Bruno Shooters Supply is selling Federal 205M Small Rifle Match primers for just $27.95 per 1000-ct box. That’s a very attractive price — just a couple years ago, these primers were very hard to find, and were selling for nearly fifty bucks per box. Now Bruno’s has 205Ms available for immediate delivery at prices that are $10.00 – $12.00 per box cheaper than some other major vendors. If you prefer the 205Ms for your .223 Rems, PPCs, BRs and 6.5×47 Lapuas, here’s a chance to grab a good supply without breaking the bank. Note, however, that the $27.95/box price does NOT include shipping and hazmat fee. To order these primers, call Amy Bruno at 1-800-455-0350, or (623) 587-7641, or log on to
Story tip by EdLongrange. We welcome submissions from our readers.
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FNH USA is kicking off the summer with an attractive “free ammo” promotion, designed to spur sales of FNH rifles and pistols. (FNH USA is the sales and marketing arm of FN Herstal, S.A., Belgium.) Here’s the deal: if you purchase selected models of FN rifles, pistols and carbines between June 27 and August 31, 2011, FNH USA will reimburse you up to $150.00 for ammunition purchased at the same time from the same dealer.
Here’s how the FNH “free ammo” deal works. If you buy a new FN FNAR rifle, an FN SCAR™ 16S carbine or an FN FS2000 carbine, you’ll be reimbursed for up to $100.00 in free ammo. If you purchase BOTH a new FN PS90 carbine AND a new FN Five-seveN® pistol and you’ll get up to $150.00 in free ammo.
If you needed a little extra incentive to add an FNH gun to your collection, perhaps this offer will seal the deal. You can even explain to the wife: “…but honey, just think how much money I’m saving on ammo by spending $4k on a rifle.”
If this deal seems attractive, don’t delay — the offer expires August 31, 2011. Visit FNH’s dealer locator to find an FNH USA retail dealer near you and CLICK HERE to learn more about the Free Ammo offer and to download official rebate forms.
Story tip by EdLongrange. We welcome submissions from our readers.
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For the next few days, Harbor Freight is selling an 11-drawer rolling tool cabinet for just $169.99 with CODE 71638506. This U.S. General Roller Cabinet measures 17″ D x 27″ W x 52″ H (without handles), and can hold up to 350 pounds of tools and gear. The finish is a black powder-coat, and the lockable drawers have non-slip liners. The only assembly required is attaching the handles to the drawers. NOTE: You should pick this up at a Harbor Freight store, as the Roller Cabinet weighs 151 lbs. (crated) and has an $89.95 additional freight charge! Once the sale expires on 6/26/2011, you can still order the U.S. General 11-drawer roller cabinet for $199.99.
Get What You Pay For?
We know this is a thin-walled, entry-level unit. It certainly does NOT have the quality of a Snap-On Roll Cart tool chest, but you could pay nearly $1400.00 for a Snap-On rolling cabinet. Even a Craftsman mobile tool chest (of similar capacity) could easily set you back $700.00 or more. For some folks, the Harbor Freight unit will suffice pretty well until they can upgrade. And the money one saves can be used for tools to put in those many drawers. The video below does a good job explaining the cabinet’s features — and it shows the inside capacity of most of the drawers and compartments.
Brownells and Sinclair Int’l now offer a wide selection of rifle, handgun, and shotgun ammunition at competitive prices, backed by Brownells’ 100% satisfaction guarantee*. Brands include Winchester, Federal, Remington, CCI, Hornady, Fiocchi, Ultramax, Kent, Weatherby and more.
“For years, customers have told us, ‘I sure wish you had ammo,’ well, we listened. We are offering the highest quality product at competitive prices, all backed by the high level of service Brownells customers have come to expect,” said company President Pete Brownell.
Sinclair Int’l President and General Manager, Bill Gravatt told us, “When you don’t have the time to reload, you can count on Sinclair to offer you a wide selection of the highest-quality ammunition from the brands you know and trust.” The same Sinclair tech staffers who help customers with reloading questions are also available to help buyers select the right ammo.
