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February 22nd, 2025

Saturday Movies: How Scopes Function — Optics and Controls

scope turrets zeiss

A good riflescope is essential for many types of competition, and the vast majority of hunters have scoped rifles. Some F-Class and benchrest competitors are now using optics with up to 60X magnification. Over the past 30 years, scopes have continued to evolve with improved glass, more reticle types, vastly increased elevation travel, bigger main tubes, FFP and SFP options, and even built-in electronics.

When shopping for a riflescope, it’s useful to understand how scopes work — how the internal mechanisms control windage and elevation, how parallax controls work, and how magnification levels are controlled.

Basics of How Riflescopes Work

This Burris video (above) covers the key aspects of scope function: zoom magnification, windage control, elevation control, parallax control (front or side mount), and ocular lens focus. There are some tips on getting a new scope running smoothly — it’s wise to rotate the power control a few times as well as both windage and elevation knobs. The video below also explains how to set ocular focus controls optimally.

Scope Break-In Methods and Diagnosing Issues — Great Video

We recommend that all serious shooters watch this video start to finish. A very knowledgeable scope engineer, Leupold’s Mike Baccellieri, explains the fine details of scope operation — with very useful recommendations on how to ready a new scope for use (See 36:50 time-mark). With a new optic he advises to run the controls multiple times to full travel. Also, take your time to get the diopter control just right (See 26:40 time-mark).

The video also explains why, with a new scope or one that hasn’t been used much, it is sometimes effective to rotate the elevation PAST the desired setting then come back a click (See 35:40 time-mark). In addition, near the end of the video, the expert explains how you can use a mirror to determine if the scope mount (base and/or rings) is NOT aligned with the bore axis, forcing excess travel to get on target (See 42:00 time-mark). We have seen this caused by scope rails attached slightly off axis.

scope turrets zeiss
Large diameter turrets make windage and elevation markings easier to see, and the click “feel” may be more noticeable given the greater diametrical travel between clicks.

First Focal Plane (FFP) vs. Second Focal Plane (SFP)

The main visual difference between First Focal Plane (FFP) and Second Focal Plane (SFP) scopes is the appearance of the reticle (and its hash marks) at different magnification levels. With a FFP scope, the reticle increases in visible size (and line thickness) with increased magnification. This is so the angular hash marks remain constant (in Mils or MOA angular span) at all magnification levels. So, on a 10-30X FFP scope, a 0.1 Mil hash mark represents the SAME angular measurement at 10X, 20X, or 30X (or any magnification). The downside of the FFP system is that the reticle lines can appear very thick at high magnification. But for a PRS/NRL match, with targets at multiple distances, it is important that the hash marks represent the same angular measurement at all power settings.

On a Second Focal Plane (SFP) scope, by contrast, the reticle lines (and hash marks) appear visually (in thickness) the same at all magnification levels. This means the hash mark divisions will only be precise at one magnification level, as designed by the manufacturer. For example, you could have exact 1 MOA Hash marks at 10X. But zoom the scope to 20X and the same reticle hash mark would then cover 2 MOA. SFP scopes are popular with competition shooters who shoot at specific known distances. Not having thick reticle lines at 25X to 50X is an advantage when aiming at precise benchrest and F-Class targets.

scope turrets internal FFP milrad
ZEISS now makes excellent FFP Scopes with both MOA and Milrad options

Minute of Angle (MOA) vs. Milliradian (MILRAD or MIL)

This video also explains MOA vs. MRAD (Milliradian) controls. A Minute of Angle (MOA) is an angular measurement that represents 1.047″ at 100 yards. Modern MOA scopes are typically configured with 1/4 MOA or 1/8 MOA clicks. A Milliradian (MRAD) is another angular measurement defined as one-thousandth of a radian. Milrad scopes are commonly configured with 0.1 Milrad clicks. How much is a 0.1 mil at 100 yards? One mil equals 3.6 inches at 100 yards; therefore, 1/10th of that, 0.1 Mil, equals 0.36” – roughly a third of an inch – at 100 yards. That’s pretty close to the common quarter-inch (1/4 MOA) increment found on MOA riflescopes.

sightron scope james mock
Sightron makes excellent high-magnification SFP zoom scopes favored by many competitors. These have proven quite reliable and offer very good performance for the price.

