May 31st, 2008
Summer’s here, and that means hot weather and lots of mirage. A quality mirage shield reduces the amount of optical distortion caused by heat waves rising from the barrel directly in front of the scope. On a hot day, after many rounds through the barrel, the benefit of a mirage shield can be quite dramatic. Benchrest shooters have used mirage shields for many years. Mirage shields can be just as beneficial for the serious varmint shooter. But, curiously, most varminters we know don’t employ mirage shields. We think they should. A mirage shield is a low-cost accessory that helps you get more hits and fewer misses.
As our friend Boyd Allen observed: “Varminters should use mirage shields. Think about it. You’ve invested thousands of dollars in a fancy varmint rifle and quality scope. You may have spent hundreds of dollars traveling to the varmint fields and spent dozens of hours loading up your ammo. Without a mirage shield on your barrel, once that barrel gets hot, you WILL get mirage effects that can make you miss a shot. A mirage shield costs just a few dollars. It really doesn’t make sense to go out to the varmint fields without one, if you plan on shooting lots of rounds. Barrel heat mirage can cause you to miss that critter, even if you have the most accurate rifle in the world.”
Dan Lilja offers a nice, wide mirage shield for $10. Dan notes: “Our benchrest mirage shield also works very well for field varmint rifles if there is a lot of action and the barrel is getting hot. The shield deflects image-distorting heat waves that come off of a hot barrel. The heat flows out past the edge of the shield and out of the line-of-sight of the rifle scope. These shields are 18” long, made of thin painted steel (like window blind material) and can be easily trimmed to length.”

Sinclair International also offers a 2″-wide venetian-blind style Mirage Shade, that costs just $4.25. It is available in two lengths, 18″ for BR barrels (item 06-7200), and 24″ for longer varmint barrels (item 06-7300). The Sinclair Shade is made of aluminum and can easily be trimmed to a shorter length. Like the Lilja shield, the Sinclair Mirage Shade attaches with adhesive-backed Velcro fasteners.

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May 31st, 2008
GunsAmerica, in association with Beretta, Mossberg, Remington, and Rock River Arms, has unveiled a new service for potential gun buyers, called “Guns on Demand”. Inventories of thousands of NEW firearms will be available for viewing on GunsAmerica.com. The participating manufacturers’ computerized inventory lists link directly to the GunsAmerica web site, so online shoppers can choose from virtually any gun in these companies’ current inventories.

If you see a firearm you might want to buy, just click the “Full Details” button and a list of FFL dealers (ranked by proximity to you) will display. You’ll see a variety of prices, since each dealer sets his own price. When you select a particular dealer, he will verify that he has the gun (or can get it), and he may ask for a deposit. All stocking brick and mortar gun dealers will be able to enter the program for many brands.
This is a great way for the consumer to compare the prices of dozens of dealers instantly. If you are looking for a current-production factory rifle or shotgun, this can save you time, and you’ll probably end up with a better deal in the end.

The “Guns on Demand” program should benefit both consumers and gun makers. Christopher Merritt, GM of Beretta USA, states: “Where else can we take our entire inventory and in one place show it to our customers? GunsAmerica.com does that and more.” Paul Heslinki, founder of GunsAmerica.com, adds that: “With about 50,000 guns listed and more than 1 million active gun buyers every month on GunsAmerican.com, our Guns On Demand program is a very important resource[.]”
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May 30th, 2008
The 6XC cartridge was developed by David Tubb, and it has captured multiple Camp Perry Championships. Now that Norma brass is available, the 6XC is an outstanding choice for shooters looking for an ultra-accurate, easy-recoiling cartridge that offers more “horsepower” than the 6BR or 6BR Improved. Team Norma, shooting factory-loaded 6XC ammo, captured last year’s 300m world championship. This was the first time in many years that a cartridge other than the 6BR has won “all the marbles” in international 300m competition.

Forum members and 6XC shooters Mudcat and German Salazar are both very happy with their choice of chamberings. German tells us:
“The 6XC is a great long-range cartridge, it needs no excuses and can hold its own against any other LR cartridge. I prefer to use Norma 6XC brass, but 22-250 brass can be used by running through a 6XC full-length die and then fire-forming. It will look pretty nasty at first, but it will shoot just fine even fire-forming. I have an article in the May 2007 issue of Precision Shooting that covers this and other 6XC matters.

