New WFT 2 Trimmer Adapts to Multiple Cartridge Types
Little Crow Gunworks has updated its popular “World’s Finest Trimmer” (aka WFT). The new WFT 2 version is more versatile — it can now easily change from one cartridge family type to another. That makes the $69.95 product an even better value. Trimming works the same way as before — just push the cartridge case into the trimmer and cut depth is pre-set. When ordering the WFT 2, choose a trim chamber for your particular cartridge family (such as .308, 7mm-08, .243 Win). You can trim multiple cartridge types (with one trim chamber) by ordering the largest chamber in the family you plan to trim. To trim cartridges from a different family, simply order (and install) a different chamber insert.

The WFT 2’s designers explain: “The two main improvements are the ability to trim up to 45 caliber and interchange trim chambers. The WFT 2 has a half-inch shaft and requires a half-inch chuck to drive it. The feature most customers asked for was the ability to interchange trim chambers. After many prototypes (and much testing) the solution came from our friend, Jim Lambert. Instead of press-fitting the trim chambers, as on our original WFT, the trim chambers on our WFT 2 feature a slight slip-fit-in bearing with a groove cut for an O-ring which creates a press fit.”
Product Tip from EdLongrange. We welcome reader submissionsHow to Change Trim Chambers
Changing out trim chambers is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided with the WFT 2. To install the trim chamber, set the trim chamber on a flat surface and steadily push the housing onto the trim chamber. To set cut depth (COAL trim length) place a ‘master case’ in the trim chamber and slide the cutter up to the case mouth. The tighten the set screws.