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February 15th, 2025

Saturday Movies: Palma Showcase — The Rifles, The Discipline

Palma rifle eliseo krieger warner jewell trigger history prone iron sights kelly bachand

Right now the 2025 Southwest Nationals 1000-yard individual competition is underway at the Ben Avery range outside Phoenix. Along with the F-Class matches (for F-TR and F-Open), there is a “hard-hold” division with competitors shooting rifles with sling in prone position. At the SWN this sling division has two sub-classes: “A” for “Any Rifle, Any Sight” and “P” for Palma rifles. These Palma rifles must shoot with iron sights, and they are limited to two chamberings: .223 Remington (5.56×45) and .308 Winchester (7.62×51). These Palma rifles typically feature long barrels for enhanced velocity, and a sophisticated stock that offers multiple adjustments.

palma iron sight swn ben avery
Palma rifle division shooter at the Southwest Nationals a few seasons back.

Today’s Saturday showcase we features six videos showing key features of modern Palma rifles. In addition, we offer insight into loading the .308 Win cartridge for long-range accuracy. Even with iron sights, modern top-tier Palma rifles are capable of shooting exceptional scores at 600 to 1000 yards.

About Palma Rifle Competition
The Palma discipline is a prone Iron Sight competition that originated in 1876, making it the second oldest continuing rifle match in the world. Except for a hiatus in the late 1900s, there is a nearly 150-year history of Palma matches. The Palma Course of Fire includes stages at 800, 900, and 1000 yards. At each yard-line you get two (2) sighting shots followed by 15 shots for record, for a grand total of 51 shots.

Under U.S.A. Palma rules the gun must be a rifle with metallic sights chambered for .308 Win (7.62×51) or .223 Rem (5.56×45). Most of the rifles featured in these videos are chambered for .308 Winchester, but we do have a video of John Whidden shooting his .223 Rem Palma gun — you’ll notice the significantly reduced recoil. CLICK HERE for more information on Palma Rules.

bryan litz applied ballistics palma rifle
Here is Bryan Litz, creator of Applied Ballistics software, with his .308 win Palma rig.

Components of Modern Palma Rifle and Palma Competition Basics

Palma USMC rifle eliseo krieger warner jewell trigger history prone iron sights

Palma USMC rifle eliseo krieger warner jewell trigger history prone iron sights

We definitely recommend you watch this video. Hosted by SSG Robert Germanelo of the U.S. Marine Corps Shooting Team, this video explains the basic rules of Palma competition and covers the key features of a modern, tubegun-style Palma rifle. The featured rifle has a Eliseo Competition Machine stock, Krieger 30″ 1:13″-twist barrel, Defiance Machine single-shot Rem 700-compatible action, Jewell trigger, Warner Tool Aperture Rear Sight, and Stallings Machine “Right Sight” in the front.

John Whidden Shoots His Modern .223 Rem Palma Rifle

Palma USMC rifle whidden history prone iron sights

With the latest bullets, long barrels, and strong Lapua brass, the .223 Rem CAN compete successfully in modern Palma competition. Here we feature a .223 Rem Palma rig belonging to 5-time NRA Long Range Champion John Whidden. Watch video at 00:25 and you’ll see the recoil of Whidden’s .223 Rem Palma rifle is significantly less than a .308 Win Palma rig. John joked: “With the .223 Rem there is just a pop and a wiggle after the shot.” CLICK HERE for full 1200-word report on this rifle with many more photos.

Modern .308 Win Palma Rifle with Custom Anschutz-style Stock

Here a Palma competitor showcases his modern .308 Win Palma rifle built with an custom-made, Anschutz 1913 model-style stock with the main frame crafted by the host’s father. This rig has a 30″ barrel chambered for 155gr bullets. The video explains how the components were chosen, why the barrel is so long, and how the stock adjusts in numerous ways to fit the shooter’s particular prone style. Below is a diagram of the sight picture. This is covered at 1:56 in the video.