Ammo Advisor Web Tool Speeds Ammo Selection Process
For their online customers, both Brownells and Sinclair Int’l offer the Ammo Advisor — an industry first. This interactive ammo database makes online shopping for ammunition quick and easy. Use any or all of the fields and the Ammo Advisor filters the selection based on the shopper’s criteria. The selection fields are populated with all the top brands in the calibers shooters use most. “65% of Brownells customers shoot more than 25 times per year. We are taking the ammo shopping experience to the next level by offering customers a tool that is user-friendly. It makes shopping for ammo quick, fun, easy and convenient,” continued Brownell. Of course, customers can always just head straight for their favorite brands without going through the Ammo Advisor.
*Brownells exclusive 100% guarantee applies to all purchases so customers can rest easy knowing that they can return anything they’re not happy with — no questions, no hassles.
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The website, a resource for firearms sales and special deals, has a regularly-updated page dedicated to discount coupons. On’ Coupon Page you’ll find the latest money-saving coupons for major vendors including: Gander Mountain, MidwayUSA, and Sportsmans Guide. Check the Coupon Page regularly, as the Coupon Codes are typically replaced every 2-4 weeks.
Current Discounts Include:
Coupon code 1061175
Discount: $10 off $100
Expires: 6/24/2011
Gander Mountain
Coupon code GML20 (use at checkout)
Discount: $20 off $100
Expires: 6/30/2011
Sportsman’s Guide
Coupon code SH387
Discount: FREE $25 gift card AND $5 OFF
shipping on purchases of $99 or more.
Expires: 6/30/2011
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On June 20th, SGT Sherri Gallagher of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit stopped by NRA Headquarters (in Fairfax, Virginia) for a tour of the facilities. A highly accomplished shooter, Sherri is the reigning National High Power Rifle Champion as well as winner of the 2009 Long Range High Power Championship at Camp Perry.
Priceless Wild West Guns in Museum Safes
While in Virginia at NRA Headquarters, Sherri met with members of the Competitive Shooting Division, NRA Publications, and stopped by National Firearms Museum Director Jim Supica’s office for look at his famed collection of Smith & Wesson revolvers as well as his safe filled with pistols bearing “# 1″ serial numbers. After digging through the collection, Sherri asked, “If I get a # 1 tattoo, do you think he’ll let me stay?”
Just how accurate can a modern 6 PPC benchrest rifle be? Would you believe five shots in 0.022″? That’s the size of the group shot by Rich Graham this past weekend in Visalia, CA. Rich was shooting his 6 PPC 10.5-lb LV bag gun in the Unlimited Class. Below is a photo of Rich with his target — yes there are five shots in that one hole (as confirmed by moving backers used in the match). This five-shot group could be a potential new NBRSA 100-yard record, if the 0.022″ measurement is confirmed. The current 5-100 NBRSA Unlimited record is 0.049″ shot by Gary Ocock in 2009. For reference, the 5-100 NBRSA Heavy Varmint Record is 0.027″ by Ralph Landon in 1975.
The Record-Setting Gun
Though Rich shot his small group in the Unlimited Class, his rifle is a typical 10.5-lb, short-range benchrest bag gun. Smithed by Gary Ocock, the rifle features a BAT action (we believe), Bruno Edge stock, Krieger Barrel, and March scope. The load was 27.8 grains of Hodgdon H322 with 65gr Flatbase bullets made on a Nielson die, in Lapua brass. We are told that Rich shot this potential world record with ammo pre-loaded before the match.
We think Rich’s target will definitely come in under the current 0.049″ Unlimited Class record. Using our On-Target plotting software, we measured Rich’s group at 0.029″. However, keep in mind that we were working from a photo, and the camera lens can distort dimensions a bit. Accordingly, the original 0.022″ measurement by the match scorers is probably more reliable, but this helps illustrate how small Rich’s group really is.