I principally use the 6XC for 1000-yard prone shooting (sometimes at 600). The main bullet I use is the Berger 115 VLD (in a 30″ Krieger with 1:7.5″ twist). The best powder I’ve found for the Berger 115 in the 6XC is H4831sc. Velocity is in the 3000 fps range. I haven’t pressure tested this combination so I’m reluctant to publish exact loads, sorry.
Whether the 6XC is ideal for any given person depends on a lot of factors. I tend to shoot fast and keep the rifle in my shoulder. Accordingly, a low-recoil cartridge suits me because it doesn’t require any repositioning of the rifle or rebuilding of position during a 22-shot string. I know how to read wind, so whether a cartridge drifts a few inches more or less than another isn’t really a concern to me, I learn the cartridge’s behaviour and work with what I’ve got. The 6XC shines because it is ACCURATE at 1000 yards and without that, you’ve got nothing.
Accuracy, low recoil, reasonable wind drift, good component availability, decent barrel life, what else is there to want in a long-range cartridge?”

Mudcat concurs that the 6XC is a great cartridge for High Power Competition:
“I am not sure there really are ‘downsides’ for the 6XC. Well, maybe barrel life, if you are used to shooting a 223 or 308. I have fired about 15,000 rounds of 6XC over the last couple of years and havent really found a negative. My 6XC barrels get an easy 2,000 rounds. In fact, most get upwards of 3,000 before I move them to strictly off-hand and rapid-fire use. (I am a High Power shooter, not a Benchrester.)
Propellant — Powder choices are excellent. However, contrary to what German has found, I can’t get H4831sc to get me the velocity that the H4350 can. I have found only two powders that deliver more speed than H4350.
Cases — Just use Winchester 22-250 cases as they last 20+ firings and you never have to trim them. I use Winchester 22-250 brass rather than any of the Tubb or Norma offerings — they are just too soft for my liking. With the Winchester, I know what I am dealing with and know I will get at least 20 firings out of it, on average. And, I never have to trim it. While I have a Giraud power trimmer, I would just as soon not do it.
Bullets — Well, 6mm bullets are out there for about anything you want to shoot.
Velocity — The 6XC offers plenty of speed. Is 3000+ fps with a 115 enough for you? I certainly hope so.
Accuracy — I can’t out shoot the 6XC round. About any decent load will work just fine. Shoot, all my 300-yard and less ammo is loaded on a Dillon 650! Overall, I agree with German, the 6XC will definitely hold its own and I am not sure that my 6.5×284 running 142s at 2950 fps actually drifts much less than the 115 VLDs.”
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May 30th, 2008
Many of our readers enjoy classic military rifles as well as precision BR rigs and varmint rifles. Now through June 30th, MidwayUSA has Boyd’s M1 Garand replacement stocks on sale for just $89.99, marked down from $104.99 (item 107223). Boyd’s Garand stocks are fully-inletted and crafted from quality American Walnut. Very slight trimming and sanding may be required, but otherwise this is a “drop-in” stock.

There is a superb article by Jamie Magnum on SurplusRifle.com that explains how to install a Boyd’s Walnut stock on your Garand. The author provides complete step-by-step instructions showing how to remove the old stock, and attach the new stock. Through a series of 75 photos, the article covers every aspect of the job, including inletting, and making sure all the metal connectors are attached properly.

CLICK HERE for Downlodable .PDF version of Garand Article.
SurplusRifle.com is an online service of Tennessee Gun Parts, Covington, TN, 1-866-472-4986.
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May 30th, 2008
Most of the Tikka 595s that made it to the States came with a synthetic stock or rather ordinary wood stock. Right now, on Auction Arms, there’s a very clean Tikka 595 with a really nice stock in highly-figured walnut with contrasting forearm tip. Chambered in 22-250, it’s a very handsome rifle, and the 595 action is slick and strong. We’re hoping one of our regular readers snags this gem. Current bid price is $625.00. Forum member Fireball tells us the Tikka 595 22-250 magazines will also feed 6BR and 22BR cartridges well if you plan to re-barrel this rifle and chamber a different cartridge. We’d just shoot it “as is”, at least until the barrel wore out.

