Camp Perry Open AirGun Tournament — January 13-15, 2012
Air Rifle and Air Pistol shooters of all ages are invited to participate in the 6th Annual 2012 Camp Perry Open, to be held January 13-15, 2012 at the CMP Marksmanship Center in Camp Perry, Ohio. This year’s match will include a three-position air rifle competition, an international air rifle (all standing) event, a pistol course of fire, and an optional clinic for juniors. The match will be fired on Megalink Electronic Targets linked to viewing monitors at each firing point.
Men’s and Women’s Air Rifle – The air rifle event is open to both men and women of all ages. It is a two-day precision rifle event where competitors will fire 60 standing shots in accordance with USA Shooting rules. A final will be held each day for the top open and junior categories. The finals will be held concurrently, so if a junior qualifies in both finals, they will be squadded with open final shooters. There is a limit of 110 shooters for this competition.
3×20 Junior Air Rifle – This event is governed by the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules, and participants must be juniors eligible in accordance with Rule 3.1. The match will include a 3×20 on 13 January 2012, with Finals for both sporter and precision at 7:30 pm on Friday. The Three-position competition is limited to 150 competitors. EIC award points will be awarded.

Register Soon — Don’t Delay
Registration Deadline is January 1st, so you need to act immediately. Online Registration has been closed so you need to contact Katie Harrington. Send email to: kharrington [at], or you can call Katie at 419-635-2141 ext 1131. Forms may be faxed to Katie Harrington at 419-635-2573.