Photos courtesy DanL. Story tip by Boyd Allen.
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The faster a benchrester can send his rounds down-range, the better his chances to complete his 5- or 10-shot group in the same conditions before a major change. Shooting fast is NOT always the best strategy, but many world records have been set using this technique. Even if you’re a “picker”, there are times when you’ll benefit from shooting fast. With current benchrest hardware you still have to manually load each cartridge, even if you have a drop-port action or if you have an ejector that kicks out the fired case. To speed up the loading process, benchrest shooters employ elevated loading blocks that place the cartridges inches away from the loading port. That speeds things up, but you still have to manually pluck your cartridge and stuff it in the action… until now. Get ready for a major new technology that could change the benchrest game.
External Horizontal Benchrest Magazine
Carlos Gonzales, a benchrest shooter (and Professor of Engineering) from Argentina, has perfected a horizontal, external “floating” magazine that can reliably feed PPC cartridges as fast as you can work the bolt. This is interesting because, in 2009, this Editor discussed an attached horizontal feeding tray with three different action makers. All of them dismissed the idea as impractical or too radical. Well guys, it looks like Carlos pulled it off.
The Gonzales “magazine” is actually an open-ended, covered metal tray situated on the left side of the action (but it does not touch the gun — it is supported by the rest). This feeds into the left-side loading port. The cases are gravity-fed, but the shooter has positive control over feeding. A cable with a push-button control runs from the magazine down to the rear foot of the pedestal rest. You just push the button to drop one cartridge from the magazine. We don’t know exactly how the cartridge is released in the magazine itself, but in the video below you can see how the push-button works.
You push the button as soon as a spent cartridge ejects (watch Carlos’s left hand in the video above). It is a clever set-up, and as you can see, the magazine system works very, very fast. The video shows Carlos running five cartridges through his action in just 9 seconds (time marker 00:31 – 00:40). That’s fast! On a repeat viewing focus on Carlos’s left hand to see how he works the push-button cartridge dispensing control.
Kudos to Carlos for his great new invention. According to Pascale Fishbach: “Everything Carlos makes is of extreme quality. The magazine loader will be available just after the world championships in France, where hopefully a couple of them should be put to work.”
Now the question remains… will the official benchrest “powers that be” allow this device, or will they, fearing change, say it is forbidden under current rules. We would like to see the Gonzales magazine ruled legal for both domestic (American) and International competition. But, we acknowledge that Carlos’s invention could raise the cost of competition. The Gonzales mag would be one more “go-fast” item that serious benchresters would have to purchase.
Credit to Pascale Fischbach for sourcing this story and video link.
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Last weekend, the first annual Father’s Day Fun Match and Egg Shoot was held at the Original PA 1000-yard Benchrest Club in Williamsport. One of the challenges was hitting hard-boiled eggs placed on the berm at 1040 yards. Most “egg shoots” are conducted at considerably shorter distances — but at Williamsport, “fun begins at 1000″.
The video below shows the egg “shoot-off” at 1040 yards. The eggs were suspended with fishing line so they bounce a bit — adding to the challenge.
Near the end of the video, at the 1:06″ mark, you can see a hit on the #7 egg target. (That’s our Asst. Editor Jason Baney calling the hit — the shooter was using a 6mmBR). It all goes to show that, with enough rounds downrange, a good shooter can nail an egg at 1000 yards.
Forum member Jim McG (aka “Hostil”) reports that Eric Wilson shot a 600-yard, four-target Score record of 198 points at the Piedmont Gun Club (Rutherfordton, NC) last week.
In sequence, scores for Eric’s four targets were: 50, 50, 50, 48. The first group was ultra-small, 1.080″ as measured with On-Target software. And the average size of all four groups combined is about 1.65″, barely over 1/4 MOA! Jim McG told us: “I don’t think [the record] will last long though, my bet is Eric will break it soon. He shoots a lot of small centered groups.”