Scope Mounting Method and Alignment

When mounting a scope, you want to make sure the scope is aligned properly, so that vertical travel is precisely up and down, not offset. Begin by supporting the rifle with a good front and rear rest. Use a portable level to ensure the rifle is not tilting slightly left or right around the barrel bore axis. Then you want to align your scope’s vertical axis. For this, we recommend setting up a plumb bob — a weighted line that hangs straight down. This can be set up indoors or outdoors. Align your reticle’s vertical axis precisely with the plumb bob line, making sure not to move the rifle.

One caution — we have seen some riflescopes that are internally off-axis by up to 4 degrees. In this case, you can align the reticle’s vertical axis with the plumb bob line but then find that your turrets are slightly titled. That is a scope manufacturing fault that will result in some error when you input a large click value (e.g. 10+ MOA up or down).

scope mounting Kirsten Joy Weiss eye relief

When mounting your scope, a key factor to consider is the eye relief — the distance of the rear “ocular” lens to your eye. When mounting the scope, put your head in the position at which you normally shoot. NOTE: As your optimal head position may be quite a bit different when shooting prone vs. shooting from a bench, you may want to adjust the scope placement for different shooting positions. This Editor had to move his comp rifle scope about an inch rearward when local club matches changed from prone to bench.

Video collection suggested by Boyd Allen

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February 22nd, 2025

Why Barrels May Deliver Higher Velocity after 100-150 Rounds

Barrel Velocity Increase Sierra Bullets Blog Speedy Gonzalez Jim See

Editor: Many new barrels will deliver higher velocities with the same load after 100-150 rounds through the bore. The exact reasons for this speed-up are not 100% certain, and velocity increases (if any) will vary from one barrel to the next. But this “speeding up” phenomenon is common, so be prepared if this happens with your next barrel. If you do experience a significant velocity increase you should probably re-tune your load AFTER the velocity stabilizes at the higher level.

From the Sierra Bullets Newsletter
Article by Mark Walker, Sierra New Product Development Director
In a previous post, I discussed a couple of methods to tune a load to your barrel to help achieve the best accuracy possible. People most often work on load tuning if they get a new rifle or have a different barrel installed. In both instances, the barrel is new and has not been fired very much. According to most competitive shooters, this is the most accurate your barrel will ever be, so getting it tuned and shooting accurately is a priority.

The Speed Up Phenomenon After 100-150 Rounds
Even though after you work up a load and your new barrel is shooting great, a lot of shooters notice that at around 100 to 150 rounds their rifle may stop shooting as accurately. I had this happen to a rifle and I was confused as to why something that worked so well to begin with would all of a sudden quit shooting. I decided to break out the chronograph to do another load work up to see what was going on. To my surprise, the velocity had increased around 80 fps over the original velocity! After performing another ladder test and adjusting the seating depth, the rifle was once again shooting well.

There are several thoughts on why this may happen, however, you can rest assured that it does happen. One thought is that as the barrel breaks in, the tooling marks in the throat of the chamber smooth out and allow less resistance to the bullet as it exits the bore thereby increasing speed. Another idea is that the throat area starts to get a little rough which in turn causes more resistance which increases pressure and therefore more velocity. I’m sure there are some out there who have a better understanding as to why this happens, but it can definitely affect the accuracy of your rifle. So be aware and never be afraid to rework a load to keep your rifle in tune.

Experts Confirm That Barrel Speed-Up Is Common
Barrel Velocity Increase Sierra Bullets Blog Speedy Gonzalez Jim SeeTwo respected shooters have observed an increase in velocity with new barrels, typically after 100 rounds. Gunsmith and Hall-of-Fame benchrest shooter Thomas “Speedy” Gonzalez has documented barrel speed-up with testing. Moreover, Speedy’s bore-scope barrel inspections revealed a smoothing of the barrel lands. Jim See, a top PRS competitor, has encountered barrel speed-up many times. Accordingly, he re-tunes his load at 150 rounds.

