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February 28th, 2025

MidwayUSA Foundation Grants $6.8 Million to Youth Programs

Midwayusa foundation millions dollars grants youth shooting programs

Midwayusa foundation millions dollars grants youth shooting programsIn 2024 the MidwayUSA Foundation paid over $6.8 million to youth shooting sports teams and organizations. This record-breaking 2024 grant cycle provided over $5 million to 952 youth shooting teams and over $1.7 million to nearly 40 organizations that work with youth shooting programs. Established in 2008, the MidwayUSA Foundation has paid nearly $73 million in cash grants to support youth shooting sports over the years. Foundation grants assist with costs for ammunition, targets, entry fees, and travel. Grants also help cover certification costs for coaches.

This grant cycle’s average payout per team totaled $5,302. Community members can donate directly to the youth shooting team of their choice, which MidwayUSA Foundation will match, to grow the team’s annual cash grant. In addition to youth shooting teams, MidwayUSA Foundation provides funds to key state, regional, and national organizations that support youth shooting sports. Each shooting program’s grant is 5% of its MidwayUSA Foundation endowment balance and thanks to the endowment model this funding is available in perpetuity.

Midwayusa foundation millions dollars grants youth shooting programs

Rachel Augustine of Missouri 4-H Foundation stated: “The grants we receive from the MidwayUSA Foundation play a crucial role in the success of Missouri 4-H shooting sports. They help us provide essential funding for equipment, volunteer training, and state and national contests, as well as events. Through 4-H shooting sports, youth gain confidence, leadership, and responsibility, while developing a lifelong appreciation for shooting, hunting, and the outdoors.”

Donations Are Tax-Deductible
Donations made to MidwayUSA Foundation are tax-deductible and 100% of the donation goes to the endowment of the donor’s choice — nothing is removed for operations.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity working to sustain and grow youth shooting sports by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. For more information please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.

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February 28th, 2025

Burris Signature Zee Rings Work Great — You Should Try Them

Burris Signature Zee rings

Burris Signature Zee ringsMore and more folks are using Burris Signature Rings these days. These unique rings feature polymer inserts. That allows you to pre-load some elevation in your scope set-up, or you can center-up the windage. Additionally, the polymer inserts hold your scope securely without leaving marks on the tube. Lastly, some folks believe that Signature rings may offer advantages for benchrest competition. Rodney Wagner shot a world-record 600-yard group using Burris Signature Zee Rings (“Zee” denotes the Weaver-rail model). James O’Hara set multiple IBS 1000-yard records using Burris Signature Zee Rings. James will tell you he thinks “all his guns seem to shoot best with these rings”.

IBS World Record Set with Signature Zee Rings
Are Signature Zees good enough for competition? Absolutely. Some folks scoff at these Burris rings, given their modest price. A set of 1″-diameter Sig Zees cost $40.89 at Midsouth. But consider this, in 2013 Rodney Wagner shot the then-smallest 600-yard group in history, a 0.336″ 5-shot stunner, using Signature Zee Rings on his IBS Light Gun. It took five years for a smaller 600-yard group to be shot, a 0.311″ by bullet-maker Bart Sauter, using his IBS Heavy Gun. (See IBS 600-yard Records.) Here’s Rodney with his record-setting rifle, fitted with affordable Signature Zee 30mm rings.

Signature Zee Rings Burris

Vendors Have Burris Signature Rings in Stock Now
Various models of Burris Signature Rings are available from many online vendors. NOTE: You may have to check with more than one seller to get the exact size, height, and model you prefer. But right now these vendors have pretty good selections of Signature Zees in stock now, including the popular 30mm High and 30mm Extra High models (each currently $56.36 at Midsouth). If you check all three sellers, you’ll probably find what you need.

Midsouth Shooters MidwayUSA

Signature Zee Rings Burris

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February 28th, 2025

The Early History of the National Rifle Association — 1871-1907

NRA history creedmoor sea girt camp perry

With the New Year approaching, we thought our readers might enjoy some historical background on the National Rifle Association, an organization which has served American firearms owners and marksmen for over 150 years.

Shooting Sports USA (SSUSA) has a good article on the origins and history of the National Rifle Association. This feature story covers the first 36 years of NRA history from 1871 to 1907. The NRA was founded in 1871, and 1907 marked the first year of Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.

