April 1st, 2021

We all know reloading powder is in VERY short supply these days. And the most popular propellants, such as Varget, H4350, and Reloder 16, are almost impossible to find at reasonable prices. Thankfully, there is a new solution in the works — smaller containers. This should give handloaders a whole new way to source those precious powders needed for a day at the range. And even if the volume is limited, something is ALWAYS better than nothing, right?
The big (and small) news for reloaders is that the major powder suppliers plan to start shipping powders in more compact, easy-to-ship containers. Instead of buying a pound of powder, you will be able to purchase an efficient, handy 1000 grain container. These are light weight (just 1/7th of a pound) so they are convenient to transport and carry. And you’ll never have the problem of over supply. A 1000-grain container with load approximately 33 6mm BR rounds — that should be plenty for a day at the range. We’re blessed to have this new compact powder option thanks to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently approved new smaller containers for shipment of smokeless powder. The new containers are designed to hold 1000 grains, exactly one-seventh of a pound. That works out to 2.29 ounces of powder — quite a bit less than you are getting currently with one-pound (16 oz.) containers.
Here how it works out:
7000 grains = 1 pound = 16 ounces
1000 grains = 0.143 pounds = 2.29 ounces
Many products — from cereal boxes to Snickers bars — have been down-sized in recent years. Now downsizing has come to the powder marketplace. The strategy behind the smaller containers is simple. In a market where demand vastly outstrips available supply, the smaller containers allow powder-makers to generate more revenue with a given amount of powder inventory. Will consumers accept the smaller powder containers? Probably so — 1000 grains is enough to load 20-22 rounds of .308 Winchester. In the current marketplace (with many powders virtually impossible to find), most consumers would probably prefer to get 2.3 ounces of their favorite powder, rather than nothing at all. (NOTE: The major powder suppliers will continue to offer popular powders in 1-lb, and 8-lb containers. The new 1000-grain containers will be phased-in over time, as an alternative to the larger containers).
Why the small bottles? One industry spokesman (who asked not to be named) explained: “We’ve had a severe shortage of smokeless powder for nearly two years. The powder production plants are running at full capacity, but there’s only so much finished product to go around. By moving to smaller containers, we can ensure that our customers at least get some powder, even if it’s not as much as they want.”
Why are the new containers 2.3 ounces rather than 8 ounces (half a pound) or 4 ounces (one-quarter pound)? One of the engineers who helped develop the new DOT-approved container explained: “We looked at various sizes. We knew we had to reduce the volume significantly to achieve our unit quantity sales goals. Some of our marketing guys liked the four-ounce option — the ‘Quarter-Pounder’. That had a nice ring to it, but ultimately we decided on the 1000 grain capacity. To the average consumer, one thousand grains sounds like a large amount of powder, even if it’s really only 2.3 ounces. This size also made it much easier to bundle the powder in six-packs. We think the six-packs will be a big hit. You get nearly a pound of powder, but you can mix and match with a variety of different propellants.”
Less Bang for Your Buck?
We’re told the new 2.3-ounce powder bottles will retail for around $11.99, i.e. about $5.21 per ounce. At that price, it may seem like you’re getting less bang for your buck … but hey, something is better than nothing, right?
Currently, when you can find them, quality reloading powders are going for $45-$60 per pound (in 1-lb containers). At $45 per pound, you’re paying $2.81 per ounce. That means that the new mini-containers will be roughly twice as expensive as current one-pounders ($5.21 per ounce vs. $2.81 per ounce).
Along with the 2.3-ounce containers, the DOT has approved “six-pack” consolidated delivery units that will hold six, 1000-grain containers. Some manufacturers plan to offer “variety packs” with a selection of various powders in the 1000-grain bottles. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a six-pack with H322, H4895, Varget, H4350, H4831sc, and Retumbo?
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November 20th, 2017

At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.
1. MidwayUSA — Black Friday SALE Begins Monday 11/20/2017

MidwayUSA is kicking off its Black Friday Sale early. Midway says this is “our biggest sale of the year!”. We can confirm there are dozens of great bargains on quality products. There is also a Sweepstakes with over $1800.00 worth of gear. Hundreds of items are on sale. Here are some of the best MidwayUSA deals we spotted today:
2. EuroOptic.com — Vortex 13% Off & Gift Cards up to $250.00

