Reloading TIP: Use Shell Holder with Impact Puller
Here’s a clever tip from Theodor Pettersen, one of our readers from Norway. Theodor writes: “I am an Norwegian shooter and reloader with 40 years of experience and practice. I would like to pass on a tip on how to improve the kinetic bullet puller (also known as an ‘impact puller’). Most of them use a 3-section collet which has three jaws held together with a rubber ring. It is very time-consuming when they pull apart, and have to be put together.
The three-piece collet can be exchanged with a shell holder that fits the cartridge from which you need to remove a bullet. The shell holder fits right into my RCBS bullet puller, and is much easier to use. I think it also will fit other makes of impact pullers.”
Thanks for the tip Theodore. We’ve tried it with a MidwayUSA-brand impact bullet puller and it works. We agree that the collets can be awkward to use, as the jaws can flip over when you’re installing the rubber retaining ring. Still, this editor normally prefers to use the collet, because it seems to be faster than a shellholder — so long as the rubber ring stays in place. The shellholder method is a good alternative though — if you’ve lost your collets or don’t have one that fits your brass.
Quick TIP: For ballistic tip bullets or bullets with tightly-pointed meplats, try putting a small wad of paper (or closed-cell foam) in the bottom of the impact puller chamber. This will cushion the bullet tip, preventing damage when the bullet drops out of the case.
Kinetic Bullet Puller in Operation
Never used a kinetic bullet puller before? Here’s a video that shows you the proper technique. The best surface for the impact is something like a linoleum floor — very firm but not so hard that the plastic head cracks on impact. Note: In this video demo, there is no powder in the cartridge. If you are pulling bullets, powder will come out and you’ll want to have a pan to pour that into, as you recover the bullet.
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Tags: Bullet Puller, Impact puller, Shellholder
I tried this several years ago when my three-jaw collet gave up on me. The shell-holder actually damaged the rim on the fourth or fifth case on me and stopped right there.
I have used this method for 338 Lapua cases and it works
Sounds like a good idea bu if you have a lot
to pull it would be more time consuming as
you have to remove the cap every time.
With the universal collet you only have to loosen the cap-invert and bump it and all falls out.
I have the collet type and pull everything
up to 45/70’s with no problem. OK it screws up once in a while.
A little tip-put some patch or felt material
in nose -protects soft bullets from dings
dont put rubber in it or bounce will ding up
case as well as rear of bullet.
Easy to put a foam ear plug in bottom so bullets are not damaged.
Old timers like me who have pulled a lot of military brass down for the hulls and powder always used a bullet seating die to seat the bullet at least .150 deeper in the case before trying to pull the bullet. It comes out a lot eaiser then.
Have been using this for a while now and it works well. No damage to rims or cases.
i used to use this method when pulling bullets from 7saum cases as it has a magnum body it isvery difficult to get the case to go through the collet UNTILL i read about people having cases go off when using this technique!!. the suspected cause was the primer coming in contact with theshell holder because nothing holds it in alignment.
Anyone figure out how to avoid the bullet bouncing back up and dinging the case mouth?????
Editor: Put a cotton ball in the bottom of the receiver section. A small wad of TP will also work.
Where can I buy the wire spring that goes on the rcbas bullet puller.
I recently bought new Lapua brass in 6BR Norma. The flash holes look good with no burs or silver ring. Although, I don’t have a ball mic to check them, a #53 drill bit fits with room to spare. I suspect these cases are 1/16″ or .063″. So did Lapua change to a larger size flash hole diameter? Just an update, I see no one has posted in years. Bought mine in August of 2020.