READ Full NRA History Article on Shooting Sports USA »

SSUSA explains the NRA’s original mission: “The NRA’s program during its youthful years centered mainly on improving marksmanship among the military. Rifle tournaments at ranges in Creedmoor (NY), Sea Girt (NJ), and Camp Perry (OH) captured the country’s spirit of nationalism and resulted in key improvements in rifles and target scoring. NRA also set standards for military rifle training and even inspired the federal government to form its own segment within the War Department to focus on promoting rifle practice among soldiers as well as civilians.”

NRA history creedmoor sea girt camp perry

1871 — A group of New York National Guardsmen founded the National Rifle Association to promote marksmanship training. Figures such as Capt. George Wingate had called for better rifle marksmanship to support the nation’s defense.

1872 — The NRA acquires Creed’s Farm in Long Island, New York for $26,250. Renamed “Creedmoor”, this becomes the NRA’s first range. The first match was held in 1873.

1874 — The NRA hosts its first International Match, shot at the Creedmoor Range in New York.

The First-Ever Creedmoor Challenge Match in 1874
The Irish International Shooting team arrived in New York on the 16th of September and proceeded to “take in the sights”, which was understandable, before some practice at the Creedmoor range. On September 26th they presented themselves for the match with confidence and in high spirits. The crowds that day were reported to be between 5,000 and 10,000 strong, which showed the huge support already growing for the fledgling sport in America.

Arizona Ireland USA American Creedmoor Challenge Cup rifle competition

The course of fire was 15 shots to each man at 800, 900, and 1000 yards. Unfortunately, the details of each mans scores at the individual distances have been lost to time but we do know that the Americans were well ahead after the 800-yard shoot. The Irish then caught up after the 900-yard and finished the 1000-yard shoot ahead by 1 point. The Americans still had one man left to shoot and it came down to his very last shot with which he scored a 4 giving the American team the win over the Irish by 3 points.

1892 — The NRA moves its Annual Matches to the Sea Girt Range in New Jersey, which was less than 60 Miles from New York City, NY. The Sea Girt Range was maintained by the New Jersey State Rifle Association, founded in 1878.

NRA history creedmoor sea girt camp perry

1903 — The U.S. War Department sets up a National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (NBPRP). In 1903, an amendment to the War Dept. Appropriations Bill established the NBPRP to promote both Military and Civilian marksmanship. This government advisory board became the predecessor to today’s Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety that now governs the CMP.

1907 — The NRA commences National Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.

History of Camp Perry
The National Matches have been held at Camp Perry since 1907. The range is located along the shores of Lake Erie in northern Ohio near Port Clinton. The site was first acquired in 1906, in response to the need for a larger facility for military training and the NRA’s shooting programs. In 1906 Gen. Ammon B. Crichfield, Adjutant General of Ohio, ordered construction of a new shooting facility on the shores of Lake Erie, 45 miles east of Toledo, Ohio. The original land for Camp Perry was purchased in 1906, and the reservation was named after Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, the American naval commander who won the Battle of Put-in-Bay during the War of 1812.

NRA National Matches

On August 19, 1907, Cpl. L. B. Jarrett fired the first shot at the new Camp Perry Training Site. And that year, 1907, Camp Perry held its first National Pistol and Rifle Championship events. This location has hosted the annual NRA National Matches ever since. Today, over 4,000 competitors attend the National Matches each year, making it the most popular shooting competition in the western hemisphere.

Camp Perry 1907 history

Federal legislation originally launched the National Matches. The 1903 legislation also established the National Matches, commissioned the National Trophy and provided funding to support the Matches.

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February 27th, 2025

IWA Outdoor Classics Trade Show Commences Today in Germany

IWA outdoorclassics outdoor classics trade show Nuremberg germany 2025 year

The IWA Outdoor Classics, aka “Euro Shot Show”, is Europe’s leading outdoor, hunting, and target shooting trade show. The event opened today February 27th, and runs through Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 in Nuremberg, Germany. For the next four days, the Nuremberg metropolitan region will once again focus on hunting, target shooting, and the outdoor adventure market. The IWA Outdoor Classics is a huge event, drawing over 1,080 exhibitors from 53 countries. CLICK HERE for descriptions/images of over 500 products on display at the IWA show this year.

IWA outdoorclassics outdoor classics trade show Nuremberg germany 50th year

For more than 50 years, outdoor and shooting industry companies have come together in Nuremberg to present the latest products and services for hunting and shooting sports. For 2025, Europe’s leading outdoor trade show will host more than 1,080 German and international exhibitors in nine exhibition halls. In addition, there will be a wide variety of seminars, meetings, and interactive demonstrations.

IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany
IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany

Manufacturers and vendors from the hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor segments offer a vast range of products this year. From hunting, sport shooting, and airsoft firearms to optics and technologies, ammunition, knives, hunting accessories, clothing and outdoor equipment, there is plenty to discover in the nine halls at IWA Outdoor Classics 2025. IWA Outdoor Classics allows buyers and retailers from around the world to see thousands of new products from international manufacturers all in one convenient setting.

Rifles — Centerfire and Rimfire

IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany
IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany
IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany

Wheelgun Showcase at Korth Arms

IWA outdoors classics 50th Year anniversary
IWA outdoors classics 50th Year anniversary

Modern Scopes and Optics on Display

IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany
IWA outdoors classics 2025 Year germany
IWA outdoors classics Year germany

Suppressors and Ammunition

IWA outdoors classics 2025 suppressor
IWA outdoors classics 2025 suppressor

Along with the firearms, optics, stocks, and reloading products, there were many booths featuring outdoor clothing, hunting gear, and shooting accessories.

Official INTRO Video for IWA Outdoor Classics 2025

IWA outdoors classics 50th Year anniversary

Headed to the 2025 IWA Outdoor Classics? Here’s an interactive map of Nuremburg, site of the event.

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February 27th, 2025

Smart Tips for Reloaders from Sierra Bullets

Sierra Bullets Reloading Tips

Here are some really smart tips for hand-loaders compiled by Sierra Bullets. These suggestions were submitted by Sierra’s Facebook fans — and some are very valuable indeed. Some of these tips will help you load more accurate ammo. Other selections will help you stay SAFE — which should always be your #1 priority. For example, we concur with the advice to “Check and Double Check. Everything. Every Time”. Also definitely keep “One powder on the bench at a time” — that could be a life-saver. You may want to print these “words of wisdom” and place them on a wall in your loading room.

Reloading Safety Tips — Sound Advice

ALWAYS START LOW: “Just because a load manual says X grains of X powder with X bullet is max, your rifle could reach max pressure a grain or two before what the book says. Start low and work up.” — Walter Coats

BE SAFE and CAREFUL: “Check and double check. Everything. Every time. Only one type of powder on the bench at a time.” — Glen Lundgren

DON’T RUSH: “Be patient, don’t be in a hurry, have fun and find your rhythm. Just tell your family you’re putting yourself in ‘time-out’. They will understand.” — Erik Dyal

POWDER RULE #1: “One powder on the bench at one time, it might save your life.” — James A. Kimery

STAY FOCUSED: “Relaxed but concentrated attention. Have fun enjoying a great hobby and pastime but stay focused.” — Jim Caldwell

POLICE LOADING AREA: “Keep your reloading bench area clean and put items away ASAP.” — Eric J. Ford

BE PATIENT: “Focus, Focus, Focus — be patient — it AIN’T a race.” — William Stanley

RECORD YOUR LOADS: “Write down on a small card what you’re loading – bullet weight, powder weight, type of powder, and primer. And put it in the powder hopper. I am unloading .45 FMJ because I forgot what type powder was in the hopper.” — Michael Conniff

HAVE a PROCEDURE for INTERRUPTIONS: “If, for any reason, you have to leave the bench while in the process of dropping powder charges, turn the next case to be charged upside down in the loading block so you know where you left off.” — Bill Tinsley

LABEL EVERYTHING: “OCD is a good habit to have with your loading bench. CLEARLY label everything!” — Andy Pynckel

HAVE a GOAL: “Never start reloading or developing a load without a specific goal in mind. Second keep meticulous records.” — Peter Eick

RESEARCH THE JOB: “Read all you can about it before you start!” — Keith Shively

KEEP TRACK of the Brass: “I put all my primed brass upside down (primer up) and as I charge the casing, I (of course) flip it primer down.” — Mark Ewing

Click to Watch Hodgdon Pistol Reloading Video:

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February 27th, 2025

Fit 1″-Tube Scope in 30mm Rings with Brownells Adapter

Brownells Ring ReducersForum member Jacob spotted this simple, but effective set of scope ring inserts on the Brownells Website. With these inserts, you can use a scope with 1″-diameter main tube in 30mm rings. Non-marring, matte black Delrin sleeves surround the scope tube so it can fit larger-diameter rings. Each sleeve comes in two parts for easy installation around your scope tube. This way you can use the same 30mm rings for all your scopes.

