Remington Defense Secures Two Big Sniper System Contracts
Remington Defense has secured two major defense contracts for sniper rifles and chassis kits. First, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded Remington a contract to provide 443 Precision Sniper Rifles (“PSR”) chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum and 446 PSR caliber conversion kits in both .300 Winchester Magnum and .308 Winchester. The order was placed under the competitively awarded PSR Systems contract. The PSR is a sniper rifle system with modular barrel length and caliber conversion capabilities. Remington has commenced full production of the PSR after successful prototype and low rate initial production (LRIP) testing.
Remington PSR Sniper Rifle System
The Remington PSR combines a user-adjustable folding stock, free-float handguard, and the potential to change barrel lengths and calibers within minutes.
Marines Order Modular M40A6 Stocks
The U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command has awarded Remington Defense a contract to provide up to 2,000 modular stocks, spares, and magazines in support of the Marine’s M40 Sniper Rifle Modular Stock program. The stocks will be used to upgrade the Marines’ current M40A5 rifles. The new rifle system, designated the M40A6, features a folding stock plus full-length rails to hold optics and night vision systems. “We were excited to compete for and win this critical Marine Corps program,” said Greg Baradat, Director of U.S. Military Sales for Remington Defense. “The Marine Corps tested each bidder’s product to high standards, and we are proud to have exceeded their performance criteria.”
“We are proud to deliver the ultimate precision sniper systems on the planet,” said Greg Baradat, Director of U.S. Military Sales for Remington Defense. “The move to full rate production successfully demonstrates the quality, accuracy, and reliability of the system to our valuable Department of Defense customers.”
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