If you’re looking for a space-saving handgun storage system, consider the Easy Use Gun Hangers from USA GunClub. These vinyl-coated, wire hangers organize handguns below the shelves in your gunsafe, freeing up storage space above the shelves. To use the handgun hangers, simply slide each hanger on the shelf and then slip your pistol’s barrel over the lower rod. Handgun Hangers are intended for guns with an overall length of 10 inches or shorter. They will fit shelves that are at least 11 inches deep and 5/8-1 inch in thickness. Handgun Hangers will hold handguns .22 caliber and up, though the fit is a bit snug on .22s. A four-pack of Handgun Hangers costs $9.99. This product has been Amazon’s #1 Best Seller among handgun storage accessories.
WARNING — Always Make Sure Handgun is UNLOADED when using Handgun Hangers!!
USA GunClub also offers an Over-Under Hanger that holds two handguns — one above the shelf, and one below. A two-pack of Over-Under Hangers (capable of holding four handguns) costs $9.99. This may be a good solution for you. This editor personally prefers the standard model, so I can use the upper surface of the shelf to hold odd-shaped items such as cameras, binoculars, and miscellaneous valuables.
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Dual-Lock Technology: Cannon offers an innovative combined digital/mechanical lock system. This dual-access lock provides the rapid access of an electronic lock backed up by the assurance of a manual (rotary dial) combination lock.
Electronic (Keypad) Lock vs. Manual (Rotary) Lock
Smart gun owners know they need a good, solid gun safe. But when choosing a gun safe, what kind of lock should you select — electronic or mechanical? Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. This article will help you make the right choice for your needs and also get the most reliable performance from either type.
Gunsafes can be fitted with either an electronic keypad-style lock, or a conventional dial lock. In our Gunsafe Buyer’s Guide, we explain the important features of both dial and electronic lock systems. Many safe-makers will tell you that consumers prefer electronic locks for convenience. On the other hand, most of the locksmiths we’ve polled believe that the “old-fashioned” dial locks, such as the Sargent & Greenleaf model 6730, will be more reliable in the long run.
Here is the opinion of RFB from Michigan. He is a professional locksmith with over two decades of experience servicing locks and safes of all brands and types:
What a Professional Locksmith Says:
For the convenience of quick opening, the electronic locks can’t be beat. However, for endurance and years of trouble-free use, the electronics can’t compare with the dial lock.
I’ve earned my living, the past 22 years, servicing locks of all types. This includes opening safes that can’t otherwise be opened. I do warranty work for several safe manufacturers (including Liberty). What I’ve learned in all those years is that manual dial locks have very few problems. The most common is a loose dial ring which can shift either left or right, which will result in the index point being in the wrong place for proper tumbler alignment. This is simple to fix.
Electronic locks, however, can have all kinds of issues, and none (except bad key-pad) are easy to fix, and when one goes bad, it must be drilled into to open it. IMO, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ an electronic lock will ultimately fail, but a matter of ‘when’ it will fail. Over the past 10 years or so, since electronics have become more and more prevalent, I’ve had to drill open bad electronic locks vs. bad manual dial locks on a ratio of about 20-1.
My professional opinion is to get the manual dial lock, unless you’ve got a good friend who is a locksmith/safecracker.
How Secure is Your Lock?
RFB tells us that both dial and electronic locks offer good security, provided it’s a good quality lock made by LaGard, Sargent & Greenleaf, Amsec, or Kaba/Ilco. However, RFB warns that “Some of the ‘cheaper’ locks (both manual and electronic) however, are very simple to bypass.
An electronic lock that’s glued or ‘stuck’ to the door with double-sided tape, and has its ‘brain’ on the outside of the lock in the same housing as the keypad, and merely sends power to an inner solenoid via a pair of wires through the door, is a thief’s best friend. The good ones have the brain inside the safe, inaccessible from the outside.
No amateur can ‘manipulate’ either a good manual or electronic lock. Both give you a theoretical one million possible combinations. I say ‘theoretical’ because there are many combinations that cannot, or should not, be used. You wouldn’t set your combo on a dial lock to 01-01-01 etc., nor would you set an electronic to 1-1-1-1-1-1, or 1-2-3-4-5-6.”