Ring Reducers are sold as front/rear kits. Cost is $16.99 for the Delrin 30mm to 1″ converters, item 084-000-091WB. There are also sets that reduce 30mm rings to 26mm, and 1″ rings to 3/4″ or 7/8″.

Note: These Brownells units simply function as plastic bushings. Unlike Burris Signature Ring inserts, they do not allow you to “pre-load” windage or elevation. If your rings are misaligned, the Brownells Ring Reducers won’t correct that problem.

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February 26th, 2025

New FBI Director Kash Patel Becomes New Acting ATF Director

kash patel ATF alcohol tobacco firearms acting director FBI crime prevention trump presidential appointment

Big news — Kash Patel has been appointed by President Trump as the Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). In addition to serving as Acting ATF Director, Patel was recently sworn in as the Senate-confirmed Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“President Trump nominated Kash Patel as FBI Director for his unswerving dedication to protecting the Constitution and the adherence to the rule of law. Those same traits serve him well as he carries out President Trump’s plan to reform ATF”, said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “Like the FBI, the ATF was weaponized by the previous administration. In the case of ATF, it was to carry out a radical gun control agenda. President Trump’s appointment of Acting Director Patel to lead the ATF will return the bureau to its proper role as a law enforcement agency laser focused on combatting violent crime and illegal firearms trafficking, and to act as a non-partisan regulator of the firearm industry.”

Analysis by Washington Gun Law Director of Kash Patel ATF Appointment:

The firearm industry hopes Acting Director Patel will move quickly, in consultation with Attorney General Pam Bondi, to carry out President Trump’s Protecting Second Amendment Executive Order. Thirty U.S. senators, led by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), sent a letter to Deputy Assistant Director Marvin G. Richardson last week imploring him to swiftly roll back the punitive and unconstitutional policies and final rules the Biden administration used to target the lawful firearm industry and gun owners. NSSF strongly supports … swift action to refocus ATF to its Congressionally mandated role of combatting violent crime.

Before taking over as acting ATF Director, Cash Patel was confirmed as the new FBI Director.

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February 26th, 2025

WindFlags — Big Benefits for All Shooting, Not Just Competition

Forest of Windflags at World Benchrest Championships in France in 2011

There’s a simple, inexpensive “miracle device” that can cut your groups in half. If you’re not using this device, you’re giving away accuracy. The “miracle device” to which we refer is a simple wind indicator aka “windflag”. Using windflags may actually improve your accuracy on target much more than weighing charges to the kernel, or spending your life savings on the “latest and greatest” hardware.

Remarkably, many shooters who spend $3000.00 or more on a precision rifle never bother to set up windflags, or even simple wood stakes with some ribbon to show the wind. Whether you’re a competitive shooter, a varminter, or someone who just likes to punch small groups, you should always take a set of windflags (or some kind of wind indicators) when you head to the range or the prairie dog fields. And yes, if you pay attention to your windflags, you can easily cut your group sizes in half. Here’s proof…

Which Windflag to buy? For starters, MTM makes a simple, inexpensive flag sold on Amazon for $17.99. For more sophisticated flags CLICK HERE for Benchrest Central windflag vendors.

Miss a 5 mph Shift and You Could DOUBLE Your Group Size

The table below records the effect of a 5 mph crosswind at 100, 200, and 300 yards. You may be thinking, “well, I’d never miss a 5 mph let-off.” Consider this — if a gentle 2.5 mph breeze switches from 3 o’clock (R to L) to 9 o’clock (L to R), you’ve just missed a 5 mph net change. What will that do to your group? Look at the table to find out.

shooting wind flags
Values from Point Blank Ballistics software for 500′ elevation and 70° temperature.

Imagine you have a 6mm rifle that shoots half-MOA consistently in no-wind conditions. What happens if you miss a 5 mph shift (the equivalent of a full reversal of a 2.5 mph crosswind)? Well, if you’re shooting a 68gr flatbase bullet, your shot is going to move about 0.49″ at 100 yards, nearly doubling your group size. With a 105gr VLD, the bullet moves 0.28″ … not as much to be sure, but still enough to ruin a nice small group. What about an AR15, shooting 55-grainers at 3300 fps? Well, if you miss that same 5 mph shift, your low-BC bullet moves 0.68″. That pushes a half-inch group well past an inch. If you had a half-MOA capable AR, now it’s shooting worse than 1 MOA. And, as you might expect, the wind effects at 200 and 300 yards are even more dramatic. If you miss a 5 mph, full-value wind change, your 300-yard group could easily expand by 2.5″ or more.

