High Power Champion Shows Speed with Tubb Gun and 10/22
SFC Brandon Green is a shooting superstar. Green won his third NRA National High Power Rifle Championship last year at Camp Atterbury. He dominated the HP Championship cycle, finishing eight points and ten Xs ahead of his nearest competitor. Brandon also won the High Power National Championship in 2015 and 2013. And in 2017 he set a record at the CMP’s National Trophy Matches at Camp Perry. When he’s “on his game”, SFC Green is very hard to beat. He has no weaknesses, excelling at all positions, both rapid-fire and slow-fire.
Wicked Fast and Smooth…
Brandon Shoots Bolt Gun, Rapid-Fire
In this remarkable video, Brandon shows why he is tough to beat in rapid-fire. Using a Tubb 2000 bolt-action target rifle, Green displays amazing speed working the bolt and then immediately recapturing a rock-steady hold. Our reaction when viewing this video was: “Wow… this guy is beyond good.” We think you’ll agree. Anyone who has shot prone with sling should appreciate the remarkable skills which make Brandon one of the USAMU’s top shooters. Watching this man in action is like watching Michael Jordan in his prime. You’re seeing one of the very best ever…
SFC Brandon Green — 300m Rapid Fire Prone Training with Tubb 2000:
SFC Green at World Shooting Championship — The Need for Speed
While he’s a master of serious Across the Course match rifle shooting, SFC Green also enjoys speed shooting events. And he’s no slouch. Here’s footage of SFC Green at the 2015 NRA World Shooting Championship (WSC) in West Virginia. Brandon shows some serious speed with the little semi-auto. Brandon’s comment was: “10/22s are just too much fun!”.
Watch SFC Brandon Green speed through a steel plates stage with a Ruger 10/22:

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- 3-Time Nat’l HP Champ SFC Brandon Green — Fast with Bolt Gun
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- SFC Brandon Green Rocks a 10/22 at the WSC
- Fundamentals of Marksmanship — Learn from a Champion
- Learn Marksmanship from 3-Time Nat’l Champion Brandon Green
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Tags: High Power Championship, SFC Brandon Green, Tubb 2000, USAMU
Unreal!! That’s a lot of practicing behind his belt to develop into such a speed demon!
Unreal!! That’s a lot of practicing behind his belt to develop into such a speed demon! congratulations!!
A couple of bobbles with the bolt but he still works it pretty fast. I notice stuff like that because I do it on occasion with my T2K. He is a great shooter though and keeps his focus where it needs to be.
Outstanding, much like the Norwegian speed shooters smooth as glass.
What is the time given to shoot the 10 rds?
What is the target size in minutes?
70 seconds to fire 10 rounds at 300 yards with a mandatory mag change.
The x ring is about a minute across. And you can bet that most of those rounds went in that x ring.
Brandon is a great shooter. The T2K is without a doubt the most user friendly match rifle ever produced. That being said, for excellence in bolt work Gary Anderson was the best ever. Shooting a right hand M 70 Winchester 308 he operated the bolt left-handed.
Gary won two NRA national championships with an old- school 308 match rifle. . In my estimation, and given equipment limitations, his 1990x 2000 score represents the pinnacle of NRA HP championship shooting.
Of course, bring on the skeptics; just pick up a
Winchester model 70 308 in a marksman stock- and replicate the score. At the Nationals
js-Thanks for the info. What the name of this type of match?
This is an NRA High Power match. Most usually it’s an 80 round match with a total of 800 possible points.
20 rounds slow fire offhand at 200 yards. 20 minute time limit.
2 strings of 10 rounds each at 200 from a kneeling position. Each string takes 60 seconds with a mandatory magazine change.
2 strings of 10 rounds each at 300 from a prone position. Each string takes 70 seconds with a mandatory magazine change.
Finally, 20 rounds at 600 yards prone slow fire. 20 minutes to finish.
In each case, the x ring is about a minute across. The 10 ring is about two minutes.
Sounds easy until you try to do it.