Tips for Dial Locks
RFB notes that “The speed, and ease of use, of a manual dial lock can be improved upon, simply by having your combo reset using certain guidelines. Avoid high numbers above 50. Having a 1st number in the 40s, 2nd number anywhere from 0-25, and 3rd number between 25 and 35 will cut dialing time in half, without compromising security. (For mechanical reasons I won’t get into here, the 3rd number of a good manual dial lock cannot — or should not — be set to any number between 95 & 20).”
Tips for Electronic Locks
Electronic locks can have the combination changed by the user much more easily than dial locks. That should be a good thing. However, RFB explains: “That can be a double-edged sword. More than a few times I’ve had to drill open a safe with an electronic lock that has had the combo changed incorrectly by the user, resulting in an unknown number that nobody can determine. Also, don’t forget that electronic locks have a ‘wrong-number lock-out’. I would NOT rely on the normal quickness of an electronic 6-number combo in an emergency situation. If for any reason (panic etc.) you punch in the wrong number several times, the lock will shut down for a 5-minute ‘penalty’.
Replace Electronic Lock Batteries Every Year
To get the most life out of any electronic (keypad Lock), you should change the battery at least once a year, whether it needs it or not. Low voltage won’t necessarily shut down the lock, but using it in a low voltage situation is bad for the electronics, and eventually will cause lock failure. So, If you do nothing else to maintain your digital-lock safe, replace the battery every year. And get a fresh battery (with a release date) from the store — don’t just pull a battery out of a storage bin, even if it’s never been used. Old batteries can degrade, even when in storage.
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Everyone should have a heavy-duty, thick-walled steel gunsafe for their firearms and valuables. Ideally this should weigh 400+ pounds and offer fire protection for the contents. However, a gun owner may also want more rapid access to defensive arms and security items, in a different part of the home. That is where the “hidden in plain sight” concept comes into play.
Freedom Cabinet Holds Long Arms and Pistols — RFID Access
The unique Freedom Cabinet, shown above, is a patriotic, wall-mounted Stars & Stripes Flag-themed concealment unit. Available in Wood, Steel, or Carbon Fiber, each secure Freedom Cabinet features inlaid steel and Invisible RFID or Biometric locking systems. The Freedom Cabinet regularly costs $219.95 but is discounted to $179.96 this Memorial Day Week (with coupon code). Along with this flip-up Freedom cabinet, there is a “Slider” version regularly priced at $254.95, but now $196.76 (with code).
Get the 20% discounts this Memorial Day week with CODE “THANKYOU20″. Later, for Father’s Day week, save 20% with CODE “DAD20″
Tactical Walls Shelf Secure Storage Unit
TacticalWalls.com, producers of home security/concealment products, offers clever furniture item that hold defensive arms. We like the big model 1242 Top Locking Shelf. This will hold a long gun plus a pistol and other items, which can be accessed rapidly with magnetic keys. The foam-lined secret compartment measures 12″ Deep x 42″ Wide. Price starts at $455.00.
Tactical Walls also have a smaller model 825 Top Locking Shelf that holds two pistols and some small accessories. This model 82 has a 8″ x 25″ W foam-lined hidden compartment accessed by magnetic keys. The model 825 locking Shelf retails for $405.00 – $435.00, depending on wood choice.
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Bigger is Better?
Yes, size matters — at least when it comes to gun safes. Is your current safe bursting at the seams with your ever-growing firearms collection? Perhaps you need a little more vertical clearance for your Lahti L-39 or favorite Punt Gun? Well Superior Safe Co. has a solution for you — a humongous safe that stands 10-feet tall and weighs more than a pick-up truck. For reference, the young man in the picture, Greg from Pyramyd Air, is an honest 6’3″ tall.
Sized Right — For a 7-Footer
Now if you’re not an NBA center, the lock placement on this safe is not very practical. The lock’s keypad is a good foot above Greg’s head, making access somewhat difficult for the “vertically challenged” customer. We’re not sure what Superior Safe hand in mind here — unless this mega-safe was really created for the likes of Shaquille O’Neal or Joel Embiid.
Still, Americans love big stuff — big cars, big houses, and, of course, big guns. At least if you purchase one of these monsters, you’ll have the peace of mind that a smash-and-grab thief can’t roll it away on a hand dolly. Superior Safe, which displayed this yellow giant at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits a while back, explains that this is a “custom model” not on the normal price list — face it, if you need to ask about the price, you can’t afford it. Joking aside, if you really need this kind of capacity for a firearms collection (with a punt gun or Lahti), you’d be wise to consider a custom walk-in vault, built into a room in your house. (Safe photo courtesy Pyramyd Air.)