If you’ve already invested in an accurate rifle with a good barrel, you are “throwing away” accuracy if you shoot without wind flags. You can spend a ton of money on fancy shooting accessories (such as expensive front rests and spotting scopes) but, dollar for dollar, nothing will potentially improve your shooting as much as a good set of windflags, used religiously.

New Wind Reading App — High Power Wind Lab

There is an innovative new Wind-Reading App, the High Power Wind Lab, that can help you figure your hold-offs in all wind conditions. This is available now for iOS devices, and an Android version is coming soon. In this video, our friend F-Class John reviews this sophisticated new Wind App:

Aussie Windflag photo courtesy (Stuart and Annie Elliot).

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February 26th, 2025

Big Sale on Paper Targets at Creedmoor Sports

creedmoor sports match target paper discount midweek sale

Do you shoot F-Class, High Power, Silhouette, or rimfire 3-position? Then here’s your opportunity to pick up official paper targets and repair centers at massive discounts. Right now Creedmoor Sports is running a major end-of-month SALE on a wide variety of paper targets. Savings are substantial. Most of these sale items are at least 30% off while some as discounted as much as 62%. Grab these targets soon before the prices go back up in March.

Shown below are some of the many targets and target repair centers on sale…

creedmoor sports match target paper discount midweek sale

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February 25th, 2025

Guide for NRL22/PRS RF Competitors — Rimfire Revolution Book

17 HM2 Mach 2 rimfire

Do you shoot NRL22 matches, or are you thinking of getting started in that rapidly-growing discipline? Then grab a copy of Rimfire Revolution: A Complete Guide to Modern .22 Rifles. Released in summer 2021, this book covers rimfire rifles and shooting disciplines. Order the print version for $33.99 from Gun Digest, $26.95 from Amazon Direct. Or get a digital Kindle Edition for $20.61 from Amazon.

This Gun Digest book has become a “go-to” resource for NRL22 and PRS Rimfire (RF) shooters. Key topics included in this 2021 Edition full-color Gun Digest book include: rimfire semi-autos and how they work; bolt-action accuracy; match shooting skills; DIY precision gunsmithing; hunting with rimfires; and the future of the rimfire market.

With the growth of rimfire tactical competition, the .22-Caliber rimfire rifle is more popular than ever. Every major gun manufacturer has brought at least one new .22 LR rimfire rifle to the market in the last two years. Gun Digest’s Rimfire Revolution has extensive coverage of new models from major manufacturers.

The .22 Long Rifle (.22 LR) is the planet’s most popular ammunition type and firearm chambering. The .22 LR is used in the Olympics by 3P marksmen, but it also serves benchrest competitors, NRL22 shooters, backyard plinkers, small-game hunters, and tactical trainers. With the expansion of NRL22 matches (and the PRS equivalent), the humble .22 LR is undergoing a major resurgence in the USA. And with centerfire reloading components being so costly and difficult to find, many folks are shooting less centerfire, but way more rimfire.

This 272-page book also covers .17-caliber rimfire cartridges: 17 HM2 (Mach 2), 17 HMR, and 17 WSM. These are all excellent varmint rounds, with the 17 WSM effective out to 250 yards. The 17 HM2 will run in a normal .22 LR action and feed from standard .22 LR magazines. So, for most rifles, all you need to do a .22 LR to 17 HM2 conversion is a barrel switch. That gives your rimfire rig twice the versatility. Shoot .22s and .17s with the same gun.

17 HM2 Mach 2 rimfire

NRL22 — Challenging Practical Competition with .22 LR Rifles

The USA has seen a big growth in rimfire tactical matches over the last five years. Right now there are probably ten times as many rimfire tactical matches as sanctioned PRS and NRL centerfire matches. The reason is simple — rimfire ammo is much less costly, and clubs can run challenging rimfire tactical matches at nearly any outdoor gun range that allows shooting out to 200+ yards.

NRL22 Competition — Tactical Rimfire Matches
The NRL22 match format is a great shooting discipline. NRL22 offers a high fun factor at relatively low cost. You don’t have to reload match ammo. A couple of 50-round boxes of .22 LR ammo will get you through the match. While some people bring lots of gear to matches, that’s by choice and not by necessity. You can keep it simple and still be competitive (and win).

jonathan Ocab v-22 vudoo action MPA BA Comp chassis rimfire tactical NRL22 sunday gunday Center-X 6mm creedmoor PRS

Tips for NRL22 Competitors
by Jonathan Ocab
I am a match director at my gun club and run our local NRL22 matches. People often ask me for tips for competing in NRL22. First, I recommend getting the course of fire for the month in advance and practicing those stages at the range. Here are other specific tips that should help NRL22 competitors improve their gun-handling and match results.