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May 29th, 2008
Here’s an inexpensive tip that can help you load straighter ammo, with slightly better measured concentricity (i.e. less run-out) on the case necks and bullets. Simply use a rubber O-Ring on the underside of the die locking ring. This allows the die to self-align itself (slightly) to the case that is being sized. Without the O-Ring, if the flat surface on the top of your press is not perfectly square with the thread axis, your die can end up slightly off-angle. This happens when the bottom of the locking ring butts up tight against the top of the press.

Top prone shooter German Salazar has tried this trick and he says it works: “Go to your local hardware store and get a #17 O-Ring (that’s the designation at Ace Hardware, don’t know if its universal). Slip the O-Ring on the die and re-adjust the lock ring so that the O-Ring is slightly compressed when the die is at the correct height. Size and measure a few more cases. You will probably see a slight improvement in neck concentricity as the die can now float a bit as the case enters and leaves it. This isn’t going to be a dramatic improvement, but it’s a positive one.”

Lee Precision makes die lock rings with built-in O-Rings. Lee’s distinctive lock ring design allows the same kind of self-alignment, which is good. However, Lee lock rings don’t clamp in place on the die threads, so they can move when you insert or remove the dies — and that can throw off your die setting. By using an O-Ring under a conventional die lock ring, you get the advantages of the Lee design, without the risk of the lock ring moving.
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May 28th, 2008
Because of increased raw material and fuel costs, prices of bullets and brass have gone up dramatically in recent months. We are hearing from active shooters that cost considerations are influencing their decisions about what calibers and chamberings to shoot. There is a definite trend to smaller cartridges and lighter bullets.
One prominent match shooter told us: “I’ve been debating between a 6.5×47 Lapua and a 6-6.5×47. After comparing the cost of 6.5mm vs. 6mm bullets, I decided on the 6mm. If I save $7 bucks a box, and shoot 4000 rounds a year (40 boxes of bullets), that’s $280.00 in savings–enough to buy a new barrel.”
Here are some comparative bullet prices for 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm, and 30-caliber bullets at Midsouth Shooters Supply. Prices are for a 100-count box. Note that the 6.5mm match bullets cost 25% more than the 6mms. For active shooters, the price difference adds up quickly.

Brand |
6mm |
6.5mm |
7mm |
.308 |
Berger |
105gr VLD $27.57 |
140gr VLD $34.25 |
168gr VLD $39.15 |
190gr VLD $41.53 |
Sierra |
107gr MK $24.61 |
142gr MK $30.53 |
175gr MK $29.16 |
200gr MK $31.64 |

Here are brass costs for Lapua brass from Grafs.com. Prices are for 100-count boxes. Generally speaking, the bigger the case, the higher the price (except for the .308 Win).
.223 Rem |
6mmBR |
6.5×47 Lapua |
.308 Win |
6.5-284 |
.338 Lapua Mag |
$44.79 |
$62.39 |
$82.79 |
$54.99 |
$92.99 |
$211.99 |
Consider Barrel Life Also
Certainly, moving to a smaller caliber can often reduce what you have to pay for brass and bullets. On the other hand, you need to consider barrel life. Hot-loaded 6mms, such as a .243 Ackley, can burn up a barrel much more quickly than a .308 Winchester. In comparing the “operating costs” of various cartridges, you need to factor in barrel replacement costs as well as component prices.
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May 28th, 2008
Increasing the numbers of women involved in the shooting sports is vital. We need to bring in more women shooters to grow our gun clubs’ membership rolls and expand the consumer base for firearms products. From a political standpoint, getting women involved in shooting strengthens the gun rights movement, and helps counter efforts to close gun ranges and shooting facilities. Anti-gun advocacy groups and “liberal” politicians bank on the fact that most women are either opposed to firearms or are apathetic about gun rights. As more females get involved with shooting, it becomes more difficult for gun opponents to claim support from the “silent majority” of Americans. Also, women are important decision-makers at the family level. Wives often decide if there will be a gun in the house and if children in the family are allowed to participate in shooting sports.