Dasher/Tracker Combo Does It Again
Eric was shooting a 6mm Dasher Light Gun (17-lb Class) smithed by Mike Davis. Eric’s rifle featured a dual-port BAT action in a ST1000 Shehane Tracker stock. The barrel was a 1:8″ twist, 28″ Krieger .237″ bore, chambered for a no-turn-neck 6mm Dasher with .104″ freebore. Eric’s load was 32+ grains of H4895 with Danzac-coated Berger 105gr VLDs.
Dimensions of the 600-yard IBS Target are: X-Ring 1.2″; 10 Ring 2.8″; 9 Ring 5.2″; 8 Ring 7.6″.
600-yard Shooter of the Year Sam Hall says Eric is to be congratulated for this Piedmont record: “It is the man behind the rifle that counts! Eric has been doing some fantastic shooting, [as have] some other rookies. At Piedmont, with the talent and number of shooters we have each match, you have done well to place in the top 5. Results that used to win 3-4 years ago, will not even place any more!”
Gunsmith Mike Davis added: “Sam is right, the gun can’t win a match by itself. Eric has been tough since he started & continues to get better. Congratulations again, that’s very strong shooting!” (Editor’s note: Mike has a heavy work load now, but if you want to schedule a build, you can email: daviscustomrifle[at]
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Cooper’s One-Shot Competition has grown into a nationally-recognized event and this year Cooper Firearms of Montana has added a second shoot to be held at the Capitol City Rifle and Pistol Club in Augusta, Maine. East Coasters can now find out why Cooper owners have returned year after year for the popular One-Shot Event in Montana.
The inaugural Eastern One-Shot Competition will be held August 19-20, 2011 in Augusta, Maine. The Rimfire event will be held on August 19 while the Centerfire competition will be August 20th. Centerfire prizes include money, paintings, and a Cooper rifle awarded to the top shooter. Note: Interested Cooper owners should register early, using the Entry Form. The event is limited to the first forty (40) registered applicants, and entry deadline is July 1, 2011. If you have questions about the event, contact Gary at babydogham[at] or 207-629-9163; or, contact Joe at Joe[at] or 406-777-0373.
Cooper One-Shot Competition — How It Works
The Money Shoots
The day begins at 10 am with four and eight person group competitions for cash prizes. A separate, per shot, entry fee of $5 for the eight-shooter groups and $10 for the four-shooter groups is collected with a 100% pay out to each winner. This shoot is designed to allow the competitors to familiarize themselves with the range, zero their weapons and get to know one another before the afternoon’s painting shoot.
The Main Event
Shooters get one shot at a dot the size of a pencil eraser at 150 yards. No sighters. No spotting scopes to dope the wind while other shooters succeed or fail. The closest shooter wins the target to take home to put on his wall and a chance to compete for a new rifle. What makes this competition unique is that the target is on a painting. The names of eight shooters will be assigned to each painting and written around its rim along with a number. That number indicates the order that competitors will shoot. The target will be a ¼ inch dot on a paper paster target that measures about 2 inches in diameter. This target is then taped to the painting. One at a time, competitors will get a shot at their paster. After the shooting flight is finished, the paster’s will be recovered and new ones put in their place. Shooters will be evaluated by the bullet strike relative to this target, not the symbolic target added to the painting as a reference point. The bullet hitting closest to the paster’s center will win the painting. The top two shooters on each painting will be given a chance to compete for the grand prize, a M56 Jackson Game Rifle in .264 Winchester Magnum.
Entry fee is $165.00 for the centerfire One Shot Event. That fee covers lunch at the range and a steak & lobster dinner with an open bar at the after-shoot party. There will also be a Friday 22LR competition using IR 50/50 rules. The entry fee for the rimfire shoot is $50.00 with 100% payout and lunch is on us. CLICK HERE for 2011 Eastern One-Shot Entry Form.