What is a Punt Gun? A punt gun is an extremely large shotgun used in the 19th and early 20th centuries for shooting large numbers of waterfowl for commercial harvesting operations and private sport. Punt guns could have bore diameters exceeding 2 inches (51 mm) and fire over a pound of shot at a time. A single shot could kill over 50 waterfowl resting on the water’s surface. Punt guns were too big to hold so they were often mounted directly on the punts (boats) used for hunting, hence their name. Generally the gun was fixed to the punt, requiring the hunter to maneuver the entire boat to aim the gun. Firing the gun often propelled the punt backwards from recoil. Sometimes fleets of punt gun-boats were used together. In the United States, this practice depleted stocks of wild waterfowl and by the 1860s most states had banned the practice. In the United Kingdom, a 1995 survey showed fewer than 50 active punt guns still in use. UK law limits punt guns to a bore diameter of 1.75 inches (1 1/8 pounder). Learn more at Wikipedia.com.
Lahti L-39 photo, courtesy Gordon Greene, originally appeared in The Gun Zone.
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A high-end, full custom Benchrest, F-Class, ELR or PRS rifle can cost upwards of $5500.00 (with optic). Some top-tier competition and tactical scopes (March, Kahles, Schmidt & Bender) cost $2500-$3600 by themselves. If you’re transporting three or four custom rifles with premium scopes to the range, you could easily be hauling $20,000 worth of hardware. Bring along a Co-Axial rest, spotting scope, rangefinder, Kestrel, and LabRadar chronograph, and that could push the total closer to $25,000. Think about that — your guns and gear could be worth way more than your vehicle!
How do you safeguard a big-money collection of guns (without driving around in a Brinks armored truck)? One of the best storage systems available is the Truck-Vault, built in Washington state. Truck-vaults are custom-fitted, locking storage cabinets that fit in a Pick-up truck bed, SUV, or station wagon. Various designs are available, including a waterproof “Extreme Series.” Both single-drawer and multi-draw layouts are offered with lengths up to 60″ overall, and top-load capacity of 2000 pounds. A variety of interior configurations are available.
For transporting scoped match rifles, we suggest Truck-Vault’s “Magnum Line”, which has two drawers with 10.5″ of vertical clearance. This offers two primary sliding compartments (on roller casters), plus smaller storage boxes where you can keep valuable gear securely out of sight.
WATCH Truck-Vault Video Showing Break-In Attempt:
Truck-Vaults carry a big price-tag. One-drawer SUV models start at around $1195.00, but you can pay over $2500.00 for a unit with all the bells and whistles. Balance that cost against the value of the all firearms and accessories you are transporting. If you spend much time on the road with a pricey collection of guns, optics, and accessories, a Truck-Vault may be a wise investment. This editor first saw a Truck-Vault on a Chevy Suburban belonging to an Arizona gunsmith who does a lot of work for the military. It was not unusual for him to haul $50,000 worth of Class III weapons. For him, the Truck-Vault was an essential security feature. For more info, visit TruckVault.com or call (800) 967-8107. CLICK HERE to see the full line of TruckVault systems with photos, specifications, and retail prices.
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. Academy Sports — Cannon 64-Gun Safe, $599.99 (Save $400)
⏺ BIG gun safe, good interior, amazing 40% OFF Savings
This is a jumbo-sized, 40″-wide fire-rated safe that holds up to 64 long guns. This big Cannon Valley Forge Gunsafe normally sells for $999.99, but this week you can get it for just $599.99 at Academy Sports. Yep, that’s a whopping $400 off normal retail, a 40% savings! If you need a big safe, don’t hesitate — this deal is good from November 22-28, 2020 only.