EuroOptic.com is running a Super Sale on Vortex Optics. Now through December 1st, use promo code VTX13 to receive 13% off ALL Vortex Optics products at EuroOptic.com. Here’s the real incentive — qualifying Razor HD Gen II, Golden Eagle HD, PST, and HST Vortex riflescope purchase will earn you a EuroOptic Gift Card worth up to $250.00. Call today at 570-368-3920, for gift card details. Here are the models qualifying for Gift Card Specials:
Vortex Razor HD Gen II 3-18X and 4.5-27X — $250 Gift Card
Vortex Razor HD Gen II 1-6X and Golden Eagle HD — $100 Gift Card
Vortex Viper PST and Viper HST — $50 Gift Card
3. Whittaker Guns — Howa Lightning 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle, $329.99

With this deal you can get a complete 6.5 Creedmoor Howa 1500 Rifle with HACT 2-Stage Trigger for just $329.99. That’s $88.00 less than the price of a Howa 1500 barreled action by itself! ($418.00 at Brownells). This is a no-frills rifle, but its hard to beat the $329.99 price for a solid, multi-purpose rifle. Use “As-Is” for hunting or drop it into a modular stock for tactical/practical games.
4. Cabela’s — Nikon Laser RangeFinder Binoculars $200 Off

As part of its week-long Black Friday promotion, Cabela’s is offering big discounts on Nikon optics. One truly outstanding deal is the 10x42mm Nikon LaserForce rangefinder binoculars — the price has been slashed $200 from $1199.99 down to $999.99. Yes these highly-rated LRF binocs do sell elsewhere for around $1200. These Nikons offer performance rivaling expensive European rangefinding binoculars (Leica, Swarovski) for hundreds less. Clarity is excellent. Ranging ability is very good. Note: This $999.99 price is good for one week starting Wednesday, 11/22/2017. You have to wait until 11/22 to get the $999.99 price.
READ Field Test of Nikon LaserForce 10×42: “This is a truly remarkable hunting optic, especially when price is taken into consideration ($1199.95 MSRP). With a powerful, full-featured laser rangefinder married to an excellent quality binocular… LaserForce performance is on par with comparable units costing 2-3 times more.” — Tony Martins
5. Dick’s Sporting Goods — Black Friday Gun Safe Sale

Need a Gun Safe? Head down to Dick’s Sporting Goods on Black Friday (11/24/2017). The giant, 64-gun Stack-On Sentinel vault will be marked down from $1499.99 to $699.98, a $800 savings, and a killer deal on a BIG vault! A medium-sized 24-gun safe will sell for just $399.98 — $300 off the regular price. NOTE, if you cannot wait until Black Friday, you can still save with pre-Black Friday sale pricing right now. You’ll pay more than on Black Friday, but there are still some significant savings. For example, right now you can get the Field & Stream Pro 36-gun safe for $699.98, marked down from $899.99. NOTE: The illustrated Sale prices are for BLACK FRIDAY ONLY, 11/24/17.
6. Cabelas.com — Sig Kilo 2200 RangeFinder $349.99

This Sig Sauer Kilo 2200 is a very good laser rangefinder that performs as well as some other brands costing nearly twice as much. You’ll get performance on par with a Zeiss Victory or Leica CRF for hundreds less. User reports on the Sig Kilo LRF have been very positive. The $349.99 Sale Price is a great deal.
7. Midsouth — Hornady Auto Charge Dispenser, $148.99

As a pre-Black Friday promotion, Midsouth Shooters Supply is discounting the Hornady Auto Charge electronic Scale/Dispenser down to $148.99. The Auto Charge is accurate to 0.1 grains of powder and can hold up to 1000 grains of powder in its hopper. As a bonus, if you purchase this Auto Charge this week, Midsouth will provide FREE Shipping on your entire order — including any other items you might buy (HazMat charges extra).
8. Amazon — MTM AC4C Ammo Crate with 4 Ammo Boxes