Palma USMC rifle anschutz krieger warner jewell trigger prone iron sights

Palma Rifles Shooting 1000 Yards at Bisley in the UK

Bisley .308 win UK Palma prone iron sights stickledown

This UK-produced video features Palma matches at the Stickledown Range at Bisley. This video showcases the Inter-Counties match, where competitors use iron-sighted Palma rifles on targets at 1000 yards. This video provides a good introduction to the Palma discipline as practiced in Great Britain.

Canadian Palma Fun — Nova Scotia Shooters at 900 Yards

In this video, filmed at a beautiful range in Nova Scotia, two Canadian shooters compete at 900 yards with their iron sighted .308 Win Palma rifles. The video combines three different views into one frame, so you can simultaneously see downrange, see the shooters, and see the shot impact on the electronic target display. The shooters fired .308 Win cartridges loaded with Vihtavuori N140 powder and 155gr Sierra #2156 PALMA bullets.

Ballistics Guru Shoots Palma at 800 Yards

The talented Bryan Litz, head honcho of Applied Ballistics LLC, demonstrates his shooting skills in this video. Watch Byran complete the 800-yard phase of the Palma course shot at Camp Atterbury, Indiana in the summer of 2008.

Palma Chambering and Bullet Weight Limits
There is, understandably, quite a bit of confusion concerning caliber limitations for Palma rifles and Palma competition. Some folks say you can shoot a .308 Winchester (or 7.62×51) with a bullet weight up to 156 grains. Others say you can shoot a .308 Win (or 7.62×51) with any bullet weight. Still others opine that you can shoot EITHER a .223 Rem (5.56×45) or a .308 Win (or 7.62 NATO).

So who is right? Well, all these viewpoints are correct in part. That’s because different rules apply in different venues. In most, but not all United States Palma competitions, you can shoot either a .223 Rem or .308 Win with no restriction on bullet weights. But in some U.S. Matches, most notably the Spirit of America, certain prizes are limited to .308s with 156gr max bullet weights OR .223s with 81gr max bullet weights. What’s the bottom line? In most USA Palma competitions you can shoot either a .308 or a .223 with no limit on bullet weight. In International Palma competitions you can shoot either a .308 or a .223 but the max bullet weight is limited.

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February 15th, 2025

How .223 Rem Speed Varies with Barrel Length — Cut-Down Test

.223 Rem Cut-Down Test barrel UMC m855

Most of us own a .223 Rem rifle. Now, thanks to our friends at we can assess exactly how velocity changes with barrel length for this popular cartridge. performed an interesting test, cutting the barrel of a .223 Rem rifle from 26″ all the way down to 16.5″. The cuts were made in one-inch intervals with a rotary saw. At each cut length, velocity was measured with a Magnetospeed chronograph. To make the test even more interesting, four different types of .223 Rem/5.56 ammo were chron’d at each barrel length. The team that conducts these tests has a full-service gun shop, 782 Custom Gunworks — visit

READ 5.56/.223 Barrel Cut-Down Test Article »

Test Barrel Lost 25.34 FPS Per Inch (.223 Rem Chambering)
How much velocity do you think was lost, on average, for each 1″ reduction in barrel length? The answer may surprise you. The average speed loss of the four types of .223/5.56 ammo, with a 9.5″ shortening of barrel length, was 240.75 fps total (from start to finish). That works out to an average loss of 25.34 fps per inch.

5.56/.223 Barrel Cut-Down Speed Test 26″ to 16.5″ Start FPS at 26″ End FPS at 16.5″ Total Loss Average Loss Per Inch
UMC .223 55gr 3182* 2968 214 22.5 FPS
Federal M193 55gr 3431 3187 244 25.7 FPS
Win m855 62gr 3280 2992 288 30.3 FPS
Blk Hills .223 68gr 2849 2632 217 22.8 FPS

*There may have been an error. The 25″ velocity was higher at 3221 fps.