⏺ Bargain Price AND get 500 free bullets from Hornady
Need tools to start reloading? Check out the Lock-N-Load Classic Reloading Kit. This Hornady Reloading Kit includes everything you need except brass, powder, and bullets to get started. Don’t forget to use Brownells coupon code VTJ for $20 off, lowering your net price to $299.99. Also, this Lock-N-Load Classic Reloading Kit appears to qualify for 500 FREE bullets through the Hornady Get Loaded Rebate. That Rebate can net you bullets worth 50% of your Kit purchase price, making this a very attractive deal
3. Amazon — Vortex Diamondback HD Spotting Scope, $399.00
⏺ Great Spotting Scope Deal — hard to beat at twice the price
Whether hunting or target shooting, spotting scopes get you on target faster and easier than bare eyes or riflescope. If you need a good HD-grade spotter, check out the Vortex Diamondback HD 16-48x65mm angled spotting scope for $399.00. It offers great clarity and rock-solid lifetime guarantee. Relatively compact and weighing 49.8 ounces, this is a good choice for a hunter. There’s also a straight version for $399.00, with same 16-48X power and 65mm objective. If you need more magnification and low-light performance, Vortex offers the 20-60x80mm Diamondback HD spotter for $499.00.
4. Amazon — All-Weather Case with Anti-Rust Interior, $93.99
⏺ Protect your firearm investment with corrosion-fighting rifle case
Transporting your firearms isn’t just about protecting them from damage, it’s also about keeping them clean and RUST FREE. If you keep long guns in hard cases for significant periods of time, condensation can create rust faster than you realize. A great choice to combat this is the Plano All Weather Gun Case with Rustrictor. This waterproof rifle case fights rust with Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) chemicals infused into resin and foam emitters. With its built-in rust-fighter, this case resists corrosion 5x longer than competing products (per lab testing). The 42″ model is $93.99, while the smaller 36″ rustrictor case is just $74.99. There is also a large 52″ wheeled case for $171.90.
⏺ Truly some of the highest-quality soft rifle cases you can buy
Tired of poorly-made soft cases that wear out after one season? If you want to get a top-quality case that will last for years, check out the Creedmoor Blue Deluxe 55″ or 60″ Rifle Case. These are hand-made cases that provide an incredible level of protection with quality fabrics and padding. Smart design, high-grade zippers, and top-quality sewing make a noticeable difference. And right now you can get either the 55″ or 60″ model for $124.45 — a $25 savings off the regular $149.95 price. You will see many of the nation’s top Palma and F-Class shooters using these cases.
6. Bullet Central — Jewell Benchrest Trigger, $169.50
⏺ Jewell triggers hold world records in multiple disciplines
Jewell triggers have set records and dominated firing lines across the country for good reason. They’re about half the price of other top triggers, can be easily tuned and adjusted and they just work without question. If you need a new competition trigger consider the Jewell Remington 700 BR Trigger (No Safety) model from Bullet Central. Upgrade your rifle for a reasonable price.
7. Natchez — RCBS ChargeMaster Lite, $229.99
⏺ Best Deal on popular, speedy Scale/Dispenser
Do you need an electronic powder scale/dispenser? Most vendors charge $290-$300 for the popular RCBS ChargeMaster Lite. But now you can get it for just $229.99 at Natchez. You save $70.00, about 24%! The ChargeMaster Lite features an easy-to-use LCD touchscreen and claimed precision of plus/minus 0.1 grains. The unit comes with twin check weights and a convenient plastic cover for the powder pan. If Natchez sells out, you can get the ChargeMaster Lite for $239.99 at Sportsman’s Warehouse.
8. Amazon — Frankford Arsenal Hand Deprimer Tool, $44.49
⏺ Deprime fired cartridge brass anywhere — no press needed
Decapping brass can be a tedious and messy chore. Not only does the priming cup come out but so does the anvil and other little bits. Keep it clean and easy but grabbing the Frankford Arsenal Platinum Series Hand Deprimer Tool and deprime in style. This self-contained unit allows you to decap anywhere and keep all the mess in the capture container. It’s easy on the hands too. With this handy tool you can deprime your bases while watching TV.
9. Amazon — TWO Sets of NRR 28dB Earmuffs, $21.24
⏺ Amazing Deal for TWO pairs of NRR 28 muffs
How about a gift for a friend that’s also a gift for you? Pick up this 2-Pack of Mpow Professional Ear Defenders muffs for just $21.24. You can give one set to a buddy and keep one set for yourself. With a 28dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), these muffs have good buyer reviews, with positive comments about comfort and noise reduction. You can’t beat this price for TWO sets of muffs with carry bags included.
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If the battery on your safe’s electronic lock is more than a year old, or if it is not giving you the right voltage, replace it today!