Here’s a very cool product from MTM at a great price. The versatile MTM AC4C Ammo Carrier features four, lockable polymer ammo cans in a fitted, four-slot 23.5” x 11.3” x 7.5” carry crate. This makes it easy to haul four full ammo cans. Actual purchasers have raved: “Moments after I received this storage box set I ordered another. Very well built and great design. Awesome and a steal at the price.” Right now this is on sale at Amazon for just $29.99 with free prime shipping. The system includes four lockable, O-Ring 11.3″ x 7.2″ x 5″ ammo cans (AC30T) for multi-caliber ammo storage. The crate even includes tie-down points for transport in a cart or ATV. NOTE: Earlier this summer this MTM AC4C system sold for $39.99. The current $29.99 price represents a 25% savings! See price chart below.
9. Brownells — Federal .45 ACP 1000 Rounds $224.50 with Rebate

We love to shoot .45 ACP, but it is expensive to reload compared to smaller calibers. Here’s a great deal for .45 ACP fans. Brownells is selling 1000 rounds of brass-cased Federal American Eagle .45 ACP for $299.80, or just $224.85 after manufacturer’s rebate. NOTE: This Federal 25% Off Rebate applies to other American Eagle brass-cased pistol ammo carried by Brownells including: 25 ACP, 32 ACP, .380 ACP, .38 SPL, .357 Magnum, 9mm Luger, and .40 S&W. American Eagle ammo is reliable and the brass is reloadable. SEE All Rebate-Eligible Ammo.
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September 2nd, 2016

Smokeless Powder Photo courtesy GunsAmerica.com, Reloading Powder Feature.
There has been a hue and cry on some internet sites about changes in smokeless powder classifications by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Writers have been concerned that recent interpretations by the ATF would make it much more difficult to store and transport reloading powders, which in turn could lead to price increases and/or powder shortages. Concern arose over the potential re-classification of “wetted” Nitrocellulose as a “high explosive”. Since “high explosives” are subject to more stringent rules, such re-classification would alter the way common smokeless propellants could be lawfully stored and transported.
Thankfully, there is good news. On August 31st the ATF issued an Addendum to its June 16 ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter saying that its policies regarding smokeless powders containing Nitrocellulose will not change… at least for now:

Based on this “Addendum”, it seems the ATF has tabled its proposal to classify Nitrocellulose-based smokeless powders as “high explosives”.
The NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA ILA) confirms that the ATF has backed off, so that current practices for powder storage and transport can continue unchanged. Thus hand-loaders should NOT face an impending powder shortage and/or price hikes. Here is the NRA ILA’s report:
ATF Delays Any Changes to Nitrocellulose Regulation
Earlier this summer, ATF released an Explosives Industry Newsletter that changed the agency’s treatment of nitrocellulose, the primary component in smokeless powders used in modern ammunition. This change had the potential to seriously disrupt ammunition supply in the United States because it changed a long-standing ATF policy that exempted properly “wetted” nitrocellulose from treatment as an explosive under federal law.
NRA and [shooting industry representatives] raised these concerns to ATF and any change in ATF’s treatment of nitrocellulose is now officially delayed. In an addendum to the earlier newsletter, ATF announced that it “will conduct further industry outreach concerning wetted Nitrocellulose. In the interim, previously authorized industry practices concerning wetted Nitrocellulose will NOT be affected.”
While the addendum doesn’t indicate that ATF has permanently abandoned this change to nitrocellulose regulation, smokeless powder manufacturers will be permitted to continue normal operation, at least for the time being. NRA will continue to work to ensure that any future change to nitrocellulose regulation will not affect ammunition supply.
ATF Industry Newsletter Caused Concern
The cause for firearms industry concern was the ATF’s statement about Nitrocellulose published in the June 2016 ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter. The key language is shown in the right column below. According to the NRA ILA, the ATF has, at least for the time being, decided NOT to change its policies regarding the storage and transport of “wetted” Nitrocellulose. Accordingly, “smokeless powder manufacturers will be permitted to continue normal operation”.

