on a radio station near you or via LIVE Streaming.

NOTE: Past podcasts can be heard online via the GUNTALK PODCAST Site and Apple iTunes. The Gun Talk podcast archive has many informative shows. Check out this August 1, 2021 episode which offers smart Long Range Shooting Tips.

Gun Talk Range Ready Giveaway Contest

guntalk radio gear giveaway pistol ammo 9mm .40sw .45 acp

Gun Talk has launched its latest “Range Ready” giveaway contest. There are seven valuable prize packages, with three shown below, leading off with a Benelli SB3 shotgun plus ammo. Enter now through August 27th by visiting To enter you must provide an email address.

guntalk radio gear giveaway pistol ammo 9mm .40sw .45 acp

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May 31st, 2021

The Springfield M1A — Civilian Version of the Military M14

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

“Descended from the M1 Garand, the M14 utilized multiple improvements that made it a far superior firearm for combat and a much better rifle for competition.” — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA.

In the April 2018 issue of Shooting Sports USA, you’ll find a good article on the civilian version of the M14, now sold commercially as the Springfield M1A. An evolution of the battle-proven M1 Garand, the M14 was designed to shoot the 7.62×51 (.308 Win) round instead of the larger .30-06 Springfield cartridge used in WWI, WWII and Korea. While the vast majority of today’s M1As are chambered for .308 Win/7.62×51, Springfield Armory also produces a 6.5 Creedmoor version.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

Dick Jones reports that accurized M14/M1As could post remarkable scores: “The accuracy potential of the M14/M1A is unquestionable. During their reign as service rifles, they produced multiple perfect 200 scores at 600 and 1000 yards in the hands of top shooters. This is a difficult feat with a modern, scoped, magnum-caliber rifle and remarkable with an iron-sighted battle rifle. Good competition rifles can group 10 shots under one MOA, and the meticulously-massaged rifles used by the top shooters during my career would consistently put up 10 shots under an inch at 200 yards off a test cradle.”

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

CLICK HERE to REGISTER for 2021 Springfield M1A Match »

Springfield M1A at Camp Perry National Matches
For many years, the semi-auto version of the M14 was “top dog” in iron sights Service Rifle competition. Now that discipline is dominated by .223 Rem (5.56×45) AR-type rifles, but the bigger .308-caliber rifle, now sold as the M1A, remains popular. The CMP hosts a major M1A Match every year at Camp Perry, sponsored by Springfield Armory. Significant prizes are awarded. In past years M1A Match competitors took home over $25,000 worth of cash and merchandise in 2016. This year’s Springfield M1A match will be held at Camp Perry on August 8, 2021.

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA
Photo courtesy Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In this video, YouTube Reviewer Hickok 45 compares the M1 Garand and the M14/M1A:

springfield m1A rifle camp perry cmp

See how the modern M1A is built in this Springfield Armory Video:

As racing improves automobiles, competition improves firearms, and the current crop of Springfield M1As, from the Basic to the top-of-the-line Super Match and Loaded models, reflects the years of development. The M14 and its variants are still in service today and it’s still considered by many to be the best battle rifle in the history of the U.S. Military. — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA

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April 10th, 2021

Springfield Armory — Daily Web Content and New Print Magazine

Springfield armory life article

Since its launch two years ago, The Armory Life website has offered a wide variety of well-illustrated, firearms-centric content. The website features categories ranging from firearms, CCW, survival, tactics, training and much more, delivering in-depth daily content. All the stories feature plenty of photos and many daily features also include informative videos. And now, Springfield Armory will be offering a quarterly PRINT Magazine to complement the digital content — so you get the best of both worlds.

Springfield Armory offers plenty of content online you can read for FREE. Here are six recent Armory Life digital stories we recommend. Click the image to launch each article. CLICK HERE to read hundreds of other articles on

Click Each Frame Below to Load Story from

Springfield armory life article Springfield armory life article
Springfield armory life article Springfield armory life article
Springfield armory life article Springfield armory life article

Springfield armory life articleSpringfield Now Offers Quarterly Print Magazine
The Armory Life has launched a new quarterly print publication to complement the daily digital content on See Cover at top of this article. This new quarterly magazine provides a new way to consume content. This full-color, 96-page quarterly magazine features in-depth gun and gear reviews, interviews with luminaries in the firearms community, tips and tactics, and much more. These new quarterly magazines complement Springfield Armory’s current Digital Magazines (example at right).