Well it’s November folks — winter is around the corner. This time of year, many of our readers are putting their guns away in a safe for the winter. It’s easy to just tuck the guns away and forget about them. But there’s something you should do before you shut the safe door. If you have a safe with an electronic keypad, you should replace the battery every year as a precautionary measure. Trust us, you don’t want to come back in a few months and find that the keypad memory is kaput, and you’re locked out. That can lead to frustration and an expensive locksmith visit.
Here’s a true story. I have one safe with a Sargent & Greenleaf (S&G) keypad. A couple years back, in early December, I went to get into the safe. I punched in the correct combination, but all I got was a rapid “beep, beep, beep, beep” after I finished the last combination entry. I tried again to ensure I entered the combination correctly (I did). But again, the locking system responded with multiple rapid beeps indicating something was wrong. And the safe would not open. Now I was worried….
I popped out the battery holder (which slides in from the bottom of the keypad housing on the door). I removed the battery and tested it with a volt-meter. The 12-month-old Duracell 9-volt battery only registered 6.1 volts.
Low voltage was the problem. I went down to the store and got a couple new 9V batteries. I tested the new batteries and both measured 9.4 volts output. I slipped one of the new 9V batteries into the keypad housing, punched in the combination and everything worked OK again. Eureka.
Most electronic locks for safes WILL “remember” the combination for a period of time even when the battery is low (and the keypad’s “brain” should retain the combination when you remove the battery for replacement). However, a dead battery, or extended periods of low voltage can give you problems. Don’t rely on wishful thinking…
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At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. Palmetto State Armory — JTS M12AK 12ga Shotgun, $399.99
For home defense, it’s hard to beat a shotgun. And a magazine-fed, semi-auto AK-type shotgun offers serious firepower in a compact package. This JTS M12AK 12ga 18″ Shotgun, features the proven, ultra-reliable AK47-type action. Yes it works great with shotshells. This 18″-barrel, 4.9-Star rated, semi-auto firearm takes a variety of magazine sizes, and is Saiga-mag compatible. If you want a high-capacity scatter-gun, this is a solid value at $399.99 from Palmetto State Armory.
2. Costco — Cannon Large Executive Safe, $699.99 (Save $200!)
$200 manufacturer’s savings is valid 3/30/20 through 4/27/20. While supplies last.
Being a responsible gun owner means securing your weapons at all times. However, not everyone can afford a multi-thousand dollar safe. Cannon Safe has been making quality yet affordable safes for decades. Now you can grab Cannon’s Executive Series Safe for $699.99. This is a BIG, 43.8 cubic foot-capacity vault with 60 minutes fire protection. Price for this large 59″ H x 45″ W Safe is just $699.99 INCLUDING SHIPPING! This is an amazing deal for a very big safe. NOTE: Just last week this same safe was $899.99 at COSTCO, so you Save $200!
3. Midsouth Shooters — Fiocchi 9mm Luger Ammo, $12.99/50
Currently pistol ammunition is in very high demand, particularly 9mm Luger (9x19mm). Some dealers have doubled or even tripled the price of their 9mm pistol ammo. Thankfully, Midsouth Shooters continues to offer Fiocchi 9mm Luger ammo for just $12.99 per 50ct box. That works out to $0.26 per round. This is reliable ammo with 115gr FMJ bullets and reloadable brass cases.
With plenty of high-end spotting scopes available on the market it’s easy to forget there are some very good, affordable spotters out there. Among the better budget-priced spotting scopes is the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x60mm Spotting Scope. Both angled and straight-body versions are on sale now for $399.00. This spotter is backed by a rock-solid, Vortex lifetime warranty. The 20-60X zoom range is ideal for viewing mirage or bullet holes on distant targets.
Do you need an electronic powder scale and dispenser? Check out this great deal at Midsouth Shooters Supply. Suggested retail for the ChargeMaster Lite is $299.99. Amazon’s best price for this unit is $269.99. But now you can get it for just $219.99 at Midsouth. So you can save $50.00 with this Midsouth sale. Put the money saved into bullets or powder. The RCBS ChargeMaster Lite is the modern second generation Scale/Dispenser, descended from the original ChargeMaster. The ChargeMaster Lite features an easy-to-use LCD touchscreen. Dispenser precision is plus/minus 0.1 grains. The unit comes with twin check weights and a convenient plastic cover for the powder pan.