This week’s ShootingUSA television episode features the NRA’s Women On Target program. This unique program offers firearms training and hunting excursions exclusively for women. The Women On Target program offers new lady shooters the chance to receive handgun, rifle, and shotgun instruction by other women, in a low-stress situation.

CLICK HERE to Find a Women on Target Instructional Clinic
The popular Women-Only Hunt Program allows women to enjoy the outdoors with experienced outfitters guiding all female clients. A wide variety of hunts are offered in the second half of 2008 including duck/goose hunts, pheasant hunts, turkey hunts, whitetail deer hunts, and even a Rocky Mountain Elk hunt. This program has been operating successfully since 1999.

CLICK HERE for Hunt Dates and Outfitter List
Photos courtesy National Rifle Assn., All Rights Reserved.
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May 27th, 2008
Site Contributor Danny Reever has tested the bargain-priced PRVI Partizan .223 factory ammo in his 7-twist Sig 556 and AR15. He gives it a definite “thumbs-up”. Danny reports: “You should try some of the PRVI Partizan 75gr Match ammo. I was really surprised. This stuff shoots great. At 100 yards it delivered one MOA, easy, with my Sig 556. With a custom match rifle it might do even better. This is great ammo for the price. I’m going to buy more before the price goes up.”
Danny was also impressed with the brass: “This is quality brass, all boxer-primed and reloadable. For varminting and general-purpose use, I wouldn’t hesitate to stack it up against more expensive brands.”
PRVI Partizan G75gr HPBT Match .223 ammo, item PPA223MATCH, is available from Grafs.com for $10.99 per 20-round box, including shipping. Graf’s also stocks PRVI .223 ammo in other bullet weights: 55gr FMJBT (M193), 55gr SP, 223 REM 62gr FMJBT, and 69gr HPBT-MATCH.
PRVI Partizan 75gr Match ON SALE for $8.99/box
Now through May 31, 2008, MidwayUSA has the PRVI 75gr Match Ammo on sale (ITEM 790565). This is the same stuff that worked so well for Danny. The sale price is just $8.99 per 20-rd box, marked down from $11.99. You may want to jump on this deal before the price goes back up June 1st. (NOTE: 1:7″ or faster twist required.) Midway customers who have tried this ammo agree with Danny — this is quality 1 MOA or better ammo:
In my RRA Predator Pursuit rifle this ammo produces consistent 1 inch groups at 100 yards. Burns clean with no funky powder odors, no feed problems were encountered. Brass is clean and shiny, good practice and hunting round. Get it now before the price goes up. — Juan S., TX
Comparable to MUCH more expensive ammo in both accuracy, and terminal performance. EASILY shoots sub-MOA groups @ 200 yards from my RRA A4 Varmint. Stock up while you can! — Paul J., AL
I shot this ammo out of my Colt H-Bar AR 1-7 twist and got 1″, 5-shot groups at 100 yards. I doubt you’ll do better than that for this price. I will be ordering more. — David A., AL

Wideners has PRVI Partizan 75gr .223 Bulk Packs
Wideners.com also has large supplies of the PRVI Partisan 75gr .223 Match ammo. Price is $82.00 for 200 rounds (10 x 20-ct boxes), or $399.00 for 1000 rounds. The 1000-round price works out to $7.98 per 20 rounds.
Stan Widener tested the ammo and reports: “After firing, the brass was very clean and there was very little residue on the bolt carrier. Very clean powder. The ammo is made with MILAN BLAGOJEVIC powder and GINEX primers. There were no failures or misfeeds of any kind. All rounds functioned perfectly. The cases are very bright and shiny with military anneal mark. With no primer crimp to deal with, the brass should reload well. CONCLUSION: This is truly the best buy you can get in match 223 ammo.”
Great Price at AIM Surplus
Forum member Graymist notes that AIM Surplus has the PRVI Partizan 75gr BTHP Match for $8.25 per 20-rd box or $7.95 per box for 10 or more boxes (200 rounds or more.) Compare shipping costs with other vendors, however, to determine if this is the best deal, given your location. Remember Grafs.com includes shipping in their price.