1. Dry Fire Practice — If you are not able to do live fire practice at the range, I encourage shooters to practice their shooting positions at home via dry fire. Setup props or barricades with pasters or other faux targets on a wall in the garage or inside the house and run through each stage.

2. Scope Magnification Level — The most common issue I see with newer shooters in NRL22 is the tendency to maximize their scope magnification. The timer will start, and the shooter gets into position on a target, but the scope is set to 15x or higher and the shooter can’t find the target. The shooter lowers the magnification, locates the target, and then increases the magnification again, takes the shot, transitions to another target, and repeats the process of decreasing magnification, locating target, etc. Novice NRL22 shooters should try using the mid-range magnification. Try shooting 7x-12x and learn to balance field of view and target image.

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February 25th, 2025

Buying Your First Handgun — Smart Tips for Pistol Purchasers

Winchester Blog Becky Yackley pistol purchase handgun training

Are you in the market for your first handgun, for target use or for self-defense? The Winchester Blog has a good article for handgun buyers. This story, “Things You Should Know When Purchasing Your First Pistol”, provides many smart tips that can help you choose the right handgun, and save money in the process. In addition, the article explains how to train with your new pistol and handle it safely. READ Full Article.

If possible, you should test a variety of different pistols, to determine which works best for you. Check the feel, the ergonomics, the sight picture, and the controls. And, if possible, test the pistols with live-fire at a range which rents samples.

How do you know if your choice is right for you?
Once you’ve narrowed down choices, try to get time shooting the pistol(s) you are considering. You can usually rent guns at commercial ranges. This is an excellent way to “try before you buy.” NSSF has a list of places to shoot[.] When looking for a range that rents firearms, an online search and then a phone call to confirm what options are available is a solid plan. If you have friends and family who own a model you are interested in, ask if they will go to the range with you so that you can try it.

Take pistols for a test drive
First, dry-fire and manipulate the pistol. Can you easily lock the slide open? Are the sights suited to your vision? Then, fire a magazine or two of ammo [in a supervised range facility]. — Winchester Blog

The Winchester Blog article lists techniques that can help you get the “feel” for a particular firearm:

1. Practice the 4 Rules of Firearm Safety and make sure the gun is empty.

2. [After confirming the gun is empty] manipulate the slide, safety, magazine release, and dry-fire.

3. Perform a dry or empty magazine change — make sure you can hit the release and also reload a new magazine easily.

4. Perform a draw, or if you’re at a range where that is not allowed, simply pick the pistol up off the table and bring it up to your eye level and align the sights. Do this a few times. Can you acquire the sights quickly?

5. How does the backstrap fit your hand? Can you get both hands on the gun with enough “purchase” that you can really grip it well?

READ Full Winchester Blog Pistol Purchase Article »

This Winchester Blog article is by Becky Yackley. Becky has competed in 3-Gun, Bianchi pistol, Service Rifle, NCAA air rifle, smallbore and air pistol events around the world since 1989.

Smith wesson model 617 .22 LR revolver 22LR

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February 25th, 2025

Powder Valley Has Many Popular Hodgdon Powders in Stock

hodgdon powder sale powder valley outdoors varget H4350 reloading

Powder Valley Outdoors is one of the most respected suppliers of reloading components — powder, primers, brass, and bullets. And Hodgdon sells some of the most popular powder types for numerous disciplines — F-Class, PRS/NRL, Short-Range Benchrest, High Power, Mid-Range and Long-Range Benchrest, Silhouette, ELR, Varmint shooting, Long-range hunting and more.

If you are looking for popular Hodgdon powders, head over to Powder Valley today. You’ll find a large selection of top-tier Hodgdon powders. In stock now are: H4895, Varget, H4350, CFE223, H1000, H380, H50BMG, H322, Benchmark and 20 other powder types. For most of the powders both 1-lb containers and 8-lb jugs are in stock currently.

Here is a sample of the popular Hodgdon Powders in stock today, 2/25/2025. Along with the six (6) types shown, there are nearly two dozen other Hodgdon powders in stock at Powder Valley Outdoors.

hodgdon powder sale powder valley outdoors varget H4350 reloading

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