6. Graf’s — Tipton Ultra Gun Vise, $99.95
Cleaning and working on your guns requires a solid platform. Most gun cleaning stands aren’t adjustable enough or are too flimsy. Not so with the Tipton Ultra Gun Vise. Weighing-in at about 10 pounds, this beefy gun vise provides a steady base. The frame is metal for strength, features stout adjustable jaws, specialized AR holder, and several accessory trays. Threaded feet allow the vise to be leveled on your bench (or the ground). With this system you can work on just about anything including bolt-action rifles, AR-platform rifles, shotguns, pistols, and even compound bows and crossbows. To fit wide forearms, you may have to remove or modify the front pad(s). Our Deals Editor, who owns this gun vise, reports this is an outstanding product, well worth the $99.95.
Are you tired of big heavy sleds for range shooting but they don’t provide any kind of easy adjustment or target acquisition? Check out the Caldwell Precision Adjustable Turret Rest. It offers quick horizontal and vertical adjustment making it great for target shooting as well as varminting from a bench. Amazon user ‘Jet Mech 1′ reports “…it’s REALLY solid! Solid steel legs and everything is heavy duty. It’s really compact. Easily fits in the smallest car trunk. So, if you’re limited on space going to the range, this is ideal. It holds your firearm very securely. The tilt and pan is super smooth and precise. This is the perfect platform for an AR-style rifle but works equally well for just about anything.”
8. Grizzly or Amazon — Dewalt Storage Box on Wheels, $69.99
Grizzly offers FREE Shipping on this rolling Dewalt box and all non-freight items over $35.00.
More and more we see range bags being traded out for rolling range boxes. Wheeled toolboxes such as the Dewalt TSTAK storage box have become the new go-to way of easily transporting gear to the line. The best part of these systems is that you can easily stack a smaller fitted Dewalt box on top such as the flat top toolbox or the deep drawer organizer and create the range box combo that works best for you. These smaller boxes mate with recesses in the top of the larger TSTAK Deep Box with Wheels.
9. Amazon — Sawyer MINI Water Filtration System, $19.97
The current pandemic has made many people realize they were not prepared for unexpected events. Safe drinking water is vital. If clean tap water is not available, and your bottled water runs out, having an emergency filter is important. At only $19.97 the Sawyer MINI Water Filter is a small and inexpensive way to have an emergency water source during times of crisis.
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With the USA in the throes of a pandemic, home security is more important than ever. A large, heavy conventional safe is still the best way to store your full firearms collection. However, when seconds count, a rapid-access system may be a smart option. Using RFiD technology, and a spring-loaded door, this kind of rapid-access vault lets you instantly get your hands on your primary defensive rifle or shotgun.
For home use, we like this RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker from Hornady. The spring-loaded door opens instantly when activated by the owner’s personal RFID devices. The AR Gunlocker ($302.62 on Amazon) also has a keypad so you can enter a combination if your RFID “key” is not around. Or you can use the supplied manual barrel-style metal key. Watch the video to see how the system works:
The RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker RFID safe secures long guns in a steel-walled vault that can be stored in a closet, under a bed, or even in your vehicle. This will hold an AR and a shotgun with foam inserts. There are several options for entry: 1) Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tag system; 2) KeyPad; 3) Manual barrel-style metal key.
Provided Access Devices
For the AR Gunlocker, Hornady provides one RFID Wristband, one RFID Key Fob, and two RFID “stickers”. As a secondary entry method, you can program a four- to six-digit security code. Finally, you can use a manual lock if all power fails.
RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker Specifications:
Exterior: 42″ Wide x 15.25″ Deep x 6.75″ High
Interior: 40.5″ Wide x 13.5″ Deep x 5.5″ High
Weight: 55 pounds
Power: 12-volt DC (with transformer from AC wall outlet) or four (4) AA batteries.
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If the battery on your safe’s electronic lock is more than a year old, or if it is not giving you the right voltage, replace it today!
This time of year, many of our readers are putting their guns away in a safe for the winter. It’s easy to just tuck the guns away and forget about them. But there’s something you should do before you shut the safe door. If you have a safe with an electronic keypad, you should replace the battery every year as a precautionary measure. Trust us, you don’t want to come back in a few months and find that the keypad memory is kaput, and you’re locked out. That can lead to frustration and an expensive locksmith visit.
