Forum Running Again — Some Issues Persist
We regret that the AccurateShooter Forum is still not 100% right, but there is progress. As of 1300 Pacific time the Forum could be accessed and we were able to open and read threads, but the formatting was still not completely right.
What’s been happening? On Saturday morning, the hosting company installed some new software. We were told the Forum would be up and running “within 2-3 hours”. Obviously the hosting company encountered more serious problems than it anticipated. The problems were caused by a software update that did not work properly. This update was initiated by the third-party hosting company and is NOT something we requested (or even knew was coming).
We understand there is a high level of frustration, and we have commenced the process of moving the entire forum to a new hosting system. Unfortunately, with thousands of members and nearly 100,000 threads, that is a process which needs to be done very carefully. Full conversion take some time.