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May 27th, 2008
“Koenig” means “king” in the German language. The name fits. Doug Koenig is truly King of the Bianchi Cup, as he recorded his 11th career Bianchi Cup this Memorial Day weekend. This year marked the 30th Anniversary of the event, the most prestigious action pistol competition in the world. Koenig narrowly beat 2006 NRA Bianchi Cup champ Bruce Piatt based on X-Count, 1918-185X to 1918-182X, respectively. Koenig credits dedication and preparation for his win: “I try to be absolutely prepared. I never leave any stone unturned …I live it, think it, sleep it….”
The NRA National Action Shooting Tournament is a money-winning event. For his 2008 victory, Koenig took home the Bianchi Cup trophy, plus cash awards of over $8,000. Robert Vadasz’ win in the Metallic Sight class netted him over $5000.
Since its inception in 1979, the NRA Bianchi Cup has retained its original course of fire, consisting of four matches: Practical, Barricade, Moving Target and Falling Plates. Speed and accuracy is the key to winning the Championship. Each event is timed and is worth 480 points, equaling a total of 1920 possible points.
Inspired by the success of the 30th Annual National Action Pistol Championships and its impact on his hometown of Columbia, MO, Larry Potterfield of MidwayUSA pledged $50,000 cash for the 2009 NRA Bianchi Cup. The gift may be used to increase the $95,000 currently given out in cash and prizes. Potterfield’s pledge earned praise from NRA President John C. Sigler: “Larry and Brenda Potterfield … are outstanding citizens [and] have always been great supporters of the National Rifle Association and huge promoters of the shooting sports.”
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May 26th, 2008

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
(Attributed to Mary Frye, 1932) |

Above is “Vietnam Reflections” by Lee Teter. Prints are available from VVA Chapter 172. All proceeds benefit the Vietnam Veterans of America.

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May 25th, 2008
For racing fans, Memorial Day weekend means the Indy 500 at the Brickyard. The equivalent of the Indy 500 for precision Benchrest shooters is Kelbly’s Firearms Industry Super Shoot at the Kelbly’s range in North Lawrence, Ohio. Despite high gas prices, 330+ shooters made the pilgrimage to North Lawrence to compete in the most prestigious event in Benchrest shooting.

Topping an incredibly competitive field, Larry Costa won the Two-Gun Overall championship. Larry did extremely well in both rifle classes, finishing second in BOTH Light Varmint Grand (100 +200) and Heavy Varmint Grands. Congrats to Larry for his outstanding shooting. We’ve been told that Larry brings pre-measured, weighed charges (and then loads his rounds at the match), but we’re still waiting for confirmation. Jeff Summers, displaying great consistency, combined 4th in the LV Grand and 4th in HV Grand, to place Second Overall in the Two-Gun behind Costa. Andy Shiffle finished third in the Two-Gun, matching his placing in the HV Grand. We were pleased to see George Kelbly, “Founding Father” of the Super Shoot, take second in the LV 100.
Overall Two-Gun Standings
1 – Larry Costa
2 – Jeff Summers
3 – Andy Shifflett
4 – Gene Bukys
5 – Lou Murdica
6 – Billy Stevens
7 – Jeff Stover
8 – Bart Sauter
9 – Tony Boyer
10 – Joe Krupa |
11 – Joe Hynes
12 – Stan Bowerman
13 – Mike Rattigan
14 – Charles Huckeba
15 – Bill Goad
16 – Milt Craven
17 – Howie Levy
18 – Danny Sutphin
19 – Jack Lyons
20 – Kent Harshman |
LV 100 – Top 3
1 – Lowell Hottenstein
2 – George Kelbly
3 – George Carter |
LV 200 – Top 3
1 – Gene Bukys
2 – Larry Costa
3 – Mike Rattigan |
LV Grand – Top 5
1 – Gene Bukys
2 – Larry Costa
3 – George Carter
4 – Jeff Summers
5 – Bill Goad |
HV 100 – Top 3
1 – Tony Boyer
2 – Bart Sauter
3 – Bud Mundy |
HV 200 – Top 3
1 – Andy Shifflett
2 – Jeff Summers
3 – Larry Costa |
HV Grand – Top 5
1 – Tony Boyer
2 – Larry Costa
3 – Andy Shifflett
4 – Jeff Summers
5 – Bart Sauter |
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