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June 25th, 2014
MidwayUSA has completely revamped its shipping system, putting in a new billing structure that should result in significant savings for customers, particularly for small orders. The new “Nitro Express” shipping program at MidwayUSA will offer $3.99 shipping for orders under one pound (non-DOT regulated products). Packages 1 to 10 pounds can ship for $5.99 (USPS) plus $0.60 per pound. DOT-regulated products cost more to ship, but the rates are still reasonable. Here are the new Nitro Express Shipping Rates from the MidwayUSA website:

Nitro Express Shipping Basics
MidwayUSA founder Larry Potterfield explains: “I’m very pleased to announce… our new Nitro Express Shipping® system. We discovered that if MidwayUSA re-engineered our system for shipping packages… we could save our customers a lot of money on shipping costs.
We’ve spent several years and millions of dollars to develop one of the best, most efficient shipping systems in the country; and we’ve negotiated very hard with our freight partners — all to save our customers money on shipping costs.
Right off the bat you’ll notice that most shipping costs went down substantially — and it’s really easy to understand. There are no order minimums or small order fees and shipping costs are calculated ‘real-time’ as you add products to your shopping cart. The complete details are available by clicking on Shipping Charges & Options on our website.
News Tip from EdLongrange. We welcome reader submissions.
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June 6th, 2014
Bullets.com is reducing hazmat fees to make powder and primer orders more affordable for our Forum members and other customers. We commend this move — anything that makes reloading components more affordable is a good thing. Here’s the announcement by Shiraz Balolia, head honcho of Bullets.com:
Effective June 5, 2014, Bullets.com will only be charging $20.00 for the Hazmat fee when you order Powder/Primers. We are taking a loss on the fee, but we feel it’s a good service to offer since powders and primers have risen in cost.
$20.00 Hazmat Fee at Bullets.com

You’ll find that most other companies charge substantially more for the Hazmat fee — in some cases up to $40.00 per shipment. Also be aware that there is a limited shipment weight that can go out with one Hazmat fee — this is typically a maximum of 48 or 50 pounds. Check with each vendor to determine the current Hazmat policy. Most vendors, including Bullets.com, allow both powder and primers to be combined in one box for a single shipment with a single hazmat fee.
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April 1st, 2014
Here’s big (and small) news for reloaders — get ready for smaller powder containers. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently approved new smaller containers for shipment of smokeless powder. The new containers are designed to hold 1000 grains, exactly one-seventh of a pound. That works out to 2.29 ounces of powder — quite a bit less than you are getting currently with one-pound (16 oz.) containers.
Here how it works out:
7000 grains = 1 pound = 16 ounces
1000 grains = 0.143 pounds = 2.29 ounces
Many products — from cereal boxes to Snickers bars — have been down-sized in recent years. Now downsizing has come to the powder marketplace. The strategy behind the smaller containers is simple. In a market where demand vastly outstrips available supply, the smaller containers allow powder-makers to generate more revenue with a given amount of powder inventory. Will consumers accept the smaller powder containers? Probably so — 1000 grains is enough to load 20-22 rounds of .308 Winchester. In the current marketplace (with many powders virtually impossible to find), most consumers would probably prefer to get 2.3 ounces of their favorite powder, rather than nothing at all. (NOTE: The major powder suppliers will continue to offer popular powders in 1-lb, and 8-lb containers. The new 1000-grain containers will be phased-in over time, as an alternative to the larger containers).