Mike Humphries, editor-in-chief of the new quarterly print magazine states: “With four 96-page issues a year packed with content and closely integrated with the website, this magazine will provide our readers with yet another means of living The Armory Life.”

Print Magazine Features Scannable QR codes Linked to Web Content
The new print magazine integrates closely with its digital sibling,, via easy-to-use QR codes. Simply open up your camera app on your smartphone and scan the QR code, and you’ll be taken online to expanded content, video segments, and much more. Currently, recipients of The Armory Life print magazine are selected from Springfield Armory warranty registrants. Each will receive a full year’s worth (four issues) of the magazine.

“The Armory Life print magazine represents a bold new means for learning about not only the latest Springfield Armory products, but also what’s going on in the entire shooting community,” says Steve Kramer, Vice President of Marketing for Springfield Armory. “This new publication will be a terrific resource for fans of The Armory Life.”

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January 22nd, 2021

More New-for-2021 Products — Virtual SHOT Show Part 2

SHOT Show 2021 on demand scopes bullets rifles march targets

If this were a normal year, our team would be reporting from SHOT Show in Las Vegas right now. But the COVID-19 Pandemic changed all that. There is no SHOT Show 2021. However, the organizers of SHOT Show have created a virtual gallery of new products, SHOT Show “On Demand”. We scanned through over 500 new products to create this selection of “new and notable” guns and gear. Today we feature a dozen new-for-2021 products: three pistols, three rifles, four new types of Lapua brass, a new March scope, and a variety of other innovative products.

1. Taurus TX-22

Taurus .22 LR Rimfire pistol TaurusTX 22 Competition

For 2021, Taurus introduces the all-new TaurusTX™ 22 Competition chambered for .22LR. The Taurus TX 22 Competition is built on the same full-size polymer receiver as the Taurus TX 22 but has a newly engineered slide and barrel assembly designed to work with red dot optics. The TaurusTX™ 22 Competition features a “skeletonized” slide with a cutout between the ejection port to just behind the front sight. The mounting system allows the use of the following (but not limited to) sight models: Trijicon RMR, C-More STS 2, Vortex Venom, Doctor Noblex, Burris Fast Fire, Sightmark Mini, Holosun HS507C, Leupold Delta Point Pro.

2. KelTec P-50 Pistol — 50-Round Magazine on Top

KelTec .22 LR Rimfire pistol P50 P-50 FN P90

The new Keltec P-50 features a top-mounted, horizontal-feed magazine, as pioneered by the FN P90 select-fire carbine. You feed the Keltec P50 by opening the top like a machine gun feed tray cover and insert the FN-made magazine. The new KelTec P50 comes with two FN P90 50-round magazines and is chambered for 5.7x28mm ammunition. This big pistol retails for $995.00 MSRP with availability in “Q1 2021″.

3. Uberti — J.W. Hardin S&W 1875 Top-Break Replica Revolver

KelTec .22 LR Rimfire pistol P50 P-50 FN P90

This John Wesley Hardin replica revolver is part of Uberti USA’s Outlaw & Lawmen Series, which pays homage to famous heroes and gunfighters such as Jesse James, Frank James, Doc Holliday, Bob Dalton, Wild Bill Hickok and William “Billy the Kid” Bonney. Chambered in .45 Colt, this is a replica of Hardin’s Smith & Wesson 1875 No. 3, 2nd Model Top-Break. This pistol boast a stunning blued barrel and cylinder, with color-case-hardened main frame and simulated Buffalo-horn grip. MSRP is $759.00.

4. Springfield Armory Waypoint Rifles

Springfield Armory Waypoint rifles

Springfield’s new Waypoint rifles feature steel or carbon-wrapped barrels, TriggerTech triggers, and carbon-fiber, hand-painted camo stocks with five QD mounts for versatile carry plus M-Lok slots. The actions are impressive too — with precision machining, enlarged ejection port, and integral recoil lug. These Waypoint rifles rival full-custom hunting rigs, yet are reasonably affordable. Starting price is $1699.00 with stainless barrel, while the deluxe model with carbon-wrapped barrel and adjustable cheekpiece is still under $2,400.00. All Model 2020 Waypoint rifles feature strong, light-weight, carbon-fiber-reinforced stocks with hand-painted camouflage finishes. You could easily pay $700-$800 just for an equivalent camo-painted stock from McMillan or Manners Composite Stocks.