“Alex Lipworth and I documented this phenomenon about four years ago and I have told all my customers about this. My son Mikee would shoot 100 rounds through all new barrels we planned on shooting before we would begin to do load development. We had a shooting snail that caught all the bullets set up in front of an indoor bench. We called it a wear-in process because upon careful examination of the bore when the ‘Speed Up’ takes place the cut-rifled bore resembles that more of a button-rifled barrels with the lands taking on more the softer look of a buttoned bore.” — Speedy Gonzalez

“Seen it [barrel velocity increase] too many times to count. All my match barrels get a ‘generic round’ loaded for them, which has worked well in barrels historically. After I hit 150 rounds I fine-tune the load and never look back, until the tube starts to slow down at it’s life end.” — Jim See

Barrel Velocity Increase Sierra Bullets Blog Speedy Gonzalez Jim See

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February 22nd, 2025

Burris Eliminator 6 Wins American Rifleman Optic of the Year

shot show 2024 laser rangefinder optics eliminator 6 burris

shot show 2024 laser rangefinder optics eliminator 6 burrisThe Burris Eliminator 6 Rangefinder scope has been selected as the “2025 American Rifleman Optic of the Year” as part of the NRA Media Golden Bullseye Awards. This award is presented by NRA Media for notable new products, which are selected based on their technical performance, field reliability, innovation, and value.

Even at $3000.00 MSRP, this is a pretty amazing optic. It incorporates a laser rangefinder plus a set of environmental sensors. Plus it communicates, via BlueTooth, with the Burris Connect App which holds ballistics data for multiple loads. Basically, just range your target, and the Eliminator 6 does the rest — the digital DOPE card works with ­the scope’s illuminated X177 reticle to display the precise holdover aiming point for the ranged distance.

The new Burris Eliminator 6 combines precise rangefinding out to 2,000 yards with onboard ballistic compensation, environmental monitoring, and a comprehensive Heads-Up Display user interface to provide precise aiming solutions at the touch of a button. The Eliminator 6 represents an entirely new design from previous-generation Eliminator models. The Eliminator 6 is more compact and follows a more conventional riflescope profile for improved ergonomics and simplified operation. “The Eliminator 6 is, indeed, a game-changer for western game hunters and anyone who demands fast and accurate firing solutions,” said Burris Mktg. Director, Jordan Egli.

NEW Burris Eliminator 6 Laser Rangefinder Riflescope

The new, compact 4-20x52mm Burris Eliminator 6 combines a powerful laser rangefinder with multiple environmental sensors. It has easy-to-use turret controls and sharp ED glass. Compared to the previous model Burris Eliminators, the advanced new Eliminator 6 is smaller, and lighter. To minimize chromatic aberration, Burris uses extra-low dispersion (ED) glass. Other features include 4-20X magnification, +2.0 to -3.0 diopter adjustment range, and side focus/parallax adjustment from 25 yards to infinity.

shot show 2024 laser rangefinder optics eliminator 6 burris

How does it work? Using the Eliminator 6, simply range your target, hold the illuminated aiming point on your target, and hold wind if necessary using the hold-off points in the reticle. You don’t have to carry around a separate Laser Rangefinder, or dial elevation with knobs.

See how the parallax and illumination adjustments are now conveniently located on a conventional turret-style knob that also contains the range activation and brightness button array.

Burris states that the “Eliminator 6 [has] the most comprehensive and advanced integrated technology ever delivered in a hunting riflescope.” Remarkably, this new Eliminator 6 includes multiple sensors, along with the laser rangefinder. The Eliminator 6 features a built-in thermometer, barometer, and inclinometer, and it automatically measures density altitude (which can also be manually selected). This allows the Eliminator 6 to provide extremely accurate ballistics solutions. The key features are:

• Integrated laser rangefinder capable of ranging out to 2,000 yards (reflective)
• BurrisConnect App compatible for quick programing and precise ballistics
• X177 Reticle with 177 1/5 MOA illuminated aiming points
• Angle Sensor informs ballistics calculator
• Built-In Environmental Sensors
• HUD with 11 data zones
• Shotcall Marker

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