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Cabela’s Web Deals and In-Store Sales is offering a wide variety of Father’s Day web specials — we list some of the best deals for hunters and shooters below. Plus there are in-store-only sales at most Cabela’s retail outlets around the country. CLICK HERE for a list of stores, then click “Store Info” for the store nearest you. That will take you to a page where you can view the Father’s Day flyer for that store.
Peltor Tactical 6 Electronic Muffs Sale Price: $59.99, Reg. $74.99
Peltor’s new Tactical 6 electronic muffs respond within two milli-seconds, suppressing all sounds (including gunshots) over 82dB. But normal human conversation and range commands remain audible. Independent volume controls on each ear cup let you customize amplification while the stereo microphones enhance sound localization. The folding design stores easily in your shooting bag. The backband eliminates interference with a hat. The Tactical 6 weighs only 8.8 oz. It runs up to 200 hours on four AAA batteries (not included).
2×4 Basics® Bench Kit (Lumber not included) Sale Price: $79.99, Reg. $99.99
Build your own custom work bench for reloading, house projects or tool and gear storage. You determine the size — just add appropriate 2 x 4 lengths and plywood or particle board to the included legs to make a work bench up to 8′ x 4′. Only straight 90° cuts are required. Six shelf links let you add shelves to the bench or use them for a separate shelf system. Each shelf will hold up to 1,000 lbs. Comes with two work clamps and four multi-use hooks. All hardware is included. Lumber not included.
Zeiss 3-9x40mm Conquest Rifle Scope Sale Price: $399.00, Reg. $499.00
The sharp, bright Zeiss 3-9x40mm Scope is currently on sale at Cabelas (through 6/19/2011) for $399.00. That’s $100 off normal retail for this popular 1″-tube scope, which has been highly rated by owners. Zeiss Conquest scopes are nitrogen-purged and waterproof even with the turret caps removed. This 3-9 scope features long 3-3/4″ eye relief, multi-coated lenses, and a black matte finish. This is a very nice hunting scope. Be aware that the Zeiss elevation knobs rotate in the opposite direction of most domestic scopes. Web Deals
As a Father’s Day promotion (good ’til midnight 6/20/2011), Graf’s is offering free shipping and handling on orders of $75.00 or more. (This applies to normal shipping fees but does NOT cover HazMat charges). Here are some of the hot deals right now at
CCI M41 5.56mm NATO-SPEC Primer (Small Rifle) Sale Price: $114.99 for 5000 Primers; 24% off normal price
Some military-style semi-auto rifles lack firing pin retraction springs. To avoid the possibility of “slam-fires”, military arsenals employ different primer sensitivity specifications for military ammo, compared to commercial ammunition. CCI makes milspec rifle primers for commercial sale. These M41 milspec primers match military sensitivity specs. Use the same data as CCI Magnum primers.
PRVI Partizan Bulk .22-Cal Bullet (50 grain or 55 grain) Sale Price: $9.99 for 100 Bullets, 17% off Normal Price
If you are looking for ultra-low-cost .224-cal bullets for your AR or varmint rifle, these projectiles from PRVI Partizan should fit the bill. These are lead-core, soft-point, flat-based bullets, with a cannelure on the jacket. Two weights are offered at this low, $9.99/100 price. Order the 55-grainers, product Item #: PPB224SP50. Or, if you want a little more velocity from your load, try the 50-grainers, Item #: PPB224SP55.
Dial Calipers (6″ stainless) with Hi-Viz display Sale Price: $16.99, Reg. $21.99
This week is offering a set of Stainless Steel Dial Calipers for the rock-bottom price of just $16.99. These feature a dial display (with hi-viz face) with .001” markings. The calipers can measure items up to 6” long. While these units will never replace a fine set of Mitutoyo calipers, they are a handy as a spare set to keep in your range bag or vehicle. You can use them to measure targets, double check ammo load lengths, check for case-head growth, and do a myriad of other tasks. The stainless dial caliper come with fitted storage case.
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