5. J.P. Sauer — UltraLight S404 XTC and S101 XTC Hunting Rifles

Shooting Industry Magazine December 2020 new products
J.P. Sauer Carbon Fiber rifle S101 Highland XTC

For 2021, J.P. Sauer & Sohn enhances the S404 series with the Synchro XTC, a carbon fiber, bolt-action rifle in camouflage green. Weighing 6.1 pounds, this lightweight S404-series rifle features a hand-laid, carbon-fiber, thumbhole stock with adjustable comb. The hammer-forged barrel is fluted for balance and weight reduction. The adjustable trigger offers four pull weights from 1.2 to 2.7 pounds. Adjusting the pull weight is easy using settings marked above the trigger. Like all J.P. Sauer S404-series rifles, the new Synchro XTC allows easy changing of bolt heads and barrels for quick caliber conversions. If you want something even lighter, the S101 Highland XTC carbon-fiber rifle weighs just 5.5 pounds for short action version. This features a hand-laid, carbon-fiber stock with fluted barrel. The manufacturer guarantees sub-MOA accuracy at 100 yards.

6. March Scopes — 4.6-28x52mm Compact Scope

March 4.5-28X FX scope compact

The new March-FX 4.5-28×52mm FFP riflescope is designed for tactical shooting and hunting. It is extremely compact — just 12.5″ overall! It is also very light weight (29.8oz, 845 grams). Notably, this new scope offers a very wide apparent field of view — 25 degrees throughout the 6.2X Magnification range. That’ great for hunters and PRS/NRL competitors. The March-FX 4.5-28X scope also offers excellent eye relief, another big plus for shooters in the field (Eye relief: Low power 70‐93.7mm, High power 72‐90mm). Lastly this scope features a “Temperature Anti-Drift Lens System” that adapts to changes in temperature to maintain focus and clarity. DOWNLOAD Product Brochure PDF with reticle illustrations and product details

7. Lapua Brass: .284 Win, 6.5 PRC, .300 PRC, .300 WinMag

Shooting Industry Magazine December 2020 new products

Lapua will offer four new types of ultra-premium cartridge brass in 2021. The four new Lapua cases are: 6.5 PRC, .284 Winchester, .300 Winchester Magnum, and .300 PRC. The .284 Win cartridge still dominates the F-Open game, so this is good news for F-Class shooters. Lapua is excited about the PRC offerings: “The new Lapua 6.5 and .300 PRC cartridge cases provide competitive shooters, hunters, and accuracy enthusiasts a premium selection for precision hand loads, an option that’s been missing from the market since the PRC’s inception.” The venerable .300 Winchester Magnum remains a top choice for hunting.

8. Mid-Evil Industries — Rail Vise Platform

Mid-Evil Rail Vise AR15 working support

The new Mid-Evil Rail Vise Platform securely holds a Picatinny-rail equipped firearm during cleaning and maintenance operations. The Rail Vise clamps onto the firearm’s rail system. For ARs this provides easy access to the breech for cleaning of chamber, locking lugs and bolt interface. The anodized aluminum mounting platform is a 29” long aluminum extrusion with two integral T slots for mounting the Rail Vise. Each platform includes polymer end caps, rubber feet and Rail Vise mounting hardware. The RAIL VISE kit includes: Main Body, Mag Well Adapter, Barrel Support, Adapter Rail and Platform.

9. Faneema Cutlery — Hand-Forged Damascus Knives

Faneema Cutlery hand-forged Damascus knives

Shown above is the 7″ Damascus Stage and horn knife. There are many other equally handsome Damascus knives in the Faneema Cutlery 2021 Catalog. Faneema’s Damascus knives are handcrafted from high-quality materials for the highest level of cutting performance with unparalleled sharpness plus striking aesthetics. Each knife is a unique work of art, crafted by master bladesmiths. The Damascus blade is created by forge welding multiple layers of steels into a solid block called a billet. The billet is folded and re-welded several times to produce several layers. Patterns are created by manipulating the steel during the forge welding process.