Here’s a true story. I have one safe with a Sargent & Greenleaf (S&G) keypad. A couple years back, in early December, I went to get into the safe. I punched in the correct combination, but all I got was a rapid “beep, beep, beep, beep” after I finished the last combination entry. I tried again to ensure I entered the combination correctly (I did). But again, the locking system responded with multiple rapid beeps indicating something was wrong. And the safe would not open. Now I was worried….
I popped out the battery holder (which slides in from the bottom of the keypad housing on the door). I removed the battery and tested it with a volt-meter. The 12-month-old Duracell 9-volt battery only registered 6.1 volts.
Low voltage was the problem. I went down to the store and got a couple new 9V batteries. I tested the new batteries and both measured 9.4 volts output. I slipped one of the new 9V batteries into the keypad housing, punched in the combination and everything worked OK again. Eureka.
Most electronic locks for safes WILL “remember” the combination for a period of time even when the battery is low (and the keypad’s “brain” should retain the combination when you remove the battery for replacement). However, a dead battery, or extended periods of low voltage can give you problems. Don’t rely on wishful thinking…
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Folks who live in high-crime areas, or where there may be unwanted intruders, should definitely consider a rapid access long-gun safe system. When seconds count, this system lets you instantly get your hands on your defensive rifle or shotgun.
For home or shop use, we like this RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker from Hornady. The spring-loaded door opens instantly when activated by the owner’s personal RFID devices. The AR Gunlocker also has a keypad so you can enter a combination if your RFID “key” is not around. Or you can use the supplied manual barrel-style metal key. Watch the video to see how the system works:
The RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker RFID safe secures long guns in a steel-walled vault that can be stored in a closet, under a bed, or even in your vehicle. This will hold an AR and a shotgun with foam inserts. There are several options for entry: 1) Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tag system; 2) KeyPad; 3) Manual barrel-style metal key.
For the AR Gunlocker, Hornady provides one RFID Wristband, one RFID Key Fob, and two RFID “stickers”. As a secondary entry method, you can program a four- to six-digit security code. Finally, you can use a manual lock if all power fails.
RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker Specifications:
Exterior: 42″ Wide x 15.25″ Deep x 6.75″ High
Interior: 40.5″ Wide x 13.5″ Deep x 5.5″ High
Weight: 55 pounds
Power: 12-volt DC (with provided AC power transformer from wall outlet) or four (4) AA batteries.
The RAPiD Safe AR Gunlocker’s exterior is made from 16-gauge steel with four internal hardened locking lugs. The Gunlocker has pre-drilled mounting holes so you can secure it to a floor, wall, or truck bed. Additional security is provided via a 3/8″ by 3-foot polymer-coated steel cable.
This GunsAmerica Video Shows How the Gunlocker Can Be Installed in a Vehicle
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Now on SALE for $279.00 (20% Off), this horizontal safe normally retails for $346.93.
We like innovative security solutions. The standard “big box” gun safe is not ideal for all situations. Here’s a new gun vault primarily designed for under-bed placement in a house, but it can also be installed in a vehicle. Bolt it to the bed of a pick-up truck or the back of an SUV. The full width is 48″ so it will fit most trucks and many sport/utility vehicles.*
This Buffalo Horizontal Gun Safe offers three cubic feet of storage though it is just 7 inches high. The 46″ W x 26″ D x 5″ H slide-out drawer is secured with a digital lock with back-up key. Under-bed installation keeps your firearms “out of sight but close at hand”. The felt-lined sliding horizontal compartment holds up to 100 pounds of firearms and valuables. This won’t hold a long target rifle, but it’s plenty big enough to hold an AR15 or Shotgun and multiple pistols.
This gun vault features a pry resistant steel door and 14 gauge (2mm thick) steel body. NOTE: This vault is NOT fire rated — it is intended for secure storage and theft prevention only. For added security, we recommend bolting this Buffalo vault to the floor.
Overall External dimensions: 48″ W x 28″ D x 7″ H
Inside Vault dimensions: 46″ W x 26″ D x 5″ H, three cubic feet
Weight as Assembled: 130 pounds
* Vehicle Installation: You need at least 48″ side-to-side clearance and 28″ front-to-back space to fit this vault in a vehicle. While you can lock an SUV, this vault give you an added measure of protection and secures items from view. This vault also ensures compliance with states requiring fireams to be in separate, locked compartments during transport.
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