See inch-by-inch Barrel Cut-Down Velocity Data HERE » observed: “Cutting the barrel from 26″ to 16.5″ resulted in a velocity reduction of 214 ft/sec with the UMC 223 55-grain cartridge, 244 ft/sec with the Federal M-193 cartridge, 288 ft/sec with the Winchester M855 cartridge and 217 ft/sec with the Back Hills 223 68-grain match cartridge.”

How the Test Was Done
The testers described their procedure as follows: “Ballistic data was gathered using a Magnetospeed barrel-mounted ballistic chronograph. At each barrel length, the rifle was fired from a front rest with rear bags, with five rounds of each type of ammunition. Average velocity and standard deviation were logged for each round. Once data was gathered for each cartridge at a given barrel length, the rifle was cleared and the bolt was removed. The barrel was cut off using a cold saw. The test protocol was repeated for the next length. Temperature was 45.7° F.”

CLICK HERE to Read the Test. This includes detailed charts with inch-by-inch velocity numbers.

See More Barrel Cut-Down Tests on has performed barrel cut-down tests for many other calibers/chamberings including 6mm Creedmoor, .308 Winchester, and .338 Lapua Magnum. See these test results at

.308 Win barrel length cut test

Much Different Results with 6mmBR and a Longer Barrel
The results from’s .223/5.56 test are quite different than the results we recorded some years ago with a barrel chambered for the 6mmBR cartridge. When we cut our 6mmBR barrel down from 33″ to 28″ we only lost about 8 FPS per inch. Obviously this is a different cartridge type, but also our 6mmBR barrel end length was longer than’s .223 Rem start length. Velocity loss may be more extreme with shorter barrel lengths. And, of course, different cartridge types and powder/bullet combinations will yield different results.

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February 15th, 2025

Handsome Engraved Ruger “Street Edition” SR1911 Pistols

 ruger street edition m1911 1911 pistol handgun

If you’re looking for a handsome new handgun, consider Ruger’s eye-catching, engraved 1911-type pistols, marketed as the SR1911 “Street Edition” series. This series of five engraved models of the SR1911 pistol celebrates Ruger’s rich manufacturing heritage.

These lightweight Commander-style pistols are chambered for the .45 Auto (.45 ACP) and feature a 4.25″ stainless steel barrel. The stainless steel slide is engraved in fine detail and also includes the Ruger logo. These pistols feature an aluminum frame and titanium firing pin. Drift adjustable, Novak 3-Dot sights allow for quick and easy target acquisition.

 ruger street edition m1911 1911 pistol handgun

The first of the “Street Edition” series (shown above) was introduced in October 2024 and commemorated Ruger’s 75th anniversary. The next four “Street Edition” SR1911s have common design elements that connect the series. Each pistol represents its own Ruger facility – “1 Lacey Place” in Southport, CT; “411 Sunapee St.” in Newport, NH; “271 Cardwell Rd.” in Mayodan, NC; and “200 Ruger Rd.” in Prescott, AZ. Each one of the series will feature a unique grip color, and the facility street name will be engraved on the top of the slide. Production will be limited to 500 of each model.

 ruger street edition m1911 1911 pistol handgun

CLICK HERE for more information on the SR1911 pistols on the official Ruger website. For more photos check out a detailed SR1911 feature on the website.

We like these new pistols and hope to test one soon. Price varies for each release but the initial SR1911 “Street Edition” is listed for $1397.00 on Gunbroker and $1655.99 at MidwayUSA, so price varies considerably. MSRP was $1899.00 for the first edition.

Ruger SR1911 “Street Edition” series features:

— Traditional 1911 design with finely engraved stainless steel slide.
— Skeletonized hammer and titanium firing pin for faster lock time.
— Lightweight aluminum frame and polished titanium feed ramp.
— Oversized ejection port and extended magazine release.
— Aluminum, skeletonized trigger with crisp trigger pull.
— Replaceable grip panels and checkered backstrap.
— Novak 3-Dot Drift Adjustable Sights.
— Loaded Chamber Indicator.

Includes: Two 7-round stainless steel magazines; bushing wrench.

 ruger street edition m1911 1911 pistol handgun

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