10. Caldwell Company — AR500 Steel Targets

Caldwell AR500 AR-500 Steel Targets hardened silhouette

Caldwell’s new bright, easy-to-see targets come in all shapes and sizes for competition, training, and recreational use. Made of AR500 hardened steel, these targets can withstand thousands of rounds. Rated up to a 3000 fps impact velocity and a 3500 ft-lb impact energy, these targets come in seven various sizes with three hanging solutions.

11. Telor Tactical — Comfort-Air IWB Holster

Telor Tactical Comfort-Air inside waist band IWB soft holster

The Comfort-Air Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) holster has some notable features. It is made with medical-grade 2X Cool diamond spacer fabric that actually cools down while you wear it. The design sits flat against your body, so there are no pressure points. This holster features a patented Sil-Air Silicone Foam insert that prevents your gun from digging into your body while still providing a snug/secure fit. The 2 spring-steel clips ensure a strong, reinforced hold on your clothing or belt and will never bend out of shape. The two stretch-to-fit holster sizes will accommodate most handguns. Sub-compact will fit most small framed handguns (e.g. Ruger LCP or Glock 43) while the Compact will fit larger-framed guns (such as a Glock 19 or S&W M&P M2.0 Compact).

12. Do All Outdoors — Spinner Targets Attach to Wood

Taurus .22 LR Rimfire pistol TaurusTX 22 Competition

For 2021 Do All Outdoors offers a new series of pellet and .22-caliber targets. The new Tree Spinners, offered in a Single, Double, and Triple paddle style, can be screwed into almost any wood for a quick and fun shooting experience. We like these innovative targets that can be transported easily and mounted to a fence post or tree stump.

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January 7th, 2021

Videos Show How to Maintain and Optimize M1A Rifles

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

Do you own an M1A rifle? If so, you’ll want to view a new video from Springfield Armory (SA). As part of SA’s new Workbench Video Series, this 9-minute video is a detailed guide to the M1A rifle. The video can benefit any M1A owner or shooter: “These in-depth videos were developed to help new gun owners safely care for and maintain their firearms, as well as provide a useful resource for seasoned gun owners”, notes Steve Kramer of Springfield Armory. In the video, firearms expert Steve Horsman provides a step-by-step guide for the popular M1A semi-auto rifle.

Springfield Armory M1A Workbench Video:

“Descended from the M1 Garand, the M14 utilized multiple improvements that made it a far superior firearm for combat and a much better rifle for competition.” — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA.

Ray Gross M1A service rifle

An evolution of the M1 Garand, the M14 was designed to shoot the 7.62×51 (.308 Win) round instead of the larger .30-06 Springfield cartridge used in WWI, WWII and Korea. While the vast majority of today’s M1As are chambered for .308 Win/7.62×51, Springfield Armory also produces a 6.5 Creedmoor version

M14 rifle Springfield M1A camp perry Shooting Sports USA

For many years, the semi-auto version of the M14 was “top dog” in iron sights Service Rifle competition. Now that discipline is dominated by .223 Rem (5.56×45) AR-type rifles, but the bigger .308-caliber rifle, now sold as the M1A, remains popular. Each summer, the CMP hosts a major M1A Match at Camp Perry, sponsored by Springfield Armory. This is a popular event with 100+ competitors and significant cash prizes.

See how the modern M1A is built in this Springfield Armory Video:

As racing improves automobiles, competition improves firearms, and the current crop of Springfield M1As, from the Basic to the top-of-the-line Super Match and Loaded models, reflects the years of development. The M14 and its variants are … still considered by many to be the best battle rifle in the history of the U.S. Military. — Dick Jones, Shooting Sports USA

Military Version Operation Revealed — M14 Training Film

The original military version of the M1A was the select-fire M14. The 27-minute official U.S. Army video below demonstrates the operation of the M14. Field-stripping is shown from the 5:13 time-mark through 8:30. Cut-away drawings show the M14’s gas operation at 8:40.

Watch M14 Functioning Cycle Starting at 9:25 Mark:

The M14’s complete 8-step functioning cycle is demonstrated from the 9:25 time-mark through 22:41. These eight operations are: 1) Feeding; 2) Chambering; 3) Locking; 4) Firing; 5) Unlocking; 6) Extracting; 7) Ejecting; and 8) Cocking. This movie is fairly long, but every M1A owner should definitely watch this video start to finish.

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