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February 14th, 2025

New Federal Legislation Allows Traditional Ammo for Hunters

s.537 lead ammunition hunters anglers protection act usfws

NSSF Praises New Federal Legislation Protecting Hunters and Anglers
NSSF, the Firearm Industry Trade Association, praises U.S. Sen. Steve Daines’ (R-Montana) introduction of new U.S. Senate bill S. 537, the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act. This federal legislation would prohibit the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) from banning the use of traditional lead ammunition and tackle absent approval by the applicable state fish and wildlife department and proof that lead ammunition and tackle is primarily causing a wildlife population decline. Similar legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by U.S. Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Virginia) as H.R. 556.

hunting nssf tax s. 537 congress daines senate“This legislation is tremendously important to protect the primary funding for wildlife conservation in America,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Sr. V.P. and General Counsel. “Firearm and ammunition manufacturers have paid over $29 billion, when adjusted for inflation, since 1937 and that has been the leading funding source of wildlife and habitat conservation in America. Efforts by bureaucrats to limit or eliminate the use of traditional lead ammunition and fishing tackle without scientific evidence puts those conservation funds at serious risk by increasing costs and creating barriers to participation in outdoor recreation.”

NSSF denounced the USFWS Final Rule it published in 2023 that offered sportsmen and women a “bait-and-switch” deal to open hunting and fishing opportunities on eight National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), but banned the use of traditional lead ammunition and fishing tackle. The Final Rule offered no scientific evidence of detrimental population impacts to support banning the use of traditional ammunition, despite promises by the Biden administration to “follow the science.”

Firearm and ammunition manufacturers pay a 10 and 11 percent excise tax to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund, commonly called the “Pittman-Robertson excise tax”.” The firearm and ammunition industry was directly responsible for $886.5 million Pittman-Robertson taxes of the $1.3 billion apportioned to the states through the USFWS for state conservation and education programs in 2024 alone. As adjusted for inflation, the firearm and ammunition industry has paid over $29 billion into the fund since its inception in 1937.

Nanook MG Kelbly action hunting steel RMEF rocky mountain Elk Foundation
Photo courtesy Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF).

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February 14th, 2025

Create Your Own Custom Targets with FREE Online Program

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

Are you a do-it-yourself kind of guy with a creative eye? Then you’ll love the FREE Target Generator from the folks at This FREE, interactive webpage allows you to design a variety of fun targets, including grids, benchrest-type Score/Group Shooting targets, sight-in targets, and even playing card targets. Choose the paper size and orientation (vertical or horizontal), then select the number of target elements on the page. For example, you could have four (4) bulls or a dozen playing cards. Then click the Style TAB to choose your target style. Use the OPTIONS TAB to overlay a grid on the target, choose squares or diamonds, or include load information blocks. For bullseye targets, you can control the number, color, and spacing (diameter) of the rings. LINK to TARGET GENERATOR.

QWIK TIP: For Super-Quick Target Creation, click the “Target Style” tab, then select a design from the list on the left. Then go to OPTIONS.

Click the TARGET STYLE TAB to select one of many target styles, including NBRSA Benchrest targets and 20+ types of NRA bullseye targets, scaled to distance:

NRA High Power
NRA Pistol
NRA Rimfire
Playing Cards
Load Test Blocks

Creating new targets is fast and easy. No computer graphics skills required! We created this green diamonds grid target in just five minutes using the ShooterShed Target Generator:

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

And here is a handy target with short-range range Benchrest competition-style box/circle aiming points, along with fields for entry of gun/load data:

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

The program provides a preview of each target you generate. There are controls to choose border and fill colors. If you like a particular design, save the file, and then print as many targets as you want. Check it out, this program is fun and handy to use. Here are four (4) targets your Editor created just for this article. With a bit of practice, you can be generating your own custom targets in minutes.

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest
Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

About the Creator of the Target Generator
The Target Generator program was created by Rod Brown of Sheridan, Wyoming. Rod tells us: “I build custom rifles… I’ve got a 100-yard range out my back door. I shoot short- and long-range benchrest competitively around the country. I’m a full-time software development consultant and an FFL holder. When I’m not developing custom software for my clients, I’m usually fiddling in the shop, building a custom benchrest rifle, traveling to a match, chambering a barrel, or reloading some ammunition.”

Story tip from Boyd Allen. We welcome reader submissions.
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February 14th, 2025

Tactical Range Box is Handy for Varminters and AR Shooters

MTM AR15 Range Box

MTM tactical AR 15 range boxWe’ve always liked the capacious, durable range boxes from MTM Case-Gard. And MTM offers a special “Tactical” version for AR shooters. This detachable-lid Tactical Range Box features a magwell-filling “action block insert” to support your AR securely during cleaning. Magwell posts like this have been used for years by AR gunsmiths. It’s a fast and convenient way to secure your AR.

The Tactical Range Box also comes with two adjustable cradles that will support most conventional bolt-action rifles and lever guns. These plastic cradles are gentle on fancy stocks, and they can be removed and stowed in the bottom of the box during transport.

The Tactical Range Box uses a two-piece design. The removable top storage compartment holds oils, solvents, brushes, patches, and small accessories. Unlatch the top box to reveal a large, deep storage area that will hold tools, earmuffs, ammo boxes and other larger items. MTM Range Boxes are big enough to hold pretty much everything you need at the range, except your front rest and rear sandbag. Midsouth Shooters Supply offers the MTM Tactical Range Box (item 008-TRB40) for just $50.71. Like MTM’s standard Shooting Range Box (RBMC-11), the Tactical Range Box is well-built and much less flexy than generic plastic tool-boxes. Check out the features of this range box in the video below.

MTM AR15 Range Box

Practical USER TIP — Keep some heavy items in the box for more stability. Forum member Tom Alvez explains: “I have one of those range boxes… It’s a great product, really. But, unless there is some pretty heavy stuff in the box when the rifle cleaning starts it may get pretty skittery. Maybe [add] a block or two of lead — that could come in handy later.”

For more info, contact MTM® Molded Products at (937) 890-7461 or visit

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