Why the small bottles? One industry spokesman (who asked not to be named) explained: “We’ve had a severe shortage of smokeless powder for nearly two years. The powder production plants are running at full capacity, but there’s only so much finished product to go around. By moving to smaller containers, we can ensure that our customers at least get some powder, even if it’s not as much as they want.”
Why are the new containers 2.3 ounces rather than 8 ounces (half a pound) or 4 ounces (one-quarter pound)? One of the engineers who helped develop the new DOT-approved container explained: “We looked at various sizes. We knew we had to reduce the volume significantly to achieve our unit quantity sales goals. Some of our marketing guys liked the four-ounce option — the ‘Quarter-Pounder’. That had a nice ring to it, but ultimately we decided on the 1000 grain capacity. To the average consumer, one thousand grains sounds like a large amount of powder, even if it’s really only 2.3 ounces. This size also made it much easier to bundle the powder in six-packs. We think the six-packs will be a big hit. You get nearly a pound of powder, but you can mix and match with a variety of different propellants.”
Less Bang for Your Buck?
We’re told the new 2.3-ounce powder bottles will retail for around $8.50, i.e. about $3.70 per ounce. At that price, it may seem like you’re getting less bang for your buck. Currently, when you can find it, high-quality reloading powder typically sells for $25-$30 per pound (in 1-lb containers). At $30 per pound, you’re paying $1.88 per ounce. That means that the new mini-containers will be roughly twice as expensive, ounce-for-ounce, as current one-pounders ($3.70 per ounce vs. $1.88 per ounce).
Why is the DOT getting involved in powder packaging? Well, powders are considered hazardous materials, subject to many rules and regulations. Before a powder manufacturer or distributor can ship any propellant, all the hazmat packaging has to be first approved by the DOT to ensure safe shipping.
Along with the 2.3-ounce containers, the DOT has approved “six-pack” consolidated delivery units that will hold six, 1000-grain containers. Some manufacturers plan to offer “variety packs” with a selection of various powders in the 1000-grain bottles. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a six-pack with H322, H4895, Varget, H4350, H4831sc, and Retumbo?
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August 31st, 2012
Powder Valley Inc. (PVI) will be offering a September Special that can save you $25.00 or more on powder and primers orders. Starting September 1, 2012, if you order at least 32 pounds of powder (that’s four 8-lb jugs), Powder Valley will pay your Hazmat fee. You can also add primers to your order to a maximum shipping weight of 50 pounds. Remember, a minimum of 32 pounds of powder must be ordered to qualify for the FREE Hazmat, and all items must be in stock at time of order. The maximum freight you will be charged on 50 pounds of product will be $19.95 plus insurance. NOTE to Shoppers: The Hazmat Fee will still show in your online shopping cart. However, Powder Valley will deduct the Hazmat fee when your order is processed.
Powder Valley Expects New Alliant Powders by Mid-September
In related news, Bryan at Powder Valley let us know that two new Alliant powders should arrive very soon: “We expect to receive Alliant Reloder 33 and Alliant 1200R within the next 10 days. Alliant RL33 was specifically manufactured for the 338 Lapua Magnum. Alliant 1200R is a new ball powder very similar to Reloder 10X.” This would make Allliant 1200R a good choice for progressive reloading for small rifle cartridges. Powders in the RL10X burn-rate range work well for light bullet applications in .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem and benchrest calibers.
New Reloder 33 Delivers More Speed in Big Magnums
Alliant Reloder 33 is a new powder created by Rheinmetall Nitrochemie in Switzerland (Nitrochemie also makes Reloder 17). Like Reloder 17, Alliant’s new Reloder 33 powder employs a proprietary process by which the powder kernels are impregnated with burn-rate controlling elements. This delays the peak pressure spike and smooths out the pressure curve. Effectively, this allows the powder to deliver energy at a more constant rate, producing more overall velocity for the bullet — as much as 150 fps more than with any other powder. Reloder 33 was designed for the .338 Lapua Magnum but it is suitable for other large magnums and ultra-magnums. Reloder 33 should “raise the bar” of velocity for the .338 Lapua Magnum and other ultra-magnums.
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July 21st, 2012
On July 13th, Brunos Shooters Supply (Bruno’s) launched its first-ever FREE Shipping promotion. This promo proved so popular with customers that Bruno’s has decided to extend the sale another week (through 7/27/2012). So, through next Friday, July 27th, Bruno’s is offering FREE Ground Shipping on all orders over $250.00 (Continental USA only). To order, visit www.brunoshooters.com or call 1-800-455-0350 or (623) 587-7641. Please mention you saw this promo in our Daily Bulletin.

NOTE: Purchasers will still pay a $3.00 handling fee on all orders. In addition, the FREE Shipping offer does NOT include Haz-Mat fees where required for powder, primers or other hazardous materials. FREE Ground Shipping will be via Bruno’s choice of flat-rate USPS Priority Mail or UPS ground. Free Shipping offer applies to continental USA only.
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December 30th, 2011
Now through Monday, January 2, 2012 at 11:00 CST, Grafs.com is running a Last Chance Sale. With this limited-time promo you can save money on powder purchases, and save on shipping/handling charges. If you purchase at least 32 pounds of powder, Grafs.com will waive the normal $25.00 Hazmat Fee. You can mix and match different brands of powder to reach the 32-lb minimum. You can also add other hazmat items (powder and primers) into the shipment, up to a total weight of 50 pounds. (Limit one free Hazmat fee per order, all items must be in stock.)

