April 13th, 2007

NRA F-Class and Highpower Rules

Competitors should note that there have been quite a few changes to the official rules for 2007. Click HERE to download a handy .pdf file (from ShootingSports USA), with ALL NRA rule changes, complete with detailed info on the new targets. This is a “must-have” update.

Larry Bartholome of the USA F-Class team also notes that specific 2007 F-Class and Highpower rule changes are now posted on the NRA web site:

Highpower changes (F-Class starts on page 6, Section 22):

Complete Fullbore rules (F-class on page 42, Section 22):

2007 Fullbore changes only (F-Class on page 2):

Changes for other NRA shooting disciplines:

CLICK HERE for the Camp Perry Nationals sign-up form.

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