Also during the “Last Chance Sale”, if you purchase $100.00 or more of currently-in-stock products, Grafs.com will waive the normal $4.95 handling and insurance fee, and UPS or FedEx ground shipping to the lower 48 states is free. This offer excludes closeouts and target load ammo.
Sale Tip by EdLongrange. We welcome reader submissions.
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September 30th, 2011
Grafs.com and MidwayUSA recently announced some attractive discounts and promotions. Grafs.com offers great prices on CCI and TulAmmo primers, plus discounted Hazmat fees. Midway offers money-off promo coupons — the more you spend, the more you save.
Deals at Grafs.com
$15.00 Hazmat Fee (reduced from $25.00).
ACT SOON, deal expires 11:59 pm CST, Monday, October 3, 2011
TulAmmo Primers: $79.99 for 5000 primers. (Most rifle sizes available. These primers are virtually identical to Wolf-brand Russian primers, and are made in the same factory).
CCI Primers: $114.59 for 5000 primers. Price for CCI 400 (small rifle) or CCI 500 (small pistol) only. This works out to $23.00 per 1000. CCI 400 primers are used by many top 600-yard shooters.
Deals at MidwayUSA.com
MidwayUSA Pro Series Competition Shooting Mat for $49.99 (Reduced from $99.00!)
ACT QUICK — Sale ends 9/30/2011. This is a great mat for the price. We’ve used them.

MIDWAY DISCOUNT CODES (Online purchases only. Good through October 15, 2011)
$10 Off $100 or more – Use Promotion Code 1101174
$50 Off $500 or more – Use Promotion Code 2101174
RULES: Codes can only be used once. Sale, clearance, out-of-stock, Nightforce and FNH products do not count towards the total and Gift certificates do not count towards the total. Online orders online. Cannot be used with any other promotion code, or combined with dealer, birthday or “Specials” pricing.
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September 3rd, 2011
Free Haz-Mat — that’s right, for a limited time, Bruno Shooters Supply is offering Free Haz-Mat if you purchase at least 10,000 primers (that’s ten 1,000-ct boxes). Bruno’s website states: “We will pay the Hazardous-Materials fee of $25.00 on orders of any 10,000 primers from the below list up to 50 pounds. You may mix and match. Each 1,000 primers weighs approximately one pound. You may also include powder at the regular price to reach your 50-pound weight limit. Shipping charges are additional. Haz-Mat orders ship via FedEx ground and a signature will be required. Offer applies to in-stock items only. No backorders. One offer per order. Please call (623) 587-7641 if you have any questions or concerns before placing your order.”

Story tip by EdLongrange. We welcome reader submissions.
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June 25th, 2011
Graf’s is running a cool special right now on CCI and Federal primers. If you purchase any two (2) cases of primers listed below, Graf’s will pay the $25 Hazardous Materials Fee. One case of primers contains five, 1000-count boxes of primers. The discounted sale prices, plus the free Hazmat Fee, makes this a very good deal — provided you need a whole bunch of primers. Qualifying primer types are: CCI500, CCIBR4, CCIM34, FDGM155M, FD215, FDGM200M, FDGM205M. Note the Fed 205M (match) primers are on sale for $149.99 per case, which works out to $30 per thousand. Kick in the free Hazmat and that’s very competitive pricing.
To take advantage of this deal, you may want to bundle an order with one of your shooting buddies — or perhaps organize a group buy with other members of your shooting club. And here’s the good news — that FREE Hazmat will cover other items (such as powder) up to a total weight of 50 lbs. of hazardous materials. For example, let’s say your two cases of primers weighs 20 pounds (boxed) — then you’ll have 30 pounds of free hazmat “coverage” left.

Here’s the Fine Print
Note — These prices only apply to internet purchases. The offer is limited to ONE free Hazmat fee per order. All ordered items must be in stock. To qualify, orders must be able to ship via FedEx Ground.
Story tip by EdLongrange. We welcome submissions from our readers.
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